1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

How amazing-the first baby of our group!!!! I just can't even believe it, just ssoooooo awestruck :cloud9:
Hi girls! We are out on the boat watching the Olympics and ready for a nice relaxing weekend!!!
I had a bit more very light bleeding this afternoon. Gosh I hope everything is ok. Since I have never had bleeding before Chris said maybe something different is a good thing. :shrug: I did some reading about implantation bleeding and it says it can last up to 2-3 days. I hope that's all it is because I also read the low progesterone can cause bleeding. Ugh!!!! As long as my bloods come back ok Monday I will put up a ticker :)
Jessie a girl on another thread had bleeding for 1-2 weeks after her BFP. She thought something was 'wrong' but everything has turned out perfect. She is now like 25 weeks!! Don't you worry!!!!!!!!!!!

Linds - congrats on the birth of Oakley! He is gorgeous and perfect. Wish i could just give him a million kisses on his cheeks but i already kno you've done this! LOL. Congrats to you and Kirk!!!!!
Thanks so much girls :) I'll post all the details when I get home but everything is going great! I'm feeling really good now and little oakley is just precious :)

Jess I hope your bleeding goes away soon!

Rach what's the update with your tests? So confusing!

Hope everyone is doing great! We'll be back home tomorrow.
Lindsay so many congratulations to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee:!!!!!
I can't see the picture :hissy: I'll wait till it appears on here. xxxxxxx

Jess that is an amazing number - it's very healthy I think. Don't worry about the bleeding I had spotting in the first tri with this pregnancy. Oh and this is the 1st time I ever had it!!! So it must be a good sign! When will you have a scan?

So sick girls :sick:. Felt terrible all day at the wedding yesterday and woke up feeling worse today. Not being sick it's just a deep debilitating nausea, don't want to eat anything, have to force it down. I'm sure it's a good sign. I will post my bump pic on Monday as it's on hub's mobile and he's gone away for the weekend now. Why isn't the sickness going away? Boobs are really sore too - getting 1st tri symptoms in 2nd tri!! Got my scan on Wednesday - bit nervous :wacko: xxx
Happy 16 weeks Mel!!! So sorry you are not feeling well. Maybe this baby is just really taking over your body for the long haul!!! I really think its a great sign, you'd be a worried mess if you werent sick. :hugs:
can't wait to see you bump pic!!!

Lindsay - The pics of Oakley are absolutely adorable!!! :baby:Can't wait to hear about how everything went once you get settled.

Rach- how was your first week at the job?

AFM- still had a small amount of bleeding today but it was very light and more of an orange/ brownish color. I feel like I'm really in tune with what's going on with my body and feeling lots of twinges and almost like pain in the ovary area? Could that be due to he ovaries working to produce progesterone? Mel glad to hear you had bleeding too. I really hope it's a good sign. I think my first scan will be in 2 weeks.
Jess watching the Olympics on your boat sounds nice. Yes I absolutely freaked out when I got the bleeding and thought it was all over. But the scan showed all was well and the consultant couldn't see where the bleeding was coming from. He just told me to take it easy with the swimming and not to :sex: for 10 days! Then it never came back. In hindsight loads of the girls on the successful pregnancy after recurrent loss forum had spotting too and so I think it's a really good sign now! So long as it's not heavy and you're not heavy cramping either (I had a tiny bit of cramping uncomfortableness with my spotting).

Girls what do you think of having the theme tune The Final Countdown but in instrumental version to accompany the moving DVD images of the 3D scan at 24 weeks? I think it will be a bit funny too!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNHpvQwQByE especially if Me-mo moves around to the music.

And I found this funny clip too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC0x_njUnDE :rofl:
Oh and Jess I had cramps twinges and pains too for the first time. Pretty much for all my 4 miscarriages I felt nothing. I remember thinking after my 4th mc that I hadn't felt a thing down there and aside from the sickness I wouldn't have known I was pregnant. I had terrible sickness that pregnancy so you can't gauge sickness levels as a sign of success early on I don't think either. But after 7 weeks I think it can be a good sign. However, my good friend who is now 20 weeks had nothing not a jot of sickness!
Thanks Mel! I hope its a good sign too. I will feel a little better when I get my betas this week. By the way, we are really enjoying the London Olympics! What a great job you guys are doing over there and the scenery is just beautiful!!! Chris said after our last cruise that the next trip he wanted to go to London. I think he's really ready now!!! :)

I like the song for your scan. Oh how I used to love that song when I was younger!!! by the way, how are you feeling?

Rach - any more testing?

Lindsay - are you home? It must be so surreal!! How is Kirk's back?

Sam - any more shopping? How is your back?

Kelsey - Do you have an appointment this week? I can't remember.

AFM - the bleeding seems to have stopped. I have a tinge of color in the progesterone that comes out (sorry TMI) but it seems to be minimal. My temps are still up so that's a good sign. I go for my next round of betas tomorrow and should have the results back on Tuesday.
Jess - Glad the bleeding has stopped and its just tinged cm. I think we are doing well with the olympic coverage nd the opening ceremony was fantastic. Did you 'get' all the Birtish things like Rowen Atkinson? The clip with the Queen was awesome!

Rachel - hope you are okay as you haven't been on for a few days. As much as you are pleased for us all it must be difficult, especially after your anniversary date to be on with us all. Have you tested again? Hope work is going well.

Mel - Loved the songs!! Its going to t be one fab DVD of teh scan when its all done!

Lindsay - as I have said on FB congratulations to you both I hope you give us all the details of his birth. Are you revising in the last picture on FB? lol

Kelsey - hope you had nice relaxing weekend.

afm - had a nother tidy up on the computer room/soon to be nursery. OH still taking it badly with the removal to nother room of the computer and xbox. He even asked again it it could just 'stay up in the corner' - the room is not big either!! Dad and step mum coming up this weekend and bringing my niece and nephew so it is going to be busy but nice, as they haven't ever been to our house before. They only phoned last night to see about coming to visit so I am glad we tidied the rooms this weekend!
Well Lindsay you've had a full day at home---hope it's going great for you!!!! Hope you're feeling well, can't wait to hear how you all are.
Mel how exciting you have your scan this week! Have you talked to your Dr. about medicine to help with the sickness? I know it's a godsend to some women! I for some reason can't see the clips you have, but I think it's a great idea to have the music to the ultrasound! So you'll get a video of the u/s? I think we only get pictures..darnit! I think if we want to go to a private place that does u/s's we can get a video of it.
Jessie glad the spotting seems to have stopped. Make sure you're drinking enough water, because a girl in another group starts spotting everytime she doesn't get enough water. I also had twinges and odd feelings going on down there. My stomach was actually sore too because of my stomach muscles being stretched I think! I felt like I did a bunch of sit-ups (which we all know, Kelsey doesn't do sit ups :) ) Your weekend on the boat sounds amazing, so cool you can watch TV on the boat, never thought that would be possible! Can't wait to hear your amazing betas tomorrow!!
Sam can't wait for pictures of the nursery!
Rachael, hope you're doing ok too. I know it's probably hard with all of us and our pregnancy talk and your anniversary (like Sam said). I hope the job is still going amazing, I saw you did AMAZING on one of your tests!! Sounds like this job is a good fit for you!!
AFM---I had a long weekend in the sun watching hubby play softball. Was barely home at all, and now it's back to work. Yesterday my stomach kind of started having an odd feeling to it, can't describe it. Thought it was because I'm constipated or that I was sitting a lot. But today I still have the same feeling, I wonder if it's the baby moving? Don't think so though...Idk, it doesn't hurt or anything, but it's bothering me a little bit (because I worry about everything). I don't even know what I'd call the Dr. and ask because I can't even describe what it feels like. Idk if any of you have had ulcers before, but it kind of feels like the very mild pulsing uncomfortableness of when I've had an ulcer flare up.
Sam - Aren't men just terrible. Hopefully he starts to realize soon that he's not the "only one" now!!! Gotta make room for the new addition!!! :thumbup: Will your family be staying with you for their visit? I know it's always hard to have company, especially when they stay at your house.

Kelsey - could that pain your feeling have anything to do with the IBS or does it feel completely different than that? I know how you feel about the worrying, I am a worrier too. That's probably just making it worse.

Well I went for my bloodwork at lunch so I will start bugging my doctors office tomorrow morning for the results. I have another blood draw on Thursday and then my next appt is August 9th.
Hi ladies!!

Just wanted to check in with you as I wake up from a nap :) Things have been going really well, we're having a little trouble with breastfeeding but I think that's normal. Switched to a nipple shield and that seems to have done the trick for the most part. Have a bit of trouble "letting down" or just getting the milk to flow at first sometimes which they say can happen if you get too flustered. But, overall - doing really good! milk has come in and I feel like this :holly:

Jess - glad your spotting is clearing up!! I hear it's very common in the beginning to have spotting like that, just means your little one is burrowing in nicely! I had twinges in my ovary areas a lot at first, it's probably just your corpus luteum. Your time on the boat sounds amazing!!

Sam - poor DH! he'll get used to it and be OK soon! Just takes time to get adjusted. Hope you're feeling well and starting to get things sorted out!

Kelsey - Ugh my post-pregnancy brain is worse than my pregnancy brain, I already forget what i was going to say to you - but I hope you're doing great!!

Rach - Hope you're doing OK!!

Time to go check on the little one - hopefully the next feeding goes smoothly - keep your FX'd for us :)


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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Lindsay he is just GORGEOUS!!!!! All worth it for him! I want to scoop him up and give him lots of kisses! :cloud9:

Pink I can't wait to see your nursery pics either!! I'm jealous! I won't be able to do a nursery as we will move in Feb so not worth it.

Kels - perhaps it's because your stomach is being squashed up as is normal in pregnancy causing stomach problems? I've had a few funny feelings a bit like you describe. And an upset tummy feeling. :hugs:

Jess glad the spotting is tapering off now :hugs:

Rach hope you're doing ok hun :hugs:

OK going to post bump pics and when I went to my friend's wedding on Friday pics - my bump doesn't show up in the friend's wedding pics so I took some more for you all to see this morning. Bump did show in real life during the wedding but not on the pics anyhow, here they are. On the last pic during the wedding we were trying to get a bump shot so that's why my face is missed off haha


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Awww Mel - you look fantastic! What great pump pics!!!! Where are you moving in Feb? To a new house?

AFM - I got my beta results back this morning (from yesterday) and they are 2251. :yipee: The results seemed high to me at first but they seem to be inline with the chart below. I would have been 4+3 yesterday. I am over the moon and now officially feel like I can start to embrace being pregnant! I will put up a ticker later.

LMP Weeks
from LMP
Average Range
29 4w+1d 150 100-200
30 4w+2d 300 200-400
31 4w+3d 700 400-1,000
32 4w+4d 1,710 1,050-2,800
33 4w+5d 2,320 1,440-3,760
34 4w+6d 3,100 1,940-4,980

Sorry, the chart is not pasting right, it should be weeks, average and range
Jess that is just fantastic news!!! I misunderstood when you were getting your results back I think :wacko: Anyway I REALLY think this is your rainbow baby for sure. I don't think your sickness will kick in till 6.5 weeks or something so don't worry if you don't get it before your first scan I didn't. We are moving to a lovely family home in the countryside near a city called Canterbury. We live in a flat near central London at the mo you see so you and your hubs can come and stay with us for free if you can get a trip in before Christmas? I can't wait to have a proper 'home'. So happy for you Jess.
How exciting Mel - congrats!!!! :yipee: A home in the countryside sounds beautiful. What a great place to start a family!!! I am so happy for you too, I know its been a tough journey for you. I really hope I can make it this pregnancy to where you are!!!
I would really love to come to London before Christmas but this darn class I am taking is really messing up all of my fun!!! :(
Is it crazy where you are with the Olympics or are you far enough away ?
Far enough away! :) Actually it's a good time to shop in central London as everyone has been told to stay away so it's quiet!! The Olympics are being held in the East end of London. xxx
Aww Linds Oakley is just adorable!! I think it's very common for the breastfeeding to be a little more difficult at first, also sometimes it takes the milk a little while to come in. So glad you already have the hang of it though, nice work momma :) Is Kirk still home with you? You're going to have to update your ticker now :)
Jessie---that's so quick you got your bloods back!! And like I've said I don't know a thing about them, but by your chart it looks like they're super good----I THINK TWINS!!!!!!!!!! And don't worry if you don't get sick at all, I only felt a bit queezy if I waited too long to eat, otherwise I was never sick. Same with a couple of my friends. I LOVE YOUR NEW TICKER!!!!!!!!!!!
Mel so jealous of your bump, I've got some catching up to do!! Just gorgeous!!! Your house sounds gorgeous, bet you're thrilled :) Are you feeling any better?
AFM-stomach is feeling better today, I think it's a mixture of my belly really starting to grow and maybe the baby moving!! I hope i start feeling something more definate these next couple days.

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