1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Thinking of you this morning Jess. Had a good cry for you last night - you're in my thoughts and I hope the high risk doctor will catch whatever it is that is causing this. Sending you tons of love :hugs: Life is so unfair...

I'm so sorry! We are here for you and will be here when you get your baby!
Thinking of you non stop today, We are all devastated with you and for you, and will be here for you whenever you need us. :hugs:
Thanks girls! Well I had my surgery this morning and everything went as well as can be expected. I have been just resting the rest of the day. I don't know if I told you but my other D&Cs were done by my regular OB because my RE no longer does surgery. I was so pissed about the mess up with my tissues sample last time so I decided I did not want to go there again and I am in the process of switching to a new OB. Since the MC happened before my first new OB appt my RE had one of the other OB doctors that works with him do my D&C. This is also a different hospital than I went to for the others. It was really nice is time because this hospital has their own Women's Center with a surgical suite so it was only women in there going through surgical procedures with their private parts etc rather than a big outpatient center with people having all kinds of surgeries. Much better experience and less hectic. I also told every person I saw about the importance of my tissue sample so hopefully everything will work out with that.

Anyway, on to more positive news... How are you girls doing? Any big plans for the weekend?
Aww Jess I am so so so sorry :cry: I really thought this was it for you. I just can't believe life can be so unfair and that someone as lovely as you is being treated this way it just makes me so angry. Another lady on here had 5 miscarriages and now has her son. She took steroids too for high NK cells and as you know I took steroids for this pregnancy. I took Clomid too which I personally think helped for some reason even though I didn't need it. I had clexane (Lovenox) (20mg / day), aspirin (75mg/day) pregnancy vits and extra folic acid and intralipid drip treatments which some doctors really think helps (it's just what's given to intensive care patients for nutrition so don't really know how it can help! Let me know if I can help you with anything at all. I am thinking about you lots and totally heartbroken for you, I know what you're going through :cry:. It will come to an end, you will get your baby I just know it but to go through all this is just not fair :nope:.
I am not sure if the steroids did the trick for my 'high NK cells' but they obviously didn't do any harm and I was on a really high dose from after ovulation (40mg prednisolone) :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Also Jess there is a certain version of MTHFR which needs anti blood clotting treatment too and high dose folic acid but I think your doctors would have picked that up wouldn't they? Otherwise any MTHFR gene mutation, even the less serious and pretty common one like I have just needs extra folic acid.
Thanks Mel! I just read over the article Lindsay posted and I have to look at my notes (I think I have the heterogeneous version of the gene) but that's definitely what I take the extra folic acid for. I have the elevated homocysteine levels but my levels have been testing normal. I did make a note about the clotting treatment with the heparin to ask about just in case it will help. I don't know it just seems strange that most of mine seem to stop right at the 9 week mark, almost like my body is cutting off blood supply to the baby or something. I will write down the meds you were on too and ask about them. It will be interesting to see the results of the tissue.
Oh Jess. I'm so sorry i don't really have any advice for you. I'm so happy the other girls have tons of uplifting advice to spare. You don't deserve any of this. I wish i knew why it happened again. I wish i could change everything for you. I've been so depressed after finding all of this out. It really upsets me. :cry:
Jess - I am so sorry and so glad you had a better experience this time. I remember going into my procedure and the nurses were so sweet and as horrible of an experience as it was, they made it as comfortable and OK as it could be - they even had me laughing. When will you get the results back from them?
It really sounds like you have some sort of clotting disorder that's cutting off the baby (like you said). I hope your new doctor and a fresh set of eyes will be able to pick up on something. The good news is that you seem to get pregnant very easily so just stress this to your doctor and really demand they test you for every known blood clotting disorder and maybe ask if it would do any harm to take aspirin or get heparin or something like that. Definitely also look into the NK cell thing too.
I wish I could come give you a big hug - you are such a strong person! I hope you and Chris are snuggling a lot and being there for each other :hugs:

Mel - I can't believe you were on 40mg prednisolone! That's a really high dose! I do research on steroids and that's typically my max level I use.

AFM - My boob started hurting again and I started getting sick two days ago but I massaged my boobs like crazy and went out and got cabbage and put the leaves all over my boobs and got soy lechitin *sp?* that is supposed to prevent clogs and the cabbage is supposed to pull out infection and dry you up/relieve engorgement. I'm planning to only use the cabbage leaves until I reduce my supply as I think my massive overproduction of milk is my biggest problem.
I also started exercising again and wow it's amazing how hard it becomes when you haven't exercised in a long time! I also pee a little when I jump now :blush:
Also - does anyone have any experience with Mirena? My doctor recommended this to me.
Thanks Lindsay- I really think the clotting problem could be an issue for me. I don't know if you've heard about Dr Beers, he did a lot if research on your immune system causing unexplained recurring MCs. I emailed them today for information and to see if they accept insurance etc. Their office is in California but their site says they see patients long distance by getting your bloodwork done locally and sending them the results. We'll see what they say.

That sucks you are getting the boob pain again. Maybe you are such a massive milk producer that your boobs can't keep up??? :holly: hope the cabbage and soy help!

AFM- it's a windy weekend so Chris and I just spent some alone time together today at home and then went out for a while to run some errands. It was nice. I feel a little sore today. My body muscles (abs, neck), throat, and tops of my hands where they put the IV in (they had to do it twice because I was so dehydrated from fasting). Other than that I feel ok. I have had very little bleeding. Not sure if they got most of it out during the surgery or if I will start to bleed once my progesterone levels drop.
Been thinking of you alot today Jess. I'm glad to hear you're doing somewhat "okay". You're a very strong girl. You're handling it so much better than i would. When could you hear back about your tissue? When do you see a dr again?

Lindsay i'm so sorry to hear your boob is starting up again :( That has to be so uncomfortable. I never heard of cabbage leaves helping with that. Is it working at all? As far as exercise goes, i hear ya!! Once you keep doing it, it's going to get a lot easier. Just stay focused. I know it prob is so difficult working out with your boob hurting and bouncing.

AFM today was Andrews birthday. Had a great day. Hope he enjoyed himself. Here's a pic of him and my twin niece Autumn from our visit to New York. I love this picture :) She literally looks just like me when i was little.


  • andrewandtums.jpg
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Aww lovely picture Rach! She is so cute!! xx

Jess have you been tested for antiphopholipid syndrome? I definitely think that the results of the chromosome testing will help you out with what's causing this. If your results come back normal as I am sure you know then it's a strong indicator you have some kind of blood clotting problem. On the other hand this pregnancy could have been random bad luck and others were normal but you will never know?? Either way I think it would be best for your next pregnancy to be on every kind of medication you can get your hands on. Are you under any kind of recurrent mc specialist personal care, you know someone who could give you: clexane (lovenox) steroids, aspirin, folic acid etc? thinking about you lots :hugs::hugs: :hugs:

Lindsay I know that was such a high dose - no wonder I put on 3 stone after the 'second round' of taking it! Sorry you're in pain with your boob hun :hugs:

Kels, Pink I hope you're both ok xxx
Jess - hope you and Chris are holding up okay today. Still thinking of you and sending lots of love. I am glad you had a better experience this time than last but wish it didn't have to be at all. Have you heard back from that Dr in California?

Rachel - what a a pair of cuties!! Gorgeous niece and handsome chappie!

Lindsay - I work in the eye Dept and for some eye problems the starting dose can be as high as 60mg. Which is a lot for the patients when a lot of the time they come in 5mg tablets!!

Kels - looking good on your fb photos!!

afm - I did more cleaning today after the marathon bathroom cleaning session yesterday, doing the windows and hoovering the cobwebs from the ceilings downstairs, but then had a cry when I realised my chicken wasn't defrosted fully this afternoon. Damned hormones!! So my planned Sunday roast ended up being tuna on toast, but my rice pudding turned out fab.
Mel- I am not sure if I was tested for that but I will check. So the Lovenox you were taking... that more for the clotting right? And you took the Prednislone too for the NK cells? I have been under the care of an RE since MC #3 and have not been back to a regular OB since. I really think I can convince him to treat me for clotting but I don't know if I can convince him of treatment for the NK cells. I was trying to find a really good article that talks about this to send him but everything I have read sounds so experimental and wishy washy I don't think that would convince him. Have pu started thinking about nursery ideas yet? Are you staying neutral or going with boy colors?

Sam- I have not heard back from the California doctor yet. Hopefully tomorrow. I love the nursery pics!!! You have gotten so much done.

Lindsay- how are your :holly: feeling today? Did your treatment help?

Rach - how is your new job going? Did AF show up yet?

Kelsey- how is your nursery coming along? Any pics yet?
boobs are good today! I dropped down from 6 pumps to 5 pumps today and I made even more milk!! Dropping pumps and going longer between pumps is supposed to lower the amount you make...maybe it takes a couple days! I made 51 ounces of milk today...insane! I really think the cabbage leaves helped to relieve the infection. It sounds crazy but they feel really good on your boobs!! lol

I hope you hear back from the doctor soon!! Let us know whenever you hear anything!
Jessie glad you went through a different place for this procedure, getting that tissue is so key in hopefully figuring out why your pregnancies seem to stop around 9 weeks. Have you heard back from the CA Dr. yet? I'm glad the bleeding/cramping has been minimal, I didn't have much for bleeding either after the procedure. Uggg....still can't believe it. :(
Rach love the picture of Andrew and your niece. Such a lil doll!
Lindsay those darn boobies!! I hope I can produce like half the champ you are! And no worries about the "leaking" when jumping. Very normal! Do you think that's something we'll have to deal with forever after a vaginal birth or will that get better?
alright Sam I even looked on facebook and I don't see any nursery pictures!? What the heck! maybe I'll go to your journal next---maybe they're in there.
AFM-had a busy weekend of weddings and registering. We did BabysRus and spent 2 hours there, then went to wal-mart and realized they had a lot of the same exact stuff--same brand name and everything--for 10-20 cheaper. Some people may turn their nose up about wal-mart, but hopefully they'll appreciate saving a little money. so then I had to go back in and delete all the stuff off of babysrus that we registered for at walmart. Some things we liked better so we kept at Babysrus, so we'll still have that registry. The shower isn't until the 27th of Oct, but MIL is set on getting the invites out in the next week or 2 which I think is too early and it's stressing me out, but whatev. I need to stop worrying about stupid stuff.
I got an email back form the California clinic so I need to check with my insurance now and see if they will cover the testing there. If not, there are other reproductive immunologists on the plan I may be able to see (none locally unfortunately). Hopefully I will get the tissue results back soon. I am getting very anxious about what to do next and last night I didn't get much sleep thinking about it.

Kelsey - How exciting that you got some baby shopping done!! How far along will you be at the time of the shower... about 30 weeks? That is probably a good time for a shower to be able to get everything set-up, organized and any other items you need to buy purchased before your LO arrives!!! :baby:
Are you still watching Bachelor Pad? I am sooooo excited for the finale tonight!!!

Oh I couldn't see Sam's pics through FB or on my Ipad but when I went on my laptap no problems. The baby room is looking really great, and more pics of Sam sporting her gas/fart mask!!! :rofl:

Lindsay - I can't believe the amount of milk you are producing!!! Sounds like you could feed a small village!!! You're little body is probably really having a hard time keeping up with those things!! I am so glad your :holly: are feeling better.
Oh Jess I hope you find a great immunologist! I'm anxious for you too - you just need a new set of eyes and they will find what's going on. It seems logical to treat you for a clotting disorder next and hopefully your doctor will agree. Do you have any appointments set up?

kelsey - I've been doing kegels like it's my job lately and my last work out was better but I don't know if I was just more aware of it or what but I had a lot of trouble with peeing right after birth. I guess from the catheter being in, I couldn't pee at first so I had major back pain and they had to recatheter me to get the pee out and eventually it started working again. Then once I got home if I thought about peeing - I would start peeing lol it was bad. But, that only lasted a few days and now it's just when I jump.
Registering is so super fun except for finding what you registered for somewhere else for cheaper! I had that happen to me a bunch with buy buy baby vs. target but I realized later that target's registry just wasn't as user friendly and maybe that's why it's more expensive - plus the buy buy baby has 20% off coupons that would usually make up the price difference. So, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I ended up getting 2x of a lot of things from my target registry because they didn't update it enough so people shopping the same day wouldn't see that it was already bought.

Rach - how's the new job going??

Sam - how's the painting going??

Mel - how you doing??

Little man looks like he's down for the night so I'm headed upstairs - hope you all are doing well!!
Lindsay - I am supposed to follow up with my RE in 2 weeks so I called them yesterday about an appointment and I am waiting to hear back.

OMgosh I was cringing when I was reading your post about the catheter and having to be recathetered. That is the WORST!!! I keep meaning to post about you peeing your pants :rofl: I have actually been having this problem too, not sure if all of the pregnancies loosed up my bladder muscles but sometimes when I cough or sneeze really hard I pee a little bit. :blush: HOW embarrassing!!!
I hope they get back to you quickly!
The catheter thing wasn't bad since I had the epidural but I still got upset when they wanted to recatheter me as I had started getting feeling back but my bladder was so full that it was more painful than anything else so I was pretty much begging them to do it lol. I'm hoping kegels will help the peeing thing! I definitely have to concentrate when I sneeze too!! :blush:

I have a dentist appointment today - I cancelled my last appointment because I was so sick from morning sickness that I couldn't imagine anyone going near my mouth and have avoided making another appointment since lol. I'm debating bringing Oakley or dropping him off at my parent's place. It won't take long but it would probably be awkward if he got upset while I was getting my cleaning. I know my dad would be thrilled to watch him I just still like to bring him with me everywhere. I guess I need to get over that so going back to work won't be so hard :/
I've been doing so good with losing weight, I had gotten down to only needing to lose 5lbs and then I started exercising and that make my appetite go through the roof and I ate my face off last night and gained 3lbs back in the last two days :blush: haha Ugh, back to watching what I eat again today...no fun!! lol
Sam - Happy 30 weeks!!! Gosh it won't be long for you now!!! How are you feeling?

Lindsay - how was your appt with the dentist? I hate going there!!!

Rach - you have not reported on how your new job is going!!??? What about AF? Did she come?

OMgosh Kelsey - did you watch the Bachelor Pad!!!???

AFM - I finally heard back from my RE's office and I have an appt next week for Thursday at 1pm. I hope they will have the tissue results back by then but I think its just too early. I am waiting to pursue the info on that other doctor until I get my tissue results back because I think this will definitely affect which route I go next. I really don't want to wait too long to start trying again - maybe just 2 AF's this time, we'll see what they say.
Lindsay i enjoy seeing your photos you post of you and Oakley! :)

Kels i agree.. don't stress about it! everything is going to go great with the shower and you'll get exactly what you need.

Jess i really hope they have answers for you too. I couldn't imagine having to wait any amount of time, but 2 AF's sounds good to me. I really do hope they have the results back though. I imagine it's felt like forever as it is.

Sorry i haven't updated y'all. I actually am doing housekeeping again. I had job offers from housekeeping and store as cashier. Housekeeping pays more and has more hours so i'm doing that. It's going alright. It is what it is. AF still haven't showed up. Idk what is going on but last month it wasn't until CD37 that i got it and now i'm past that. These are def the latest AF's i've gotten since the MC. No idea why my body is playing around. I got swollen feet AGAIN today. Going to test in the morning but i'm pretty sure i'm out. Andrew and i DTD like 3-4 days ago and there was a little tiny bit of pink. Got my fx'd but i'm sure i'm out.

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