1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi Ladies!!

Rach - hope you had a great birthday yesterday!! You're coming up on O time with Miss Jess - are you planning out a BD schedule or taking it easy this month??

Kelsey - glad you feel like crap lol Do you gag when you brush your teeth?? That was the worst for me, I'd be throwing up and then I'd go brush my teeth and it'd make me throw up again!! I used a lot of mouth wash in the beginning lol. I think you asked me if we're doing daycare - and my MIL and my dad will be our daycare system - so LUCKY!

I can't wait for new scan pictures ladies! when are those coming?? (Sam, Kelsey and Mel)

SO, I found my wallet!! It was in the driveway!! I must have put my wallet on top of my car when I was pumping my gas and drove off with it up there and thankfully it made it to my driveway! I got super lucky! I had already cancelled my cards but it was worth it to not have to go to the MVA haha.

We put a deposit down on a Dodge Journey yesterday! I'm so super excited! It's a dark gray with black leather interior and tons of bells and whistles - back up camera (a must for me), navigation, third row seating, sun roof (which I think is a little silly but whatever), and a bunch of other stuff - I'm so excited! Paying more a month for it than I would really like but I figured we should spend a little extra and get something nice since I wasn't too thrilled with my saturn these past few years.

I hope you all have a great day and sorry if I missed anything!!
Lindsay - Congrats on the new car!!! That sounds fabulous!!! And all the bells and whistles are going to be nice to have. When DH got his new car, we weren't sure about the Nav and back-up camera but now after having it is definitely a must have! So glad about your wallet!!! Its just nice to know it did not end up in someone elses hands, even if you did go to all the trouble to cancel your cards.

I will probably be on the every other day BD plan this month. I really need to get this going!!! I think we might start tonight. I start up my CPA prep classes next month - there are 4 parts and 4 exams and that goes through the end of the year and I am worried about being exhausted through them if I did get pregnant (Classes are on Tues and Thur 6-10pm after working all day). But I really can't wait any longer trying to get pregnant so we'll see how it goes.

Rach - Hope you had a fabulous birthday yesterday!

How are the rest of you girls doing?
Happy 17 weeks Sam!!! Gosh how time is flying!!! Hope you are having an amazing time on your cruise!!! :boat:
WHOA Linds. Thank GOD your wallet was in your driveway. I couldn't imagine what it looked liked with a wallet on the roof of your car lmao. That's hilarious but at the same time not lol. What such luck! So excited for the new vehicle!! The back up cam is so f'n awesome. Andrew's dad just bought a brand new 2012 chrysler 300 for his retirement and it has it. SOOO NEAT. I swear it makes life so much easier. You deserve it hun!! Will be SOOO cute you driving down the road with Oakley in the back! You're gonna be such a good mommy!!!!!! :)

Jess wow sounds like you're gonna be one busy girl. I hope you can just get preg this cycle so you don't have to worry about it. I also need to get on it as far as BDing and temping. I turned my thermometer on earlier and now it works. WTF. lol i don't understand but going to start temping tmrw. I must say.. it's been so nice to not think about TTC since AF lol. Time has gone by fast and not stressful. Wish my O was always the same because then i wouldn't even mess with OPKs or temping. Not using OPKs again this month though. Okay anyways lol.... get on it girl before i get you with that bat :grr:

My birthday was nice. Andrew took me out to dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. One of my favvvv places in the whole wide world lol. We got a steak dinner. Was mmm mmm good! He bought me an ice cream cake too. He is such a great guy. We may be strugglin a bit but he sure knows how to make a girl feel special :) I'm suppose to hear back about the job today. FX'd it's good news. Otherwise i have NO idea what i'm gonna do. Prayers please :D
So glad you had a great birthday Rachael, you deserve it! :) I love that Andrew made it special for you even though money is tight!! Did Jax ever come back? That's one thing with cats, sometimes if they've been wild for too long, they're kind of hard to tame. We had 1 cat that was the most loving cat and we had 1 cat that just hated us and would attack us when we weren't looking! Sassy things....FINGERS AND EVERYTHING ELSE CROSSED THAT YOU GET GOOD NEWS FROM THE JOB!!!
LINDSAY SO GLAD YOUR WALLET TURNED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! What some luck that it clung on until you got home :) That's so awesome that you have your parents to watch Oakley. I'm really hoping that between our 2 parents they'll do it, but I don't want to ask. I'm thinking they'll each take a day or 2 a week, so we'll need daycare for a day or 2. I guess we'll see! Can't wait to see pics of the new vehicle!
Jess I wouldn't worry too much about trying to take the classes and being PG at the same time. Everybody is different and some people to sound like they can barely keep their eyes open, but i've never really had that. I've been tired, but not like DYING tired. I think you'd be just fine (although 6-10 sounds like a LOONNGG TIME---especially after work), this group is a bunch of smarty pants so you'll have no problems! I thought you were done with all those tests for some reason---maybe it was Lindsay I'm thinking of?
So excited that you're ovulating soon Rachael and Jessie!! Hopefully it being summer makes the 2ww go a little faster (although Jessie you lucky duck it's practically summer all year round for you :growlmad:).
AFM---no headache today and no throwing up! It's so weird some days I wake up fine and others total crap. Thank goodness though, if I felt like total crap everyday that'd be a tough one.
Hey girls, where are you all today?! :)

Jax did return. He left for 11 hours. Glad he came back. I would of felt horrible. So yesterday i called the lady about the job. I call her office, her cell and emailed her. Didn't get a response until 430 and it was through EMAIL and she said it was a no. Yet one girl that i would of worked with that i'm friends with got approached by the woman and she asked if i would be good at the job and my friend said YES, hire her. Dude, i can't believe that bitch! I feel like writing her and saying "I strongly disagree with your decision. I've put many hours into that place. Barely missed any work. I've never been wrote up. Never been late. I kept to myself. I'm hard working, but yet you found a better candidate? Good luck with that. I feel you've made the worst decision". And maybe add a whore or bitch in there somewhere. :haha: So now i have no idea what to do.

Hope you all are having a good day.
Happy 11 weeks Kelsey! :pink:
Happy 34 weeks Lindsay! :blue:
Happy 9 weeks Mel! :pink:
Happy 17 weeks Sam! :pink:

When do you get a gender scan Sam!?!?

PS - these are my predictions. I'm 100% sure Lindsays is right :haha:
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing?! I have had an absolutely insane day today...just sitting down to lunch which I usually have 2 hrs ago at 11! Got into work at quarter of 7 and am finally sitting down! I'm exhausted and I still have a lot of work to do....ohwell!

Rach - sorry about your job....have you thought any more about a veterinary clinic? I think you would like that! I see you tempd today...yay! So close to o!

How's everyone else doing?
Awww Rach- so sorry to hear about your job. Maybe it's just not meant to be, I mean you left there for a reason right? Have you been out looking other places? FX that you are just going through a rough patch and this will all turn around! :hugs:

Lindsay- sorry you had a rough day :hugs: Thankfully you don't have much longer right...?
My last day of work is scheduled to be July 13th as of right now. once June is over the work load will lighten up a ton and I'll be able to start working from home once a week again and maybe even more as I progress even further.

I have a doctor's appointment this morning and ever since last night I've been having twinges of pain in the area where my uterus used to be, and for some reason it's worrying me. I'm sure it's nothing but I've just never had it so often. I'm worried because it all started after I accidentally ate some cereal with bad milk yesterday and then he was flipping out and beating up that area down there. I hope I didn't hurt him and he was just mad at me!! I think I'm just being paranoid lol. He's moving around right now, so that probably means he's fine, right?? Well, I'll ask her today!
I'd definitely say you're okay Lindsay. Maybe it just hurts from where he was kicking ya? If he's still moving that is really good!! Thank goodness for an appt. today. Can't even believe your 9 months is almost over. Where did the time go?

Jess thanks for the kind words :) I know it must have not been meant to be. No idea where to look now... hmm...

It's Friday for all you girls! Aren't you excited :happydance: Any plans for this weekend? This thread has been very quiet this week. Hope everyone is doing good.:thumbup:
Today is Wedding day for Kelsey's sister! I bet she is soo nervous. That day is so special. Is she older or younger than you? I wanna see some pics of how gorgeous y'all look!!!

I have an interview at 12. It's not the best job but it will get me by if i do get it. It's cleaning people's houses. This lady started her own company and we are basically maids lol. I have the ideal hours though. Working M-F from 730am - 3pm. It's a part time job. She said we worked 5 days one week and 4 the next. So 63 hrs every 2 weeks. It's min wage but hopefully she's generous and gives out nice bonus's or raises? I'll see how all that goes when i get there. Going to try and apply for our state health insurance because i know this lady won't have it. That way i can get the show on the road and see what is wrong with me or Andrew.

Anywho, i saw Jess is on her :boat: this weekend! Have fun sweety. I'd love to have a boat!! They are the best things ever. So relaxing.
Mel where have you been hun? I better go stalk your journal. Hope everything is okay!!
Lindsay you feeling any better? still got baby brain? LOL. is Oakley's room just about finished? I can't wait to see the finished look.
Sam where the heck have you been too darlin?!:shrug:

omg i had this psychic reading. it's the lady that said i'd conceive, give birth or find out in September and May. Well... she gave me a free reading months prior and said April. So i wrote her and was like "why are they different. you said april last time". :haha: well she wrote me back and said she doesn't understand why it's like that. she said she did the reading over and it still says the same thing. She said "I keep looking into this and trying to figure out if its "either or" and they just show the same thing, (the girl) and then they split the view, and then show the two boys together.. So I am not sure if that means girl first, and then followed by a break and then the two boys being closer together? As for Endo and no insurance, perhaps google it a bit more, see if there are things that you can take that are natural .... There are also things like astragalis, horny goat weed and false unicorn... these are things that both you and your husband can take and natural:)

Horny goat weed. lmfao :rofl: i was like WTF IS THAT? i googled it and it's a pill you can take. Another word is epimedium. Weird as hell.
Horny goat weed :rofl:
Rach good luck hun, it's better than nothing, you could probably earn a lot? Glad jax returned! That psychic reading sounds amazing! I hope it comes true I really do, if not before! Xx
Kels I hope the wedding goes perfectly! Xx
Lindsay glad your purse turned up safe and sound. Phew! Is Oakley still kicking away? Are you ok? xx
Jess, how you doing Hun, which cycle day are you on? Xx
Pink hope you're enjoying Rome! :yipee:
Afm. No symptoms at all and slightly freaking out! Just been v tired. :wacko:
Hope everyone has a great Saturday :friends:
didn't get that job either... i just feel like not even being here anymore. I DONT GET IT!!
Aww rach :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I know how demoralising and awful it feels to not be able to get a job. I really struggled when I finished uni, it was awful, it took a couple of years to get a full time job that I liked. You will get there Hun, I promise you. Hang in there, keep looking, keep going to interviews and something will come up that's fate for you and you'll get your insurance and have your baby. It's not forever it's just a temporary life blip, we all have them! Xxxx
You feeling any symptoms today Mel? When do you have another appt? Sorry... my mind is just all over the place. I imagine you told us. Thanks for the kind words again. Always makes me feel so much better getting on here and chatting with you girls.

Kelsey you looked GORGEOUS at your sisters wedding! You're glowing!

Happy Father's Day to all your hubbies and to your Father's!!
Rach my sickness kicks in late afternoon to evening every other day, I've got it at the mo. But in the morning I've got raging hunger!! My next scan is a 10 week one kn Thursday at 3pm, still nervous about it. It really hasn't quite sunk in yet... Always here for you Hun xxx
Hi girls! Sorry I have been MIA all weekend! Chris and I went out to the boat Friday after work and we spent the whole weekend out there. It was so nice to get away!

Rach- sorry about the jobs :hugs: maybe this is a sign that you are meant for something better!!! :thumbup:

Lindsay- how did your doctors appt go? What did the doctor say about the pain you were having? Could they be contractions already? Saw your new car pics!!!! Congrats again!!! And your shower... How was that? I bet you should have all kinds of stuff for Oakleys room now, you'll have to post another pic!!!

Mel - so happy you are still feeling like crap :sick: I am anxious for your appt this week, I can't remember but will this be the farthest you've been? Everyone has had some sticky beans here, yours is super sticky too!!! :happydance:

Kelsey- saw your sisters wedding pics! So beautiful and you look fabulous!!!

AFM - I am on CD 15 today and my temps have been pretty flat so hope O comes soon. We've started the every other day plan a couple days ago. It's starting to feel a bit like routine though, how do I get it from feeling like that... Ugh!!?? :shrug:
I can't wait for your appt Mel! It always feels great being reassured that things are going to be okay! :thumbup: I know it's so hard to ever feel comfortable with the pregnancy. Even when you're 30 weeks! I hope you can get some peace of mind soon though.

Jessie glad you had a good time on the boat. I know what you mean about BD becoming routine. That's how it was for me last month. I should have BD today but i just don't feel like it LOL. I will tmrw. I had alot of ewcm yesterday. Prob should of BD today but... it is what it is.

AFM i ended up getting a call back from that lady about the house cleaning. i only got a gig 2 days a week :( Total of 14 hours a week. UGH. it's better than nothing. she said shes going to have someone leave soon so i'll be able to pick up more hours. so we will see i guess. i work tues and thurs this week.

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