Jess - I am so sorry and so glad you had a better experience this time. I remember going into my procedure and the nurses were so sweet and as horrible of an experience as it was, they made it as comfortable and OK as it could be - they even had me laughing. When will you get the results back from them?
It really sounds like you have some sort of clotting disorder that's cutting off the baby (like you said). I hope your new doctor and a fresh set of eyes will be able to pick up on something. The good news is that you seem to get pregnant very easily so just stress this to your doctor and really demand they test you for every known blood clotting disorder and maybe ask if it would do any harm to take aspirin or get heparin or something like that. Definitely also look into the NK cell thing too.
I wish I could come give you a big hug - you are such a strong person! I hope you and Chris are snuggling a lot and being there for each other
Mel - I can't believe you were on 40mg prednisolone! That's a really high dose! I do research on steroids and that's typically my max level I use.
AFM - My boob started hurting again and I started getting sick two days ago but I massaged my boobs like crazy and went out and got cabbage and put the leaves all over my boobs and got soy lechitin *sp?* that is supposed to prevent clogs and the cabbage is supposed to pull out infection and dry you up/relieve engorgement. I'm planning to only use the cabbage leaves until I reduce my supply as I think my massive overproduction of milk is my biggest problem.
I also started exercising again and wow it's amazing how hard it becomes when you haven't exercised in a long time! I also pee a little when I jump now
Also - does anyone have any experience with Mirena? My doctor recommended this to me.