••March 2021 ttw & test thread••

What a worry! Fingers crossed all is ok sweetheart. You've got this whatever the outcome <3
Ugh I think I can see lines then I can't. Megan (my 17 yr old) sees a line on every single test haha af was due today and hasn't turned up yet. X
It would drive you crazy. Fingers crossed it’s just a slow burner and your lines pick up soon x
@Suggerhoney I know my mom’s tests with my youngest brother came back high risk for downs and he didn’t end up having it. I also have a friend who’s testing all came back normal and then got a surprise when their baby was born with downs despite the tests. She wasn’t even diagnosed until quite a bit after her birth as she has an unusual case of it. I know it’s hard not to worry, but you never know which way it will go with these things. Thinking of you :hugs:
@motherofboys @GemmaG @Beccaboo828 and @Teafor2

Thank u ladies.
Hopefully the results will come back all good it's the waiting that's hard.
I hope it doesn't get delayed because of Easter.
They said 10 working days. It can be sooner but they say 10 to cover themselves.
Baby definitely hasn't got a flat nose or extra fluid so I'm absolutely praying that's a good sign that all is ok.
I've been reading things online were womon had a 1 in 4 chance and there babies ended up being OK. The hospital class anything from 1 in 150 and and Lower as high risk.
1 in 33 I think is about 3% so I'm just praying all will be ok.
Here's a good profile pic of baby and u can see he/she has a prominent nose.

Thank you all for ure kind words.

I felt bad not coming on here but I was just so upset and then we had to choose out of the 4 options. 2 of them involved and giant needle going into my tummy and there is a risk a Miscarriage so there was no way I wanted that done.
The Harmony test seemed the best option but we had to pay for it because its not done on the NHS. It wasn't cheap but for my piece of mind I think its worth it.
Just praying it comes back normol [-o&lt;
@Suggerhoney I'm am so sorry you are going through this, it really is awful and I totally understand. My harmony test took a week so fingers crossed you get it sooner.
My 12 weeks scan they couldn't get the measurements so I had to get the bloods at 16 weeks, they came back at 1 in 12 so mine was much higher than yours.
We then opted for harmony and the genetic midwife was fairly certain that it was just my age giving the high chance. But unfortunately my result was 99% chance of ds. We then had a very detailed scan with a consultant to assess associated complications and had an amnio as it's the only test to diagnose it. It was a bit traumatic and I'm still struggling with the whole thing every day.
I'm here if you need to talk anything through but things like your age and higher hcg levels can throw up higher chances and nothing is wrong. Also your measurements are good too. I'm very hopeful everything is ok. My case was much more obvious so don't let it frighten you, I was unlucky.
I am sending you huge hugs and lots of love cos I know how hard this is. Xx
I’m only 9dpo. Awk honestly who knows lol I think I see something, but I swear I’m seeing lines everywhere at the minute my eyes a turning in from staring at them :dohh:

I nearly threw them all in the bin in a rant about shadows and my sister told me I was being a maniac and took all my ICs and said she won’t bring them back until Monday lol but I have a few babyplan from Amazon for the morning. I didn’t tell her I had a pack of easy@home arriving tomorrow too though :haha:
What are you like? :haha: step away from the tests!! Lol
I'm desperate to test but I won't for a while yet, 5 or 6 days at least. But then I don't want to go through all that stress squinting and hopes being built up then smashed again. I might try and wait until the April thread.....but then again, I probably won't make it! Lol xx
Oh I feel sick :sick: does anyone remember eating semolina pudding? I took a notion last week so bought a bag and made a big bowl tonight (at 10pm), it was sooo good but now I feel a bit yucky! That will teach me for being greedy!
@Suggerhoney I'm am so sorry you are going through this, it really is awful and I totally understand. My harmony test took a week so fingers crossed you get it sooner.
My 12 weeks scan they couldn't get the measurements so I had to get the bloods at 16 weeks, they came back at 1 in 12 so mine was much higher than yours.
We then opted for harmony and the genetic midwife was fairly certain that it was just my age giving the high chance. But unfortunately my result was 99% chance of ds. We then had a very detailed scan with a consultant to assess associated complications and had an amnio as it's the only test to diagnose it. It was a bit traumatic and I'm still struggling with the whole thing every day.
I'm here if you need to talk anything through but things like your age and higher hcg levels can throw up higher chances and nothing is wrong. Also your measurements are good too. I'm very hopeful everything is ok. My case was much more obvious so don't let it frighten you, I was unlucky.
I am sending you huge hugs and lots of love cos I know how hard this is. Xx

Awww thanks sweety. Sorry to ask but was just wondering if ure scan came back normol or was there anything on that that showed?
She only really measured the fluid in back of babies neck. They did this at the hospital to and both times its normol. No extra fluid.
The only thing the harmony test did differently was look at the structure of babies nose. I asked her why and she said babies with DS have flat noses.
My baby definitely doesn't have a flat nose.
My pregnancy test did get dark but I wud say my sons got darker quicker.

Do theu check HCG when they do the combined screening test at the hospital? I'm 41 so I don't know if its that that's throwing it off.

I think my main worry is it coming back positive and then I lose the baby, that's what is really scaring me so much.
Awww thanks sweety. Sorry to ask but was just wondering if ure scan came back normol or was there anything on that that showed?
She only really measured the fluid in back of babies neck. They did this at the hospital to and both times its normol. No extra fluid.
The only thing the harmony test did differently was look at the structure of babies nose. I asked her why and she said babies with DS have flat noses.
My baby definitely doesn't have a flat nose.
My pregnancy test did get dark but I wud say my sons got darker quicker.

Do theu check HCG when they do the combined screening test at the hospital? I'm 41 so I don't know if its that that's throwing it off.

I think my main worry is it coming back positive and then I lose the baby, that's what is really scaring me so much.

Your age will be a massive factor in calculating the risk so I am hopeful it's just that and everything is ok. and the indepth scan sounds good too. Yes the hcg levels came back on the first screening test as high. DS babies apparently cause higher hcg but the range is quite broad so it does differ in people anyway.

The initial 12 week scan looked ok and that's the part that scares me for the future to be honest. They couldn't tell at that point. If she had gotten the fluid measurements then maybe that would have told her more.
We made the decision to end the pregnancy as he may not have made it full term and we had to think of our other children. Our youngest took it all very hard as it was.
I find it hard to tell people that and don't feel I deserve any sympathy.
Your age will be a massive factor in calculating the risk so I am hopeful it's just that and everything is ok. and the indepth scan sounds good too. Yes the hcg levels came back on the first screening test as high. DS babies apparently cause higher hcg but the range is quite broad so it does differ in people anyway.

The initial 12 week scan looked ok and that's the part that scares me for the future to be honest. They couldn't tell at that point. If she had gotten the fluid measurements then maybe that would have told her more.
We made the decision to end the pregnancy as he may not have made it full term and we had to think of our other children. Our youngest took it all very hard as it was.
I find it hard to tell people that and don't feel I deserve any sympathy.

Bless ya hon. Please don't feel bad.
I was considering it myself.
I thought how will I cope etc. I think the stillbirth rate is higher with babies with DS to and that really really worries me.
Or if I miscarry that worries me to esp now I've gotten this far.

I've thought about it and thought about it and I think even if it does come back positive for downs we will still keep baby and just hope and pray for the best.

I don't begrudge anyone deciding to end there pregnancy because of this it's so scary and it's such a hard decision. U made the right one for u hon so don't feel bad.
That must of been extremely hard.
I think ure brave speaking out.

I guess I will just have to wait and hope the results come back really good and baby is healthy. That will be the best news ever.

Thank you for ure support hon. I've been watching YouTube videos and doing so much googling.
It does help a little.

I hope the scans were accurate and my DH is right and baby will be ok.

Thanks hon
Hi ladies
Sorry I've not been back here ladies.

I had some worrying news.
Unfortunately my screening bloods came back that I have a high risk result for baby having downs syndrome..
I have a 1 in 33 chance.

So yesterday I had the Harmony test done which involves a more detailed ultrasound and more bloods where they check genetics and babies DNA.
The scan went well and the measurements behind babies neck was normol. She also checked babies nose structure because she said babies with DS have a flat nose.
All was good and baby has a prominent nose not flat.

I now have to wait up to 10 working days for the blood results. But with it being Easter I will probably have to wait even longer.

I'm not going to lie I'm terrified.
After everything that happened last year with the 4 losses and now this.
I'm just praying so hard that I get told baby doesn't have it. We also got told that baby looks like a boy and she showed us the nub. We have a gender scan booked for just over 2 weeks. I will get the blood results just b4. So scared just hope they come back negative and this baby is healthy[-o&lt;

I had a 1 in 75419 for Edwards and Pataus so that came back low risk but downs came back High:-(

Anyway congratulations @Skye75 ure progression is amazing.

@Beccaboo828 I can see faint lines hon.

@Mum42crazy I'm so sorry hon.

@elencor so sorry AF showed.

Good luck to all the other ladies getting faint lines I hope they get darker.

And good luck to those still waiting to test or to ovulate.


@Suggerhoney I hope your testing comes back clear!! I'm sure it will all be fine :)
Hey ladies, I've been trying to keep up but work has been crazy and I've been feeling a bit stressed out with it, home and ttc. I am very sorry if I miss anyone...

@AlwaysTheAunt , I'm so sorry af came and about your DH saying he wants to wait. I hope he changes his mind or it's only a short break. Is he worried about you stressing about ttc? My OH actually said to me last night that I need to stop worrying and relax. It wasn't helpful! lol

@wannanewbaby hope the 2ww goes quickly for you and good luck!

@Mum42crazy so sorry :hugs:

@Skye75 Hope the blood is from your uti and af doesn't show tomorrow, good luck! your frer look so good :)

@Teafor2 good luck, I may join you testing next week, will be 9or 10dpo so a bit early.

@GemmaG I can't make out any lines on those tests but its probably just my eyes since others can! Hope they get darker, good luck!

@Beccaboo828 I'm so sorry :hugs:

@Lucy3 good luck!

Afm, I think it's likely I ovulated on Monday CD16, my temp rose yesterday and I had sharp pin prick pains on Sunday evening and Monday morning, so could have been late cd15 or cd16 I guess.
We had a great run on bd this cycle but I think I wore him out :haha: we dtd CD6,8,10,12,14 and 15. So the important ones maybe CD14 and 15....I did hint about actual ovulation day but he looked at me like I was crazy. Bet that would have been the one too *sigh*.
So now we wait.....again......

Unfortunately not he said as much as he loves our daughter he isnt enjoying being a dad much atm and cant imagine adding another into the mix :( i really have no idea how long the break will be now. I'd love a sibling for my daughter though. Im so torn now. Ive been so upset the last week with the lines and limbo then nothing. To get told might not try again ever just took it too far :(

Im just slowly reading as ive taken time away.
Unfortunately not he said as much as he loves our daughter he isnt enjoying being a dad much atm and cant imagine adding another into the mix :( i really have no idea how long the break will be now. I'd love a sibling for my daughter though. Im so torn now. Ive been so upset the last week with the lines and limbo then nothing. To get told might not try again ever just took it too far :(

Im just slowly reading as ive taken time away.

That must be so heart breaking for you @AlwaysTheAunt I hope he changes his mind x
@motherofboys yay for starting the April thread! Hope I don’t see you there! Haha

@Rach87 good idea to keep POAS all the way to actual testing time! Love it!

I did a test today, think I’m around 11dpo and it doesn’t look great. There’s a vv faint line there I think? Can anyone see it? But def not what I’d like for 11dpo. Boo

Hi everyone !!! I’m back after a 3/4 month hiatus! We suffered 3 miscarriages last year, and are now working with a fertility specialist. We are trying a few things before IVF since the cost is terribly expensive.

a little about me ... I’m 6dpo today. Did a HCG trigger in cycle day 12 and will do another tomorrow. Along with aspirin and a million vitamins lol. I will be testing at the beginning of April... due to the trigger I can’t test early :(

today at 6 dpo I have been having sharp pains ( feels like pinching ) in my lower abdomen in the same spot ... anyone experience anything like this ??

glad to be with you ladies again !
@AlwaysTheAunt I haven't read all the posts yet but caught the most of it. Fx he comes around after a little time? I hope it's just a short phase that passes...

Afm... I'm pretty positive AF is going to arrive. I'll be 13 dpo in the morning which means my LP is getting longer (was only 10 days, then 12 last month, now I'll be at 13!) Which is definitely better then 10! Took a test and it was negative so definitely not delayed due to being preggo. Which means I'll have a another month with you lovely ladies in April :)
@motherofboys yay for starting the April thread! Hope I don’t see you there! Haha

@Rach87 good idea to keep POAS all the way to actual testing time! Love it!

I did a test today, think I’m around 11dpo and it doesn’t look great. There’s a vv faint line there I think? Can anyone see it? But def not what I’d like for 11dpo. Boo

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I see that clearly! Good luck

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