Thanks Mel---hope you're feeling better! Yes, I'm getting very excited. My glucose test is Monday and then my appts are every 2 weeks. That should help make things go a little bit quicker. My shower is on the 27th of October, so a month! Invites are going out this week! I get so nervous for situations like that because I hate all eyes on me and I also worry I won't know the name of most things and I'll looks silly up there.
Lindsay omg update asap about our lil Oakley! I bet you're right and it has to do with the formula switch. I googled it and it seems like there are a lot of reasons it could happen, and one of them could be the switch to formula makes their poops drier and harder to pass which gives them fissures (if that's the case, tell Oakley I feel his pain I've dealt with them FOREVER) or he could have an allergy that you just need to switch to a soy based formula. Anyway, that eased my mind but I'll still be checking every 2 min. for an update from you guys.
Jessie I really think Clomid could be a great thing for you---it helps with the progesterone and making those better quality eggs---which I think will benefit you. My first month on clomid I O'd a couple days LATER than normal, but then after then I went way earlier. It'll also depend what days they have you take the clomid. The first 3 months I took the clomid I did CD 5-9, then on my own switched to CD3-7. DH was taking the vitamin "fertilaid". We never had a follow up SA to know if it helped but we did get a BFP 4 months later. Here is a thread that had some research about morphology. If you look under the user "snowglobe" who does a lot of the posts you will see other threads she started about morphology.
Lindsay omg update asap about our lil Oakley! I bet you're right and it has to do with the formula switch. I googled it and it seems like there are a lot of reasons it could happen, and one of them could be the switch to formula makes their poops drier and harder to pass which gives them fissures (if that's the case, tell Oakley I feel his pain I've dealt with them FOREVER) or he could have an allergy that you just need to switch to a soy based formula. Anyway, that eased my mind but I'll still be checking every 2 min. for an update from you guys.
Jessie I really think Clomid could be a great thing for you---it helps with the progesterone and making those better quality eggs---which I think will benefit you. My first month on clomid I O'd a couple days LATER than normal, but then after then I went way earlier. It'll also depend what days they have you take the clomid. The first 3 months I took the clomid I did CD 5-9, then on my own switched to CD3-7. DH was taking the vitamin "fertilaid". We never had a follow up SA to know if it helped but we did get a BFP 4 months later. Here is a thread that had some research about morphology. If you look under the user "snowglobe" who does a lot of the posts you will see other threads she started about morphology.