1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hiya girls so sorry I haven't been on for a while, I've been away to France and then my cousin came to stay. Got a lot of catching up to do!

Jess - can't believe you're 9 weeks already I am so so so happy for you, I just know this is your forever baby!! :cloud9:

Had my 20 weeks scan on Friday and I am 99.9% sure that I saw the sex of the baby because the sono said look away now if you don't want to know the sex as this picture might show you. Of course I didn't look away LOL! And it was so obviously a boy, it looked like three 'tubes' :haha: with the one in the middle being smaller. She never told us obviously but I know now and I am so happy I am having a :blue: :yipee:

Does anyone else have a marginal cord insertion? I have this, it means that the umbilical cord is on the edge of the placenta instead of in the middle. No-one has flagged it up as being a problem I just saw it on my notes. Also baby is in breech position atm. I am hoping he stays that way so I can have a c-section. I am even more worried about a natural birth now as my placenta has an accessory lobe meaning it's a main anterior one with an extra small piece so they have to sometimes go back in and dig out the extra small piece after delivery and maybe even an erpc to make sure it's all out :wacko: so a c-section sounds better to me.
I'm not coming off the aspirin until 34 weeks if anyone is interested. My consultant said it would do no harm to carry on for my 'psychological' reasons lol. But also it's good for blood pressure. I just think it's a good thing to take.

So I have a 32 week NHS scan to check the placenta and to make sure that the vessels joining the big bit to the small bit are not over my cervix. Atm everything is at the top so it's unlikely to do this. If it does I will be diagnosed with a VERY rare condition called vasa previa and I will be hospitalised from 32 weeks to 35 weeks when I will be given a c-section as it's too risky to let the vessels joining the 2 placenta pieces together have a chance of bursting if they lie over the cervix. However I was reassured by a consultant I went to see immediately after my 20 weeks scan on Friday :haha: that she has never seen a case in all her time and it's so rare she really doesn't think I will ever get this. Phew!

I am going to go for scans as much as I can to check his growth etc though, probably at least every month. I don't care if it's OTT and I'm going to bug the NHS to give me free ones given my history and the unusual formation of my placenta. I don't care if I come across as a pain in the ass I have decided to be much more pushy with the NHS as from Monday. Tbh I actually think that the NHS is better than private care if you can get their attention and care in the 1st place!

Sorry for the long and selfish post, bit emotional and pre-occupied with safety of baby atm but still excited too although I have been having moments when I think this is not going to happen for me and it's all too good to be true :cry: I need to get my pos thinking back! xxxx
Hey girls. I just got home from the trip. As you could see from some of my posts my step grandpa died and the next day we had to put our cat to sleep. Not Jax, but one of my moms cats that i've had since i was 4. It was SO hard. Seemed like a lot of negatives going on that trip but i am glad i was with my family for it all. I had a great time and my nieces are the most adorable little girls ever. I was so happy because last night Autumn said Rach. She will be 2 in October! She had me in tears from saying my name!! I love them to pieces. I wish i could take them home with me. We didn't get to BD at all their. So much was going on and i didn't even feel like it. I should be getting AF soon. I hope i don't and am PG. My allergies got real bad up there. They always do. On my way home i took a Zyrtec. Seemed to help a bit. When i got here after the long 9 hr car ride i noticed my feet are so swollen. I can't even see my ankles. This has never happened to me. I hope it wasn't from the Zyrtec. I didn't notice it earlier but the tightness in my feet i've felt since last night. I walked all around the fair all day yesterday so it makes me wonder if it was from that. Who knows. Anyways... i get to start my new job tmrw. I'm cashiering. Hope my feet will be okay. I'll catch up and read on what you girls wrote later. I feel terrible this post is all about me. Hope you're all doing good. Missed ya!
Hi ladies!

Mel- so glad your 20 week scan went well and good for you for pushing for extra scans! You deserve them! Everything is going to go perfectly fine but but it always helps to.see for yourself. Even though I was getting scanned for my cervix and everything was fine, it helped me to see oakley every bit of the way. I've.never heard of the placenta stuff you have going on but I'm sure its normal enough especially if they didn't even mention the one of them to you and at least they're monitoring it for you.

Rach - gosh so sorry about your visit home! It sounds like you got there just in time :hugs: that's treats you could be there for your family but unfortunate that's the kind of trip you had to have? Was it unexpected? That's great you got a new job! Where is it? FXd for no AF for you!

Ok I'm almost done pumping...as long as little man stays down I'm headed back to bed!
Hi girls! Yahh for team blue Mel!!! That would be kind of crazy if we were all team blue! Hopefully your 32 week appt will be just fine and then you'll have smooth sailing until delivery :)Rachael glad you had a good trip, but sorry for your losses! Hopefully it helped you some though to be there for it, and not hours away from everybody. Was it just what you needed for a little pick me up? Are you still wanting to move back home? I bet your feet are swollen from all the walking you did. So happy you're back, now I'm just crossing all crossables that AF stays away and you get a BFP!! And a new job?! Tell us more!!
Lindsay how is Oakley doing? Glad the antibiotics helped :)
Jessie---how are you feeling? 2 more days until we get to see Baby N again!! Can't wait!
Sam, hope painting is coming along and we get pictures of the nursery soon.
AFM---back to work tomorrow, boo! Today my FIL came over to tear out all the carpeting in the nursery and take off the closet doors. Then supposed to have an appt at 1 but big surprise they called and asked to reschedule (3rd one). So I was kind of irritated and she said well lets reschedule you for 330 today and Dr. might be back then, just call before you come. Sat on hold for 1/2 hour and Dr. was in so we got to go in. I'm up 10 lbs which she seemed fine with. Next appt is Oct. 1st and I have to do my glucose test. Other than that, nothing new. Weekend was nice and relaxing and beautiful weather!
Hi girls,
Sorry I have been MIA. Chris and I spent an almost technology free 4 day weekend on the boat and it was awesome. Then school started last night(ugh!) so I am just now trying to get caught up!

Mel – welcome back! Gosh, you got a bunch of info at your appointment! I am sure that everything will work out perfect for you but I am glad that you decided to go in for extra monitoring. I think it’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. Congrats on TEAM BLUE :blue: So now that you know you’re having a boy, will you tell the doc to just tell you? Might as well…. Start buying BLUE!!! :yipee:

Rach – so sorry for all the losses during your trip :hugs: Hope you had a nice time anyway. Will you be on your feet for the cashiering job? Maybe the walking at the fair made you swell, or I wonder if you had some sort of reaction to the Zyrtec…? Oh when is AF due?

Lindsay – Is the mastitis better now? I hope it stays away! How is Oakley doing with his new sleeping plan?

Kelsey – did they do a scan at your appointment? I can't believe your doc with all of these appt changes!!!

Sam – How is the painting coming along? Did you get your sexy socks yet ? :winkwink:

AFM – I have my 10 week appointment in the morning!!! eeek!!! Scan at 8:45am and appt with RE at 9:15am. Hopefully everything will be fine. I am not really feeling any different, just really tired (which is making my class until 10pm really tough). I will post an update at lunch tomorrow.
Hi girls!

Jess - a technology free weekend sounds great! Kirk and I will be going down to the eastern shore of MD next weekend and I'm hoping to lose my phone while we are there! Can't wait to see a scan luc from you and hear all about it!

Kelsey - I'm surprised your doc will let you paint while pregnant. I had a friend who did and her kids are geniuses lol I mean they're like 5 but they're fine Haha.

The mastitis is better but I've got some clogged ducts now. Trying to be super careful to keep it from progressing. Going to get some lecitin or something today to try to help with recurrent clogged ducts. I also need to reduce my supply...its insane how much milk I make!
Little oakley officially slept through the night two nights ago! It was so exciting! It seems the only time he sleeps.for long stretches is when he has one of his inconsolable crying nights. Last night was easy...he was just a little fussy and wanted to eat a lot and was asleep by 11 but up by 3. So I guess that's just how its gonna be. I prefer the easy nights to long stretches of sleep. It's so hard to hear him cry for extended amounts of time :(
Jess -glad you had such weekend, I didn;t realsie schoolwas starting again to so soon. I thought you had a bit more of a break.

Lindsay - hows Oakleys colic? I hopw things have settled down bit and the mastitis is away fro you now.

Rachel - yay for the new job sorry your trip him wasn't as happy as you had planned and you lost your step grnadad and beloved pet. I t was good that you were home and had the support from them too. Such boost seeing your neices to I bet.

Kels - I got my mask as I was worried bout the VOC fumes from the paint. I think emulsions not too bad but a lot of gloss type paint have high VOC. I saw it recommended for people who paint as artists so I suppose they have more exposure but it was £20 (roughly $30) so well worth it for me even if it was to avoid smelling my OH's windy bottom!

Mel - as alsways I'll be in your journal!

afm- I have added a few pics of the nursery. Not sure if this will work as I have limited the people who can see this on my fb but hope this link allows you to see the work so far.


I had my measurements yesterday for the lovely support stockings but as the practice nurse only tends to do knee highs (I have VV past my knees) and not much experience with pg (I suppose its usually older people she sees) she is going to contact the vascular nurse at the hospital for more advice and then phone me up. I know I have the tights but was hoping they could give me something to alternate with.
Jessie I'll be stalking this thread today like a wild woman! Can't wait to see pics of Baby N (do you have a nickname for baby that we can start using?)!!!! and I really didn't feel much diff. either, I wasn't even really tired! I now understand how they have those shows "I didn't know I was pregnant"-----because so far 23 weeks later I'm still not feeling much different. Nothing how I expected pregnancy to be! Anyway, I'm picturing you right now sitting at work with a big smile on your face peeking at your u/s pic every chance you get :) :) :)
Aww Linds, hope by the time you have to go back to work Oakley is in a perfect little routine of sleeping and will have few if any cry sessions. Poor lil guy :) Still figuring out this crazy world! Yeah, I've googled the paint thing too and it says that paint now a days doesn't have all the stuff in it that used to make it bad, but you should still be in a well ventilated area to do it. I still choose not to paint, and DH is completely on board of doing it all himself. Idk if anybody watches Snooki and JWoww (I'm sure I'm the only one) but anyway, Snooki painted a ton on the show (while pregnant) and it made me cringe a little. Sam, you'll have to mail her your beautiful mask when you're done with it! ha
Sam I can't see the pics while at work so I can't wait to get home and look at them!! I had to laugh at OH's "windy bottom". Men are such piggies sometimes :)
Oh and Jessie you asked if I had a scan at my last appt---I won't have anymore now. Unless of course something comes up unexpected, but otherwise it'll just be weight, heartbeat and blood pressure checks. Guess I'll just have to wait 17 weeks to see baby :)
OMG JESSICA LYNN (okay, I don't even know if Jessica is your legal name or if your middle name is Lynn---but I'm just throwing it out there to put some emphasis on it) WHERE ARE YOU!?!?!!? :telephone:
Omgosh girls, bad news I think. Had an ultrasound this morning and they did not see a heartbeat. I am back at the hospital now because they wanted to do another to make sure. I'll post more later.
OMFG Jess, I'm having a horrible day and I seriously think this is going to make me have an anxiety attack. :cry: I'm leaving to go home and I will be watching for an update and I will be praying my ass off.
Seriously.....please have good news for us..............................:cry:
OMG Jess. Please give us an update as soon as you can. Wow i am praying real hard for you girl. I can't even begin to express what i am feeling for you. Praying for the best.
Hi girls, no better news to report this afternoon. :( the second ultrasound was the same. No HB. I am having a D&C in the morning. Hopefully the tissue testing from this one will provide some answers.

Mel- do you have an article about those NK cells. I told my doc I definitely want to be tested for those. He wants me to send him some info on it, as they are not as familiar with them over here.

Off to class I will check in with you girls later.

Kelsey- why did you have a bad day :(. (besides my downer news)
OMG Jess - I am so, so sorry. I just can't believe this has happened I am so sad and upset for you both. :cry: Sending all my love your way.
I'm so sorry Jess. You had mentioned the MTHFR gene before - have you been tested for a mutation in it?? There is another girl on this board that has a mutation in it and had two miscarriages before being treated for it (I'm not sure the treatment but I think it has to do with blood thinners) and now has a healthy pregnancy. I haven't read through the site below but it might have some good info on it...


So sorry :cry:
Oh Jess, my heart hurts so incredibly bad for you and Chris. Not just sad, but actually really pissed about how unfair life can be. I hope you get some time away from school & work..
Love you bunches Hun, so wish I could be there for you (in person).
Thanks girls! You are such a great support group!! :hugs: This loss seems to be the most upsetting for us because we really thought this was it and we had all the issues corrected. I don't know what to do from here. Whats just so damn frustrating is not knowing whats causing this. I will ask about that mutation. I think that's what I take the extra Folic acid for but I will check that thread. Chris is also dropping off another semen analysis tomorrow just to make sure we have all of his bases covered. My doc is also going to be sending us to see a high risk doctor just for another set of eyes on my labs.
oh my God Jess... my heart bleeds for you. I can't believe it. I really thought this was it too. The doctors really need to figure out what the reasoning is because this is just getting to be ridiculous. I can't imagine what you're going through and what you're feeling. I hope you know i am thinking of you and if you need anything we're here for you. Love you girl and i really wish you didn't have to go through all this again.

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