1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jess - I think your temps look fine and your BD schedule is great! We'll see what your temps do over the next week! So exciting! I am feeling good this morning - got to sleep in a bit which was nice since I was up 4x last night to go pee lol. Thursday will be my last day or work no matter what. I had a dream last night that I went into labor and it was a Thursday so maybe this Thursday?! Haha probably more like next Thursday or the Thursday after (my induction day).

Sam- Congrats on the new car! I was sad to see my little Saturn go but am totally loving my new bigger car! It's way more comfortable! Plus it will be easier for our little ones and all their stuff! How have you been feeling? Working on a nursery yet?

Mel and Kelsey - hope you ladies are doing good!

Rach - good luck at your interview tomorrow! let us know how it goes!
Jessie I'd say you def. O'd on CD 14, I def. learned to trust the OPK's over temping because they were always more accurate. Temping just gave me an idea of when I OV'd where the OPK narrowed the day down. I def. think your BD schedule looks perfect and dont' worry about your temp rise---remember how often I freaked about having slow rising temps?! And then the month of my BFP I had a temp dip at 2DPO (like you) and I was so bummed and thought FOR SURE I was out. Soooo, I'm very excited for you this month, I realllllyyyy this could be it!!!!!!!!!!!! And sorry about your brother, I think we've talked about this before, but if you don't mind sharing what happened to him? 10 years is a big anniversary, so hard to believe they've been gone that long...
Mel, how is it going with work and your sickness? I always worried how I would handle work if I were to be really sick. But what a good reassurance, right?? Weren't you just saying a week or so ago you weren't feeling pregnant?! :)
Lindsay----I keep sneaking on here to check if there's any news from you!!! Getting exciting that you have cramping though, at least you know there's something happening in there :) Can't believe it's your last week of work, so happy for you because you must be EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you get time I still want to see the finished nursery pics! And maybe one or 2 last belly pics :)
Oh and Jess, keep going strong on those classes hun, it'll be done before you know it. I feel bad for you, because my DH works Full time and went back to school so I know how much work he has and how exhausted he is.
Sam---you lucky girl you getting a new car! All these new cars on this thread---geez!!! :) How have you been feeling?
Rachael so glad those eyes finally cleared up! That only took forever! Goooddd luck tomorrow at your interview, I'm also curious what type work it is. Are you still doing the cleaning one for now? Feel any OV pains at all? Your ovulation was kind of like mine and never on the same day every month so I wonder if you OV'd already or if you are still gearing up? After this funky month, a BFP would be just perfect :)
AFM-feeling fine, it's soooo hot here. Glad the busy weekend is over! Counting down the days until my next u/s (monday the 23rd). Praying everything goes good at this one, and then if the 20 week one is good, I think I'll settle a little and start buying some baby things.
Thanks girls! I really hope this is my month too and I won't have to keep analyzing my chart!!!

Rach - so glad your eye is doing better! Mine has cleared up too. I am still wearing my glasses though to give them a break. I will probably go back into my contacts tomorrow. I hate wearing my glasses. Good luck with your interview tomorrow. I have everything crossed for you!!! Would that job be full time with benefits etc.?

Sam - congrats on the new car!!! So exciting. Oh and I think we need some bump pics from you!!! When you get that full explanation about not going over full term, please post. I'm old, Boooo!!!! :cry:

Lindsay - :happydance: Yeah for you last couple days of work!!! How exciting!!! Yes we need some bump and baby room pics!!! :baby:

Kelsey - its OK. I don't mind when people ask about my brother. He was actually killed in a car accident :cry: He was out partying with friends one night, they all got in a car to go to a store and then at one point in the drive he got out of the car on a busy road and was hit by another car. :cry: It absolutely terrible. So hard to lose someone you love that way. We were very close and even lived together at the time. I miss him so much every day. 10 years is a long time for sure. I do dream about him a lot, us doing things, so in some ways I feel like he is still close.

Mel - so glad you are trying to get back into the normal swing of things. How is your husband doing with all of this. He must be happy that you are doing so well in your pregnancy and not stressing as much as you did in the past. The Long term TTC process is so hard on all of us!!! :hugs:
Jess so so so sorry about your brother, that's very sad, so tragic :nope:
Kels lol I know, not happy when I am sick not happy when I feel fine, can't win! Glad you're feeling fine, I think you should by 15 and a half weeks.

Rach, good luck with your job interview! Let us know asap. :hugs:

afm food issues! Cravings for mainly salt and sugar, then feeling nausea. Just had to go out specifically to get chocolate!!! Nausea mild now and on and off. My next scan is on 1st August - still very nervous, I'll be 16.5 weeks. kels yours is really close, I hope you enjoy it hun!
Jess -so sorry about your Brother. I suppose sometimes it doesn't seem like 10 years have passed and yet at other times it does. :hugs:

The community mw I saw today didn't seem overly concerned about it, saying everything about me, scans and baby seems absolutely fine so see how things go closer to the time. Everything I have read about it does seem to be for the over 40's although I'll be 2 months of being 39 on the EDD. I don't fancy induction either so we'll see how things go. I'll post my 20 week and 22 week bump pics tomorrow.

Kels - looking forward to seeing baby K on monday. Once you have a few good scans it does become easier to relax. Once you actually make that leap and you buy that first outfit/equipment it is easier and less stressful thereafter.

Mel - people keep asking me if I have any craving but as yet no. Got back in to bad habits with my chocolate addiction but other than that not craving coal or anything!! Each scan is nerve wracking in it own way but it will be great to see memo so much bigger!

Rach - let us know how you got on tomorrow, good luck.

New car - car1a.jpg
Jess - so sorry about your brother, that's heartbreaking! I hope you and your family can do something nice on the anniversary in memory of him :hugs:

Jess and Sam - I must have missed something - you're not supposed to go over full term if you're older?? Why's that? I agree Sam - I don't want to be induced either, hoping it doesn't come to that for me!

Sam - LOVE the new car! very cute!! Glad to hear everything is going well for you and your little one still!! Do you get any more scans??

Rach - how you been feeling?? Any O pains?? Keeping a good BD schedule??

Kelsey - Everything is going to be great at your scan! I can't wait to see how much your little one has changed - this is the most fun time for scans, I think! By Monday I won't be working anymore and can stalk until you post the picture :p

AFM - still crampy but it seems to go in spurts - today I only had 4 or 5 significant crampiness moments. I so hope they say that something has been happening up there at my next doctor's appointment (Friday). I thought I found my cervix the other day, but I'm not sure anymore, everything feels weird up there and I try to limit how much I'm checking as I'm probably not supposed to really be feeling up there lol.

I am really tired but really not as bad as I expected to be at nearly 39 weeks pregnant. I feel more awkward than I thought I would and have more self-conscious thoughts than I thought I would too but overall it's not too bad! I think I've had it pretty easy besides all the morning sickness in the beginning! I'll post belly pictures and the final nursery pictures for you guys soon!!
Most of it is to do with over 40's. The placenta 'wears out' sooner and there is a slightly higher risk of stillbirth the longer it is after your edd. This is according to my google search, as I said, no one has actually explained it to me. The research is quite patchy and each area has differing protocols. I think it all depends on the health of mum and baby and if everything has been fine then there seems to be no real reason to induce as that has it own set of problems if it not needed. I am sure you will be absolutely fine.

No more scans now unless we get a private one. We might get a 3D one at 28weeks but haven't really decided.

Hurry up Oakley!!! I have noticed my walking is a bit slower and I don't bound up the stairs like I used to so not sure how I'll be at 39 weeks!! I think you are doing amazing to still be at work.
Interesting, Sam! I had never heard of that! Yea, I think the third trimester is harder in some ways than the first and the second is just the best! The awkward balance and shortness of breath make getting around really difficult! I think around 36 weeks I decided it was getting hard lol. So - not too bad! He can stay in as long as he wants/needs to but I won't mind when he decides to come out :p Although, I think I won't mind being pregnant at all again when I don't have to go to work - can't wait for tomorrow to be over!! I'm so glad that I've gone to work this week so I can have an extra week with him later.

Jess - your temp looks good today! Already 6 DPO! you're going to be testing before we know it! How have you been enjoying your new car?? Still love it?

Mel - how you feeling?? I bet it's hard to go back to work right when you get pregnant again, you've got to be just so tired!

Kelsey - you been feeling good too???

Rach - good luck today! Let us know how it goes!!
Oh Mel – you were cracking me up with your chocolate craving!! :rolfl:

Sam – Happy 22 weeks!!!! :happydance: Love the new car! Lots of room for baby stuff!!! That’s interesting about the concern with going the full term over 40. Hopefully with closer monitoring for us “older ladies” induction can be avoided.

Lindsay – 2 more days of work!! How exciting! …and yes, you probably should be keeping your hands out of "there"!!! Why are you feeling self conscious? You look fabulous pregnant and what an exciting journey that is finally about ready to come to an end so a new one will begin! :hugs:
I have been loving my car! One thing about it (which I knew before we bought it) is the gas mileage… its not great for an SUV. I keep finding myself watching it on the gauge. :wacko: I probably need to stop as it's stressing me out. Other than that I absolutely love it! It is so much nice than my other car. How about you with your car? Do you have your car seat and hospital bag in it?

Rach – Good luck with your interview today! :thumbup: Pick up a thermometer while your out for the interview!!!

AFM - My temps went up a bit today which I was happy about. I had started the progesterone yesterday. I feel like we did a good job timing BDing this month so we'll see how it goes.
I do the same with watching the gauge on my car too! I used to get about 30 miles to the gallon and now I only get 20-21...which I think isn't too bad for an suv. I think I feel self conscious bc sometimes I get super puffy and pictures are not flattering at all and as silly as it is...DH and I don't dtd as often so it makes me question myself but I know deep down its just awkward at this point and he knows I'm tired all the time and is trying to take care of me but it makes you think with all the hormones lol. I think you guys did great this month! I'll be surprised if you don't get your bfp!
Oh Jessie, how tragic for your family, especially you because you were so close and living together! Dream visits are the best, although I hate to wake up from them.
Oh Sam, what a cute lil sassy car! Can just see lil man strapped in the back already :) I won't have anymore scans after our 20 week scan either. I've asked DH what he thought about getting a private scan closer to 30 weeks but I think we've decided not to. Although, we'll see how I feel then, I might be DYING for a pic of the baby :)
Lindsay, I thought I told you this already, KEEP YOUR FINGERS OUT OF YOUR VAGINA!! haha Your cervix is chilling somewhere in there, hiding from your fingers :) How long after your due date will they let you go before they'd induce?
Jessie--good temp today! Already almost halfway through the 2WW!!! I think this wait will be killer for me because I'll be so anxious because this has been the best timed BD month you've had for a little while!
RACHAEL GOOD LUCK TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know you'll do GREAT!
AFM--I woke up this morning and I had to go pee so bad my stomach was cramping. Since then, it's still felt kind of crampy and off feeling....hope it goes away. Also, my Dr's office called yesterday and said they'd have to reschedule my u/s for the week after because my Dr. was out. I could have cried! So they could tell I was disappointed so then they said they could get me in with a different Dr. and I said yes, of course! Thennnn they were like well wait, your Dr. is in Monday but she has a meeting at the time of your u/s, so can we just do a later time on Monday? It was such a cluster so in the end it stayed on Monday, with my same Dr. but pushed back from 1:00 to 2:15.
Hey girls. Sorry i haven't been on much. Ever since this whole thing with my eyes my sight has been messed up. My left eye is ALWAYS blurry. I hope it isn't life threatening. It would suck not to have my sight back the way i use to. Definitely scary. Anyways, i went in for my job interview and i got it!! It's called Convergys. It's a call center for tech support for digital cable, etc. BUT they also have a vision department too that deals with Eye Med insurance. I'll be working in the insurance dept!! Yes it does have benefits that kick in after 90 days!! I am so happy i could cry LOL. I'll be in training for 3 weeks. It pays more than what i make now so thank goodness for that! They said there's tons of room to grow and make more money. I really hope this is it and i love it.

Jess i am sooo sorry to hear about your brother. I couldn't imagine how devastating that was. I'm glad you do dream about him because ilke you said, it makes you feel closer. :) How is the 2ww? Any symptoms or unsual bleeding?!

Sam nice car! I am jealous.

Kelsey what the heck is up with your dr? GEESH! I'm glad you still get to be seen that day. I hope the cramping subsides and you start feeling better.

Lindsay i hope Oakley comes soon!!

Oh i took an OPK today and this is what it looked like. I feel cramping so i'm wondering if i'm gearing up for O? Today i am CD18. We BD on CD 15 and 16. Was going to last night but i passed out. So we are going to tonight. I hope i haven't O'd yet.


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Hey Girls!!

Rach - If you keep taking the OPKs then maybe you'll be able to figure out if you've already O'd or not (if it doesn't get positive then you know you already did). I hope you're still BDing! Congrats on your job too!! That's so exciting!! Is it full time? What kind of hours??

Kelsey - I would've been so mad if they moved a scan a whole week!! Good thing they could still see you! I can't wait to see your little one!! Have you been feeling good?? They might already be able to tell if you're having a little boy or a little girl - but of course you're not finding out!! I still can't believe you guys have that type of restraint! very impressive!! :p They will induce me a week after my due date - so latest Oakely could join us is August 2nd! I can't wait for my appointment tomorrow but I still feel like they're going to say I still haven't progressed even though I've been cramping/contracting but I think that's also just engrained in me because my mom had so many problems "progressing" and I'm worried I'm going to be the same, but we'll see! I'll have lots and lots of questions tomorrow if I haven't progressed.

Jess - Temp looks good again today! I'm so antsy for the next few days for you!! can't wait!

AFM - today is my last day of work!! thank goodness!! Kirk was trying to talk me into staying home but I can suck it up for one more day. I'm going in even later than usual today because there's a bit of traffic that I'd like to wait out, so it shouldn't be too bad. I finally had a dream where I saw our little man!! I was having trouble peeling him away from family members to get good at breastfeeding him lol which is kind of funny. He was super super cute and it makes me so anxious to meet him!!
Awh Lindsay i bet you just can't wait!! Dreaming about him definitely makes you more attached!! I have dreams about babies all the time and when i wake up i just have the biggest smile on my face. It will definitely will be a feeling that nothing else could ever touch. I'm glad today is your last day. Enjoy your time off and with that little handsome boy of yours!
CONGRATS ON THE JOB RACHAEL!!!!!!!!:holly: So when do you start and your insurance will be kicking in just in time for your 12 week scan!! :) Did you already quit your other job or are you still there until the new one starts? I'd do an OPK for the next couple days and if they don't get any darker or go white then I think it's safe to say you OV'd already. That's good you BD'd on 15 and 16 because I'm thinking you OV'd on either 16 or 17.
Lindsay woohoo for it being your last day of work for the next 3 months!!! :happydance: Can you believe it?! I can't wait for you appt either---I've heard of people having something stripped or something done down there to try and get labor rolling---will you try something like that if he's not here by your EDD?? Well, at least we know he'll for sure be here within 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very anxious for Jessie and Rachael to test in this next week!
:hi: Sam and Mel!!! Hope you ladies are good!
And yes Linds, I'm feeling good---sometimes I fear too good? I really just don't feel pregnant AT ALL! I've noticed my hunger this week has even gone down---where I can make it longer without having to snack. Of course that worries me, but I just hope it's normal for the 2nd trimester. I just really want my 20 week u/s where she actually uses good equipment and gets a good look at everything and then hoping everything looks good I'll feel reasurred. I'm afraid that not getting the nuchal testing is almost making me worry more!
Kels my appetite is non existent at the mo, I feel really sick still on and off but def have no appetite, bit most women's sickness goes in the second tri so i dont think i am the norm. I'm glad they could keep your scan day but what a palaver!! I'm sure your 20 week scan will be just perfect Hun. You'll be so happy that day I just know it. I am a bit worried about mine too.

Rach congratulations!!! Wonderful, news. And I def think you're gearing up to o! :yipee:, is your oh pleased?

Jess how you doing hun?

Lindsay yay to last day of work!! And what a lovely dream :cloud9:

Afm so so tired and quite sick still! Hoping this is a good sign!
Oh and rach I really hope your eye gets better soon, that doesn't sound nice. Sounds like am infection and you need antibiotics. Xxx
Good morning ladies!!

Jess - nice temp today!! woohoo! When will you start testing? Are you guys going out on the boat this weekend?? Some of my friends are driving to Florida right now - I did that once from New Jersey and man was that a long drive!! Was totally worth it by the time we got there though!!

Kelsey - by 16 weeks I had moments that I forgot I was even pregnant!! I felt great in my second trimester! Your scan is going to go great, I can't wait to hear about it and see your little one!

Mel - Sorry you're still having sickness issues - hopefully they'll alleviate a little soon! It's great to have the reassurance but it gets so exhausting! I remember having such torn emotions about being so sick! I think my next pregnancy will be difficult *assuming I will be fortunate enough to have another, of course!* but it will probably be difficult either way - if I'm not as sick I'll worry myself crazy and if I am sick, it'll probably get old really quickly!

Rach - you do anymore OPKs?? post post!

Just got back from the doctor - I have progress!! No dilation but I'm 75% effaced! She said she hopes to see me in the hospital before my next appointment but they've scheduled me for induction August 2nd just in case things move slowly. I'm really relieved to hear that something is going on down there and all this cramping hasn't been for nothing! :p My SIL tried to scan him again and said he's really far down and super smushed in there! I feel bad, his butt is smushed up against my ribs and his head is pushing down on my cervix - I'm too small!! haha Ohwell - I've made it this far so if he wants more room he'll just have to come out :)

Hope you all are doing great!
Yesterday i took an OPK and it was almost invisible.I'm thinking i already O'd. I agree Kelsey, that it was prob CD 16 or 17. I BD on 15, 16 and 19. Idk if i did enough but lets hope. My eyes are looking REALLY good. Almost completely gone. I had to get a drug test done yesterday and i told the lady i was getting over pinkeye and i had to take antibiotics. She said "no sweety you still have it. you can't work like that". I started giggling and was like "the lady i was working for didn't care! She still made me work". She shook her head lol. I never showed up for my shift yesterday or today at the other job LOL. I hate that bitch. I hope she had a real shitty day yesterday! I am so mean but that woman is so heartless. She's very money hungry. It's annoying.

Lindsay 75% huh?! That is awesome. August 2nd is less than 2 weeks away!!! I hope he comes before then :) I'll definitely be on here everyday for updates!!! Did you see Lauren had her baby on the PUPO thread? Last i knew Liz was in labor yesterday at some point. She hasn't posted an update though!!! SO EXCITING!!

Mel i'm sorry you're feeling so sick. When is your next appt? When do you find out the gender?

Kelsey that's good you're feeling so great with this pregnancy. Don't freak yourself out and think something is wrong. I know easier said than done, but try to tell your conscience to STFU and that everything is going to be okay! I wanna see a bump pic!!

Jess any new symptoms? Looks like yesterday would be implantation day! When are you testing?

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