••March 2021 ttw & test thread••

Good idea! I’ve also had recurring losses and they didn’t scan me when I had the weird lingering faint positives. They had me wait a cycle and sure enough, I got a negative test the day before I started properly bleeding. I had another period 10 days later!
You'd think they would scan everyone when it happens.
Your hcg may not have dropped properly... but it’s also possible that the test is a bad one? Frers have been giving some bad lines lately for some women. Can you get a different brand?
I got a line on a cb too. It wasn't as obvious as the frer so I kept that and put the cb in the bin.
I agree that frer has been bad recently. I was trying to convince my son for nearly 18 months and frer got my hopes up every month xx
@BabyBrain80 It sounds like you did ovulate when you had the spotting. I have a friend that spots every month when she ovulates and she currently has a 4 month old baby boy. I think 2 days before your positive opk sounds like good timing if you also had ewcm! I read that dtd before your positive opk is actually better than the day of.

@Beccaboo828 I’d say definitely go in for a check with your doctor. I had a friend that thought she miscarried because she started bleeding a bit after 5 weeks like a period and she never tested again. It ended up being an ectopic. She didn’t have any of the classic symptoms of an ectopic and just woke up in loads of pain one morning and ended up needing emergency surgery. I don’t want to scare you, but after that story I will always go in for a check after a chemical. If it’s possible with you healthcare I think it’s definitely worth it.
@BabyBrain80 It sounds like you did ovulate when you had the spotting. I have a friend that spots every month when she ovulates and she currently has a 4 month old baby boy. I think 2 days before your positive opk sounds like good timing if you also had ewcm! I read that dtd before your positive opk is actually better than the day of.

@Beccaboo828 I’d say definitely go in for a check with your doctor. I had a friend that thought she miscarried because she started bleeding a bit after 5 weeks like a period and she never tested again. It ended up being an ectopic. She didn’t have any of the classic symptoms of an ectopic and just woke up in loads of pain one morning and ended up needing emergency surgery. I don’t want to scare you, but after that story I will always go in for a check after a chemical. If it’s possible with you healthcare I think it’s definitely worth it.
It takes a lot to scare me. Im pleased to have everyone be honest with their thoughts on it.
I did wonder about an ectopic too. I've had what feels like period cramps since I've stopped bleeding.
With my 1st I was expecting twins and lost one at 10 weeks. I wondered if maybe it was a twin pregnancy and one didn't survive. Gah I wish this ttc business was easy xx
It takes a lot to scare me. Im pleased to have everyone be honest with their thoughts on it.
I did wonder about an ectopic too. I've had what feels like period cramps since I've stopped bleeding.
With my 1st I was expecting twins and lost one at 10 weeks. I wondered if maybe it was a twin pregnancy and one didn't survive. Gah I wish this ttc business was easy xx
I know what you mean. I wish there was just pregnant and not pregnant and there wasn’t all this in between confusing bs.
Sorry @iak I know its hard to see blank hpys but some women don't even implant until 10-12dpo. Not out yet! Rule of thumb is dtd every other day during fertile week up to day after O and you should be good. I dont think any one position makes a difference.
Thank you! If you dtd every other day wouldn’t not miss out one of peak days ? I just dont want to put pressure on oh. Hoping there is good news for everyone else :)
You'd think they would scan everyone when it happens.
I know. I’m high risk of ectopic (1:10 with each pregnancy) and they still won’t scan til 6 weeks, despite the fact that my ectopic was diagnosed at 5+2.
Thank you! If you dtd every other day wouldn’t not miss out one of peak days ? I just dont want to put pressure on oh. Hoping there is good news for everyone else :)
You don’t even need to dtd on peak days to get pregnant. I conceived dd 5 days before ovulation.

Apparebtly, the best way to conceive is to have sex every two to three days throughout your whole cycle. It’s not just about the correct days, every two-three days throughout the cycle keeps the sperm in good condition, and means that there is more sperm per ejaculation.
I think people are too focused on when to have sex and when not to, when no other species in the world times sex like we do, and predicting ovulation (and understanding how conception works) has only been part of a tiny amount of time in human history. Not only that, only a fairly small percentage of women in the world actually have education and access to information about their cycles, fertility, and the ability to monitor these things.

Eat well, stay as healthy as you can, and have regular unprotected sex. Doing that, the vast majority of couples will fall pregnant quickly.
yeh with the clearblue u have to. I do OPK throughout the day, morning, after lunch, dinner and before bed. Then with clearblue flashy smile I do another clearblue at dinner time.

does it say so? I was reading that it’s better to do any o tests after 10 am, but who knows..
I am using clear blue digitals the last 3 cycles and I am very satisfied with them, they are precise with my LH surge, as I compare it with EWCM and ovulation pain.
I always test around 4-5 pm though.
I’ve also noticed that it’s important not to drink two hours before you test. I tested twice in one day and got a false result with a 2 hours hold but having few zips of water in between.
Since then I drink a lot around 2 pm on the days I test and stay away from any liquids the next two hours, I pee in between as I cannot hold it for two hours, but the result are always precise.
So glad didn’t bd last night we had a rest :) lol. Loads more ewcm today. We have been a child free night tonight. So hoping to bd tonight and in the morning.
Sorry another question if I get a surge tonight before bed wud I class that as O tomorrow night ish.
Sorry another question if I get a surge tonight before bed wud I class that as O tomorrow night ish.
It’s 24-36 hours. I’d guess on the longer side of that if you had static earlier which then went solid if that makes sense.
Awww it all sounds like it’s progressing fab though lovely. I’m so happy for you. I bought a heart Doppler too when I was eventually pregnant with bub 2. It was so comforting hearing it... might buy one again thinking about it xx

Sorry hon was supposed to say I was measuring ahead my ticker has me at 9+3 but going by scan I'm 9+5 just haven't changed my ticker yet I'm waiting for the hospital dating scan when I will get my official due date.
The privet scan this Friday is a dating one to but the hospital will take any notice of it but I shud know on Friday if I'm still measuring ahead and a due date but the hospital will only go by there measurements.

My first 2 scans were hospital ones because I had a bleed at 6 weeks. Thankfully baby was fine and she cudnt see any reason for the bleeding. But was measuring 2 days ahead.
It is lovely hearing there HB I listened again today and it was 172bpm its getting much louder now and definitely sounds like a steam train haha.

I really thought this baby was a girl but now I'm thinking boy.
I'm not bothered either way tho I just want a healthy baby and that's it.
@Suggerhoney I haven’t tested yet. I’m waiting until 13 dpo, which is Tuesday. I don’t want to get a negative and just think maybe it’s too early.

I woke up with the pinching and pulling again, always in the same spot. 11 dpo today. Last month when I had it, it felt more like little fire crackers popping all over my lower abdomen, but it was after I had missed my period. This time it’s like one little spot and it feels almost like a little hook pulling over and over again. Not sure if it’s implantation or not, but we’ll see in a few days I guess.

I can not wait for u to test hon. I really really hope u get a blazing BFP.

Feel defeated! BFN today at 11 dpo. We dtd 3 times during fertile week. Got pregnant with ds on the first cycle maybe thats why I feel like that plus doesnt help i had some symptoms. Ive brought clearblue ov kit for next cycle. Any tips with how often we need to do dtd/ positions ? Sorry tmi!

So sorry hon believe me I know the feeling. Not sure If u read my post to u yesterday but I always got pregnant very fast but this baby took 11 cycles. I did manage to fall pregnant 4 times last year but they were all Chemical pregnancies/very early miscarriages.
TTC is a very emotional roller coaster.
It's horrible seeing all the BFNs or lines that don't really progress.
When I got faint lines at 10dpo with this pregnancy I was terrified of losing it again but thankfully this one stuck.
I started taking macca root and folate back in November and I really think they helped.
Don't give up the hope hon it will happen it just sometimes takes a little longer than we wud like. Also 11dpo is still early some womon don't get BFP until 12 dpo or even later. All depends on when implantation happened.

Gutted again this morning still flashy. We didn’t bd last night. Cd 16 today.

Oh how annoying.
Are u testing with FMU?

Hey, Has anyone ever had any spotting around ovulation?
My cycle is being all weird again! My opk on Thursday CD8 was as dark as control (poss a bit darker) and I expected it to be a clear positive the next day but it was very clearly negative. Then I had some pink on wiping that day and also yesterday with some red streaks too. I just wanted a normal cycle :sad2:
My temp dipped on CD9 and has risen CD10 and today CD11. So I may very well have ovulated then. Tons of ewcm in the lead up too. Just a bit early again.
We have only dtd once and that was on the Wednesday night, 2 days before ovulation. Our boiler broke down so we never managed on Friday, caused a lot of stress as OH was trying to fix it and it was all just a bit of a nightmare! :cold: It was Freeeeeeezing!!!
I really do feel like giving up now:sad1: I don't know what his spotting is all about and I feel I've no chance at all.

I shall take a look back now and get a catch up on all the posts. Hope everyone is ok...March tomorrow! x

Oh no what a nightmare a boiler going down in winter urghhhh.
Hope it gets fixed hon.
I had pink spotting around ovulation with my son hon.
I want u to get ure rainbow so much[-o<

So ladies as you know I got very faint positive lines a few weeks ago. Then started bleeding. I have been feeling nauseous and my bbs have been sore so I thought sod it do a test and... its darker than before the bleeding! What the earth is going on?? Xx

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I can see that hon and its pink how strange i really hope u get some answers soon.
It's definitely pink to. As u know I've also had recurring losses as well so I know what it's like but my lines wud always be BFN by cd4.
Maybe its a brand new pregnancy hon.
I really hope so. Or maybe u was pregnant with twins and lost one hon and that was the bleeding and HCG wud drop and maybe now its on the rise?
I also always ovulate after the surge, the next day or even a day after.
Sorry hon was supposed to say I was measuring ahead my ticker has me at 9+3 but going by scan I'm 9+5 just haven't changed my ticker yet I'm waiting for the hospital dating scan when I will get my official due date.
The privet scan this Friday is a dating one to but the hospital will take any notice of it but I shud know on Friday if I'm still measuring ahead and a due date but the hospital will only go by there measurements.

My first 2 scans were hospital ones because I had a bleed at 6 weeks. Thankfully baby was fine and she cudnt see any reason for the bleeding. But was measuring 2 days ahead.
It is lovely hearing there HB I listened again today and it was 172bpm its getting much louder now and definitely sounds like a steam train haha.

I really thought this baby was a girl but now I'm thinking boy.
I'm not bothered either way tho I just want a healthy baby and that's it.

I can not wait for u to test hon. I really really hope u get a blazing BFP.

So sorry hon believe me I know the feeling. Not sure If u read my post to u yesterday but I always got pregnant very fast but this baby took 11 cycles. I did manage to fall pregnant 4 times last year but they were all Chemical pregnancies/very early miscarriages.
TTC is a very emotional roller coaster.
It's horrible seeing all the BFNs or lines that don't really progress.
When I got faint lines at 10dpo with this pregnancy I was terrified of losing it again but thankfully this one stuck.
I started taking macca root and folate back in November and I really think they helped.
Don't give up the hope hon it will happen it just sometimes takes a little longer than we wud like. Also 11dpo is still early some womon don't get BFP until 12 dpo or even later. All depends on when implantation happened.

Oh how annoying.
Are u testing with FMU?

Oh no what a nightmare a boiler going down in winter urghhhh.
Hope it gets fixed hon.
I had pink spotting around ovulation with my son hon.
I want u to get ure rainbow so much[-o<

I can see that hon and its pink how strange i really hope u get some answers soon.
It's definitely pink to. As u know I've also had recurring losses as well so I know what it's like but my lines wud always be BFN by cd4.
Maybe its a brand new pregnancy hon.
I really hope so. Or maybe u was pregnant with twins and lost one hon and that was the bleeding and HCG wud drop and maybe now its on the rise?

yeh I always test clearblue fmu and an OPK. Then OPK about lunch time and then another clearblue and OPK at dinner time and then OPK again before bed.
I know. I’m high risk of ectopic (1:10 with each pregnancy) and they still won’t scan til 6 weeks, despite the fact that my ectopic was diagnosed at 5+2.
Thats so scary!! I really do not understand their logic at times.
Sorry hon was supposed to say I was measuring ahead my ticker has me at 9+3 but going by scan I'm 9+5 just haven't changed my ticker yet I'm waiting for the hospital dating scan when I will get my official due date.
The privet scan this Friday is a dating one to but the hospital will take any notice of it but I shud know on Friday if I'm still measuring ahead and a due date but the hospital will only go by there measurements.

My first 2 scans were hospital ones because I had a bleed at 6 weeks. Thankfully baby was fine and she cudnt see any reason for the bleeding. But was measuring 2 days ahead.
It is lovely hearing there HB I listened again today and it was 172bpm its getting much louder now and definitely sounds like a steam train haha.

I really thought this baby was a girl but now I'm thinking boy.
I'm not bothered either way tho I just want a healthy baby and that's it.

I can not wait for u to test hon. I really really hope u get a blazing BFP.

So sorry hon believe me I know the feeling. Not sure If u read my post to u yesterday but I always got pregnant very fast but this baby took 11 cycles. I did manage to fall pregnant 4 times last year but they were all Chemical pregnancies/very early miscarriages.
TTC is a very emotional roller coaster.
It's horrible seeing all the BFNs or lines that don't really progress.
When I got faint lines at 10dpo with this pregnancy I was terrified of losing it again but thankfully this one stuck.
I started taking macca root and folate back in November and I really think they helped.
Don't give up the hope hon it will happen it just sometimes takes a little longer than we wud like. Also 11dpo is still early some womon don't get BFP until 12 dpo or even later. All depends on when implantation happened.

Oh how annoying.
Are u testing with FMU?

Oh no what a nightmare a boiler going down in winter urghhhh.
Hope it gets fixed hon.
I had pink spotting around ovulation with my son hon.
I want u to get ure rainbow so much[-o<

I can see that hon and its pink how strange i really hope u get some answers soon.
It's definitely pink to. As u know I've also had recurring losses as well so I know what it's like but my lines wud always be BFN by cd4.
Maybe its a brand new pregnancy hon.
I really hope so. Or maybe u was pregnant with twins and lost one hon and that was the bleeding and HCG wud drop and maybe now its on the rise?
Thank you. Its messed with my head quite a lot to be honest. I thought once I started bleeding that I could happily move on to next cycle and put this one behind me. Its so frustrating.
How's things going for you and baby bump? Xx

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