Omg Lindsay, look at his little face!! He looks totally irritated to be bothered

Or maybe because he's smooshed? That's such a good idea to try and hold off as long as you can, because once he's here, you'll be sooo happy you have the extra days with him.
Rachael, I don't know what the heck kind of cycle you're having?!?! WTH!? You'd think if you're 12 days into your new cycle the line would be super dark, but yet without temping or OPK's we have no idea when you OV'd so maybe you Ov'd SUPER late and this is a BFP!? I thought you can take some antibiotics and it's ok in pregnancy, maybe not? Wait, I think I'm getting that mixed up with the prednisone I was on awhile ago, that they told me could be taken while pregnant. If your thermometer turns on, you should take your temp in the am to see where it's at!!!!
oh no Jessie, not you too!?!?!?! Hope it's just allergies or something and goes away quickly. I need to see this movie asap, facebook has been blowing up about it too! Without your OPK I think I would have thought you OV'd on the 13th---I think there's no doubt though it was the 14th. It seems anytime your bd'ing schedule is perfect you get PG, so this 2WW is going to be killer for me.
Ugg, such a busy weekend I have. DH is in a softball tourn. so I think I'll go to those games tonight, then tomorrow starting at 9 am we're bridesmaid dress shopping for a friend of mine, then Sunday we have mass for my cousin who passed away 10 years ago, then a get together for him, then a 1st birthday party for a friend of ours AND a baby shower. Hope you all have a great weekend planned, Lindsay, plan to do whatever will get you dilated