Apologize in advance if this post is all over the place, but looks like I've got a couple pages to go through and I'm going to comment as I read!
HAPPY 34 WEEKS SAM!!! A honeydew!!! Love the new shelves----must be soooo nice to have the extra space! I don't know what the TENS machine is, but I don't think it sounds fun!
Rach---still no AF?! WTF!??! Have you looked if there's anything you can take that can trigger it? I think that clomid will be just what you need---just like me! I really hope you can see a Dr. and get a prescription for that. My insurance didn't cover it but it was still only like $20 at wal-mart. How's the job going? How's your SIL doing?
Lindsay---you're follow up appt must be soon with Oakley right? Has he been doing better on the formula? No more blood? And how are you doing back at work!? I didn't even realize it was already that time for you--hopefully you're busy and your days fly by. Did your bleeding end up being AF or just spotting from the Mirena? I agree with you to just take your temp same time every morning regardless of how many hours of sleep. Even if it's off a little bit, you'll still get the jist of when you OV'd ect.
Mel, I'll add you to facebook later tonight (can't get on it at work)! Love the 3-d pics!
Jessie that is exciting that you guys are thinking about making the big move! And just how things work out, you KNOW that the min. you start the stressful process of moving, you'll be PG! but you'll still be happy with your move because then if you're living closer to work you'll be able to get home that much quicker to your babies at the end of the day

When is your next test--and how is the studying going?
AFM--Work has been crazy busy and stressful! Yesterday I was totally at my breaking point with it. I can't even imagine being 8/9 months pregnant and dealing with some of the unruly customers we get. Today is going much better, thank goodness. Had my appt last week and I've gained 18 lbs. Dr. didn't say anything, but I had gained 10 lbs in just 3 weeks! My next appt is on Monday, so we'll see what I've gained in 2 weeks. I can't believe I'm at the point where appts are every 2 weeks. I had my glucose test, and the nurse was supposed to call the next day (which was a Tuesday) by Friday she still hadn't called so I had to call the dreadful woman. But by then I had seen my results online and I had passed the glucose test, but it was saying my Hematocrit/Hemogloin and Red Blood cells were low. My nurse didn't mention it at all so I asked her about it and she said oh no, they're completely fine for a pregnant person. I never trust her, so I'll talk to my Dr. about it---although she always says everything is fine. When I looked online it looks like it could mean I'm anemic? Sam and Lindsay---you guys sometimes know about this---have any insight? Also---I've been reading about kick counts. I'm feeling movement, but never anything very constant. Do/did you guys have hours where you feel nothing? It seems to be that in the morning I feel some movement, then around dinner time and then while I'm laying in bed. My Dr. asked if it's keeping me up at night and it's not--it's not ever strong enough or constant enough to really bother me. I actually feel and see more rolling around than I do actual kicks! Who knows, always worrying about something....