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1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Welcome Grey!

Korink - Ugh!! nobody for the doctors office called me today!! I was a little preoccupied with the loss of my cat though so I did not have it in me to call and complain, but tomorrow might be a different story!!! :devil:

Maddysmum - any news from the doctor?

So what is a CBFM? I am definitely a virgin.
Thanks for the kind words Grey! I wish my Dr. would test my progesterone levels, but she said she doesn't believe in doing a lot of testing. Idk!?

Darnit Beach I was hoping you wouldn't have to wait! CBFM is the clearblue fertility monitor. Finally bit the bullet and made the purchase this month. We'll see how it goes...And geez speaking of your cat, my mom called today to tell me our family dog who is 16 has been acting funny so my parents took him in and it looks like he has cancer. He's 16 so of course we knew we wouldn't have much longer with him...but still tough. wahh.

Confused---where are you!? Out celebrating great new? :)

Maddysmum was today your day or is it tomorrow? Thinking of you either way hun.
I'm here I'm here!! my good friend passed the same exam that I did recently today so I had to go visit her :)

My results look great!! I'm so excited!! They were 25 at 3weeks 4days (the day I found out) and 4 days later at 4weeks 1day I was at 200! so I quadupled every 48hrs instead of doubled! pretty excited!! I scheduled my scan for December 12th (so far away! but my SIL is my U/S tech and she only works Mondays so I'd rather have her scan me than go in earlier and have someone else scan me). They said they'll do more bloodwork for me to keep my confidence up and if anything looks funny, they'll squeeze me in for an earlier scan. I'm kind of nervous because 7weeks 4days was my first scan last time :/ But my SIL was talking to the nurses and they said everything looks good so far, so to try to not worry....easier said than done!! I'm such a symptoms overanalyzer!!

I was so tempted to buy a CBFM!! This was our first month trying though so I couldn't justify the money just yet, but they look like so much fun!! You'll have to keep us updated how it goes!!

hope you all had a great monday (atleast it's over!!) and thankfully it's a short week (hopefully for you all too!!)

:happydance::yipee::headspin::wohoo:\\:D/ Soooo excited for you confused!!!I think that's the perfect time for your first ultrasound, and it will be here before you know it! And how neat your SIL will be your ultrasounder---at least you know she'll be straight up with you and spend a little extra time making sure everything is right.
That is nice that your SIL is the U/S tech. At least you know you won't be rushed and she'll be honest. I hate when they won't tell you anything.

korink - so sorry about your family dog. Our little furkids become such a huge part of our lives. It sucks that the amount of time they get to spend with us is so short. Hopefully he will be able to outlive the cancer and just pass when its his time from old age! :hugs:

Thanks for the info on the fertility monitor. I would definitely like to know how its going with that too.
confused that's fantastic news!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!!!!! I will hope and pray it stays that way for you
Hey girls,

Korink, sorry about your dog thats so sad. xoxo

Confused, that is great news about your test sounds like everythings on the right track

Beach, i hope you get uyour results soon and all is going well with bub.

So i had my app at the hospital today, it was not too bad i guess. What i found out from the tests is that everything is all good with me. The problem that they found was the placenta was small and there was parts of it that had started to dye. There r 3 things that can cause this, i cant remember what any of them r called but i dont have any of thoes things. which is good because if i did it would happen again in next pregnancys. So there really is no reason they can give me for why it happened, but in saying that they believe it wont happen again. The doc said Maddy was a normal baby but couldnt survive because of the placenta. They think she had prob been fighting for 6 weeks or so, so my little girl was a fighter. The doc gave us the all clear to try again- woohoo. Im feeling a little relieved i guess cause i have been blaming myself thinking i did something wrong. They said that i will be monitored very closely next time with scans prob every second week just to make sure all is good. My little maddie will never be forgoten.
Aw, so sorry maddysmum! Glad to hear there's nothing wrong with you and you can start trying again but so sorry you had to go through this! :hugs:
maddysmum - glad you got some answers and that this shouldn't happen again. So sorry you had to go through it. So is there anything you can take to help strengthen the placenta next time?
Glad you've got some kind of closure maddysmum but i know your little girl will be forever in your heart. :hugs:

This may or may not help you but i haven't been diagnosed with anything (I have had thousands of pounds worth of tests) and my doctor thinks they may be growth restricted because they are not getting nutrients / blood and that's what the placenta does later on. My last loss was only 9 weeks (I am thankful it was only 9 weeks) and a normal boy but my point is that even though I haven't been diagnosed with anything they're still going to treat me with aspirin and heparin just in case so it might be worth looking into this. I hope that helps you obviously i may be completely wrong but thought it was worth mentioning just in case it helps you and taking the treatment does not cross the placenta so does not harm the baby. Also with my history of mc's and undiagnosed state I am at risk of pre-term birth, intrauterine growth restriction and placental abrubtion without treatment. So...I wonder if our situations are somehow related?? But like I say I could be talking rubbish, i'm not a doctor! x x :hugs:
oh and maddysmum please don't blame yourself, guilt is a massive side effect of mc's and i mean massive!! If you'd have smoked, taken drugs, been sick every day with illness because you drank too much then it still wouldn't have caused your mc. I am just about coming to terms with the guilt thing myself, it's horribly tormentingand simply not true.
Omg Maddysmum, your post made me so emotional! Thank God that nothing is wrong with you and that you will have a healthy pregnancy and they will monitor everything closer and know what specifically to pay attention to. Always Remebered NEVER forgotten, that's for sure. xoxoxoxoxo

Beach, hopefully they've called you already today and if not, start calling annoyingly much. That will teach them to make you wait that long ever again!

2 days until Thanksgiving, I've been dreaming about the food for a week now!
Hi ladies :wave:
Well I had to call my doctors office MYSELF today (ugh! I hate going there, but it's the specialist so hopefully if everything is OK in a few weeks I can go back to my regular OB).

Anyway, I got my beta results and they are 371 (at 4+5). I think that seems to be in the normal range. They said my progesterone was borderline (I forgot to ask the exact number) but they are prescribing progesterone to take for about 10 days until my first ultrasound. The only problem is that its very expensive and my insurance is saying that they won't cover it because it's for infertility. I am trying to tell them that I'm already pregnant and that I am not taking it for infertility so I am now waiting to see if they are able to get some kind of approval for this. I have bloodwork scheduled for tomorrow again.

How is everyone else doing?

Korink - I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving too, my favorite part is the sides and dessert!!!
Hi ladies!!

Beach - glad you got through to some results today!! Those numbers sound good!!

I had a little scare today but everything is fine! Last night I was up all night because of pain on my right side and I had previously been complaining of minor pains on my right side but this was much more extreme last night and today. So, I called the doctor and just said that I thought it was corpus luteum cyst because it felt similar to what I had in my last pregnancy but it has recently gotten more intense and what types of symptoms should I look out for in case it's ectopic. They told me to come in immediately, so of course, that freaked me out! It's raining terribly here, so I was a half hour late to their squeezed in appointment but thankfully they still saw me. They found my gestational sac nicely in my uterus but it's so small right now that they can't really see anything other than that (which they said is fine) and then they said I had a corpus luteum cyst that ruptured and that the pain should subside soon. I go in for more bloodwork tomorrow and my ultrasound appointment got bumped up a week to December 5th :)

Hope everyone else is having a good day!!
Confused! Sorry about your cyst but glad you got in for a check-up and an extra ultrasound. That should help put your mind at ease! Our scans will be at almost the same time!! :happydance:
Beach--glad to hear the levels are where they should be! And it's good you're going on the progesterone just to be safe. That's crap about your insurance----hopefully the clinic will know how to submit it to your insurance so that it's covered. See if you can talk to somebody in the billing/insurance at your clinic and have them call the insurance. They know what to say and how to ask it.

Confused---how scary!!! So glad it's nothing (well, not nothing cuz I'm sure it doesn't feel like nothing-but you know) and I hope you're painfree quickly! With the holidays upon us these weeks should fly by and Dec. 5th will be here before you know it!
Thanks guys!!!

Beach - that's so annoying to have to deal with insurance companies in a time like this!! I'm so excited we'll both have scans near each other!

Korink - sorry I didn't notice your post about your dog...so sorry to hear!! our animals really are our first babies!
beach and confused, I'm so glad to read that everything is going well! Those hcg numbers sound great beach :yipee: :yipee:

What exactly is thanksgiving and when is it?
beach and confused, I'm so glad to read that everything is going well! Those hcg numbers sound great beach :yipee: :yipee:

What exactly is thanksgiving and when is it?

Thanks!! :)

Thanksgiving is on Thursday and it's supposed to represent a day of giving thanks for everything you have, and supposedly started when the indians and pilgrims had a big feast together back when America was being colonized. We basically just eat lots of Turkey, Ham, mashed potatoes and other yummy yummy food. You eat until you can eat no more! it's lovely!

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