1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I did see Lauren had her baby - she's gorgeous!! So exciting - I can't wait to get there! and I check in on the PUPO ladies every once in a while and saw Liz's water had broken, I'm sure she's just wrapped up in baby world and will update as soon as she can - can't wait to see her little one too! I've been glad to see Lisa's pregnancy is going well this time around!!
Hi girls!
Sorry I didn't check in with you girls yesterday, it's been a crazy couple of days with work and my class.

Rach- so happy about your job :yipee: Congrats! I really hope it works out for you so you can keep on insurance. You will need it if you get prego soon!!! I think your timing sounds great this month. FX!!

Lindsay- yeah for progressing!!! I really think Oakley will be here in no time!!!

Mel- so sorry you are not feeling well. It is so great to have that reassurance!! Is your next appt this week?

Kelsey- I am excited for your appt Monday!!! That is pretty crappy they were trying to change it in you and then they could really do it anyway.

AFM- we got on our boat last night after work and headed to Clearwater Beach where we will be spending a long weekend (we took Monday off too). We stayed at a little place we like to stay on anchor and we will be heading over to the marina in a little bit. Since I'll be away from my "supplies" I should have no temptation to test. I will probably wait until Tuesday morning when AF is due. Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend! I will try to check in with you girls later! :)
Have fun Jess!! Andrews aunt is going to clearwater next month! So jealous!!!

Lindsay idk if you saw but Liz had her boy 2 days ago! I can't wait to see pics of him!!
Rachel - well done on the job, that is such great news!! And you'll get insurance too!!

Jess- have a fab weekend away. This is the first day it has not rained (yet) here so I am sooo jealous of you being out there. We had our honeymoon in Florida, seems a long time ago now. Fingers crossed AF won't show on Tuesday and we see lovely lines when you get home to test.

Lindsay - yay for effacing, I'll have to admit I had to google what that was as although I have heard of it wasn't sure what it actually meant. Not long now - so exciting!! Hope he comes sson then you'll get more time off afterwards. Did you get anything nice from you work colleagues?

Kelsey - so glad you still have your scan on Monday, nothing worse that getting all excited to find out it might be moved. As for the bladder ache I get that all the time, especially if I have lay in bed too long and tried to not get up to go. Its worse in the mornings and eases of during the day. I just put it down to lots of built up pee, baby pressing down on the bladder (and I have had this since week 12/13) and lying on my tummy (although can't do that now!!).

Mel- how are you?

afm - had a bad few days at work this week so haven't been on here much. We picked up the new car, it was sad to see my little 3 door Yaris go but we will need the space and I'll admit, although much bigger, it is a nicer drive. We were sitting in the new car after just getting it when I was telling OH about my bad day and started crying. The salesman came out to see it everything was okay as we hadn't driven off yet. He probably thought I was crying because of leaving my Yaris! Bit embarassing. I had the most awful wake up this morning too. I woke with really bad right sided lower back muscle spasms. I tried to breath through them hoping they might fade but no. It woke the OH up which is saying something!! Only getting up and moving about seemed to ease the pain. I did eventually go back to bed but couldn't fully relax as they kept starting up again. Not sure what was going on there.
Sam- so sorry you had a hard time at work! :hugs: did something happen or change or do you think you feel extra emotional being pregnant? Hope those lower back spasms have gone away. If not will you see a doctor?

Lindsay- how are you feeling thus weekend? Did your contractions increase?
Sam - so sorry to hear you've had a rough time lately! I hope your back starts to feel better soon!! I had a work baby shower about a month ago and they were all very generous - I work with lots of great people!! Are you going to have a baby shower?? I recommend having it earlier than I did (34 and 35 weeks) - I was exhausted by then!

Jess - nice temps!! I've been having contractions but nothing regular which is good and bad as we spent the day in the ER yesterday because DH fell and hurt his back :( He's on muscle relaxers and percocet - poor thing!! He's having a hard time walking so hopefully we can nurse him back to health a bit before I go into labor! I've been feeling twinges down there but I think we're still at least a few days out.

Kelsey, Mel and Rach - how you girls doing???

I've been cleaning the house some today - it's a lot harder now, but thankfully my kitchen looks so good for the first time in a while! Trying to do as much as I can without waking DH up :/ Maybe this cleaning will throw me into labor!!
Sam i'm so sorry you're feeling so down lately. I know it's hard to leave behind a car. It's crazy to know how much we get attached to something! Like you said, it's a nice upgrade and roomier. I hope you're feeling better with the muscle spasms. You poor thing. I feel so bad for you. :( It will all get better.

Whoa Lindsay... poor Kirk. That is so sad :( It sucks that it's right before the baby comes too. I hope he starts feeling better. Anything to do with your back is awful. I hate when anything happens to my back. I hope he's okay. I bet he's feeling great on them meds lol. I hope he's better before your birth of Oakley as well! I still can't even believe it's almost go time.

Jess your temp is back up this morning. I hope they keep rising and you get a bfp on tues! :)

Kels, Mel... hope you girls are doing okay! <3

I start my new job tmrw. I am super excited. I love how i'll be getting insurance in 3 months. I'm sitting here and kinda freaking out a bit because on Thursday the 26th will be 1 year ago i found out i was PG. It's bringing back all these memories. Kinda making me feel sick. I remember i rushed out and bought a baby swing that was SUPER cheap in my opinion and that i fell in love with. Then i remember taking it back a week later after the MC. It makes me feel so gross and sick thinking about it and how i'm not PG yet. I know there's a plan and it's gonna all work out. It's gonna click into place... it's just SO hard to get to that point. Next month i'm OPKing and gonna get a thermometer. Try and go full blast next month. I hope there isn't a next month but ya know. I been taking the laid back approach and it's not working either. Just a bit over it.
Rachel - big :hugs: The anniversary of the due date was sad and difficult to get through and we will all understand what that day means to you and how hard it will be. I too also remember the day I got my bfp, rushing out the next day to get baby magazines etc. I am glad you have a plan to help you if this month isn't the one. You also have your fab new job to help take your mind off things, I can't wait to hear how your first day goes.

Jess - as the others have said temps looking mighty fine!! Fingers crossed for Tuesday. Hope you are having a fab time on the boat.

Linsday - poor Kirk. I know what how painful it can be and that was just back spasms yesterday. I hope the meds work and he is back up and running very soon. My OH is waiting to see a consultant for a knee op (9th Aug) but I have said unless it is done very soon he may have to postpone it till after baby is here, as he will be off his leg for about 4 weeks. (He is also a typical bloke when he is ill/sore so don't want to have 2 babies to look after!!) That makes me sound really uncaring but it is not incapacitating atm, just sore if he does any exercise.

Kels - can't wait to see more pics tomorrow. Hope you are having a great weekend.

Mel - hope you are getting a better nights sleep.

afm - bought our pram, car seat and seat base today. I was more hesitant buying this than getting the new car!! The shop keep them until nearer the time but OH wanted them delivered 1 month before due date, just in case!!
Morning ladies -

I'm up early this morning worrying about Kirk at work :( Every time I ask if he's feeling any better he says he doesn't think so and that it still hurts really badly but he doesn't really know because he's been on meds so much, so maybe today without the meds he'll get a better idea of how he's doing. I don't know what to do to help him and how long is "normal" before we need to go get him an MRI.

Kelsey - anxiously waiting for a new picture from you!! :)

Jess - hope you're having a good time on the boat this weekend! I'm excited for your temps the next couple days and to see that BFP!

Sam - how's your back doing?? I know how awful back pain can be - I had a back injury end my gymnastics career a long time ago but it was just awful!

AFM - somehow DH talked me into DTD last night to try to bring on labor - didn't work lol. We had planned on trying that all weekend before he hurt himself. I keep having contractions but they're braxton hicks because they don't hurt and then every once in a while I'll have cramping in my back that moves to the front but they're not consistent - ohwell! he'll come when he wants :p Kirk and I did a belly cast last night - have you girls ever heard of it?? I can't believe how large I am!! It's going to be great to be able to look back and remember myself this way.

Hope you all are doing lovely!
Morning girls!

Lindsay- that is terrible about Kirk!! Did he fall at work? It sounds like maybe he should have stayed home today to rest. Can you check with your primary care physician to see how long before you should go for an MRI? A lot of times you need to follow up with the regular doc after an ER visit so that might not be a bad idea. Have you tried eating spicy food and walking a lot to bring on Oakley? I heard that sometimes helps.

Rach- yeah for starting your new job tomorrow. :happydance: I hope positive things are in the very near future for you. Maybe someone watching over you is just waiting for you to be settled before bringing a little one in the picture... Job, insurance, etc. Definitely get that thermometer and OPKS. We need you to stick with it so we can see what's going on and help you get preggers!!!

Sam- how are you feeling? I hope better. I totally understand what you mean about the guys. Mine turns into a child too when he's sick. Yeah for your shopping trip!!! :happydance: I bet it's gets very exciting when you can start shopping. Have you started to talk about baby names yet?

Kelsey- I will be anxiously waiting for your appointment today!!!

Mel- how are you feeling?

AFM- I woke this morning to a huge temperature drop. I am really disappointed!! I really hope that was just a fluke and not a sign of the damn witch!! We'll see what happens later today and tomorrow. We are still in Clearwater and will be meandering back home this afternoon. Hope the weather will be ok for us today. It been beautiful during the day, but we have been getting some nasty thunderstorms in the afternoon.
Jess - I saw your temp drop and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's just a fluke!! I made an appointment with a primary care physician today for Kirk - we were in the "market" for a new primary care physician, so it was kind of difficult to get an appointment, but I managed to, thankfully! Made one for myself on Thursday (assuming I don't go into labor) so that I'm "established" there as it makes making appointments in the future much easier. Our last primary care physician was just terrible - we asked for tetanus shots and she wrote us a prescription to go pick them up at the pharmacy and told us to bring them back! The pharmacist looked at me like I was crazy! it was nuts and she would make you come in for a physical but if you wanted blood work you had to come back in a second time to get it done, it was so odd! Hoping this new doctor will be much more reasonable.
I'm going to hop on the treadmill for a nice long walk either later today or tomorrow if things don't start getting moving - been eating lots of spicy food - but i always eat that so not sure that will help lol. Been having a lot of contractions today but none of them hurt - they're almost hard to notice - hoping it's still a sign!

Rach - hope you're having a great first day at work!! :)
Mel, hope you start feeling better---2nd tri is supposed to be the best for us, you poor thing!
Jessie hope you are having a great long weekend on the boat---I saw you guys must have been caught in a storm! How exciting, but yet scary if it was a bad one. I'm hoping your temp today is sign on implantation!? I'll have to look back at my chart, but I think I had a drop at 10 DPO that I was pretty bummed about, but it ended up being a good thing!!
Sam thanks for the reassurance, that's exactly what it is, a bladder ache! Glad it's not just me. SSsooo sorry you're struggling with your back, there is really nothing worse! Mine has been bothering me quite a bit lately again, but not spasms like you're having. Sometimes it does feel better getting up and walking around, but the worst part is getting up to do it (at least for me)! I sooo hope the spasms settle and your pain eases. On a brighter note, glad you got some baby purchases--what is a pram? Can't wait for my 20 week scan, hoping all goes ok, and then I'll finally let myself start buying stuff.
Lindsay I'm not sure what effaced means, so I'll have to google that, but I'm guessing it means that Oakley's getting closer to his grand entrance!! And poor Kirk with his back too!! When my back gets to its worst, the ONLY thing that helps me and my muscles settle down is steroids---it's an almost instant reliever---only thing is doesn't seem to solve the problem forever. How is he doing with the muscle relaxers? I hate taking them because they knock me out and make me feel completely drugged and out of it. Can't believe he still went into work (isn't his job kind of labor intensive too?!)--poor thing (and bd'ing too!? What a champ!! lol) I suppose he wants to save his days off for when Oakley is here...That's awesome you did the belly cast!! I saw that done on one of the 16 and Preg shows---I think I'd like to do something like that. I have a friend who hated being pregnant and didn't take 1 picture or anything. I'm like omg, I can't wait for the belly and I want to always remember it! If you don't mind, I'd love to see a picture of the belly cast!
Rachael good luck today---kick some butt!! I rreeeallllyyy have my FX'd that you'll get a BFP on your anniv. like I did. If it just happens that you don't get your BFP, I think your plan for next month is great---OPK's and temping always helps.
AFM---anxious for my appt! I get excited, but then I feel like I need to stop myself and prepare myself for the worst, hate my negative thinking. After today's appt though I'll feel a little more reassured. 4 more hours (feels like 4 more years, but I just need to remind myself, it was almost rescheduled for next week, so 4 hours is nothing). Went shopping this weekend for some maternity clothes, didn't have much luck :( Ah well...have a great Monday girls!
Ugg welll I was in the elevator on the way to my appt and they called to reschedule!! I was like omg my husband and I took off work and he has to drive 40 min. for these appts! So they found somebody else to see us and all he did was take my weight and bp! So I asked about the us and so he's like oh, ok. Put the wand on for a second didn't get a pic or get to hear the hb :( Guess we maybe should have rescheduled. Said the heart chambers looked good and hb was in 160s. Next and last us is Aug 28th at 1:00. Oh well I guess...
How f'n terrible of the doctors Kelsey!! OOOOO man would i be mad. What a f'n prick! I'm so sorry you didnt get a picture or get to hear the HB. How awful is that? I'm glad to hear everything is looking good and your baby is doing okay. Makes me so upset though that you've been waiting and they did you like that :grr:

Lindsay i would be the same as you if Drew had to go back to work today. When he got home did he say it hurt any worse? He is a trooper for going into work but also DTD last night. I saw your pic on fb. You look soooooooooooo gosh darn cute!! I've heard of a belly cast. Isn't it like paper mache or however you spell it? basically a cast of your belly? It will be SO neat to look back on!

Jess i'm so sorry about the temp drop :nope: i hope it's just implantation and you sky rocket in the morning. I hope you had fun in Clearwater. I am so jealous.

AFM i had a decent first day. Wasn't a whole lot we did but just go over benefits, planned time off, etc. Stuff like that. Won't really go over the big stuff until tmrw and so on. The trainer seems a bit bratty. Oh well.. i hope that is the only negative lol. I am so exhausted though. Thinking about taking a nap... zZzZz
Sorry Kelsey!! How frustrating!! At least you got to see the little one, that's so odd that he didn't take many pictures! The 20 week scan is the really big one though - that one took about an hour for me!
Kelsey- that's ridiculous! Can you call back nd tll them what happened and see if they will get you in for a regular scan sooner? I'm glad everything was ok for you though!

Lindsay- I forgot to ask you about your body cast.... What great idea! I have never heard of this. What was it made of, did you decorate of at all?

Rach- so glad your first day at work went well.

AFM- No sign of AF yet. I did decide to take a HPT when I got home from the boat today and it was a BFN. It wasn't FMU but I pretty much hadn't gone all day. We'll see what happens over the next couple of days.
Jess - sorry for teh bfn, fingers crossed its a late implanter!!

Kelsey - a pram is what you push the baby around in after its born. Having a mental block at work of what you guys call it, pushchair? The pram bit is the bit where they lie flat for the first few months (bassinet?) then it becomes sitty up pushchair. This one is a travel system so I can put he car seat onto the chassis for short pops to the shop when out and about in the car. Can't believe the appointment you had. I would be raging too. Good to know baby ok but still rubbish you felt rushed and didn't get to see baby properly. Not long tillt he 20 week scan when you'll get great pics.

Rachel - glad your first day was ok and I hope todays goes well too.

Lindsay - how is kirk today, hope his bck is a little better. Any more contractions?
Good morning ladies!!

Jess - your temp went up a little today - hoping you'll get your BFP today or tomorrow!! I didn't get my positive this time until 11DPO and it was still pretty light, so there's still time! Hope you had a great time on the boat - thunderstorms on a boat sound amazing! As long as they're not too bad though!

Sam - I think a pram for you is a stroller for us :) How are you feeling? Back done spasming?? Kirk is doing a bit better, he's real bad in the mornings though. His doctor told him to not work this week but he's being stubborn and of course went in this morning after sleeping in a bit.

Rach - hope you're liking your new job - are you going to be testing soon?!

Kelsey - Kirk doesn't handle the muscle relaxers very well at all - they just knock him out. He's switched to 800mg of ibuprofen instead which actually does seem to help and he's best if he gets up and moves around. First thing in the morning is just terrible for him. I had to put his socks on for him this morning :(

Mel - hope you're doing great - when's your next scan??

AFM - my doctor recommended raspberry leaf herbal tea and I drank 2 cups of it yesterday and was having regular contractions!! They were every 10 minutes and were not too painful but were getting more intense so around 11PM last night we decided to call the doctor who told us to go into the hospital to make sure. We were pretty sure it wasn't the real thing but were kinda freaking out about it. By the time we got there my contractions were only 3 minutes apart but still not very painful. They checked me and I was 1 centimeter dilated and 50-75% effaced with "bloody show" - AKA my mucus plug was starting to come out. So, since I wasn't very far along they had us walk the halls for an hour and get rechecked. She said after the hour that I was still 1cm but my cervix was softer. So, basically they told me I'm in "latent labor" and that things are happening and that the timing of the contractions are what we're looking for but we need them to be more intense before coming back in. Of course, if my water breaks or I start bleeding, or he stops moving then I need to come back in immediately but for now - I'm going to drink more tea!!! lol
Oh and the belly cast is made of plaster - I'm going to seal it today and then I'll take a picture and show you guys! You can paint them and decorate them, so I'd like to paint it and put the little man's hand and foot prints on it. Not sure what we'll do with it as it has an outline of my boobs which is kind of awkward to just have displayed in your house but I think it will be a fun thing to look back on later.
Thanks guys---I guess I just realized how great my Dr is (whom I like to complain about) and she's doing these scans as a favor to me because I think usually I just get bp taken and hb checked. They actually said they want the scan at 21-22 weeks because that's when they can tell the most. So we'll be at almost 22 weeks. We invited our moms to come along to the scan, they're sooo excited.
Sam, is a Pram like what we call a stroller then? I think that's what you're describing, but I may be way off. I'll have to google it :)
OMG LINDSAY----HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!! Guess rasperry leaf tea might do the trick, so drinks lots!!! :) How are your contractions today?! Love the idea of putting the footprints on the cast!
Rachael glad your first day went good!! Hopefully that bratty girl changes her attitude around, or else you'll have to bring the bat to work!
Jessie--any spotting or anything or still going strong? If yesterday was implant day you prob. wouldn't get a positive until tomorrow or thursday---I had implant on 10 dpo and 12 dpo the line was pretty light.

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