1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thanks Mel---hope you're feeling better! Yes, I'm getting very excited. My glucose test is Monday and then my appts are every 2 weeks. That should help make things go a little bit quicker. My shower is on the 27th of October, so a month! Invites are going out this week! I get so nervous for situations like that because I hate all eyes on me and I also worry I won't know the name of most things and I'll looks silly up there.
Lindsay omg update asap about our lil Oakley! I bet you're right and it has to do with the formula switch. I googled it and it seems like there are a lot of reasons it could happen, and one of them could be the switch to formula makes their poops drier and harder to pass which gives them fissures (if that's the case, tell Oakley I feel his pain I've dealt with them FOREVER) or he could have an allergy that you just need to switch to a soy based formula. Anyway, that eased my mind but I'll still be checking every 2 min. for an update from you guys.
Jessie I really think Clomid could be a great thing for you---it helps with the progesterone and making those better quality eggs---which I think will benefit you. My first month on clomid I O'd a couple days LATER than normal, but then after then I went way earlier. It'll also depend what days they have you take the clomid. The first 3 months I took the clomid I did CD 5-9, then on my own switched to CD3-7. DH was taking the vitamin "fertilaid". We never had a follow up SA to know if it helped but we did get a BFP 4 months later. Here is a thread that had some research about morphology. If you look under the user "snowglobe" who does a lot of the posts you will see other threads she started about morphology.
Lindsay I'm hoping Oakley is ok!! Hoping it's nothing serious :hugs: could it just be irritated and tender down there? :hugs:

Went for my 3d scan today and it was all amazing until she measured the head and it was 3-4 days behind my dates. She said it was nothing to worry about and within normal boundaries. She said all was normal but I can't help but worry so you guessed it I am off to see a consultant tomorrow to be reassured. :wacko: I feel as though I am losing my mind with all these scans so no more until 32 weeks now. It was wonderful seeing memo though he is so cute!! Will post pics later and update you on appt

Lindsay update us soon!

Kels are you feeling better Hun?
Mel on all my scans I've measured a couple days behind. At my big scan I was measuring ahead a couple days in some areas and behind in other areas. Just like after you have the baby, some babies will be in the 90th percentile for height/weight and some will be in the 20th percentile. Every baby is built different----that's why they always say within a week either way is considered normal.
Lindsay---how is Oakley?!
Thanks Hun, that makes sense and makes me feel much better. I think I am tired today and not thinking straight too. My measurements are fluctuating within themselves too! One minute the head is the most ahead the next it's the stomach and then the head is behind lol! Did yours do that? I wish everything would grow exactly on time but I know no one does that!
Mel - at my 20 week scan smarties belly and thigh where bigger then 50%, can't remember his head, I'll have to go look out my notes. Loved the pics too - just amazing!

Jess - how are you hun? I don't know anything about SA/morphology. I did give OH 100mg coenzyme, as well as Wellman conception (not sure what the us equivalent would be) and Maca. No idea if it helped really but thought it was worth it. I know 38 feels old, remember how I was back in Jan. I think we are so immersed in bad press about age and like Mel said lots of ladies on here are our age and have their babies, but I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from.

Lindsay - any update on Oakley? It must so worrying and hopefully it will just be the change from breast to formula making his digestive system work a bit harder. Have you stopped expressing/producing milk? I am glad the merina insertion wasn't painful.

Rachel - hope you are okay, missing you on here. Has AF started yet?

Kel - Happy 26 week for tomorrow! ooh not long till your shower. Glad we don't have to do the glucose test. My blood test showed random glucose levels normal. Wow you see a Dr every 2 weeks from now on? Is that routine? The last Dr I saw was my GP in Feb about my thyroid . Everything since then has been nurses or mw. No I lie, my 20 week scan was done by a Dr but that wasn't a proper Dr chat as such.

afm - had a lovely weekend with my dad and stepmum, it was sad to see them leave. We cot the cot last night (stored at FIL house) so I built that up today. I'll do some nursery pics once more decoration is in. It looks a bit boring atm but I do like it neutral anyway. We have our 2nd antenatal class tomorrow, this one is about labour and birth, so it should be interesting to see how OH is. Shame, its his birthday too!! We'll celebrate that on Friday though!
Hey ladies! Just want to let you know that oakley is totally fine! She said its common for babies to get fissures and as long as it goes away within a week we are good! Otherwise we will switch formula but she doesn't think we will need to! Thank goodness!
Thanks Mel - My doc said he didn't think that Chris' morph was an issue either but I read that for the last MC I had (Turners) 80% of the time its due to a problem with the sperm. It's just in the back of my head but maybe that was the issue with this one and not with the others, who knows. I just turned 39 in April :cry: Mel, Time is just ticking away. I can't believe I have been TTC since 2009!!! Ugh!!!
I tried to keep up with that PAL thread but it just moved waaaaay to fast. Did those girls with a lot of losses, like Heart (I remember her) just keep trying until they got a good one or did they have to do IVF or something? After all of you girls encouraging words I am really leaning towards trying another time on my own and then seeing what happens.
Your 3-D pics turned out fabulous!!! It never ceases to amaze me how detailed those scans are. Have you had the doctor show you Me-mos "parts" or are you still telling the doc you don't want to know, although I know you do know..... if you know what I mean. That was a mouthful!!! I know it's hard not sure worry about everything but I am sure everything is just perfect!!!

Lindsay - So glad Oakley's appt went well. Can you mix in more milk and less formula to help with that? Yeah for O!!! I think I am around that time too. I have had a lot of EWCM the last couple of days. I have to make sure to stay away from Chris for the next week!!! :winkwink:

Kelsey - getting excited for your shower. You are a first time mom... you are not supposed to know the names of all that stuff. I am sure there will be plenty of moms there eager to enlighten you!!! Thanks for the info on the vitamins and the morphology, I am going to look into those.

Sam - Happy 32 weeks!! :yipee: Thanks for the info on the vitamins, I am going to look into those as well. I think it can't hurt if DH takes something right!!! Have a fabulous time at your class tomorrow and Happy Birthday to your OH! Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!!!
Lindsay that is a relief!! Thank goodness! Xxx
Jess no I don't know for sure lol, I am guessing it's a boy!
It was the girls on the parl thread who put me onto clomid. The US girls did monitored cycles on clomid (heart, hopeful) and a few more so that's what made me try it! Also one girl called Sara could get hold of clomid without prescription in Greece so she gave it a whirl on her own, no doc! And voila! She is late 30's I believe. Lots and lots of the girls are late 30's - basically that thread is early 20's to early 40's! I know that the older you get the higher percentage of weaker eggs but that's definitely not to say there aren't lots of good ones!! You will get there Hun,I just know you will. xxx

Sam really looking forward to seeing your nursery pics and hope the second class is as good! At my 20 wk scan the measurements were all 50% but now the head measurements must be way lower. Booked in to see a consultant on thurs, tomorrow at 10.40. I need the reassurance :wacko:
hopefully she will give it to me and send me on my way :nope: I hope. I would be really interested to know what your hc and bod measurements were though, thanks. Xxx
Oh and jess, turners definitely CAN be a sperm issue, now that IS bad luck as your egg would have likely been fine :hugs: another lady I know on here called 'beautifulD' is 32 and she just recently had a turners loss too.
Thanks Mel! Gosh I hope some good luck will start to roll around. I am going to ask my doctor about the Clomid when I see him next month and DH has agreed to take some male fertility vitamins so we'll see what happens.
Glad you got the appointment for reassurance. I think it helps to put your mind at ease! :thumbup:
Thanks jess. I hope your doc lets you try it. Some docs are really against treatment for the sake of it but that makes me mad if it's not going to do any harm. Mention monitored cycle on clomid and they will check you a few times mid cycle. You might like to do it with iui too where they select the best sperm. Hopeful and heart def did fertility drugs with iui and you have good cause to do that now with the turners loss. It's brill t be monitored so closely as you know exactly where you're up to and you have support. It's a good in between step before ivf I think. Xxx
Mel - just so you know I got scanned all the time and they measured Oakley every time and week to week he would be above or below average with measurements. His head measured small at a couple but caught up by the end - try to not stress! They didnt make a big deal about it and neither did my SIL that would scan him sometimes so I didnt even think anything of it.

Kelsey - so exciting your shower is coming up!! I know what you mean about not wanting all eyes on you. Thats why I had a coed one but DH still made me open the gifts and I didnt even know who gave them sometimes...very awkward but everyone understands!
Hey girls! Just droppin in here real quick. Still no AF. August 6th was the first day of my last AF. Also found out Andrew's sister is pregnant again. She got PG in July and ended up having a MC 6 weeks later and she was okay with it because she wasn't planning on having anymore kids. (she has 4 already). She was going to get her tubes tied but now is PG. Kinda makes me sick to my stomach. Well.. hope you all are doing great. I'm on break at work so i can't really read everything right now.
Ohh excited about no af Rach!!! :dust: Try not to think about your sil, it helped me to think like this: it's not affecting your life so just carry on with what you're doing and you'll get there in the end. However I know it's really really hard Xxxx
Lindsay thanks for the info about the scan measurements makes me feel better. Memo is in the 50th percentile for everything and his growth is on track so not worrying anymore. Xxx
My Dr. didn't even tell me anything about percentile of anything. I just watched the screen when she was measuring everything and sometimes the screen would measure 20 weeks other areas would be 20W4D. In the end she just said that by averaging all the measurments she put me at about 3 days behind, but my Dr. still kept my due date the same and nothing was ever discussed about the different measurements.
Sam---yes I guess it's routine for me to meet with my Dr. every 2 weeks from now on. Although maybe it'll be just a nurse---not sure? It will always be quick appts just measuring belly, weight and hb check (I think). Glad you had a great wkend with the family! And Happy Birthday to your OH!!! In a matter of weeks he'll get the best present ever!!!!
Lindsay so glad Oakley is A-ok! anymore blood in the stool?
Oh yeah Jessie, Mel has a good point---what about IUI and clomid? I think that'd also be something I'd want to try before jumping into IVF. Since 2009...seems so long to be trying for something you want so badly. Hugs hun xoxo
Oh, and where are people seeing Mel's 3-d pics---I haven't seen any yet?!
Rach it amazes me how getting PG for some women is the easiest thing ever, but for others the biggest struggle of our life. When somebody gets pregnant on accident like that and when we're TTC it's the hardest thing to try and hold your head high about...
Thanks girls, I know I shouldn't worry about the shower but I just feel like so many other people have at least been around babies so know at least a little something, but we don't have any babies at all in either of our families so everything is so foreign to us. I'll make it through though :)
Today has brought better things for Mr. Oakley! No more blood in his stool - woohoo!! Plus, we switched from enfamil to similac and are able to mix in more breastmilk. I thought he didn't like the frozen breastmilk but it turns out he didn't like the enfamil lol. So, now he is getting 2.5 ounces breastmilk to 2.5 ounces similac - eating 5 ounces every 3-4 hours and he was almost 10lbs 15.5ounces yesterday at our appointment - getting so big!! I already want another baby because I already miss him being tiny lol. I LOVE that he's getting bigger and doing more things every day but it's hard to not miss him being tiny for some reason. Although I'm SUPER excited for him to start being more interactive and playing and stuff.

Ok, I'm rambling - hope everyone is doing great!!
That is great news Lindsay! So glad Oakley is doing wonderful. Like i've said, i love looking at the pictures you post everyday. He really has gotten so much bigger since the day he was born! He is blossoming into a handsome little man!!

Kelsey your shower is going to turn out perfect and everyone is going to enjoy themselves! Nothing at all to fret over. It's almost October which means... baby will be here in 3 months!!! WOW!!!!!!

Well i still don't have AF.. lol. Go figure. I tried calling the gyno today that i saw when i had my MC and told her how we been TTC for over a year now with no luck and how i have no insurance and am clueless what to do now. She was like "i am not allowed to give you any info, but i can tell you that you can come in and make and appt. Most insurance companies doesn't cover all that anyway. You'd have to pay out of pocket". I was so pissed i hung up on her! Made me feel helpless.
God rach she could have been a bit more helpful!!! By the time she said all that she could have given you advice!

Lindsay Oakley is doing so well. Even I can't believe how big he is getting, seems like yesterday when he was born!! You will have so much of a different kind of joy as he starts to talk etc as you say. I think there's even a thread on b and b for women who really grieve when their babies grow into to toddlers lol! Can understand it though. Maybe then it's time to start trying for another one haha. :baby: :baby:

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