1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Lindsay - I was bored tonight and made you a collage lol. I had to do some major bnb creeping and fb creeping to get all the right pics! LOL. Hope you like it :)


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Rachel - that is wonderful that collage!! I am sure she will be thrilled and I can imagine it took a lot of post jumping to find all the pics too! What a shame the Dr just couldn't have given you a bit of advice over the phone, its not as if you have cost here the earth to help you a out a little. :hugs: I can imagine how p***d off you must be about your SIL especially as she said she didn't want anymore (twice now) when that is all you want. I think that when (not if) you get your rainbow, it will be wanted so much and loved it will all the better for having you as its mum.:flower:

Lindsay - yay for no more blood in Oakley's nappy and him getting so much bigger!

Kels - I am the same. A few months or so back I had to google what babies wore as I had no idea!! :blush: Really, I was so confused about vests, babygrows, sleepsuits etc and I am sure everyone was like that once but I felt so daft! I seem to be picking up bits and peices from what people say and write and am sure the book from Amazon I have ordered will help too!!

Jess - how is the studying coming on? Will you get out on the boat this weekend for a bit of r&r? What does your OH think about trying again? I think, as mel said, a medicated cycle might be a good idea before the leap into IVF.

afm - birth and labour class last night went ok. I thought it might be more detailed with videos or something but it was a doll and plastic hip bones. I learnt more watching One born every minute TV programme! Still I think it frightened OH a few times talking about all the different pain relief options. We are going to go out tonight to celebrate his birthday proper!
Aw Rach! I just LOVE it! thank you so much!! so cute!! :)
I'm sorry the doctor wouldn't tell you anything - I'm sure it's for liability reasons but still! Your new job doesn't have any insurance at all? Sometimes they have it starting at 3 months, does yours do that??

Kelsey and Sam - I was clueless too! we all are at first! I still feel like I don't know all the stuff they have out for the LOs.

Jess - hope you're out on your boat this weekend!

We have Oakley's 2 month check up today...he gets 3 shots :( Poor little guy!! Then tomorrow Kirk and I are off to bachelor and bachelorette parties - I'm going to miss the little man! I'm hoping everyone will want to go home after so I can go over to his mom's to snuggle with him and help her out for the rest of the night.
Well we had little man's two month check up today. He got two shots and an oral vaccine :( He turned so red and cried so loud that it made me cry lol. Poor baby and poor mommy! He's measuring long and lean - 23.5 inches and 10lbs 15ounces. He's 70% for height and 29% for weight so since he's on the lower side for weight and because he had blood in his stool lately we have to go back in two weeks to check his weight again to make sure it's not dropping. The doctor thinks he might be having trouble switching to the formula but that we'll get there. I've been doing half breastmilk to half formula and he's still been fussy at the bottle but I don't know what else to do. I'm hoping just giving it time will make it better. I am being really hard on myself for stopping with the breastmilk - I know so many babies are fine on formula I just feel like he's not doing as well as he could be because I stopped but I know he'll come around, it's just tough.
I'm also going to a bachelorette party tomorrow that starts at 11am (go get massages - which I def need right now!) and then out to dinner and out for drinks but it's killing me from the inside out knowing I'll be away from Oakley for so long. And then I know I have only one more week off of work so it's been a very tear filled day between Oakley and I.

Sorry for the downer ladies - hope you guys are having a better Friday!!
Aww Lindsay :hugs: sorry you're feeling down, I really hope the night / massages cheer you up. Re formula milk, my sister's children put on more weight when she used formula alone. She is not a fan of breast feeding! She only did it for a month and found it a complete nightmare. My niece and nephew are lovely and healthy, no probs. Don't be too hard on yourself Hun, I know it's probably easier said than done when you're a mum! Oakley is a little super star and you're an amazing mum, I really hope you can enjoy your night, sounds like you need a bit of a break too, I can imagine how tough it is being a round the clock mum:hugs:

Rach lindsay's collage is AMAZING!! Aww you're so kind and good at doing that! How you
feeling? No af yet? Hoping and praying this is your month Hun xxx
Rach - I love the collage you made!!! So are you going to see that doctor for a appt if you have to pay? She was not right when she told you insurance would not cover it anyway! My insurance has covered everything for me

Oh Lindsay- I got sad reading your post! What a hard day you've had! :hugs: I know you will miss Oakley tomorrow but it may be good to let loose tomorrow and have a couple drinks!!! :drunk:: I am ready to have some too!!!

Sam- sorry your class was not that great. You might need to show your OH some videos just so he's prepared! Studying has been going ok. I would like to take my next exam at the end of this month/beginning of next month. Work has been super stressful lately so it's been hard to get my head in the studying.

Mel - how are you feeling today? I am glad your other appt went well.:happydance:

Kelsey- did you get over that cold yet? How is your nursery coming along?

Anyone else doing anything exciting this weekend?

AFM- we are out on the boat... On anchor!!! :yipee: i am in heaven!! A lot of times when we go to the boat after work we just stay at our marina the first night to charge our batteries etc but tonight we decided to head out and are out anchored behind our favorite island. I love it out here, it's so peaceful!!! 1 other boat out here tonight, there will probably be a few more tomorrow night. Oh, I spoke to Chris about the monitored cycle with the Clomid and IUI and he's fine with that so we are going to bring that up at our next appt.
Thanks girls - the night was OK. The massage was AMAZING but unfortunately after that I really just wanted to get back to Oakley and Kirk. I mean the night was totally fine, but the bride is young and so are some of her friends, so I felt a bit like "mom" the whole night and wasn't drinking so I could make sure they got home fine. I did get to talk to one of the bridesmaids about TTC as they've been trying for two months and she wants to start monitoring her cycles more closely and didn't realize all that Kirk and I went through so I got her FF on her phone and gave her a quick rundown of how to get started - so that was probably the highlight of my night lol. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to get out but I'm over the bar scene of screaming to talk to people and I knew Kirk was out doing bachelor party "things" and I didn't have Oakley, so it was just OK. Glad it's over lol.

Jess - so jealous you're out on anchor!! That sounds amazing!! The weather has gotten quite chilly here at night and all I wanted to do last night was sit outside and have a glass of wine but it was way too cold! Glad you and Chris chatted about the clomid and IUI! I think that's a great next step - when is your next appointment?? I'll have to check and see if you've started charting yet. I know my bleeding was kind of odd after my MMC. I didn't bleed but a tiny bit for a couple days and then all of a sudden it was crazy bleeding for a week and spotting for another week. Not sure why some women bleed a lot and some don't. Hope yours goes quickly!

Mel - Thank you for your kind words!! I know Oakley's going to be fine I just have to keep telling myself that I'm doing a good job. I think us women are too hard on ourselves! I want everything to be perfect for him (of course) so when the doctor was concerned, it freaked me out! Now talking to my mom I'm feeling better. I guess I was on the lower end of the stats for weight for a long time and he's much longer than I was so his height to weight ratio put him into below the 25% so that's why they're monitoring him and I'm actually glad they are, it can't hurt for them to see him more often! He's 70% for height and 29% for weight so combined he's below average. He's got cute little rolls that I love and he seems happy :)

AFM - got AF!
Yay for af Lindsay! I completely understand why you would freak out! He will put on weight soon, and he's not that low but I know where you're coming from. Me-mo is about 40% for weight ATM on the percentile chart but I have only just got my appetite back so hoping by the 32 week scan he will be a chubster! Well I will go for a private growth scan to get that info, the 32 week free scan is to check my placenta is still high as it's a split one and they don't want it falling low.

Jess so jealous of your boat too. I saw your pics on fb :cloud9:

Kels, Sam, rach how are you both?

Afm can't stop eating Chinese style curries!!! 6 this week :shock:
Sorry I've not uploaded my 3d scan pics. Kels rach and Lindsay do you want to be friends on Facebook? Here is my link https://www.facebook.com/melanie.darby.5?ref=tn_tnmn
I'm friends with jess and Sam already :) my pics are on there xxx
Hi girls, it's been quiet in here! I had a beautiful weekend out on the boat! I love this time of year because it's still warm during the day but cools off a bit at night. Chris and I did a lot of taking about things and it was really good. I really feel like we have been living our life based on the "what if" and that "what if" doesn't seem to be happening so we are ready to make some changes! 7 years ago we bought a big house - 4 bedrooms and 3 baths planning for children. To be able to afford a house this size we bought farther out from the city so it takes us almost an hour to get to work. We also bought out here to be closer to our parents. This drive every day is really stressing us out and we pay a lot each month in gas and tolls. So we have decided we are going to look into moving!!! I am very excited as this house has really been hard to keep up with so we are going to look for something smaller, maybe even a townhouse closer to work. We will still get 3 bedrooms in case we have a baby but since that whole thing doesn't seem to be working out right now, we can't keep doing this drive every day for the "what if". I don't know we'll see what happens when we start looking. We looked into this a few years ago when the housing market was high and it was just too expensive for us to move but I am hoping it won't be the case anymore.

So how is everyone else doing?

Lindsay - Yeah for AF!!!! I know what you mean about the bar scene. I can't do it any more either. If I do it, I end up regretting it the next day, it just takes me too long to bounce back. I am still waiting for my AF to get here so I can start charting. I feel a bit lost not taking my temps so I am actually anxious to get started again.
Hi Ladies!!

How is everyone doing??

Jess - I think that's great you guys are looking into a house closer to your work - I wish we could do that but Kirk and I are so bad in cities so we're stuck with bad commutes unfortunately. Plus, Kirk is in construction so he works in all different directions and we're central to 3 major areas he works in, so it really works out for him. Once I graduate I'll be able to get a job closer to home, hopefully!

So, I don't know if I just had a bad weekend, am taking stopping breastfeeding badly, am dreading going back to work, can't take little man not eating well or if postpartum depression is kicking in as I was crying all day yesterday pretty much. I'm feeling a little more stable today as I think I've figured out why our little man is so upset eating - I think he's constipated. He has a tiny bit of very thick poo pretty much every single diaper whereas before it was nice and loose (as it's supposed to be on BM) and he was having probably two big poo's a day. He's also developed diaper rash since switching to formula. So, it's been a little tough to get him to take the frozen milk but he seems to be doing a bit better with it, so I'm giving him at least 50% breastmilk to formula as this weekend he was on only formula because he was with my in laws and I think that "plugged" him up and that's why he's been so miserable Sunday and yesterday. I don't know...we'll see! Keep your fingers crossed for us! I have a doctor's appointment for him on Thursday.
So, I just went out to lunch with my dad and got finished with a run/exercise and chatted with my boss early this morning and realize how much I have to be thankful for and that I need to stop stressing so much and worrying and that everything will be OK. Little man is eating a lot better today and while next week will be hard it'll still be fine. My boss was really sweet and told me to do whatever I need to for Oakley and to not worry about shortened days, leaving before traffic starts, etc, etc. So, that was a big relief!!

Hope you all are doing great! Jess - can't wait to start stalking your chart again and hearing about all the new housing opportunities for you and Chris! That sounds so exciting! House shopping is my favorite!
Lindsay- sorry you had a rough day :hugs: but I am glad you are feeling better. I think it's going to be stressful no matter what so just take one day at a time... And remember all the positive things you have to look forward to at times when you are feeling stressed or upset.
I am really getting excited about the house shopping. It will probably be a long process by the time we sell our house and find something new but I am looking forward to the change! My mom about freaked yesterday when I told her but today she totally understands and is really supportive about the move.
Where is everyone????

Jess - you should definitely be excited about the house shopping, it'll feel good to do something for yourselves. I hope it won't be hard leaving the house you planned to have children in but it's not like you're giving up the idea of having a family, you're just moving that family closer to your work. You'll be filling up your townhouse or whatever you buy before ya know it! Maybe the reduced stress will help in the process as well!

AFM - I'm not sure the bleeding I've been having is actually AF. I haven't had hardly any cramping and it's never gotten heavy at all, so I'm thinking it's just significant spotting from the mirena. I've wanted to chart but it's so hard since I get up in the middle of the night with Oakley and the fact that usually I'm waking up to him calling for me, so I don't really have time to stay in bed and temp. Do you guys have any ideas of how I could?? I wish I could take it right before bed or something lol. I don't even know why I want to chart, I guess I just don't like that I have no idea what my body's doing and would like to have a good grasp on when AF will show and all that.
Lindsay - Gosh I don't know what you should do about the temping. I wonder if you took it at the same time every night before going to bed if you would see the fluctuations (obviously your temps would be higher) or if your body would be too affected by variations from what went on during the day...? I think the key is consistency so maybe you could try it out.
Are you supposed to get spotting from the Mirena?
Jess that's so exciting about house hunting and it does make sense to me. However, you know what's going to happen as soon as you move - you'll be pregnant with your rainbow baby! Exciting times!

Lindsay sorry you're having rough days, I think from what I can gather from the mum's thread I go on because my 'old bnb' friends are on there after recurrent mc's, it's the feeding issues that really get them down, perhaps even more than the lack of sleep or both combined so know that you're not alone!

I'm 'OK' in bars etc but would rather be home watching a movie snuggled under a duvet with a hot chocolate!!

Jess your boat trips always sound so amazing! It's cold here now and I am 2 hours away from the coast so no boat trips for me lol! And I hope you get af back soon too.

Kels, Rach and Sam :hi:

Afm my appetite is through the roof, especially for junk food and my boobs are sore!!
Just in case anyone didn't see him / her on Facebook! I think he's got Botox lips!


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Happy 33 weeks Sam!!!! :happydance:


Happy 27 weeks Kelsey!!! :yipee:

Mel- your pics are really great. It always amazes me how detailed they are!! I can't remember but have you already started thinking about your nursery?

Lindsay- how are you feeling today? :hugs:
Jess - I think I'm going to try to take my temp at the same time every morning regardless of how long I've been up with the little guy and see how that goes. Mel is right - as soon as you leave that house you're going to get pregnant and stay pregnant!! So, get out of that house ASAP lol and yes, they say you can spot or have light bleeding from mirena for 90 days after insertion :/ I can't decide if it was my AF or not as it got heavier and now is lightening up and they say it will reduce the flow significantly, so who knows.

Mel - Love the 3D pics!! so exciting!! :) They're great! Glad you have a good appetite! I miss being able to eat like I could when I was pregnant lol I don't know if I'll let myself do a free-for-all with food on the next one as I did gain 46lbs during my pregnancy! And that's not including the 5 I gained during the first pregnancy! I'm down to just 1lb over my prepregnancy weight so I just have those extra 5 from the first pregnancy to go! I can fit in 3 of my 5 prepregnancy jeans which is pretty exciting. My weight is just distributed differently so I guess that's why they don't all fit yet.
I agree, I don't think I'm suffering from any postpartum depression it's just pure anxiety over the little guy not eating well/right. It's very hard to deal with and I'm looking forward to taking him to the doctor today to chat with them about what might be going on as I really do think he's umcomfortable in some way even if it is that he is just taking the switch to formula stubbornly.

Hope everyone else is doing well!!

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