Young, TTC casually with irregular cycles, Join me!

Hopefully it's just early testing princess, if you feel different in yourself then you're still in! :hugs:

I completely agree about the 12 month thing being too long with the doctors. I think that 6 months should be long enough, if you have complications like irregular periods or PCOS or whatever.

I want to change doctors too, mine is really condescending about my age. I never saw her when I first started trying but I went in for a regular meds check up and mentioned it then. She was trying to make me go on bc, saying that 'I had plenty of time' and wasn't ready now! Silly woman.

AF is due tomorrow! So I'm constantly checking too! No more light bleeding. That completely cleared up... I just feel out though, don't know why. My bbs feel like they're pre af and getting the normal symptoms really. I'm not out yet though until the witch shows her face...

Haylee - Hoping that the hungover symptom is a good sign! It seems a strange thing for your body to do so hopefully it means a :bfp: is on the way... 2012 will be our year!

Good luck ladies :)
Can I just say that I really like this little group of ladies... It's made the wait seem a lot more tolerable! :hugs:
Hey DooDah :hi:
That doctor sounds like a right bitch! Who is she to tell you what to do :wacko: How exciting tomorrow is AF due day, I hope she stays away :D I wonder who is going to be the first of us to get a bfp!! Wow.
I am sitting here and my eyes are getting very heavy and it's only 8.30. I must need a goood sleep. Kepp us posted if AF arrives or if you poas :haha: xx
Ooooh, tiredness! ... Do you think that it's a symptom for you??

I still have ages before I'mma let myself test though! Still one hurdle at a time... I need to miss af first :dohh:
Hi Ladies,
May I Join your thread? Really enjoyed reading all your comments :thumbup:
My name is Becky I'm 26 years old and me and my hubby are TTC#2 (#1 for him).
Ive been wanting to TTC for about a year now but delayed until after our wedding this October.
I had my Implanon removed on the 15th November 2011 after using for 6 years.
My cycles havent returned to normal as yet, well I dont think they have at least, I didnt Ovulate this month according to OPK's.
Can I really chart until I get regular cycles? Having said this I've used Birth Control that long I cant even remember if I had regular cycles beforehand.

Anyway thats me.
Good Luck to all you lovely Ladies :happydance:
hi HRHol, ur in the right place :)
hope that your cycle gets back to normal after the hormones from the implant were off, dont know how long exactly it would take.
still chart tho, its better to keep an eye on things.

day number 2 and still no signs of AF
but im absoultly shattered!!
been napping in the day for 2days, but couldnt today with work :(

Hows everyone feeling?? :hugs: xx
Thank you girlies its nice to have people to chat too that understand! Im not sure if im even ovulating and thinking im only half way there with the wait is so hard! I might try another Dr?!
Argh so frustrating! My OH is just like you gotta wait n see and it might be becasue of the pill etc but im so convinced tehres somehting not right as I wont get a period for weeks?!
Good luck again ladies hope this is your month! Sending lots of Baby Dust!
it might just be the pill hun, but go to docs for peace of mind. tell them ur not leaving until they give u proper tests :)
i know, i love talking to you girls. you understand, and i can talk about things my OH doesnt. its easier then explaining everything to him lol

good luck to everyone this month, cant wait to see whos gonna be the first one
xx :hugs: xx

Thank you im hoping its nothing but I have never been regular even when I was younger before the pill?! I also came on and off it and switched in the past but id still miss months maybe?!
Plus I also suffered with Acne and the pill was the only thing that seemed to help my hormones?
Ive also had abnormal smears but I was told that had nothing to do with anything?
But its usual for me to have cycles of 60 days+!
I just want my mind putting at ease fair enough if it might take time but im just worried incase these are symptoms of something preventing me falling and that waiting a year is just time and heartache!
It really gets to me though!
Sigh nvm just have to be strong and wait its just everyone says it will happen when I least expect it and stop stressing but im not so sure plus I wont know if I have missed a period even lol!
Hi ladies, can I join you?
I'm 22 OH is 26, been together 7 years and married 6 months :)
Been NTNP since my depo ran out, had one normal cycle and AF and since then nothing, on CD 48!
I had irregular cycles before the depo and obviously the injection messes your body up (which I didn't know until talked to a doc about coming off) so I'm doubly lost for when I could ovulate! Very frustrating having no control over your body :( at least I've found some people who understand :)
Aww poor you yeah its very frustrating I understand where you are coming from at least we can all understand and support each other!
Hi Ladies,
May I Join your thread? Really enjoyed reading all your comments :thumbup:
My name is Becky I'm 26 years old and me and my hubby are TTC#2 (#1 for him).
Ive been wanting to TTC for about a year now but delayed until after our wedding this October.
I had my Implanon removed on the 15th November 2011 after using for 6 years.
My cycles havent returned to normal as yet, well I dont think they have at least, I didnt Ovulate this month according to OPK's.
Can I really chart until I get regular cycles? Having said this I've used Birth Control that long I cant even remember if I had regular cycles beforehand.

Anyway thats me.
Good Luck to all you lovely Ladies :happydance:
Hi Becky, Welcome! :hi:
Congrats on your :wedding: Everyone reacts differently when coming off BC, so hopefully your cycles become more regular in time! Sometimes when we are younger in the first few years of having a period our cycles can be erratic, but once we are a bit older and mature then body seems to sort itself out, hopefully this is the case for you :flow: I chart with irregular cycles and I am seeing some kind of pattern this cycle, last cycle though I think I didn't O as my chart was all over the place. It's worth a try if you're willing :D Glad to have you on board. Like I say more the merrier xx :hugs:

hi HRHol, ur in the right place :)
hope that your cycle gets back to normal after the hormones from the implant were off, dont know how long exactly it would take.
still chart tho, its better to keep an eye on things.

day number 2 and still no signs of AF
but im absoultly shattered!!
been napping in the day for 2days, but couldnt today with work :(

Hows everyone feeling?? :hugs: xx
Hey princess, that's great there is still no sign of AF :yipee: along with having to take naps! I hope work wasn't too epic and you aren't too exhausted :hugs: Still got my fingers crossed for you xx

Thank you girlies its nice to have people to chat too that understand! Im not sure if im even ovulating and thinking im only half way there with the wait is so hard! I might try another Dr?!
Argh so frustrating! My OH is just like you gotta wait n see and it might be becasue of the pill etc but im so convinced tehres somehting not right as I wont get a period for weeks?!
Good luck again ladies hope this is your month! Sending lots of Baby Dust!
My OH is so laid back and relaxed about it all, atleast here we all understand the longing, desperation and uncertainty we are feeling. Maybe you could talk to another doctor, get a second opinion and go from there, have you heard of provera? I think it is used to help bring AF :hugs: I think a second opinion is necessary chick, There will be a doctor out there that understands your concern and will be willing to help you out. :hugs:
Hi ladies, can I join you?
I'm 22 OH is 26, been together 7 years and married 6 months :)
Been NTNP since my depo ran out, had one normal cycle and AF and since then nothing, on CD 48!
I had irregular cycles before the depo and obviously the injection messes your body up (which I didn't know until talked to a doc about coming off) so I'm doubly lost for when I could ovulate! Very frustrating having no control over your body :( at least I've found some people who understand :)
Hi EleriT, welcome :hi:
Congrats of your :wedding: too,
I really hope your body gets back to normal asap. I really dislike the way BC is "advertised". Yeah it is great for many reasons, but a woman should have the right to be told the amount of trouble it may cause once stopping! Doc's give ladies BC to help with irregular cycles and sometimes it does, but they are reluctant to tell you it could make matters worse in the end. We are all here for you and if any of you ladies need to have a personal chat, don't be afraid to PM me :hugs:

@DooDah - Hope all is going well for you chicky!!! Keep us posted :D xx :hugs:

4,5 or 6 dpo

I am not quite sure but haven't had much happen today, I had a little localized ache in the left hand side of my tummy for about an hour this morning, but it wasn't cramps so idk lol. Wishful thinking all the way!!

Lots of hugs and dust to all xx :hugs::dust:
Nice to see new people joining our group :thumbup:
hows everyone feeling today? any symptoms?

its now the 3rd day since expected AF, and still no sign.
im thinking test again rather then waiting till 4 or 5days.
im so impatient lol :haha:

Let me know what you ladies think xx :hugs:
:test: :test: :test: :rofl:
I'm good thanks chick, hope you are well. How are you feeling? :hugs:
I just finished tea and I am starving still lol maybe a symptom :haha:
I bet you I will have all these silly symptoms and AF shows :dohh: I'll feel like an idiot as I always do...
Anyway did I already say :test:???!!!!!
I just noticed i called you seaweed in that post up there :dohh: I'm sorry Hun :rofl: it took me nearly an hour to write that post because I kept getting interupted :dohh:
I am sorry lovely lol
**** embarrassing ****
Runs off to edit.
lol never even realised! :haha:
i know will proberly test later and then again tomorrow morning.
dont wanna get to excited incase AF does apear :cry:
usually symptoms today, backache bloated and feeling sick.
my hips dont hurt as much so thats a bonus!
so tired tho laterly, loving the extra sleep though :thumbup:

increased appetite is a symptom though so good luck chick!!
cant wait to see ur result
xx :hugs:
Oh no I'm going to be asleep when you :test:
I seriously think you are in with a good chance! Being tired is a promising symptom <3
:yipee: I have a little cramping at the mo, it started and then I though oh I need to pee and it didn't go away but this can be normal for me :dohh: it's so hard because alot of PG symptoms are like AF symptoms :dohh: why can't our pee change colour or something :haha: xx
love the pee changing colour idea, maybe in the future you could have a drink and if ur pregnant, ur urine turns pink. would be more fun then peeing on a stick :)
still no sign of AF im waiting till around 3pm then ill know AF wont be coming today.
i had a dream last night that i got :bfp: never had a dream like that before.
never even dreamed of being pregnant!
so exciting :)

Yeah i feel like my symptoms are just AF symptoms and im gonna come on any second. its awful. i checked online at a due date just for fun and its september 15 and id be 4weeks :)

xxx :hugs:
Aww how exciting! I think my due date would be September 27th :) going off lmp I'd be 3weeks 3days :haha: I can't wait to get on here in the morning to see results! I really have to go to bed though as I am starting my new job tomorrow, I'm so nervous :hugs:
Good luck princess and I will see you in the (my) morning :haha:
oo good luck tomorrow chick :) you'll do just fine i bet :thumbup:
yup ill talk to you.. sometime lol maybe this evening :) depening when u get up and the time difference

once again good luck with new job :)
:hugs: xxx

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