Mel, hope you start feeling better---2nd tri is supposed to be the best for us, you poor thing!
Jessie hope you are having a great long weekend on the boat---I saw you guys must have been caught in a storm! How exciting, but yet scary if it was a bad one. I'm hoping your temp today is sign on implantation!? I'll have to look back at my chart, but I think I had a drop at 10 DPO that I was pretty bummed about, but it ended up being a good thing!!
Sam thanks for the reassurance, that's exactly what it is, a bladder ache! Glad it's not just me. SSsooo sorry you're struggling with your back, there is really nothing worse! Mine has been bothering me quite a bit lately again, but not spasms like you're having. Sometimes it does feel better getting up and walking around, but the worst part is getting up to do it (at least for me)! I sooo hope the spasms settle and your pain eases. On a brighter note, glad you got some baby purchases--what is a pram? Can't wait for my 20 week scan, hoping all goes ok, and then I'll finally let myself start buying stuff.
Lindsay I'm not sure what effaced means, so I'll have to google that, but I'm guessing it means that Oakley's getting closer to his grand entrance!! And poor Kirk with his back too!! When my back gets to its worst, the ONLY thing that helps me and my muscles settle down is steroids---it's an almost instant reliever---only thing is doesn't seem to solve the problem forever. How is he doing with the muscle relaxers? I hate taking them because they knock me out and make me feel completely drugged and out of it. Can't believe he still went into work (isn't his job kind of labor intensive too?!)--poor thing (and bd'ing too!? What a champ!! lol) I suppose he wants to save his days off for when Oakley is here...That's awesome you did the belly cast!! I saw that done on one of the 16 and Preg shows---I think I'd like to do something like that. I have a friend who hated being pregnant and didn't take 1 picture or anything. I'm like omg, I can't wait for the belly and I want to always remember it! If you don't mind, I'd love to see a picture of the belly cast!
Rachael good luck today---kick some butt!! I rreeeallllyyy have my FX'd that you'll get a BFP on your anniv. like I did. If it just happens that you don't get your BFP, I think your plan for next month is great---OPK's and temping always helps.
AFM---anxious for my appt! I get excited, but then I feel like I need to stop myself and prepare myself for the worst, hate my negative thinking. After today's appt though I'll feel a little more reassured. 4 more hours (feels like 4 more years, but I just need to remind myself, it was almost rescheduled for next week, so 4 hours is nothing). Went shopping this weekend for some maternity clothes, didn't have much luck

Ah well...have a great Monday girls!