1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi Girls!!

Sorry I've been so MIA!! Work has been crazy and then we had friends in town for the baby shower (it was so nice to have them here!! I'm sad they left!!).

Rach - that's great about the job!! Everything helps!! Congrats hun!!

Mel - glad you're feeling yucky sometimes but not all the time!! Can't wait to hear about your scan - it's already 10 weeks?! Time flies!! :) How exciting

Jess - I'll be stalking watching for O!! wooohoo!!

Kelsey - you and your sister looked amazing this weekend!! congrats to her and I hope you felt as good as you could the whole time!

I hope Sam is having a great time on vacation :)

AFM - As most of you noticed on facebook - we got the car this weekend right before the baby shower :) I just love love LOVE it!! I feel like it's our first "real" car with all the options and everything we wanted, it's so nice.

We also had the baby shower this weekend and that was tons of fun too! We had so many people there it made us feel really loved and it was really special! We had a coed shower which I thought was much nicer - plus it meant no games - yay! haha We got a ton of stuff but definitely still have lots to buy! The room has made a TON of progress but I want to get a couple more things before I post pictures. I have my work friends baby shower next weekend so we'll be stopping by the buy buy baby after that to get the big items we didn't get.

Oh and I talked to the doctor about the pain down there and she said it's from Oakley moving and from my cervix softening (OMG!). Kind of made things sink in that they're really happening. She said I'll probably "drop" in the next couple weeks if I'm feeling that. I have weekly appointments until I deliver - crazy crazy!

I hope you all had a great weekend!!
Morning girls!

Rach - so glad you heard back on the job. It might not be the perfect situation but maybe it will turn into more or a least hold you over until you find something else. Sometimes employers like to see someone working when they hire them so maybe that will help with something else. Then you can just tell them that the reason you are looking is because you want something full time.

Lindsay - So glad that your doctors appt turned out good. Little Oakley is just getting things ready for his arrival huh! :baby: I know you mentioned a lot of items from the registry where still there, did you end up getting some of those items and they weren't marked off or did you just get other things instead? I don't think some people realize that they need to have your registry scanned at checkout so the items get marked off the list.

AFM I was so tired last night after going out for Father's day that I could not muster up enough strength to :sex: We really need to do it tonight because I think O might be coming. My temp was only up a little today but I had some twitching in the ovary area so I don't know if that's a sign. Rach - you need to get on it tonight too!!!
Lindsay your car is amazing. I love how shiney it is LOL. You so deserve it and so does little Oakley. I can't believe it's getting closer to go time. I just am sooo shocked by how fast time has gone by. That's nice you have appts every week now. Do you feel you might go early?

Jess we better get on that BD today! Would be so awesome if we even O'd the same day! Hope we can get PG together as well :)

Hope all the rest of you girls are doing good. Miss ya!!!!
Jess it's really hard not to make it into a routine :nope: I don't think I succeeded, I was like NOW, not now, NOW, NOW NOW, not now lol. He felt used and abused I'm sure!! :haha: it's hard I don't know what the answer is.... I have never got as far as I am now so I have hopes sky high! I've got my scan at 6.15Pm this Thursday when I will be 10 weeks, all scans so far have been good but I'm still nervous you know how it is. I hope you get pregnant with your sticky bean really really soon and rach too xxx

I'm jealous of jess's boat too rach, it sounds amazing doesn't it!!?
Mel - I will be so anxious for your report this week!!! You definitely sound like you have more symptoms than you did with the others so that's great. I had symptoms with the first but not so much with the others. You are really doing great and I really feel this is your forever baby this time. 5th time's a charm right....!!?? I hope its that way for me too!!!
This routine thing is driving me crazy. You're right its hard not to make it routine when you have to tell them that today is the day. DH mentioned something about it the other day so now I feel bad but what else can we do really. We have specific days that we definitely need to get on it right...??? The rest can just be fun time! :shrug:
Yeah it just has to be done! So long as hubbies get :sex: at non fertile times too I think it's ok (although I could hardly be bothered at other times! lol) . You know what I've actually had less symptoms this pregnancy than my others!! I was REALLY sick for my 4th. Im only more confident because I had never had 'perfect' scans before this pregnancy, tbh I can't really see why it would suddenly stop because I don't have a blood clotting disorder or anything. All my other pregnancies were always a week or so behind dates / sac too small / yolk sac too big etc etc etc. This time perfect and strong heartbeat! What can go wrong?? :wacko: lots probably!!!
Mel - I think things are looking perfect :thumbup: and if there were issues they would have shown up in your other scans like you said!
Mel i have high hopes for you this time around. Like you said, you're farther along than you ever have before. Seems like the beginning was the problem for you, but now you're past that and the baby was measuring correctly... AND the baby had a strong heartbeat!!! THAT IS AMAZING HUN! That little Me-mo isn't going nowhere!!
Hope so but it's still hard not to be more nervous than excited before a scan. I think I will always be beside myself in a scan room :wacko:
I can only imagine how scary it is. I will be the exact same way. Just keep the faith and hold onto all the hope! I've got a super good feeling about this time for you!
Rach and Jess - have you both already O'd?!?! let the chart stalking begin!!

Mel - I can't wait for your scan on Thursday :) Everything is going to be perfect! I freaked out before every scan but deep down had huge hopes that everything would be fine - and it was/is!! Even once I got to 20 weeks, my heart would skip a beat when they put the wand on my belly, it never really goes away. Now I can feel him move all the time so I'm more confident but I'll have moments of "is he ok??" when I'm sure other mom's-to-be never even get that.

Kelsey and Sam - how are you ladies doing?? Haven't heard from you in a while! Hope you're ok!

AFM - had really swollen feet last night. Kirk was cute and was really worried, I assured him it was a very normal pregnancy symptom but he rubbed them for me and made me get off my feet as soon as he saw them <3 I've had a bit of swelling here and there but last night was the most yet. I'm going to try to keep them up as much as I can at work today (not so easy). Other than that, just waiting for my appointment on Friday!

Hope you all are doing lovely :)
Awh Lindsay. I hope you're feeling better. Andrews sister had REALLY bad swollen feet from like 4 months until she gave birth. I never saw someone's feet so damn big! You have such a great hubby!! As for O... i think i did yesterday according to my temp, but i'm afraid i'm already out this month because we didn't BD until late last night (11ish).

AFM well i'm getting ready for my first day. Wish me luck. Got to be there at 730-3. Yippie Skippie.
I don't think the time you BDd ysterday matters...its good that you did! And my feet really have behaved themselves until yesterday and even then I've seen much worse! My gfs at work were freaking out lol it was funny. They all make a big deal about the things you have to do/give up/"deal" with while you're pregnant. Nobody in my program really has kids during it...they think I'm crazy but you gotta do what you want for your life not what other people think you should do...ok rant done! Lol :)
Morning girls!!! Well this morning FF friend marked O for me on Saturday. So I am 3 DPO. I am going to wait another day or 2 just to make sure before I start my progesterone. I hope we did enough this month I thought O would have been yesterday because I had some twitching in the ovary area so DH and I squeezed in some :sex: one last time last night just in case. Now when I see it was Saturday I wish we would have done it that day. We did it Friday night pretty late (11-ish) and I was planning to do the every other day thing and do it Sunday but then that didn't work out so I hope Friday night was enough. We did it a couple days before on Wednesday too. This month was strange.... I've had sore boobs for a couple days now which I thought was really weird. I really don't notice it this much this early, also had a more gradual temperature rise and not as much EWCM that I noticed. We'll see what happens.

How are you girls doing?

Rach - you definitely had a temperature rise this morning!! Looks like you've done good with the every other day plan. You should do it again tonight just in case! :thumbup:

Linsday - a lot of girls get the swollen ankles while pregnant. Some even had trouble getting their shoes to fit! See if you can elevate your feet some at work and drink lots of water!!!
Alrighty then, I have some catching up to do! I've been trying to log on from my phone and read and keep up, but it's so hard to write back. So I'm just going to go page by page, so if I re-ask questions---sorry!
The wedding went really great----it was supposed to be really hot and humid and it ended up just a perfect day! It was such a long day for me, and my dress was way tight and I was beyond ready for bed when we finally got home (around 130 am). but it was beautiful!
Rachael that's great you ended up getting that job--even if it's only 2 days! She could be doing it as a trial and then when she sees how great you are she'll give you more hours! Also, looks like you O'd!!! wwoooohhoo!!!
Jessie---looks like you O'd too! Did either of you do OPKs this month? I soooo know what you mean about the BD'ing being such a scheduled thing, DH hated that about it, but he didn't care because he wanted me PG! I think your BD schedule is fine, aren't you the girl that got PG and you BD'd wwaayyy before O??? Your hubby has super sperm :) Glad you got out on the boat!
OMG LINDSAY---YOUR CERVIX IS SOFTENING!!! AAHHH!! Soooo exciting!! And that's great you had a great baby shower---and love the new car! It must make driving to work a little bit more fun, huh? :) Did you get any new pictures of Mr. Oakley?
Mel can't wait for your scan---it'll be great! Can't wait to see your pictures! I have my 12 week scan on Monday the 25th---after that I think we'll make it official and start telling everybody. I'm so scared though, and keep worrying it'll be bad and then we never got the chance to tell everybody. Ugg, wish I wasn't such a negative person.
Good luck at your job today Rachael---I'll be thinking of you!!!
Girls I had a scare today because at 4am this morning I was spotting brown! I was beside myself and thought it was all over! So I went for an urgent scan this morning and all is well! He / she is measuring 2 days ahead so I am 10 weeks today and the heartbeat is 183!!!!! Everything looks normal so he didn't know where the bleeding had come from, he said not to worry. :cloud9: over the moon but still a bit shaken!
I love his 'fat' tummy , it's like his mum's roid belly lol! Do you think (s)he could be thumb sucking!?


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OMgosh Mel!! That is a scare!!! I am so happy you went in for reassurance and everything turned out just PERFECT!!!! :happydance: What a great pic!!! It always amazes me how fast they change from looking like a little blob to looking like a real little person!!!!

Kelsey - glad you had a fab weekend!!! So I am guessing your family knows about being prego, did anyone else suspect at the wedding? It might have been harder to hide your bump in that dress with everyone staring at you walking the aisle, etc!!! :winkwink:

Rach - Good luck with your job today! Like Kelsey said, I think she may be just trying you out to see how things work out.
OMG look how much Me-mo has grown since last sono! Mel i am SOOOOOO glad that scare ended up for the best!! Wow that is just insane. I think it's a girl but i see you think it's a him. HMMMM...?! :haha:

Kelsey you look absolutely gorgeous in your sister's wedding! Your dress didn't look tight at all to me. HOORAY for scan on the 25th!! It's going to be perfect and you're gonna get to tell EVERYONE that you're preg! I'll never be able to keep it a secret that long LOL. You girls are strong.

Jessie hmm sore bbs?! Sounds like it's all headed in the right direction. We didn't O together but it's okay! I hope this is it for us. I'm so sick of trying LOL.

Thanks girls for the job wishes. It was alright. Cleaned some pretty immaculate houses. Gorgeous ones! There was a couple girls i'd like to punch in the teeth and may do it one day if they don't STFU. They're so snotty when you ask them stuff and act like they're better than me. That won't last long.[-X
Rach I would punch them one, I hate people like that! They don't understand that life will not always be a bed of roses for them and then they fall hard. I hope you get some bonuses etc and more hours.

Kels your 12 week scan is round the corner!! OMG you're going to be so over the moon when you see your baby moving etc. I can't wait for you. I have a wedding in July and I'm worried about it being a long day, I am asleep by 9pm atm! Glad you really enjoyed it though! I can't see the pics of you though, am I being dumb?

Jess I think you'll be pregnant again in no time at all!!

Lindsay OMG you're so close now, I can't wait to see pics of Oakley!! :cloud9: (in your arms or on 'the outside'!)

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