Sorry not been on the last few days.
Lindsay - shame the cramping didn't turn into more but you never know the next time it might. Glad you be finishing this week, and because of that we need Oakley to be on time if not a bit early!
Rachel - glad the eye is more settled and the spotting has stopped and bugger about those tests. Wish it was a +ve for you. Good luck with the assessment tomrrow and fingers crossed you get this job. What sort of work does the call centre handle? I can't tell from your chart but you normally ov about now so definately keep bding!!
Jess - it is possible to get slow rise temps and that is normal. I think at one point I was concerened my temps didn't seem high enough the month I got my bfp, so don't worry. Your bd timing looks good too so kepping it all crossed you catch the egg this month.
Kelsey - hope you are doing okay.
Mel - It would be exhausting getting back into the swing of things even if you were not pg so no wonder your are knackered. Just take things easy and enjoy being back out and about. You will feel the kicks, maybe not as early as some (for me it was the first flutterings at 18 weeks, although no AP for me) and it is more difficult to feel early the first time any way but they will come!!
afm - had a very busy weekend. We bought a new car, so sad to see my little 3 door go but it is a wise choice as we will need the space. I'll try to put a pic on here when I get home. I had a community mw appointment this morning (I still think she is a bit strange). She measured my tummy (23cm) and had feel and said the limbs were all over the place. How they can tell that, as I have had a feel too, I'll never know. I asked about what the hospital mw last week said about my age and not wanting to go over 40 weeks (definately not 41 without indution) due to my age but she didn't elaborate and said to think about things like that closer to the time. I know the reason after googling (older placenta packs up sooner and therefore increased risk stillbirth) but still no one has fully explained it to me.