1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Happy 25 weeks Kelsey - an eggplant already! You and Sam have quite the large vegetable garden going!!! :winkwink:

Omgosh Mel - I got teary eyed when I read your post about your friend too. I am so sorry. I can't even imagine losing a child like that. Just when you think you've gotten to the delivery room and all is well. Don't let it worry you too much about yourself since its very rare but I know its hard as this journey is hard enough and full of worry about things. Yes Chris posted that on FB, he is so sweet!! He is really my rock through all this and I am so thankful each day that I found him! No matter what's in the cards for us, as long as I have him I will be happy! :wedding:

Lindsay - how long will it take for you to dry up? Do you just start slowing down your pumping until it eventually stops? I hope its not too painful for too long. I think its great that you guys have decided about #2. How much longer do you have of school? My brother and I were 22 months apart and I thought that was great. We were very close growing up and always did everything together.
Jess - hoping your appointment goes well today (iykwim). Its good that you have your studing to keep you occupied (Iwas doing the same last year) but I hope you are managing and not over doing things. That hasn't come out the way I want, I just want to make sure you are okay (as can be atm). So great you have the support of such wonderful man. I think we all on here have teh best, supportive husbands.

Mel - I am so sorry bout your friend, she must be devastated. BnB is a great support but also hearing such stories of this doesn't amke the diffficult journey of PAL any better. It is worse when you know the person directly. We have to just try to be positive as possible and realise such events are incredibly rare :hugs:

Linsday - glad things are starting to slow down a bit and yay for thinking about number 2!! I have heard of bumgernius and think we get them over here too (may be wrong about that) I think the cloth ones are so cute. I love all teh pis of Oakley. They don't appear on my feed so have to go looking for them. He is just gorgeous!!

Kels - hope you are feeling a bit better and this cold hasn't got into your sinuses. Happy 25 weeks!!

afm - Dad arrivng today, got the first antenatal class this evening but my work has been so busy and stressful today I just want to go home (it is at the place I work so no point going home) and be looked after by my step mum! I hope this class will be worth it.
Lindsay you do NOT overpost pictures of Oakley---come on is that even possible when he's that cute?!?!!? :) Keep the pictures coming (can't believe he's almost 2 months old)!!!!!!!!!! That's be great if work lets you work from home once a week. Especially because your drive always sounds so long and sometimes awful! Lindsay what kind of breast pump did you say you got? I think that sounds like a good amt of time between babies. There's 4 years between each of my sisters (3 of us) and growing up it was hard to be really close because we were into diff. things at diff times. Now, we're close as can be. Ideally I'd like the kids to be 2-3 yrs apart, and like Kirk, Ryan would like to start trying for #2 right after 1, but I also would like a little time off. For us though we have to worry if it will take the same amount of time it did for #1 so I have a feeling we won't wait too long after #1. Plus, Ryan will be 31 in Feb. so I think he feels more of an urgency to start trying.
Sam I always miss you by a day---happy 31 weeks (and 1 day :) ) How fun that your family is coming this weekend! If there's somebody that can't see your belly, I think you should for sure tape it. My birthday is next month and I want a video camera so that I can tape my belly moving and the baby room stuff ect. Oh nooo, sickness back again?? That seems so common in the 3rd tri---wouldn't that be something if I didn't have it in the 1st but have it in the 3rd? I think it'd be way worse in the 3rd because you're already so uncomfortable! Enjoy your class today---I'm excited for my classes to start! Although I'm not sure how many classes I actually go to, sounds like they're mainly online..
Jessie thinking of you today at your appt! I didn't have really any bleeding/spotting after my D&C and I don't remember my first AF being horrible---so I hope it's not for you either. Hopefully the appt will be more than just the normal, how are you feeling, any questions, ok see you later. Awww, you and Chris sound adorable (and really everybody in here seems to have wonderful OH's, how lucky are we ladies?!). I read some of the stories in other groups of how horrible their OH's are, or how unsupportive, and it makes me want to just run and hug ryan and thank him for being so perfect (in my eyes :) ). How long have you guys been married?
Oh Mel that's awful. I hate reading those stories because it's a worry I have in the back of my mind already. Until I have the baby in my arms I think I'll continue to worry. Those poor, poor people. I just can't even imagine....
AFM---today is the first day where my cold is not totally kicking my butt! Sooo happy about that. Still tired, but not dying.
Hi Ladies!!

Jess - let us know how your appointment goes today, I have my fingers crossed for you that the tissue results are back in and there is a brand new plan of action for the next.

Kelsey - glad you're feeling better! and YES my drive is terrible!! I drive into DC every day and it's just gridlock.

Little man is wiggling, so I have to be quick but I'm having a relapse day that I want to keep going with the boobs! Ugh, I'm such a mess lol I'm thinking I've reduced enough that I'll have to supplement and could slowly wean at my own pace. I don't know what to do, so confused!!
Hey girls - sorry for the late post but I had an exhausting afternoon at work. Well my doctors appointment went well, considering. We spent a lot of time taking about my questions and mu results. My tissue results were in and unfortunately the result was another chromosomally abnormal baby - this time Turners Syndrome. I am a little surprised and disappointed as I feel like some of the things that I thought of trying next time would not have even made a difference in either of the MC's that have been tested. Right now we are at 100% with the chromosomal problems, with no answers as to what is causing this. My doctor still really feels like its just been really bad luck for us. I still have to do some research on this but it sounds like its bad, but people are born with Turners so not 100% convinced this caused the MC but my RE believes it was and says this is one of the most common results in pregnancy loss. Chris also had his SA results back and everything was normal except morphology/shape was just barely normal. My doc still feels like it is very unlikely that this would have caused the chromosome problems.
At this point he feels our best option is to do the IVF with PGD. Chris and I have a lot to think about with this as the procedure is very expensive and the success rate is only about 30%. Its a hard pill to swallow for those odds. My doctor is going to write a letter for me to send to my insurance to see if this is something they will cover given my history. If it is I think we will probably definitely go this route, if not I am leaning towards trying 1 more time. What do you girls think if you were in this situation? The odds of another chromosomal problem are high but could there be a normal one in there??? Its so tough, I don't know what to do. During my pelvic exam he took a sample to send for some test that some people believe could cause RPL (I can't remember what is was), just to dot our I's and cross our T's. He is also checking into a few things and may want to do a uterine biopsy next month. I have not had one of these yet in my testing. I also brought in some articles about some of the immunology testing done for RPL and NK cells. A lot of the tests I have already had but he is going to look into the others.

Well better get to bed. We have a charity day at work tomorrow where we all go out and volunteer at a local charity. I am volunteering at the Florida Aquarium so as long as they don't have us do too much manual labor it shouldn't be too bad. I will check in with you girls tomorrow afternoon.
So, I'm a bit naive when it comes to IVF - can they be sure the embryo's they'd be inserting would be chromosomally normal? Is that possible?? Was the abnormality different this time than the last time you had the tissue tested? How could it be just bad luck 5 times?? That's really bad luck! Can you guys afford it?? If I could afford it, I think I would try to be honest. I know it doesn't have a great success rate, but if it gives you a healthy baby, isn't it worth it?? Well, I guess I would only do it if they could ensure it would be a chromosomally normal baby.
Lindsay - the PGD is an additional procedure that would be done with the regular IVF. Most IVF people don't do this. After the egg is fertilized, this extra procedure would test the embryo for chromosomal issues and then only the normal ones would be implanted. So you could still have a MC if your body has an issue but if you stay pregnant you should end up with a chromosomally normal baby. Its crazy - you could even pick if you wanted boys or girls implanted etc. Here's a little blurb about it:

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is the diagnosis of a genetic condition prior to achievement of a pregnancy. Developed in the early 1990′s, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a way for couples to prevent a pregnancy affected by a genetic condition or chromosomal disorder. There are various types of PGD available, depending on the needs of the individual couple. This form of genetic testing is performed on eggs or embryos during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. The embryos that have been analyzed and are found to be normal are transferred into the woman’s uterus, where they will hopefully implant and result in the birth of a healthy child.

The procedure is about $18K but my doctor was talking about something else they would do with the sperm too that may bring it up to around $25K. It would be tough but we could probably work something out to afford it, I just wish the odds were better for that amount of money. I am also not sure what the subsequent procedures would cost if the first one did not work. We need to do some research on this. Yeah, bad luck 5 times... I don't know. It seems like a lot to me too but they cannot find anything in Chris or I that would be causing these issues. MC #3 that was tested was a different chromosomal problem, it was a Trisomy 12 which is an extra chromosome on the 12th pair. This time is was Turners Syndrome which means we were short 1 chromosome - the girl was missing one of the X chromosomes. I don't know, I just don't understand how this keeps happening.
Lindsay i totally understand where you're coming from as far as not wanting to go back to work! My friend had her son in early May and just recently went back to work and has been so sad because she can't spend nearly as much time with her little ham. I know i'll feel the same. Just try and enjoy the time you still have left. 3 weeks doesn't seem that long, but imagine all the little memories you'll have in that period of time with little Oakley! :) They will get you through your days. OMGosh as far as diaper rashes go.. i definitely feel the pain for the little ones! I can't imagine how uncomfortable that is on the tush. I know sometimes i get raw like that on my thighs from rubbing LOL and it hurts!! Glad it's all healed up. I think a 3 year gap is also good for your babies. My sister and i are 4 years and it was a decent amount of time. I think you're doing the right thing by letting your body heal and rest up before the new preegnancy, but whatever happens is meant to be!

Kelsey has your cold gone away yet? I hate colds. This time of year is so bad because of the weather change. UGH! I hate it when it's the kind where NOTHING helps. No medicine at all. Just have to let nature take its course. :grr: I sure hope you are feeling tons better now though! Not fun. I am so happy you were able to see your baby move! How exciting!!! You should video it and put a clip on facebook. I'd love to see it!! Have you been watching the Challenge? I saw bits and pieces of it the other day. I'm so excited it's back on!!

Jess i am sorry you didn't pass your exam as well :( Like Kelsey and Sam said, you did have a ton on your plate. Good luck on it next time you take it. My sisters sister-in-law has Turners Syndrome. She seems completely normal for the most part just some things she has trouble with. She never could start her period on her own because she only has 1 ovary so she takes a pill to make her have her period. She also can't ever have kids. She's a very bright girl and is making a lot of herself. I don't think that really had anything to do with your MC but i am also not an expert in that area. I really hope your insurance does cover IVF because that would be a huge weight off your shoulders as far as $$. If i were you, i'd try again. That's just me. I think if you're ready to handle any outcome that it may have then do it. It may just be your miracle baby!! I believe in miracles, for sure! It really is a huge pill to swallow but regardless the decision you make.. it will be the right one. I'm really glad your doctor took the time to talk to you about all that. I'm glad they kept the dang tissue this time too. Seems like Chris is on the safe side with his SA results. Like i said, whatever you do will be the right thing. We are here for you through it all!!

Sam how exciting getting the carpet fitted for the nursey!! I can't wait to see a finished pic of it when it's all done. Are you still feeling nauseous? How in the world are you 31 weeks already?! That is just nuts!!

Mel my heart bleeds for your friend. I'm so sorry to hear that. I couldn't imagine the pain and hurt she's feeling :cry: she is in my thoughts and prayers. Anything can happen at any given time, but try to think positive Mel. You're going to be okay! This is your rainbow!!! :hugs:

AFM... still no AF. Took a test like... 3 days ago and it was bfn. My cooch smells funky for some reason. Has been for a few days. I'm CD47. What in the world?! :grr: one day i'm going to get all this squared away. Thinking about calling around and asking for advice at different gynos as for what i should do. I'm so sick of sitting back and not doing anything about it just because i don't have insurance. There has to be a way, right?!
Jess - :hugs: I am glad you got the results back so soon but are not what you wanted to hear although the news either way wasn't going to be 'good'. It is just a shame the previuos mc wasn't tested. I look at Mels, pg/mc and despite the extra help with steroids and drip I think she herself might say it was still that horrible 'bad luck'. Have they tested you for the translocation genetic errors (can't remember the specific name)? I would be tempted to try one more time with as much extra help re medicines etc, but then I haven't had the number of mc you have had so maybe I would feel differently. As Rachel says it all depends on how you feel if the worst was to happen again. As for the IVF, I like you, would want much higher odds but that is not to say wouldn't be in the 30% on your first try. I feel so upset for you and just want to to have what your so deserve.

Rachel - cd47? I really wish I could help but I have no idea of how things work in the US to suggest where to go/who to see. I think with the recent stress of jobs, loss of gran and being a down may be a factor in delaying af. How is the new job going? sending lots of love and hugs

Gotta go, my Dad/step mum are visiting and Can here then waking up. I;ll try to write more later.
Hi ladies!

Rach - gosh! I can't believe you haven't gotten AF yet! You and me both now are waiting for her! Now that I'm not breastfeeding I expect her to show up somewhat soon. I got mirena in on Friday so they say that can make AF not show anymore either though so I've started very lazily charting again and think the mirena may be causing a temp shift but we shall see. Everything I read on mirena says you still ovulate and you can chart but it may be a bit messy...I just want to know when to.expect AF.

Jess - would your doctor let you try again but treat you as if you had a clotting disorder? I think that us what I would.want to do. If you had the translocation genetic disorder thingy wouldn't it be the same chromosomal abnormality each time? I haven't looked much into that but I saw a seminar on it once and I believe its the same issue each time so that wouldn't make sense for you guys. Also - what if you get the embryos going and none are genetically normal? How much would that cost? I'd be devastated.

Sam - I cant wait to see finished pictures of the nursery!

Afm - I was emotional yesterday and kirk took me out and got some wine in me and it was exactly what I needed. All of my boys (kirk, oakley and my fur baby darby) are asleep in bed with me right now lol. Oakley has slept 7-8 hours for three nights in a row now with no crying session when he got put down, its been amazing! Now that we have switched to formula, he doesn't want my stash of breast milk, so I'm having to sneak it into his bottles in small amounts..hoping he gets used to it! Would be such a waste if not!
Lindsay- we were tested for all of the genetic issues so it doesn't sound like we would have anything that's causing this. It sounds like something may be happening during fertilization. I read that with old eggs and sperm when the transfer of the chromosomes occur sometimes one can get left behind etc. I don't know, it's all so confusing. My doctor said that he would treat me for clotting if that's what I wanted but he really doesn't think that's the issue or would have made a difference with either of those tested since it was a chromosomal issue. I did do some reading about Turners and although some people are born with this it does sound like its very common with MCs. Omgosh if all of our eggs were bad after having the procedure I don't know what I would do. That would be devastating!!! I think that might be why he's recommending another extra step with this procedure where they go in and select only perfect sperm. That would bring the cost of the procedure up to about $25k. :shock:

So glad Oakley is sleeping more. I bet that is a huge help since you will be going back to work in a couple weeks. Oh now we can stalk your chart too. I am going to start charting again after my next AF.

Sam- how was your weekend with your family. Did you get a lot of work dozen around your house? Seeing Mel's pregnancy after so many MCs does give me hope to try again but she also also a lot younger than me so I think her eggs may be in better shape than mine. :(

Mel - I can't remember but were any of your MC's tested?

Rach- I cannot believe that you have not gotten AF yet!!! Can you do housekeeping at a hotel or somewhere you can get insurance? I really wish you could get in and see a doctor!!!

Kelsey- how was your weekend? How has your baby room been progressing?
So happy for little Oakley! Sleeping a full 7 hours is awesome. I LOVED the pic of him and Kirk this morning!

Well i came home from work today and went pee. When i wiped there was a little bit of blood, RED blood that is. Then it went away. So i'm thinking it's coming within the next few days.. finally, but ya just never friggin know! So weird because like 10 days ago i had pink spotting. If i hadn't known any better i would have thought i was PG but i knew i wasn't because i haven't had a single symptom. I think it's just pure stress. Hopefully now my body can relax some.
Sam how was your class and how much did you enjoy your dad and step mom visiting! Hope your weekend was AMAZING! :) Hopefully you're feeling good and that sicky feeling GOES AWAY and stays away!
Oh Jessie, glad they had your results back, but I hate that it brought on more questions and uncertainty than before! Try not to worry too much about the morphology. If you remember me freaking about that (DH only had 4% normal morph) but I did a lot of reading about it and my Dr. was NEVER concerned about morph because she said with how they test morph. these days, it's nearly impossible to get a good morphology number because they find something wrong with almost EVERY sperm. I worried sooo much if his morphology could have caused our miscarriage, but again through all my reading, slim to no chance of that. Because of his morph I read so many horror stories about IVF being our only option so we talked about it quite a bit and decided if it came down to it, we would pay the $25000. We had taken out a loan for that much for our car, which won't last a lifetime, but a baby would. When I thought of it that way, it helped make our decision. BUT, there's the uncertaintly of paying that much and then having it result in no baby, which terrified me. Our program here though, which is fairly new, is that if it results in no baby, you get a 70% refund. Here is a link to that https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/se...are/aurora-fertility-services/shared-risk-ivf
Now, you asked what we would do? I honestly think I'd try one more time just because how successful you have been at getting pregnant fairly quickly. But it also depends on how you think you could mentally handle going through this all again if the worst would happen...Big hugs hun.....it's soooo much to think about and so overwhelming....I remember the hours thinking and crying about it.
Rach---what the world---has AF arrived yet? I have the challenge taped---but haven't watched it yet.
Lindsay did it hurt at all when they put the Mirena in? I totally forgot about AF starting back up for you so when you said you were waiting for it too I was like omg, that's right AF will start back again for her. lol Bet you didn't miss her at all :) How wonderful that Oakley is being such a great sleeper! the picture of him and Kirk sleeping was just PRECIOUS!!!! Did you have to switch to formula so soon to get him used to it? I hope you're still able to use the breastmilk or I'd cry about all those hours of wasted pumping!
AFM---still pretty congested and have a pretty wicked cough. But feeling much better! Hope it goes away soon! Haven't done much in the nursery now because the next step is painting and I can't decide for the life of me what color I want to paint it!!!!!!! I think I'll just go with a khaki color....
Well ladies, it sucks that it's Monday already, but let's have the best Monday we can have :)
Jess, sorry your loss was another chromosome problem. I can help you out with this!! You know that a lot of women (25%) have at least 1 miscarriage and these are definitely caused by chromosome problems. It's very common. When you have 2 it's highly likely it's a chromo problem again. 3 miscarriages and docs look into all the other RARE causes of mc's such as blood clotting probs etc. However, 3,4,5 miscarriages can still be caused by chromosome problems. It is bad luck. I had 2 of mine tested, one was a normal boy and the other was a girl with trisomy 13. This had doctors completely baffled ecause finding a normal loss in with an abnormal one is completely abnormal!! Usually they are all chromo probs when you repeatedly miscarry unless you have a specific diagnosis of a blood clot prob etc. My doc was very surprised - hence the empirical treatment like the steroids and clexane was a good bet for me. I am 100% sure that I had both mostly chromo probs and I am 50% sure that the steroids / clexane / aspirin etc did something for me. I am more convinced that the Clomid helped me as it let me produce 2 eggs increasing the chance for a normal one to implant iykwim. I looked into IVF with PGD very seriously, in fact hubs was adamant we do this on the next try - he even made me sign a piece of paper to agree lol! I was never sure as all the recurrent mc docs said no way, don't do it, you're getting pregnant naturally it's bad luck, you will get there etc etc. I will post you what I did exactly for this pregnancy in the next post. All in all I am not convinced the IVF / PGD is the answer for you, I would probably go for the clomid first if i were you and keep trying naturally (I was planning on persuading hubs out of IVF even though i signed the paper :haha:) Sorry you're going through this hun :hugs::hugs: I wish your bad luck would come to an end. There are loads of girls on the rpl thread who are successfully pregnant after 4,5 + miscarriages of all ages. I am sure you will get there. Here's what I did in detail...

Took 75mg aspirin, Pregnacare and extra folic acid continuously every day

Days 3,4,5 of cycle: took 100mg Clomid per day (didn't need it but my private ob-gyn said it wouldn't harm to try to get a few eggs going / maybe improve egg choice for fertilisation / quality. Produced 2 eggs.

At fertile time: oodles of Conceive Plus (Preseed is good too) :sex: x 2 a day, loads of Red Raspberry Leaf tea & pink grapefruit juice (to build up lining) Lots of 'doggy style' bd'ing as :spermy: gets nearer the cervix that way. Me-mo was conceived this way lol!! TMI!

After ovulation (day 14 out of 27 day cycle) so around day 16 I took 25mg prednisolone steroid and 400mg progesterone everyday. The consultant who gave me clomid also gave me estrogen tablets at this point to ensure my lining was built up as he believed Clomid could thin it after even only one treatment.

At :bfp: around CD 24 started 20mg Clexane injections daily (for the sake of it treatment and had to pay another consultant to give it me - no medical implication) AND upped the steroids to 40mg

At 4 weeks so CD 28 had intralipid treatment at the New Life Clinic in Epson Surrey (Shehata)

So as you can see I rattled slightly with all these pills!! Me-mo is absolutely perfect though (so say the blood tests and scan measurements so it did him no harm).

Total cost this pregnancy alone: around £2000 :shock: - but cheaper than IVF!!
Total consultants needed to get all the treatment I wanted = 3 :shock:

I hope that's helpful hun, I know the pain you're going through xxx

PS I also continuously took thyroxine even though there was nothing wrong with my thyroid, shehata liked to see it always under 2 and one of my thyroid tests out of three crept to 2.5 so on the thyroxine I went - only 50mmg. However by the second tri it was decided i didn't need it anymore as my result was too low 0.01!! So I don't think I needed this at all in the first place :wacko: although there is a theory that a thyroid level always under 2 can help you to conceive quickly.

And just to throw a spanner in the works: the expert of all experts in recurrent Prof Lesley Regan said I didn't need ANY treatment whatsoever and that I would eventually be successful on my own as there was nothing wrong with me and it was just bad luck. I don't disagree with this at all but obviously I don't know and came to the conclusion that if the treatment doesn't harm then why not go for it! However as I say I cannot put my hand on heart and say any of this medication worked for me and I wouldn't have just been OK on my own.

Finally it's not like you can't get pregnant easily which is a big indication to keep trying on your own even without the help of PGD as the experts say people like us will get there if we keep trying. I wouldn't try again without my treatment program if i were you (because I think we are both the same) or at least without clomid and estrogen. Hope that's helpful xxxxx
Kels I hope you feel better hun :hugs: :hugs: It's not nice being ill when pregnant!! I have just had a 24 hour sickness and diarrhoea bug it was awful! Are you getting excited now? I am getting really excited! I think khaki is a good colour too! Be careful painting though hun when you have a bad chest :hugs:

Lindsay - that's wonderful that Oakley is sleeping so well!! Love that you're sneaking breast milk into his bottles too!! Any chance of some more pics of Oakley!?

Rach I wonder if a monitored cycle with clomid would help you out too? I wonder if it's worth just getting your progesterone levels checked after ovulation to be doubly sure your ov-ing.

Pink I hope you had a fantastic time with your dad and step - mum! How you feeling now?
Kelsey - I heard from so many people that it hurt really bad to get the mirena in and I don't know if its bc I just had a baby so my cervix is floppy but it was no worse than a pap smear for me. I was chatting with my doctor the whole time and was shocked when she said she was done. I had some cramping for a day or two after and just some minor bleeding the same day it was put in. I'm spotting a bit today and yesterday but not much at all. I finally remembered to take my temp right when I woke up this morning so I'll be curious to see how my cycles look on this thing. I'm honestly pretty excited about it, I hated the pill. You can feel two little strings when you feel your cervix and you're supposed to check they're there once a month but I'm paranoid its going to fall out so I've pretty much checked it every day since I got it. Oh and they say you can have sex from the day you get it and we did but you feel a bit bruised up there. Todays the first day I felt totally good to go up there.
Thanks for all the info Mel!!! It all makes sense to me and I really feel like I say have had all chromosomal problems but how is it possible to have SO much bad luck!!??? I think I may try some of the things you mentioned. I think my doctor would give me the Clomid next time but I don't think he would go for the steroids. But maybe the Clomid would help me have an earlier O and increase my odds. I think I will still get the ball rolling with my insurance in case this does not work out. I would not mind continuing and continuing to try again but at my age I feel like I am running out if time :sad1: Did your DH take any supplements?
Sorry you have not been feeling well.

Kelsey - hopefully the morph is not an issue but I was reading that it can contribute to chromosomal problems. I just need to make sure the normal ones make it to the egg!!! How are you feeling?

Lindsay- glad the mirena was not too painful. I need to google that, I don't know much about it and how it works. How are your boobs doing? Are you still decreasing your milk supply?
Jess, my hubs had low morph and very high count which all the docs said was not a problem at all. I was told tome and time again that his sperm was very unlikely the problem although I was never convinced lol! His morph was 3%. He only took multi vitamins especially for conception, ones you can buy anywhere. There are ladies on the parl thread who are 39 and successful but you're younger than that aren't you, are you 37? Glad the info helped you Hun, I think you just do what's best for you both. After 5 mc's me and hubs may very well have gone for it too. There's only so much we can go through. Clomid tho may improve egg quality and ovulation,have a feeling it might work for you,worth a go?? xxx

Ps unbelievably, can't get your head around it unbelievably it IS possible to have so much bad luck. You just need to see the constant stream of lovely ladies on here who have so many mc's and then no problems at all! Eg me!! One lady on here had 8mcs and had just given birth naturally to an 8 pound baby with no gas and air! Nothing! I think she was 38. Another one who is 37 at time of birth had a little boy after 4 mc's. Heart who was 39 I think at time of birth had her little girl after 5 mc one being an ectopic with her tube removed. It will happen for you Hun hang in there. Xxx
Morning ladies!

Last night we noticed a little blood in Oakley's poopy diaper and are still seeing it this morning so we're headed to the doc this afternoon :( My poor little man! He's acting like he feels fine so I'm wondering if he just has a little tear up there but I can't help but think the switch from breastmilk to formula is being more rough on his belly than we would have wanted. My boobs are pretty much officially dried up as of this morning :( So sad but better for both me and him that I'm healthy - I have to keep repeating this to myself to not feel guilty.

Jess - you are going to get there, I think trying one more time with clomid is a good idea. You don't seem to have any trouble getting pregnant so I think it's a good idea as long as you can handle going through all this again and then if that doesn't work then going forward with the IVF and PGD? whatever that prescreening thing was, I forget!

Sam - how you feeling? nausea getting any better??

Kelsey - when is your shower??

Mel - so glad everything is going well for you! how are you feeling??

Rach - AF show yet??? I think I just O'd yesterday but it's hard to tell with all the spotting from the mirena and it's really hard to temp when I get up so quickly for the little man.

Wish us luck at the doctor's today! I'll keep you guys updated

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