1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

GIRLS!!!! SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO WRITE MUCH, WORK HAS BEEN CCRRRAAAZZZYYY AND MY WORK BREAKS IS USUALLY WHEN I GET A CHANCE TO WRITE BUT MY BREAKS ARE SO SPORATIC I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WRITE!! alright, sorry, lets give the caps lock a rest. Sooo, I've been trying to still read and I will try and write more later!
lol sorry work has been busy for you Kelsey! Glad you're OK! :)

Just got back from the doctor with the little man and I think the doctor thought I was a crazy mom lol. Oakley's sitting there cooing at me and giggling and the happiest little baby and I'm trying to convince him he's screaming while eating. So, the doctor decided he might have a milk protein sensitivity and switched us to a hypoallergenic formula. I don't really think this is it but I'm willing to give anything a try! It could be though since he's fussiest when he's been on formula only for a day or so and the more breastmilk I work in the better he is...so we'll see!!
Hi Girls :wave:

Just popping in for a quick hello to see what everyone has been up to, its been quiet in here!

Mel - Happy 26 weeks!!! :yipee:

Lindsay - How is Oakley doing with the new formula?

AFM I had to work yesterday - booo! But I am going to try to take Friday off instead so I can dedicate a full day to studying! Chris spent the day while I was at work driving around looking at houses etc. Not really any house in particular, just areas etc. South Tampa is very old so there is a lot of old stuff mixed in with new homes built where old ones were torn down. Some streets are nice but some are not. I think there are some options for us down there but we are starting to realize that we are going to have to spend more to move down there to get something decent but really we can't keep doing this 25 mile drive to work every day. Today I've been pretty unproductive so far but getting ready to start studying so I will catch up with you girls later! :comp:
Good news about Oakley Lindsay! :happydance:

Jess good luck with the studying and house hunting! Exciting times!

I've decided that I am going to have an elective c section for no medical reason at all just for psychological reasons. I don't want the baby being in distrss, I don't want an emergency one I just want memo out iykwim. I have my heart set on this now so I'm hoping that because of my history the consultant will understand and ok it!
That's great Mel - it will probably help with preparations! Have you picked at date? :baby:
Sorry been MIA girls.

Jess - shame you had to work part of the weekend. It sounds exciting though looking for a new place and I think you are doing the right thing. I have had horrendous commutes before and it doesn't half sap it out of you when you are doing it on a daily basis. I am sure you'll still have your family house but it will be just a bit nearer the centre. When is your next Dr appointment?

Fili - I hope the Dr's support your desicion. What does OH think? I am sure he supports you in what ever you wanted to do.

Kels - hope work isn't too busy this week.

Lindsay - I am sure the Dr see that all the time!! You know you baby best and they will take that into account no matter how happy he seems at teh time of the Dr appointment - typical though lol. How is he doing on the new milk? Are you still adding your milk too?

Rachel - hope you are okay. Any sign of AF? I was stalking your chart and as of last thursday you were still CD64!! I hope there has been some change over the weekend.

afm - had a busy few days. Last antenatal class was a bit of a let down, some breathing techniques and a leaflet on positions! She went through the TENS machine and gave us a quick test on our inner forearms. I am sure she must have whacked that up to the highest setting as I found it extremely uncomfortable. What chance have I got with labour if I can't cope with the machine that is supposed to help reduce pain? It felt like millions of pins and needles being shot into my arm. OH took it like a man but you could see his muscles really twitching away. I will probably still hire one though. Made to sit on bean bags which was difficult even getting down to but nightmare getting up from!!

Trip to Ikea on Saturday then shelf buliding all day sunday (the cupbaord my Dad plastered a few weeks ago).
Lindsay i hope Oakley is doing better with his feeding. OMGOSH that pic you posted today makes me want to drive to your house and meet that little handsome ham!! He is TOO stinkin cute. He's starting to really show features of you and Kirk. Very crazy how big he is! I know, i know.. you don't want to talk about that LOL. You're such a good mommy!!

Jessie 25 miles everyday to work does suck!! I had to do it before and it's almost so long that i want to fall asleep before i got home. I really hope you find the perfect house! I love house hunting. So much fun but very stressful. So when are you going to start trying again? or are you? I def think you should, but that is completely your decision.

Kelsey WHERE ARE YOU?!?!!? You disappeared. We mish you sooo much. :cry:

Mel i think that is a great decision. 26 weeks already? whoa doggy! that is just crazy! do you have any bump shots? I'll check your facebook :)

Sam 33 weeks?!?! wow... 4 more weeks and you will be considered full term!! Seems just like yesterday you, kels and i were on that CBFM thread discussing our sticks and highs/lows. Insane how quickly time passes....

AFM still no AF. Absolutely no signs of it either. Took a PG test like 5 days ago and it was neg. I have no idea what is going on but it's getting to be really aggravating. It's pissing me off more than anything. Been over 2 months since AF came last. I'm not even stressed out. I don't understand why it's not coming. UGH. Work has been okay. So tired though. Have to work 6 days in a row bcz my days off switched. I'm on my 4th day... so only 2 more to go. I'll be off Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays now which is nice because Andrew is off the weekends. Whereas now we never get to spend time with eachother. I hate this stupid cycle #13... unlucky number 13. GRR!! I got a psychic reading awhile back and she said august would be when i get PG... HAHAHA that would be the last time i got my AF alright. She was right about that, but no baby in the oven :nope:
Rach that is not good, you need to get your period back! Is there anyway you can go see a doctor? When my period stopped I got clomid to kick start it, that stuff is fab! Can you get to see a doctor? I really think you should Hun if not only for your peace of mind! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Pink that's funny about the machine!! Maybe it works better when you're in pain? My sister loved hers and gave hers to me it's in my cupboard. Sounds a bit scary tho and more fun to annoy hubs with it haha! Sorry your class was a let down that does sound like a cop out :hugs:

Lindsay how's Oakley doing?

Jess did your hubs find anywhere nice for house hunting? How's the studying going?

Well my consultant appointment was fab! She was completely sympathetic to my reasons for wanting a c section - mainly for the control over the proceedings and my perception of baby safety. Hwever i am now thinking seriously about labour again :wacko: she agreed my c section tho :yipee: and I can change my mind so perfect outcome!
Sam - Happy 34 weeks!!! :happydance: You might have to explain that TENS machine to me, I have no idea what that is.

Linsday - I can't remember but is this your last weekend before you go back to work? Ugh how dreadful!!!

Rach - you definitley need to get that period back!! Did you ever say if your new job has health insurance?

Mel - Glad your appointment with the doctor went well and she agreed to the c section!

Kelsey - what's going on girl??? You've been MIA. We need an update!!! :winkwink:

AFM - I think the witch is on her way. I had some brown spotting last night and this morning slightly more with a little more red to it. Thank goodness. I am really to get to a pattern again. I started taking my temps again a couple days ago. Not sure if we will TTC this cycle or wait 1 more. I have an appointment with a new OBGYN today for my regular well woman exam so I am going to talk to them about things. The house hunting is going ok. I would really like to move into a really nice townhome but on a street with a residential feel (not in a complex). They have a few of these in the area that we are looking that would be perfect and based on recent sales seem to be in our price range. The problem is there aren't a lot of them. We need a little more time to come to grips with this and then put our house up for sale. I really think we are going to need to move into an apartment if our house sells and then just wait for the perfect opportunity to present itself. This is a big move so I don't want to rush into anything. I don't know, I have a feeling we might be waiting a while!! :wacko:
Apologize in advance if this post is all over the place, but looks like I've got a couple pages to go through and I'm going to comment as I read!
HAPPY 34 WEEKS SAM!!! A honeydew!!! Love the new shelves----must be soooo nice to have the extra space! I don't know what the TENS machine is, but I don't think it sounds fun!
Rach---still no AF?! WTF!??! Have you looked if there's anything you can take that can trigger it? I think that clomid will be just what you need---just like me! I really hope you can see a Dr. and get a prescription for that. My insurance didn't cover it but it was still only like $20 at wal-mart. How's the job going? How's your SIL doing?
Lindsay---you're follow up appt must be soon with Oakley right? Has he been doing better on the formula? No more blood? And how are you doing back at work!? I didn't even realize it was already that time for you--hopefully you're busy and your days fly by. Did your bleeding end up being AF or just spotting from the Mirena? I agree with you to just take your temp same time every morning regardless of how many hours of sleep. Even if it's off a little bit, you'll still get the jist of when you OV'd ect.
Mel, I'll add you to facebook later tonight (can't get on it at work)! Love the 3-d pics!
Jessie that is exciting that you guys are thinking about making the big move! And just how things work out, you KNOW that the min. you start the stressful process of moving, you'll be PG! but you'll still be happy with your move because then if you're living closer to work you'll be able to get home that much quicker to your babies at the end of the day :) When is your next test--and how is the studying going?
AFM--Work has been crazy busy and stressful! Yesterday I was totally at my breaking point with it. I can't even imagine being 8/9 months pregnant and dealing with some of the unruly customers we get. Today is going much better, thank goodness. Had my appt last week and I've gained 18 lbs. Dr. didn't say anything, but I had gained 10 lbs in just 3 weeks! My next appt is on Monday, so we'll see what I've gained in 2 weeks. I can't believe I'm at the point where appts are every 2 weeks. I had my glucose test, and the nurse was supposed to call the next day (which was a Tuesday) by Friday she still hadn't called so I had to call the dreadful woman. But by then I had seen my results online and I had passed the glucose test, but it was saying my Hematocrit/Hemogloin and Red Blood cells were low. My nurse didn't mention it at all so I asked her about it and she said oh no, they're completely fine for a pregnant person. I never trust her, so I'll talk to my Dr. about it---although she always says everything is fine. When I looked online it looks like it could mean I'm anemic? Sam and Lindsay---you guys sometimes know about this---have any insight? Also---I've been reading about kick counts. I'm feeling movement, but never anything very constant. Do/did you guys have hours where you feel nothing? It seems to be that in the morning I feel some movement, then around dinner time and then while I'm laying in bed. My Dr. asked if it's keeping me up at night and it's not--it's not ever strong enough or constant enough to really bother me. I actually feel and see more rolling around than I do actual kicks! Who knows, always worrying about something....
Kels - I don't think they start to talk about kick counts till a bit later (30 weeks+). At that stage I had hours where I didn't feel much, especially in the morning when I was at work and only when I got home and relaxed could I feel movements. Even now he has his sleepy times. They say when you move about more it rocks them to sleep therefore you feel less movements. As for low heamaglobin/heamatocrit that was the same as me, I saw my results (as you know I can see my test at work although I shouldn't!!) and mine are under normal but have never heard anything back from the Dr's so I started taking the liquid iron (yucky stuff but better on the tummy/constipation than tablets). If those levels are low it would indicate anaemia and it may get worse as in third tri that when baby takes more of your iron for growth. So I would definitely speak to the Dr.

Jess - I think taking your time to find the right house is better, knowing it will still be a good family house for when that rainbow baby arrives, rather than rushing things just now. I hope this is AF then you can get back on track with your cycles. You say you have well woman clinic appointment but what about starting a monitored cycle with clomid?

Rachel - your ticker still has you with no AF. I really don't know how the system works over there but I really think you need to get this looked into or at least something to get AF started. Hoping the new jobs is going okay.

Lindsay - are you back at work now? I hope little Oakley is getting used to his new formula and you are both okay.

afm - had a very stressful few days. OH went into hospital for a planned knee op under general anaesthetic. It was just meant to be for the day and I was ging to pick him up last night at 9pm. I was half way there (1hr+ drive on some country roads) when he called to say he was still bleeding and they might keep him in overnight. So I had to wait in this village while the Drs reviewed him and make a decision. In the end they did keep him so I had to go there this morning to collect. He will be off his feet and on crutches for 4 weeks (I was annoyed at this as I repeatedly ask OH prior to surgery what the recovery time would be and he kept saying 2 weeks) so I just hope Smarties doesn't make an early appearance!
Thank you so much Sam-you helped put my mind at ease!!
I sure hope hubby has a quick recovery and will be good to go way before baby Smartie arrives! Speaking of, do we have a name for Baby Smartie yet??
Lindsay - Oh no!!! You are already back to work? How has it been? You must be a mess!!! :hugs:

Kelsey - Sorry work has been so crazy for you. Is it the job itself or the customers? I really feeling like in this economy companies are really squeezing a lot more out of their workers and sometimes its just too much!!! At my job when someone leaves, they don't replace them, everyone just gets more work!! :wacko: I know you prob don't want to hear this but I think its great that you are gaining weight!!! :happydance: Embrace it!! This is the only time us girls are allowed to get away with it!! Studying has been rough. Work has been so crazy its all I can think about and its stressing me out!!! I am so exhausted when I get home the last thing I want to do is study. I am taking off on Friday and 3 other days this month as well as some weekend studying so I would like to take my next exam at the end of this month/beginning of next.

Sam - I remember you mentioning that you really did not want DH to get the knee surgery. 4 weeks is a long time!!!! I really hope lil smartie holds out for that long. It would be tough for you to go into labor with DH like that and then have 2 babies :haha: to take care of!!!! :baby::baby:

AFM - I had some more light blood today so I am calling this CD1 I guess. Also just got home from my appointment with my new OBGYN. All went well. Had a full well woman exam and talked about my history and MC's. Based on what I told him he is inclined to think that this is all bad luck for me too. He said that the fact I have no trouble getting pregnant at my age, he really feels that I could be successful on my own. He completely shot down the idea of me going on a Clomid monitored cycle, he said that the Clomid brings with it an additional set of risks associated with it and the chance of multiple births and my MC rate would be higher than where I am now. He does not recommend it since I have not had trouble getting pregnant. He also didn't really think I needed the IVF with PGD, he said that PGD does not detect all chromosomal problems and studies on women with RMC did not really show significantly lower chance of MC with PGD than women trying on their own. He said that there is very advanced genetic testing that would be required to detect these other types of chromosomal issues and he does not believe those are done with PGD. He said that if I considered that procedure I should ask a lot of questions about this before spending that much money. He also wants me to send over all of my labs and he is going to look over them to see if he sees anything that might have been missed. I don't know, all the information was very interesting so I have a lot to think about but right now sort of leaning towards trying on our own again.
oh by the way girls, where are your bump pics??? Please post some updates!
Jess this new Dr. sounds really good!!! Sometimes I think Dr's will try whatever we suggest just to make us happy, even if they have an idea that it's not necessary. I used to get upset with my Dr. that she wouldn't just try all the things I suggested, but in the end, she was right with almost everything. This Dr. sounds like he doesn't want to waste your time and money and wants to really help you get your LO. I agree, Clomid may be of no use because of you getting pregnant so easy, and if your eggs were all of poor quality you'd think that you wouldn't keep getting PG so easy. I forget, was your progesterone checked with all your other pregnancies, or were they giving you the prog. just for good measure? I know my Dr. wouldn't check my progesterone at 7 DPO unless I was on clomid, but some dr's will. If you plan on taking this cycle off, would your Dr. test your 7DPO prog. to verify if your having good quality OV so you know once and for all if clomid would be useful/less for you?
I'm soooo anxious for this new Dr. to look at all your labs and see what he sees. Did he say how long it would take him? Any other appts coming up with your other dr's?
AFM-it's the job and the customers. So many people are so anti-gov't, so as soon as they walk in the doors you can tell that they want to fight about anything and everything. It just gets so tiring. Today was so much better than yesterday, so it rejuvenated me a little :)
Plan to take my 28 week bump pic tomorrow---I'll try and post it soon! Mel and Sam---what about you ladies?!
I've had progesterone checked a lot. My non-prego progesterone seems to be normal but once I m pregnant it's low. My RE says that research doesn't prove that progesterone supplements help at all but was giving me them just in case. I was just reading somewhere recently that low progesterone during pregnancy could be linked to a problem, one of your body's ways to react to this. My new OB today wasn't really a high believer in progesterone supplements being useful either but said they do prescribe it just in case. No more appointments set right now. I am supposed to follow up with my RE this month but I have so many other appointments (dentist and physical) next week that I might hold off a bit. I feel like I am taking so much time off of work. I know what you mean about people being anti-govt, Chris works for the govt too.
I'm glad he'll do the progesterone with you. Even though I guess I didn't end up needing it, I still wish my Dr. would have agreed to give it to me for my own peace of mind. It can't hurt anything, it can only help!
Well hun, you've got a lot to think about. I can only imagine between this work and school, you're not getting a whole lot of good sleep. :hugs:

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