1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Mel--you busy girl!! I LOL'd when you said you got in the shower in your pj's (I read that right, right?)!!! You're such a hoot. I would get shooting pains in my armpits, so not my ribs, but kind of in the same are....what I do remember is my stomach muscles feeling sore, and that must have been from the stomach stretching out. I can't wait to see your glam picture tomorrow!!!! Don't forget to post!! I keep thinking about posting my bump pic, so I will hopefully tonight or this weekend.
Jessie---I had pinkish orangish cm after implantation, and then if you remember I totally FREAKED out because at exactly 4 weeks mid morning I started getting brown discharge when I was wiping. It lasted all day, but then by night had cleared up and ugly brown didn't come back again. So def. normal for right now, just lil beanie burrowing in!!! How did it feel waking up PREGNANT today?!?!! :cloud9: Can't wait for your appt, let us know what they do with you.
LINDSAY---40 WEEKS!!!!!! :baby: Come on Oakley, your time is up!! I hope they can strip your membranes, because my co-workers daughters both had it done and they were both in labor within a day or 2. Can't wait for your update after your appt tomorrow.
Rachael-you're almost done with your first week of work!! Hope it's going great!!
AFM-yesterday we had HORRIBLE storms, trees are down everywhere. And DH got a flat tire on the way to work, and the poor guy is not good with that kind of stuff so my BIL had to go help him change the tire, and then he had to leave to go to football practice (he coaches football too) and he took my car, and left my windows open a tiny bit, but enough for the rain to get in and soak my seats! Ugg, I was like really Ryan!??!!? Oh what a day it was.
Linsday - so they may sweep you tomorrow? They mentioned that to me at 40 weeks, it usually kicks starts labour within 48 hrs if it is going to work - exciting!!

Jess - brown blood (old) is probably from the implantation, so although difficult try not to worry. Glad you are getting seen tomorrow then you'll know how you are going to be looked after. Still so chuffed for you!!

Rachel - how was your first week? (It's nearly the weekend!!) any signs?

Mel - haven't had a chance yet but will pop onto your journal later. think these dreams are catching!! I suppose if I had though about it it would make sense about the perambulation. I quite like pram, sounds more cosy than stroller.

Kelsey - how are you today?

I forgot to do a bump pic last week (week 22) as I was doing it every 2 weeks so might wait until next wednesday to get back on track. I know I am getting bigger as I had to get another size up in my uniforms at work but when you look at my pics together they all look the same!!
Kels yes you read right haha! When i reasd your storm story i was jealous! I wish it would rain here right now but sorry you got your bum wet :haha:. That's the kind of thing my hubs would do too!

Jess I had no symptoms till 7.5 weeks - none at all which drove me half insane and i took progesterone from ov to week 16 (2 more days of the gooey stuff to go!)
Lindsay - so glad you and DH are still keeping busy :sex: I know some men get really weird about doing it when your prego. How is his back by the way?
Oh, we never got to see a final nursery room pic!!!

Kelsey - I am glad you saw some colored CM too. That makes me feel better. With my chart etc looking like yours I am so hopefully I make it to where you are!!! OMgosh, I left a sunroof open one time in the rain, I know its terrible when you get that water in your car. Hopefully you will be able to leave it open to dry it up real well.

Mel - I was laughing at your shower story too. :rofl: Are you using the suppository progesterone? If so, this is a weird thing to ask but... how far up to you insert the stick? :shocked: My first time using them I don't think I was putting them in far enough, now I try to put them in farther, but I want to be sure that I don't do it too far if you know what I mean. :blush:

Sam - I know you've started buying stuff, have you decided a a theme for your nursery? Also, did you stop taking the CoQ10 when you got pregnant?

AFM - I leave for my appointment in about 1.5 hours so I will try to do a quick update before I go to class tonight. I am definitely having them check HCG, Progesterone and Homocysteine levels. Should I be sure they check anything else?
They would've done a sweep last week at 39 weeks had I been dilated at all but because I was still all closed up it wasn't an option. Since I was 1cm at the hospital on Monday I'm assuming they'll be able to tomorrow - I don't think you can close back up once you start dilating??? I'm hoping to be 2 or 3 by tomorrow but we'll just have to wait and see!! I'm not feeling anything today, just had some contractions late last night, so I don't think today is the day! I was so tempted to call this morning to see if I could change my appointment to today but DH told me I was being silly and we could wait until tomorrow lol.

Jess - I put pictures of the nursery up on facebook but I'll try to get them up on here too! I'm still so excited for you!!

Kelsey - I left the top down on my old miata once and it poured over night and it was just awful! lol I feel your pain!
Right here, this girls husband is weird about doing it cuz I'm pregnant!!!!!! Although I haven't really cared because I've been so scared to have any site of spotting blood, but now I'm at the point of thinking it would maybe be ok, he still says nope! Your chart and symptoms are really mimicing mine, so I'm really excited for you!!!! Hope your appt is going great right now, if it's like it was for me, it all seems so surreal!
Lindsay, I think your cervix is pissed at us for doubting it, so it's going to prove to us that it's holding up. And then just to really prove a point, it's going to hold on until AFTER 40 weeks :) I don't think I ever saw your final nursery photos, so I'll have to look on facebook!!
Haven't had any time to read all of your posts. I'll do that later. Just wanted to stop in and say work is going good. Seems like i'll like it. Today i've been mourning the 1 year anniversary of my bfp. Super devastating. *sigh*. Like i said i'll catch up soon. Hope everyone is doing good.
Jess - yes I stopped taking coenzq10 as although no studies done to show harm most people stop to be safe.

Kels - aww men are softies aren't they. I never got the raging bd hormones that some women do in 2nd tri but found I got going much quicker :blush:(plus the extra cm helped too!) Maybe just playing about will lead into other things and remind him so he know he won't be hurting you or the baby (the babies eye will be shut too :winkwink:). We have been pretty consistent from the start but are having to be a bit more creative from the usual now due to bump.

Linds - I saw the FB pics before, lovely room, just perfect. I adore the cot

We haven't even cleared the room out yet although I have started redistributing all the stuff in there. I just like neutrals so will go with that and add a few blue bits. Another friend on here is going for orange and black (boy) theme which I wasn't sure of intitally but the pic she is using for inspiration looks fab, I'll see if I can get a link.

Hey girls! Just a quick post as I just got to school and I am trying to post from my phone. The appointment went well. Told the doctor about the blood I saw this morning. When he did my exam he said everything looks normal and just saw a lot of CM. He said I don't need to insert the progesterone very far. Had a postive urine pregnancy test at the doctors office. They took bloods which I should have back tomorrow and i am having them repeated on Monday and Thursday next week. He wants to see me again in 2 weeks.
:hugs: Rachel. I hope Andrew will be looking after you tonight. I so wish things were different and this day never would have to be. sending lots of love.
We never really stopped BDing but we were extra careful after we found out. Then once the third trimester rolled around and I started rounding out we definitely slowed down just because it's a bit more difficult. But now that it might bring the little man to us, DH is all about it lol.

Rach - anniversaries suck...July 4th was ours and even though we're so close to having Oakley, it was still difficult for me. I'm hoping I'll be nice and distracted with the little one on August 10th - my D&C date. Hope you have something nice planned for tonight :hugs:
Jess - glad the appointment went well and everything looked ok! Can't wait to hear about your bloods...will you get a scan when you see him again in 2 weeks??
He did not mention a scan but I was going to ask tomorrow when I go in for my appointment. I would assume he would. I have had a bit more of pink mixed with my progesterone so gosh I hope everything is ok. Now I really want to see my betas!!!
OMG i think i just got a positive pregnancy test. I decided "what the f... it's the anniversary.. i'm gonna try a test". Well... this pic is taken like 5 mins after the test BUT the line showed up within a min. Just only got darker when it dried. I am a bit nervous though because i just now all of a sudden feel cramps. GAH!


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Oh gosh Rach!!! I think we were posting at the same time!!! I am so excited for you!!! :yipee:
I am like sitting here smiling and about ready to burst but i'm going to take another one to see what it says later and again in the morning. I am just like .. idk! I am only CD26. I think i O'd 9 or 10 days ago. I am kind of shocked!!

I got everything crossed for your appt tmrw Jess!!!
oh my goodness!! how exciting!! that's definitely positive Rach!! call your doctor tomorrow!! post more pictures of your test tomorrow and from tonight! I'm so excited for you! what a great turn to your day!! :)

I love that we're all pregnant at the same time!!
I am praying it wasn't a wonky test. I took a OPK and a HPT again after that test and the OPK is dark and the HPT was negative BUT i squeezed my pee out. I like took the test 45 mins after i took the first one and only had like 2 oz of pee in the cup. I hope that's why it was neg. I'm going to just test in the morning. here's a pic. The top stick is the OPK, 2nd stick is the pos? hpt, and the 3rd is the neg hpt AFTER the 'pos'. I hope it's just from not holding it long. We will see in the morning!!


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Rach - your urine just might not be concentrated enough. Definitely test again in the morning.

Sam - I took a look at that link of those nursery pics that you posted and at first when you said orange and black I thought ewww. But it is so cute!!!!

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