1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Awwww Rach- so sorry to hear the news about Andrews sister. :(

Mel- so glad you feel like crap!!!!! :sick: I don't think you ever did with the others did you? I am praying this will be your rainbow!!! Yes, even though it felt like a long vacation, I always wish for it to be longer!!! I am already ready to plan the next one!!! LOL I am a cruise addict!!!

AFM - Chris and I finished our unpacking this morning and then decided to head out on the boat last minute so here we are. There is some rain in the forecast but I really don't care, it's nice to finally be here, it's likes second home for us! Hope you girls are having a fabulous weekend!!!
Rach - so sorry to hear about your SIL!!

Sam - hope you have a great vacation!!! I'm so jealous!

Mel - Glad you're feeling awful :p I found Lemon or citrus type sorbet was my saving grace in the first trimester - something to think about :)

Kelsey - how you feeling???

AFM - DH and I just got back from some car shopping. We have a tiny little Saturn hatchback that I don't think is really going to cut it once the little one joins us. We've checked out subaru and now dodge and jeep. We really like the Dodge Journey, but we'll see where we go from here! I like little cars and DH likes HUGE cars/trucks so we're trying to meet in the middle. I'm excited though!
So glad you got to go out on the boat Jess! I bet you are thrilled.

Lindsay i drive a big car right now. I wish i could get a Chevy Traverse. I'd love to have it!! Looks so spacious and nice. I haven't saw what a dodge journey looks like. I will have to look. You will find the perfect car! Not too much longer and Oakley will be here!! :)

AFM went to a flea market today. Was so nice to spend the day with Andrew. It seems like the days always go by so fast though which sucks. I hope the one job calls me Weds with good news that way Andrew and i can spend even more time together because then he can quit his other job (the one he works for 6 hrs a week). Anyways... all will work out in some way or the other! Until then... margaritas!! ;)
Aww you girls are so great---your support and enthusiasm is just awesome :hugs: I do have a picture but I have to scan it and my scanner boggles my mind, so I haven't had the patience to sit and wrestle with it. But I will! It's not the best picture, but you can see the little arm and leg nubs. Guess i'll be going back in 2 weeks for my 12 week appt (I didn't realize I would be, thought my 10 week would be it, so not sure the point of the 10 week one, although I'm not complaining).
Anywho, getting caught up. Sam so happy for you, leaving tomorrow!!! And you said for 2 weeks!? You lucky girl you :) Take care of yourself, drink lots and rest when needed!
Lindsay that's great that Kirk's parents are moving close by! Will they be able to help with a lot of the babysitting--or do you have something else lined up for daycare. How fun you're looking at vehicles, always fun getting a new ride.
Mel sorry you're feeling so sick, but that's great for baby!! Have you been this sickly with any of your other pregnancies? When is your next scan--I can't wait! :)
Jessie so glad you got out on the boat!!! Bet you're sad to be off the boat and back to work, boo to Monday! Hopefully the rain stayed away. It was so hot this weekend. You're getting ccllooosseee to OV time!! :happydance:
Aww Rachael that sucks, how she's holding up ok. I suppose having 4 other kids might help keep her mind off of it, but there will always be a quiet time where i'm sure she'll think about. Poor girl...how many weeks was she? And you said you'd love a Chevy Traverse---me too! Actually even more I'd love an Acadia. I don't see either in my near future, damn :) Hope you enjoyed your margaritas!!
Alright everybody, enjoy your monday! I only have to work a half day because it's my sisters final dress fitting today and we have to learn how to bussel her dress. Forecast for Saturday is 88 and extremely humid! Ugg, she's having an outdoor ceremony and does not want any tents, so I'm not sure how I'll handle cooking outside for 30 min. At least no rain, so far!
Rach so sorry about you SIL :nope: :hugs: Glad you had a great time at the flea market.
Lindsay - thanks, ice lollies have been my saving grace at times too but sorbet sounds sooooo much better especially the lemon flavour! :lolly:
Kels - I can't wait to see your scan pics! Please download soon, did you notice a big difference?! :cloud9: Kels I did get sick but it always faded away by 6.5 weeks and it was a completely different sickness like a retching which was weird - I didn't get that this time. Also my sickness always started at 4 weeks, this time nothing till 6.5!

So here are my scan pics of Me-Mo! I love the 3rd one best because he looks more like a baby upside down with his head on the right and leg stubs merging into the yolk sac on the left :cloud9: I can't stop looking at them! He measured 8 weeks exactly when I was 8 weeks and he had a strong heartbeat.


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Rachel - sorry to hear about your SIL, hope she is okay (as can be). Hmmm margaritas!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow Rachel :cake: and I hope you get good news on Wednesday, fx'd. Did you get a new thermometre?

Mel - replied on your journal. :cloud9:

Jess - thanks for all the info! Glad you got a good weekend away on the boat and weahter held up.

Lindsay - I am glad Kirks parents will be close by. I'm in the same town as my FIL but my parents are about 4-5 hrs drive away. It is so much fun looking at new cars. I got a new car last year but obvioulsy not forward thinking enough (ntnp) and got a 3 door one. OH is trying to persuade me to get a 5 door but Ithink I will be fine. OH has been looking at a new car for himself for ages so don't want to deprive him.

Kelsey - enjoy the final fitting and I hope the day goes brilliantly and the weather isn't too stifflingly hot. I tooka photo of the scan with my phone and downloaded it that way - is that something you could do?

afm - just doing some last minute packing and house tidying. I am off work for the fortnight but am only away on the cruise till next Tuesday so will be on here catching up with all the news by next Wednesday. Miss you all x
2 weeks!! OMG can you still post now and again? :nope: Glad you're going to have a lovely long break though! Are you excited?
Awhh thank you Sam!!! I hope you have a fantastic time on vacation! Relax and enjoy yourself. You deserve it!!

Mel - :saywhat: "he".... hmmm do you think it's going to be a boy!?!? :haha: Awh i love looking at sono pics. They're so beautiful!!! Its so amazing how little they are and then how big they get!!

Kelsey i hope you can figure out that scanner! I wanna see pics!! I'm so excited you get to have a 12 week scan. GOSH your PG is going by so fast!

Linds have you decided on a vehicle yet? How is Oakleys room coming along?

Jess did you have a good time on the boat? :boat:
Hi girls! :wave: I wish I could say Happy Monday but it wasn't... ugh. Being back to work sucks!!!

Mel - I love the pics of Me-Mo! I am so excited for you!!! I really think this is going to be your forever baby which gives me hope that it will work for me too. I can't remember but what was the farthest you made it during the others. I know the last couple were early. I think all of your sickness is SUPER!!!! :sick:

Sam - have a fabulous time on your cruise!!!!

Lindsay - How is the car shopping going? If you are looking for a mid-size SUV, I love my 4-Runner. Its the 5th one we've had. They are great cars and really the perfect size! I have been starting to look at new cars too though and I really like the redesigned 2013 Acura RDX (just not sure if it will be too small for kids etc).

Rach - hope you had a great weekend with Andrew. Your Margarita's sounded delic!!! I hope you were testing our your new thermometer as a stir for those!!!

Kelsey - I hear you about being hot. Its been in the 90's here!!! I don't know whats going on but I felt like I was going to have a heat stroke yesterday! I think its going to be a rough summer!!! Are you still watching the Bachelorette? I finally got caught up last night so I am ready for tonights show. Its been pretty good. I think you said you knew some on there...? Who is it?
Hi Ladies!!

So, it wasn't a happy Monday for me either! I somehow managed to lose my wallet between going to the gas station yesterday and lunch today. I'm starting to think I put it on the roof of my car at the gas station and drove off with it up there. Maybe I can get DH to walk around by the gas station and see if it's there lol. I feel like a crazy person not being able to remember what happened to it! Plus work has been crazy busy and stressful, but that should let up in the next two weeks. I have my baby shower on Saturday, so just lots and lots of stuff going on! Crazy!

Mel - LOVE your pictures!! I'm so happy for you!!

Jess - we're coming up on O time! woohoo!!

Kelsey - I want to see your pictures! I always just take a picture with my phone and email it to myself. I hate scanners!

Rach - did you get a new thermometer yet???

We started the wheels rolling on getting a new Dodge Journey today. I hope it will all work out with it, I really love it!! I never thought I could drive a car that big but I'll make it work!! haha I have a little Saturn Astra right now, had a mini cooper before that and a miata before that - have NO idea how to drive a big car! But I've been getting bigger and bigger slowly, so maybe I'll do OK! Except that I drive in downtown DC every day, so hopefully I don't hit anything :/
Great pics of Me-Mo Mell!! I'll post my 7 week scan and my 10 week scan so you can kind of see the difference.
Omg Lindsay, that's awful about your wallet!!! I soooo hope you find it!!! Or at least if somebody else found it they were a good person and turned it in. Did you have a lot of cash in it? The worst is all of our cards we have to cancel and order new ones. How fun that you have your shower this weekend! Is there a lot of things off your registry? Then you can really get Oakley's room in order. I hope a lot of pics go on facebook!
Jessie I do still watch the Bachelorette---haven't started watching tonights yet. The guy that Ryan knew was off on the first night---kind of a big douche. He's the one on the first night got out of the limit and got down on 1 knee and said something about the moments that take his breath away (or some stupid line) and then at the very end of the episode after he was kicked off he took off his shirt (he does have a nice bod) and was like "this is what she's missing" or some stupid shit like that.
TOMORROW IS YOUR BIG DAY RACHAEL!!!:-=:cake::-= (that's me singing happy birthday in case you're wondering what the hell that smiley is). Do you know what Andrew's getting you yet? I hope you get everything you want and it's a very BIG year for you!!!!
Ok Mel the first one I attached is for you to show you what the 7 week looked like and then obviously the next one is my 10 week one! Still measuring about 2 days shy of the 10 week mark, but she said she'll keep my EDD the same.


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aw I love the arm and leg buds!! so cute!! :)

Happy Birthday Rachael!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a GREAT day! :) woohoo!! get some good birthday BD ;)

Still no sign of the wallet :/ I cancelled all my cards last night except one that needs to be cancelled during business hours - some insurance credit card thing. I'm heading to the MVA to get a new license today - boo! Now I just need to not lose the stuff that I'm taking to get a new license!!!! haha Not much has been bought off the registry actually - so I'm a little nervous lol but ohwell!! haha I'm sure we'll get plenty to start us off!

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday - I'm already ready for the weekend!! ughh
To add to Kelsey's progression I've attached my 7wks4day scan, 9weeks1day scan and 12wks1day scan - it's insane how fast they grow!!!


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Rach - :cake: Happy Birthday!!!! :drunk:

Oh No Lindsay - I am so sorry about your wallet. I know that really sucks!!! Did you go back and check all of the places you had been? It would be nice if people would just turn it in (even if they take the money), its replacing all the cards etc that sucks the most. Don't feel too bad about it, they say you get really forgetful when you're pregnant!!! I am forgetful now, I can't even imagine when I get pregnant, someone is going to have to lock me up so I don't get myself into trouble!! Congrats on the new car!! I can't wait to see your pics!!! You'll need all the extra room for all the baby stuff!!! Wooo Hooo!!!

Kelsey - Omgosh what gret pics. It is so amazing how fast they grow and looking at Lindsay's 12 week pic you should be in for quite a surprise at your next appt!!!

Mel - How long will you be on the steriods for this pregnancy? I can't remember but are you taking anything else.... progesterone... etc?

Sam - you leave for your trip today!!! Have a fabulous time!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHAEL!!!!!!!! Hope you have the most amazing special day ever :)
Lindsay, love your progression pics---so much closer and clearer than mine!
Oh girls, I'm not complaining, but today I woke up feeling like the worst hangover EVER. Raging headache and puked my guts out. My dog is so cute, he sat by me while I was puking licking my feet and legs. I just love him soooo much. Rachael---how are Jax and Sadie doing?! Haven't heard anything about them lately, hopefully that means they're behaving? :)
Well, 6 more hours and I can crawl back into bed.....I sure hope I'm not feeling this horrible for my sisters wedding---because being outside in 88 degree humid weather will def. make me feel like puking and passing out. What a site that'd be :)
Happy birthday rach!!!! :cake: :cake: hope you have a wonderful day!! :yipee: xxx

Kels and Lindsay! Wow!!!! The progression is amazing!! I can't wait to see my 10 week one I'm so excited already. I have this theory that I'm really exact on my LMP and not one day behind. I think memo grows at 11pm in the evening whereas my scan is always at 10am in the morning. So for eg at 8 weeks he measures 8 weeks in the morning and 8.1 by late night say 11pm. That would fit perfectly with my trigger shot and LMP. Anyone think that's possible? The midwife told me 3 days ahead or behind is perfectly normal at this stage anyway.

Jess I'm on: 25mg steroids from ovulation. 40 mg steroids from bfp with intralipid drip treatment at 4, 8 and 12 weeks. I took progesterone after ovulation 400mg pessary and I take 1000iu vit d, 5 mg folic acid, pregnacare vits, aspirin, clexane (one injection a day 20mg) and a tummy settler for the steroids which can cause extreme trapped wind. A lot since there's nothing wrong with me and I'm unexplained ey? :haha: xx
Mel - I think your measurements sound perfect! Even their equipment can be slightly off in the beginning because of how small your LO is so don't worry, you are right on track!!!
Wowsers - you are on a lot of stuff! I am going to copy your regiment and ask my doc about all that on my next appointment. Is the clexane also a steriod?
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!! :)

Jax has been a feisty thing. I don't know what is wrong with him but he can be so mean. He tries to get you when you don't even expect it. I've been telling him no but he doesn't listen. I got so fed up earlier that i was like "your butt is going outside for the day". This is his 2nd time outside since i found him. The first time was the other day but i stayed out there with him. Well it's been an hr and a half and i been outside 3 times calling him and have no idea where he is. I hope he's okay and comes back.

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