Well Lindsay you've had a full day at home---hope it's going great for you!!!! Hope you're feeling well, can't wait to hear how you all are.
Mel how exciting you have your scan this week! Have you talked to your Dr. about medicine to help with the sickness? I know it's a godsend to some women! I for some reason can't see the clips you have, but I think it's a great idea to have the music to the ultrasound! So you'll get a video of the u/s? I think we only get pictures..darnit! I think if we want to go to a private place that does u/s's we can get a video of it.
Jessie glad the spotting seems to have stopped. Make sure you're drinking enough water, because a girl in another group starts spotting everytime she doesn't get enough water. I also had twinges and odd feelings going on down there. My stomach was actually sore too because of my stomach muscles being stretched I think! I felt like I did a bunch of sit-ups (which we all know, Kelsey doesn't do sit ups

) Your weekend on the boat sounds amazing, so cool you can watch TV on the boat, never thought that would be possible! Can't wait to hear your amazing betas tomorrow!!
Sam can't wait for pictures of the nursery!
Rachael, hope you're doing ok too. I know it's probably hard with all of us and our pregnancy talk and your anniversary (like Sam said). I hope the job is still going amazing, I saw you did AMAZING on one of your tests!! Sounds like this job is a good fit for you!!
AFM---I had a long weekend in the sun watching hubby play softball. Was barely home at all, and now it's back to work. Yesterday my stomach kind of started having an odd feeling to it, can't describe it. Thought it was because I'm constipated or that I was sitting a lot. But today I still have the same feeling, I wonder if it's the baby moving? Don't think so though...Idk, it doesn't hurt or anything, but it's bothering me a little bit (because I worry about everything). I don't even know what I'd call the Dr. and ask because I can't even describe what it feels like. Idk if any of you have had ulcers before, but it kind of feels like the very mild pulsing uncomfortableness of when I've had an ulcer flare up.