Ok that’s what I was assuming :/ the test was definitely lighter today but fingers crossed they start to darken !@Bump288 I think the only way to know for sure would be to test everyday to see if the progression starts to go in the right direction.
I self refer to them as I've had multiple losses. If you have they will give you a reassurance scan but not until 6 weeks. I only have my hcg checked with them if I have a scan and they can't see baby. I wish they did do it here like the USA zxWish I could. But with covid they are really strict atm. I wouldn’t be able to get in I don’t think unless I had pain and bleeding x
Thank you for your reply ! I called my doctor and he said wait until a missed period . But I ovulated 4 days early this month so based on that I’m suppose to start tomorrow ... but based on the normal lengths of my periods not until the 5th .... guess I’ll just have to see and wait lolI know one of the other girls in here was testing out trigger shots before and said usually she'll get a negative by 10dpo, but she wasn't having a second shot at 7dpo as far as I'm aware, so I would say you've still got a couple more days before you'll see a bfn, but could see it begin to darken at any time now if you are pregnant depending in when implantation would have occurred
@Rach87 @Skye75 if af doesn’t show by tomorrow I will. I think I usually ovulate the same day as my peak, which would have made my last test 13 dpo. Now I’m wondering if I ovulated the day after this month, meaning that test would have only been 12 dpo. If I test tomorrow I should get an accurate result either way. I’d be either 15 or 16 dpo by then. It does seem strange that my progesterone would delay af this month but not last month.