1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jess - glad you got an appointment next week...I hope the results are in for you too! Bas your insurance been good about covering everything in the past? Have you had any other tissue texted? I know last time things got messed up but any of the other times? I forget.
The dentist was ok, I have the beginnings of a cavity so I have to go back and get that filled. He said its so small that he won't even need to numb me so that's fine. I HATE getting numbed. I almost always ask to not be numbed until I can't handle it anymore and I can usually make it. It's uncomfortable but so much better afterwards.

Rach - glad your job is going ok! I was a cashier at borders for a couple years and it can get pretty mind numbing but was pretty nice that I could read during non busy times lol I kind of miss that job every once in a while...things are just so different now.

Kelsey, Mel and Sam - how you ladies doing?

Kelsey - you still stressing about your shower? I hope not! Try to let everyone else take care of it...you deserve some down time! It was really tough for me to not do anything...I ended up ordering and doing all the invites :p my SIL was not happy with m Haha ohwell.

Afm - I think my milk supply is slowly going down! I still made 48 ounces yesterday but that's down from 51! I hope it keeps going down a bit. I'd like to get down to 30-35 as he eats around 25 so I could still freeze a little, but not overflow my boobs and my freezer anymore lol

Hope you guys are doing well!
hi all,

Jess - I am gld you hve an appointment next week, at least it will feel like you are moving forward again and hopefully get some new thoughts on what is going on. It would be nice to have the tissue results back by then but like you said maybe a bit too soon. Have you had any time off work since the op and last scan?

Rach - I can't help you with the delayed AF, I still hope it might be a bfp though. Do you get insurance with the new job? As if AF keeps being delayed it would be worth getting it looked into as maybe you are ov much later. I can't remember if you said PCOS had been mentioned to you before.

Kels - I have added you onto the list of people able to view the nursery pic, don't get too excited nothing much to see atm anyway, but hopefully you should see them now on my FB page.

Lindsay - hope the dentist goes well, I really hate going and need to make my 6 monthly check up now but haven't quite got round to it.:blush: Should do as its free whilst I am pg and for the 1 year after birth.

afm - I spoke to my manager at work. I am still going to finish when I originally intended (6 week time) but from now on I am only doing 3 days a week. I dozed on the settee this evening for about 2 hours which is just not like me usually.
Jess have you found out if your insurance covers anything with the CA dr? I agree getting your tissue results back will probably greatly affect which route you take this time. I have everything crossed they're back already by your next appt, but it might be too soon. How are you doing with school and everything that's on your plate at the moment? I worry about everything you've got going on, hope you get out on the boat or something this weekend to get some unwind/relax time. And yes, watched Bachelor Pad finale!! I was a little disappointed because I felt like the previews totally gave it away that he was going to choose Keep, but it was still suprising! Part of me was like he totally didn't deserve it, and then another part of me was in total agreement that she made it pretty clear she didn't want to be there or be his partner so I didn't feel AWFUL for her. I could NEVER be the person to do that, even if I wanted to and felt it was deserved, I'd still pick Share. Especially on national TV! Seemed like a lot of the people there were on his side. Oh, and you asked if I'll be 30 weeks at the shower and yep, that's what I'll be. That might be a little soon, but that will hopefully give us time to buy anything else we still need after the shower and we can spread it out throughout a couple paychecks instead of having to powershop right at the end. Oh, and back to something else you said----I think 2 AFs would be fine! Look, you waiting like they said last time for months, and it didn't benefit you. So myswell just get back to it once you get the tissue results back.
Lindsay, your catheder story made me cringe too! I know how it feels to have to pee so bad it hurts, and then to not be able to?! And then have to be re-cathedered? I suppose at the time you didn't care and just wanted relief. All the things nobody tells us :) How was Target with returning the doubles you got? I really wanted to register at Target but we had a ton of issues with our wedding register and only being able to return a certain # of things, and then some friends of mine that just had their baby showers are having an awful time returning things to Target that they got duplicates of. And I know what you mean about being user friendly---I was really disappointed that after all the registering we did---the wal-mart register doesn't have pictures for a lot of things and doesn't list a price for things (just has n/a where the price should be). Also, with no picture some of their descriptions make no sense, so people aren't going to know what it even is. Idk, I guess we'll see what happens. Glad the milk production is lessening, what a problem to have, huh :)
Sam---I missed you yesterday---HAPPY 30 WEEKS!!! And only 6 weeks left of work??!?! OMG IT'S COMING SOOOO QUICK FOR YOU NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess I'll see how I feel when we get closer, but I think I'll probably work up until the due date. Although with xmas being the week before, I'm REALLY going to want off of work earlier!!! We're so short staffed through the holidays though, it'll be hard to get that time off. Yahh for having access to the nursery album! I forgot that I tried commenting on the album on facebook and it wouldn't let me. The room is looking sooo good!! You're doing so much renovation and cosmetic work to it!!! Can't wait to see the final product!! :)
Rach---what the heck!!! I HOPE TO FRICKEN GOD IT'S YOUR BFP!!!! If stupid AF does show, I think I'd try some natural vitamins (like B6 that I've talked about) to help get your system a lil more regulated. Do you have to wait all the way until tomorrow morning?! Wait, just re-read and you posted that yesterday---so today you tested!!! WHERE ARE YOU, I NEED AN UPDATE!!!!!!! Yahh for the housekeeping jobs! Is this the same place as last time or something different? how you liking it so far?
Nothing much new on my end. FIL has been working on the baby room flooring----and when I got home from work yesterday poor lil Presley (our dog) was in the corner of the room hiding by a chair shaking like a leaf! I didn't know what was wrong and was freaking out but realized he was scared because of FIL running the table saw in the garage and he didn't know what it is! So I let him in the garage to sniff around and he sniffed every inch for prob. 20 min then came back in and was a little better. Then when Ryan got home his tail shot back up and he stopped shaking and was his normal perky self. Guess he couldn't settle down until both his mommy and daddy were home. I feel so bad now that today and tomorrow the saw will be going and he'll be scared but hopefully he'll be more used to it.
I think the catheter thing is why I have leaky exercise time!! It was a relief to get it the second time! It just felt like pressure thanks to the epidural ;)
We didn't actually return the doubles as my parents and Kirk's parents will be watching the little man, so we held onto them so they have something to use.
Don't worry about the registry stuff! People usually have in mind what they want to get you anyway and I think a lot of people go to the stores and maybe it will be clearer what you registered for there. But, I really think that's why those other stores that are specialized in baby stuff is more expensive just because it's easier to use.

Rach - you should def try the supplements that help regulate you. Does your new job have health insurance? It sounds like you might need clomid to make sure you ovulate on time and keep your cycles more in line.

Sam - so exciting about the nursery! It must feel good to be getting close! That's great you're working part time already! I worked all the way up to 39 weeks and it was NO fun, but since we get very little time off here, I was happy to waddle my way into work if it meant I got more time with him at home :)

Jess - you getting out on that boat this weekend? The weather here has cooled down a bit but it's just gorgeous! I hope you have good weather and don't have to study too much!

AFM - we're taking the little man on his first trip over to the eastern shore of MD. It's only 2hrs away but we have like 10 bags of stuff lol. I probably way over packed for 3 days but I don't want to be stuck without something.
I made an appointment to get mirena put in. I'm kinda nervous about it but I'm pretty sure I would freak out if we got pregnant again right away. Have any of you heard anything about mirena?? I'm so bad about remembering the pill and I had horrible side effects on Yasmin, so I definitely don't want to go on that again, plus I can't go on normal birth control since I'm breastfeeding as estrogens will dry you up. My supply has started to come down a bit thankfully! I can go 5hrs without getting completely engorged!
Oh Rach – Did you test!!!!???? I really hope the delayed AF is a BFP for you! If not I really wish you could get to a doctor, I really feel like this uncertainty with your cycles is what’s delaying your rainbow because you guys DTD a lot!!! Glad your job is going OK. Is it at a hotel so you can qualify for some benefits?

Lindsay – yes, my insurance has covered everything so far. They do not cover any kind of “infertility” though so if I feel like I do want to go the UVF with PGD route, I don’t think they will pay for it and its like $17K (with no guarantees). I think I might write them a letter if I consider this. Every one of my MC’s seems to cost them about 10K and that doesn’t count all the testing I have been through so you’d think they would just want to cover this and have an end to all these bills!!! They did not test MC #1 or 2 as they said this was “normal”, MC #3 was tested and it was a Trisomy 12 (this was an early MC I had when I got pregnant by accident right after MC #2, MC #4 was the hospital screw up and now we’re on to MC #5. Hopefully everything goes fine with the testing!!! OMgosh I can’t even image having drilling done at the dentist without being numbed first!!! When I leave there after a filling, my hands are always white from squeezing them so hard and that’s just from the SOUND of the drilling!!! Are you having any more :holly: pain? Hopefully it will start to feel better now that your milk production is slowing.

Kelsey – Happy 24 weeks!!!! :happydance: (Missed it yesterday!!) I think 30 weeks is a great time for a shower. Its good to have some time to buy the rest of the stuff you need and get everything organized before your LO arrives. I’m a nervous mess when I have to rush around at the last minute. School started back up. (Boo!!!) I am taking a different approach with this next exam though and not locking down the test date until I am ready. I have not felt like studying yet with everything doing on but I think I will start this weekend. The Bachelor Pad finale was definitely shocking. I could not keep the money either if I was in that position. I understand why he did it, but he was just such an ass about it after he won. He did not have to be so mean. Rachel had a really rough night that night!!! Awww poor little Presley!!!

Sam – I have not had any time off of work. Just Friday when I had the surgery. :( I definitely feel like I could use some time off. I am leaving work early today and Chris and I are heading out to the boat for the weekend. I can't wait to do some relaxing and get some fresh air!! Its really nice that you are able to go down to 3 days a week for the rest of your pregnancy. Did you add me to your pregnancy album on FB too? I need to be able to see your updates!!! :happydance:

Mel – How are you doing? Is your 3D scan coming up soon? Have you done any baby shopping yet?
Oh Lindsay, I can only imagine how many bags we'll be packing on wkend aways! When we go to his parents cabin for a weekend with the dog we have soooo much stuff packed for him that it's crazy. Last time I said how on earth will we ever be able to go with the dog and the baby anywhere because if I pack this much for a dog, imagine a baby!! Is he good when you're driving? I have a friend who has a 4 month old and she screams bloody murder as soon as they get into the car and won't stop until she's back out! I'm not sure at all about the mirena---I've always just used the pill. Is the mirena the one where it takes your body a lil while to get back to normal after the dr. takes it out? I don't think so, but not positive...I'm not sure what we'll do about birth control after baby comes because it took us so long to get PG this time that I'm not too worried about it happening quickly, but a girl I know took a year to get pregnant originally and then got PG again like 2 months after giving birth! So who knows.....you get PG pretty easy so you def. will need something :)
Jessie my insurance doesn't cover anything with infertility either. You are so right though---with how much everything costs having a miscarriage, it'd make sense for them to cover more infertility treatments/testing ect. Glad you're not scheduling your next test until you are ready for it. No need to stress yourself out more. You should be getting your test results back in the next couple weeks, right? Aww and Rachael from Bachelor Pad did have a rough night---I was really disappointed that her and Michael weren't more because I thought they were super cute together. She reminded me a lot of Holly actually (looks/body wise) so I thought she would be his type. When they introduced the twins they didn't get ONE cheer or whistle and then they weren't even acknowledged through the whole show (fine with me).
Anywho---any big weekend plans (besides Lindsay and your trip)? I think it'll be a low key weekend for us. Presley started doing his weird shaking last night and again this morning. He wouldn't leave my side when I was trying to get ready, so I hated leaving him. I hope he's just having a little anxiety about FIL being in and out and making noise with the baby room and that nothing is really wrong with him.
I have to head to work in a couple minutes but just wanted to tell you it was a bfn the other day when i took the test. I'm officially CD41. Oh goodness. When we DTD the other day i dont understand why i had light pink when i wiped and then nothing and still not bfp? Grr! Anyways, i got to get going. I'm sorry i haven't had a chance to read any of your posts :(
Rach- CD 41!!! Oh how I wish you cold get in to see a doc!! Will you qualify for insurance at your new job?

How is everyone else doing?

DH and I had a really nice relaxing weekend on the boat. It was really nice. Now back to the grind, it's going to be a crazy week for me! I got my results back from my first CPA exam and did not pass so I really need to buckly down and start studying for the next one. I have my post-op appt this week on Thursday with my RE, I am hoping for tissue results back but I am not holding my breath as it is probably too soon.
Hi Ladies!

How is everyone doing??

Jess - I really hope they'll have your results for you - you never know, they might!!

I had a bit of an upsetting weekend :( I got mastitis AGAIN!! Kirk is insisting I dry up, which I agree I just wish I could significantly reduce my supply and maybe it won't happen anymore. I've only been pumping 2-3x a day since I got the infection and today is the first day I don't feel insanely uncomfortable after 6hrs, so I'm thinking my body has already started slowing down, so I'm tempted to pump 3x a day from here on out and see how much I make and hopefully it will be less and I won't have problems anymore. I guess I've already given him about 2 months of milk and have a freezer full that will last another month or two, but it just seems like such a waste to dry up now. I had wanted to keep going until we introduced solid foods and use the frozen milk to mix with that. Am I crazy to want to try to keep pumping now that I've probably reduced my supply?? I'm on the antibiotics now so it's easy to dry up since I don't have to worry about a clog getting infected. Ugh..I'm so disappointed..
It's also dawning on me that I have to go back to work in 3 weeks...I look forward to seeing my friends again and using my brain again but I've been on the verge of crying thinking about going back for the past few days :(
On top of all of that, DH and I can't DTD because I have to go 10 days without before getting mirena put in to make sure I'm not pregnant, so that sucks...lol

anyway! sorry for the downer!! Hope you all are doing good!
Girls I will catch up soon-right now I've got an awful cold that is making my head feel like it'll blow off any second. Tylenol cold isn't doing much and even though my nurse (who I don't trust) said I could drink some theraflu, I think I'll just try and ride it out.
Linds hope you feel better too!
Oh Lindsay - I am so sorry the mastitis came back! I don't know what you should do, it's really tough but I hate for you to keep going through this :(. Since you have so much milk stored up could you just start mixing in a little bit of formula to make it last a little longer? Eeeeek and going back to work already.. Where has the time gone. I know you are going to have a tough couple weeks ahead of you :hugs: On a good note, I just love all the pics of Oakley! What a little man he is already and sooooooooo cute!!! As far as DTD, DH and I have not done it either in a long time... Ugh, we couldnt do it while I was prego per doctors order and now with the surgery I have to wait a couple weeks, it's been terrible!!!

Kelsey - sorry you are not feeling weel either. I hope that cold does not turn into something too bad for you. Being sick is awful and it's much worse when you can't take anything!!!
Hi ladies,

Lindsay - bugger that the mastitis is back. I think we put so much pressure on ourselves to BF for as long as possible. You have done amazingly well when most people would have stopped way before now. As you say you still have 1-2 months in the freezer to keep him going if you did decide to stop pumping. I thought pumping and expressing helped the mastitis though? I can't beleive you are going back in 3 weeks, where has the time gone?

Jess - I hope you do have some tissue results and I am glad you mananged to get some time away this weeekend. Sorry you didn't pass the last exam, I just hope you are okay and are working things through whilst still being at work/studying etc

Rachel - cd41! I so wish you could see a Dr and find out what is happening. How is the new job going?

Kels - hope your cold clears up soo. I found that the most difficult not being ble to take meds when normally I would have. I had more back spasms last night but could only take the paracetamol.
Jessie thursday is your appt, right? And if your tissue results aren't back yet, what exactly will they be doing with you? Sorry you didn't pass your exam, I think you had quite a bit going on though, and to add serious studying to that list was a lot on your plate! Now you kind of have a gauge of how much studying you'll have to do for next time compared to this time. Do you have to pay so much for each test?
Lindsay how awful that you got it AGAIN!! Did they say that was rare for somebody to get it so often? Why do they think you keep getting it? I guess just make and store as much as you can, and like the others said, mix it in with formula for it to last longer. I forget what month you can start introducing them to cereal, guessing not 3 months? Can't believe you're back to work in 3 weeks....but hopefully it will be a smide easier knowing he'll be with family. That would make it a little easier for me.
Sam sooo sorry the back spasms are back, I can't even imagine how much it has to suck and not be able to take anything!! Are you still going into work? Feel so awful for you....only 9 weeks left!!!
AFM--Like I said I have an awful cold. So I'm home for the 2nd day in a row. The worst is all the sinus pressure is just giving me the worst headache. I hate having to take anything, but I've been taking Tylenol Cold which isn't doing much. Oh well, I just really hope it doesn't turn into a sinus infection or anything---I used to get those a lot when I was younger. Anyway, this weekend I started being able to see my stomach move which is so weird looking! Looks like I've got a lil alien in there :) Today though haven't been much movement, which of course makes me nervous. Alright, sorry for my whine. Have a great Tuesday my loves. xoxo
Thanks Jess! Yea, I overpost pictures of Oakley out of request from family members :p They want at least one a day lol.
I don't know how you do it without DTD! Kirk and I didn't even make it to my 6-week follow-up appt :blush: shhh!! don't tell!! lol We aren't now bc we know how important it is that there be a 0% chance I'm pregnant for the mirena of course. I can't wait for friday! then we have up to 5 years that I don't have to think about anything! I hope I don't get many side effects from it - anything will be better than yasmin I'm sure though - destroyed my stomach and I had no idea until I stopped that that' where the problems came from.
I'm sorry you didn't pass your exam - do you have a better idea of what to study now that you've taken it? When do you have to take it again??

Sam - Thanks, I think I'm seeing where Kirk is coming from now and am really making an effort to dry up. I was pumping a lot but I just couldn't keep up so I kept getting clogs and they would get infected. So, now that I'm on antibiotics it's a good time to dry up bc if I do get clogs from not pumping, they won't get infected.

Kelsey - I hope you feel better!! I got a cold when I was pregnant and the doc said I could take sudafed in moderation but I looked up studies on it and if taken too long or too much it can cut off blood supply to the placenta so I passed on that even if it was a remote chance. I lived off of halls with vitamin c, they really helped!
Kelsey - they say once you get an infection, it's really hard to get rid of, so hopefully with our next baby, I'll be able to stay on top of it right from the beginning and be able to keep going for longer. I'm also hoping I'll do better with my let-down and be able to directly feed more with the next baby to have a better supply/demand ratio. I really think my oversupply was my downfall but I can't stand to get sick again especially going back to work. I really want to be really efficient when I get back so I can graduate and spend more time with Oakley. Before I went out on maternity leave, I used to work from home once every two weeks, and I'm hoping I'll be able to up that to once a week to be able to get more planning and writing done as well as spend more time with Oakley. Plus that would leave my dad and Kirk's mom only watching him twice a week, which would be good.
Kels - I really hope it doesn't turn into sinus infection. It is amazing how many things you can't take even strepsils (sore throat lozenges) I wasn't allowed when it felt my throat was red raw. But Yay for seeing your belly move, its such a strange feeling. Smartie tends to move a lot when I am in the bath, I keep thinking I should try to record it form my step mum as last time they were up it wasn't as obvious.

Linsday - The long term plan to be with Oakley is what matters and the fact family are looking after him will make things for you slightly easier. I hope now you have decided to slow down with pumping things will get better fast for you.

afm - think my ms has been coming back for the last week or so, especially nauseous over the weekend. Initially I though it might have been to do with the liquid iron stuff I have been taking (my heam/iron levels just below lower levels of normal) but even when I stopped for a few days I was still feeling dodgy.

My Dad and step mum are coming up this weekend. Dad is going to plaster the upstairs hallway cupboard (we took some space from it to make the bedroom bigger) so I can put proper shelves in rather than the wire basket things I have just now that are useless. We did the bedroom 2 years ago!! I love having my dad/step mum visit and not just for the diy help! Carpet for the nursery being fitted on Thursday too so then I can start adding the last bits and pieces.
Omgosh Sam – Happy 31 weeks – a PUMPKIN!!! How fitting with the first day of fall being this weekend!! Sorry you got those back spasms back and the MS – how awful!! How are you doing otherwise now that you are down to 3 days a week at work? The baby room sounds like its coming along great. Can’t wait to see more pics!!! I love DIY home construction!!!

Kelsey – I def have a better idea what to expect for the next test and now that I am not prego I really feel like I need to kick it into high gear with the studying. I was not motivated before and really was regretting getting myself into it. I am not sure what my doctor will do at this appointment, they called it a "post-op". I really had no bleeding after my MC, only a few days of spotting so my first period is probably going to be TERRIBLE!!!! Oh you should take a video of your stomach moving!!! How exciting!!! Hope you feel better soon! Maybe you just need to take the rest of the week off to rest. :sleep:

Lindsay – I love that you post all those pics of Oakley. That’s really the great thing about FB!!! Yeah not DTD has been hard but we were really trying to be extra cautious and my doc said no so we obeyed! We did mess around a bit this past weekend which was nice. :blush: I will probably tack that exam on to the end to retake so it will probably be sometime towards the beginning of next year. I am planning to take my next exam towards the end of October.
Sam - I started getting MS again in the third trimester but it never got as bad as it was in the first, so hopefully the same will be for you!! I would get really nauseous but I'm not sure if that's because it was so hot out and I was so gigantic or what. I love having my in laws around too and mine are super handy as well!! How funny!

Kelsey - I used to love to watch my belly move! It's the coolest thing :) It only gets better but at the end - my little man could seriously hurt me! I would have to go lay down or get up and walk around depending on how he was hurting me. He was head down and would put his hands up by the top of his head *or at least that's what it felt like* and it would feel like he was trying to rip my cervix open lol He still moves his hands all up by his head and face all the time, kinda funny!

Jess - I hope your studying goes well now but try to not put too much pressure on yourself! You've been through a lot and deserve some time for yourself.

Rach - how you doin?? AF show up yet?? Have you figured out if your new job will offer you benefits??

AFM - drying up hurts!! I'm trying to only pump twice a day now and by the time those 12hrs are up - I feel like I'm going to BURST!! I have 6 more hrs until my next pumping and it's not TOO bad right now but hopefully it will get better soon.
I got a new brand of cloth diapers in the mail today - so excited about them! They're bumgenius and you don't have to stuff them! I already have like 30 or so stuffable ones but I'm trying to find some that my dad will be more likely to catch on quickly too and agree to do lol. Plus, once I go back to work, I think I want to have about 50-60 so that I don't have to do laundry every other day. It'd be great if I could get enough to last me the week but that's a lot of diapers! lol Little man had a tiny bit of diaper rash a couple days ago that has already healed up! I felt so bad for him!
Kirk and I have already also decided when we're going to start trying for #2, so I'm all excited about that too! I think Kirk would tell me to not go back on birth control and try now if I would be OK with that, but I have to get through school and I want to get my fill of sushi for a little while and let my body recover fully. So, I told him I want to start trying no later than my 30th birthday. I am 28 now and will be 29 in May, so assuming we got pregnant and everything was OK within the first 6 months, then our little ones would be no more than 3 years apart. I think that's a good gap. My brother and I are 5 years apart (I wasn't exactly planned - my mom had an ectopic that took a tube and she was told she only had a 10% chance of ever getting pregnant due to scar tissue and she got my brother and thought it would never happen again and here I am!), but I think we're a little too far apart - we're close but it took a while for us to get there.

OK, I'm rambling - hope everyone is doing well!!
Hi girls sorry I haven't posted for a while, been reading though.

Lindsay you must be in so much pain :nope: Hope you make a full recovery soon :hugs: Glad you can get family help with Oakley that's family brilliant. My family live miles away so no chance for any help for me!

Kels hope you feel better soon hun! :hugs:

Sam, it's a bit weird getting ms outside the1st tri isn't it? I am still getting it but only in the mornings! Are you getting really excited now?

Jess, that wait to bd is awful isn't it? Tbh we didn't wait that long really maybe 8 days!! As Lindsay says don't put too much pressure on yourself but think it's good th
at you've got something important to focus on. And how lovely is your hubs posting how wonderful a wife he has on Facebook!! :cloud9: I think I read that right!?

Rach how you feeling now?

I got some really bad news last night, my friend who I was close friends with at uni and still in regular contact with gave birth to a baby girl yesterday but she died :cry: They say the cord was wrapped around the neck twice. I was so upset for her as she was 2 weeks off full term, I couldn't sleep last night thinking about what they're going through. She already has a 3 yo son called Jack and has never had any fertility probs or mc's. I don't know the full story as this was a text message announcement from her husband. Also I am finding it really hard to deal with in the sense that it's made me really pessimistic about my own pregnancy and hard to get excited when things like this happen to someone close to you. I know it's rare but i feel like all the rare stuff happens to me or around me iykwim? Not really sure how to cope with it, it's really affected me, was really tearful today :-(
Oh my goodness Mel...I got teary eyed reading that. I'm so sorry for your friend but don't let that take away from the joy of your pregnancy and what will be a wonderful delivery! I was SO scared for delivery as my mom wasn't able to deliver vaginally due to a disfigured pelvic bone and I didn't know if I had the same thing, but thankfully everything went fine and I got all worked up for nothing! You're so close to the 24 week mark and everything is going be great for you! The doctors will take care of you and your little boy :) :hugs: to your friend - so sad :cry:

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