Jess, sorry your loss was another chromosome problem. I can help you out with this!! You know that a lot of women (25%) have at least 1 miscarriage and these are definitely caused by chromosome problems. It's very common. When you have 2 it's highly likely it's a chromo problem again. 3 miscarriages and docs look into all the other RARE causes of mc's such as blood clotting probs etc. However, 3,4,5 miscarriages can still be caused by chromosome problems. It is bad luck. I had 2 of mine tested, one was a normal boy and the other was a girl with trisomy 13. This had doctors completely baffled ecause finding a normal loss in with an abnormal one is completely abnormal!! Usually they are all chromo probs when you repeatedly miscarry unless you have a specific diagnosis of a blood clot prob etc. My doc was very surprised - hence the empirical treatment like the steroids and clexane was a good bet for me. I am 100% sure that I had both mostly chromo probs and I am 50% sure that the steroids / clexane / aspirin etc did something for me. I am more convinced that the Clomid helped me as it let me produce 2 eggs increasing the chance for a normal one to implant iykwim. I looked into IVF with PGD very seriously, in fact hubs was adamant we do this on the next try - he even made me sign a piece of paper to agree lol! I was never sure as all the recurrent mc docs said no way, don't do it, you're getting pregnant naturally it's bad luck, you will get there etc etc. I will post you what I did exactly for this pregnancy in the next post. All in all I am not convinced the IVF / PGD is the answer for you, I would probably go for the clomid first if i were you and keep trying naturally (I was planning on persuading hubs out of IVF even though i signed the paper

) Sorry you're going through this hun

I wish your bad luck would come to an end. There are loads of girls on the rpl thread who are successfully pregnant after 4,5 + miscarriages of all ages. I am sure you will get there. Here's what I did in detail...
Took 75mg aspirin, Pregnacare and extra folic acid
continuously every day
Days 3,4,5 of cycle: took 100mg Clomid per day (didn't need it but my private ob-gyn said it wouldn't harm to try to get a few eggs going / maybe improve egg choice for fertilisation / quality. Produced 2 eggs.
At fertile time: oodles of Conceive Plus (Preseed is good too)

x 2 a day, loads of Red Raspberry Leaf tea & pink grapefruit juice (to build up lining) Lots of 'doggy style' bd'ing as

gets nearer the cervix that way. Me-mo was conceived this way lol!! TMI!
After ovulation (day 14 out of 27 day cycle) so around day 16 I took 25mg prednisolone steroid and 400mg progesterone everyday. The consultant who gave me clomid also gave me estrogen tablets at this point to ensure my lining was built up as he believed Clomid could thin it after even only one treatment.
around CD 24 started 20mg Clexane injections daily (for the sake of it treatment and had to pay another consultant to give it me - no medical implication) AND upped the steroids to 40mg
At 4 weeks so CD 28 had intralipid treatment at the New Life Clinic in Epson Surrey (Shehata)
So as you can see I rattled slightly with all these pills!! Me-mo is absolutely perfect though (so say the blood tests and scan measurements so it did him no harm).
Total cost this pregnancy alone: around £2000

- but cheaper than IVF!!
Total consultants needed to get all the treatment I wanted = 3
I hope that's helpful hun, I know the pain you're going through xxx
PS I also continuously took thyroxine even though there was nothing wrong with my thyroid, shehata liked to see it always under 2 and one of my thyroid tests out of three crept to 2.5 so on the thyroxine I went - only 50mmg. However by the second tri it was decided i didn't need it anymore as my result was too low 0.01!! So I don't think I needed this at all in the first place

although there is a theory that a thyroid level always under 2 can help you to conceive quickly.
And just to throw a spanner in the works: the expert of all experts in recurrent Prof Lesley Regan said I didn't need ANY treatment whatsoever and that I would eventually be successful on my own as there was nothing wrong with me and it was just bad luck. I don't disagree with this at all but obviously I don't know and came to the conclusion that if the treatment doesn't harm then why not go for it! However as I say I cannot put my hand on heart and say any of this medication worked for me and I wouldn't have just been OK on my own.
Finally it's not like you can't get pregnant easily which is a big indication to keep trying on your own even without the help of PGD as the experts say people like us will get there if we keep trying. I wouldn't try again without my treatment program if i were you (because I think we are both the same) or at least without clomid and estrogen. Hope that's helpful xxxxx