1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi ladies!

Jess - so glad you had a good visit with your new doctor! Have you decided if you're going to start trying again this cycle? I hope he can find something someone missed in your labs! Sorry about not having time to study! I know how you feel! I'm finally to a point in my degree that I don't have exams anymore and its such a relief! Now I'm getting kinda crazy and considering nursing school after my phd but we'll see! I think I'm just addicted to school!

Kelsey - ugh customer service jobs can be so frustrating! Especially in the government! I can't wait to see your bump picture! Your baby shower must be right around the corner! so exciting :)
Oh and I used to freak out about oakley not moving and then just realized he had patterns of movement so he might not move for a few hours and then would have a little party later. I used to come on here and complain about it but your little one will fall into predictive patterns too and even then some days were slow. Once they get really bug you can kinda poke them awake Haha

Sam - how are your legs doing? Get the good stockings? Are they helping? Sorry about DHs knee...a good friend of mine just had her third baby and her husband just recovered from knee surgery and still has to go for the other one...sucks!

Rach - AF yet? Do you guys have enough money to go talk to a doctor? Sounds like you need something to get your body going.

Mel - I think you'll be fine doing a natural delivery but if it makes you feel better to have a c-section then go for it! I was terrified of delivery but now seeing how closely they monitor the baby I don't think I will be as nervous about it. I think delivery is scary no matter what but you just have to do what your gut tells you :) getting close for you!

I want to see everyone's bump pictures! It's finally sunk in for me that I don't have a belly anymore so I need to live through you guys now! :p I am back at work and it sucks, no lie. I talked to kirk about quitting on Tuesday but even bringing it up I knew I never would, its just not my personality to do that. I probably only have 2 years left and have done so much work to get to this point and I want the 'dr' in front of my name even though I'd never go by that Haha. But its really tough leaving oakley every morning but thankfully he's with family so its a bit easier. He is totally fine on his formula...we figured out he's not allergic to anything, he doesn't have reflux, he just really hated his bottles lol. He would suck so hard he would collapse the nipple and then woukd get so mad that he would just scream and refuse to eat. So we got some Dr. Browns vented bottles and magic! He eats perfectly now unless he's tired lol. He had a skin rash on Friday that made his little penis super swollen - poor baby! He's fine now thankfully! He was cooing and that doctor too lol. Such a flirt!
Oh and I don't think the bleeding I had was AF...still kinda bleeding off and on now. Seems like every time DH and I dtd I bleed the next day. I haven't been taking my temp since coming back to work...might get easier now that I get up at a set time every day. I'll start again maybe tomorrow. Hard to tell what's going on with my cycle bc of the mirena although I must say I kind of live it already despite all the bleeding as I hated taking a pill every day.
Kels lovely to hear from you so sorry you've been super busy, you must be exhausted!! I can go most of the day without feeling any movement and then somedays baby goes crazy and I feel like someone is washing up in my tummy with soft beat kicks, (my placenta is at the front and cushions them a bit) I do worry when I don't feel much for a while though :wacko: it's so stressful still.

Sam so sorry about your hub's op and that the recovery time will be long, gosh you really don't need that added pressure at the moment - could he have delayed the op then? I suppose there's never a good time but still that is super stressful when you're so far along! I hope he's not in too much pain tho and does recover quickly!

Lindsay what a flirt Oakley is! That made me laugh. I think it's normal to still be bleeding and your cervix might be more sensitive leading to bleeding after :sex: I've heard that so many times before. I really hope Oakley gets fully better soon poor little man!

Rach how you feeling at the moment Hun? Do you think you could get to a doctor?

Jess that's great news what your consultant said I think. I couldn't agree with him more. The clomid was my radical doctor's idea but he's a bit wacky and tries anything, most consultants would not have agreed to put me on the clomid and anyway I was put on it in part because my period didn't come back. I do think the clomid helped me tho but who knows right? I so hope you catch your post mc more fertile bandwagon soon!!

I will post a bump pic this weekend!

Happy 28 weeks kels!! I am 2 days away from 3rd tri I think :wohoo:
Lindsay- Glad Oakley is doing better with the formula and the new bottles. That stinks about your bleeding, is it just light bleeding? I don't think we will try this cycle. I think I will wait until next just to make sure everything is healed up in there.

Mel- wowsers, 3rd-tri already!!! Wooohoooo!!! :happydance:

AFM - I had a little bit of spotting/ light bleeding again today but its all been kinda dark. Do you girls think I should count this as AF yet or not until I get red bleeding?
Mel - Woohoo for third trimester! You'll all have your little ones before I know it!

Jess - the bleeding is really light...I use a regular tampon and if it weren't gross to do it, it would last all day most days and if we don't dtd then I can just use a panty liner the next day or I'll have nothing. I've had some cramping since yesterday so maybe AF is coming for real this time? I kinda hope so but I've read with mirena your AF can stop coming all together so maybe I won't get another one until they take it out. We refrained from dtd for 2 days now so we'll see how the bleeding goes today.

Kelsey - how long are you going to work for? Have a date set yet? Any more scans for you?
Oh and Jess- as long as it turns to red bleeding I would count AF as starting whenever the spotting brown stuff started but if it clears up and then goes to red bleeding I would count that as the beginning if AF...does that make sense? Lol
Jess - I would count red blood as start of AF. See what the next few days bring as the first AF after D&C can be a little odd as you know. My AF's after mine was the best I had had in a few years.

Lindsay -I hope the bleeding is just the coil settling down, maybe your cervix still a bit irritated and that bleeds after dtd? Glad being back at work ins't too traumatic and that it is a mean as to and end for longer term quality time with Oakley. Glad he is more settled on the formula.

Mel - wow nearly 3rd tri!! I took a bump pic wednesday but just haven't had chance to post, I'll try to later.

afm - OH knee a bit better, stopped bleeding now but needs to keep it elevated when not on his crutches. I am having a better day today but my maternity leave has been delayed by one day (next Friday) as work so short staffed they asked me to do one more extra day so I have a full week next week.
Thanks girls, I have had a bit more bleeding today so I guess I will keep counting this as AF. Is it not really red though. Its mostly brown with some red tinges. Maybe since I never really bled after the D&C there's still some old blood that needs to come out. :wacko:

Lindsay - that stinks about the bleeding and always needing to be "prepared" for that but at least its not too heavy. I hope it goes away soon. :yipee: for making it through your first week. I bet you will really appreciate your time with little Oakley this weekend.

Sam -Glad OH is doing a little better with his knee. Hopefully the recovery is not as long as they originally told you. That stinks that you have to work an extra day but I am sure they really appreciate it since they are short staffed.

AFM - I took the day off today to study since I had to work last Saturday. Chris stayed home too so he has been a bit distracting but I did get a good chunk done. He worked on some chores most of the day to try to stay out my way :thumbup: The weather is supposed to be windy this weekend but since we did not go boating last weekend and next weekend we have a wedding to go to, we are getting ready to head out and just spend the night in a boat slip at our marina and come back in tomorrow. Planning on taking the homework with me but hoping to get some relaxing done too.

Anyone have any big plans for the weekend?
Sam - How exciting you're so close to your maternity leave!! How long do you get off?? You guys get like a year over there, right?? And yes, going back to work was hard but it is a means to an end to graduate and hopefully get a job closer to home. I'm hoping to teach college courses when I graduate to give myself a bit more flexible of a schedule and summers off :) Plus I'm weird and I love making presentations and designing diagrams so I think it will be a good fit for me.

Jess - I remember my AF was very odd after the D&C. Right after I got it, I had practically no bleeding at all and then 2 days later it came on really heavy and stayed for about a week and then I spotted for a week and then it took another 2 weeks or so to get AF. Hopefully it'll get a bit more normal for you soon! I'm not sure if I'm still waiting on AF or not. I kinda think what I had a week or so ago was it but I'm not really sure. They say I can spot like this for 90 days after mirena insertion, so hopefully it won't take that long, although it doesn't really bother me since it's just a panty liner most days.

AFM - Little Oakley is sleeping right now. I had to resist holding him all day to actually get some chores around the house done. I think I've gotten more done around the house today than I did when I stayed home all day - funny how that happens. I guess I kept telling myself I could take care of it the next day :p
Kirk and I were invited to a bon fire tonight but it's been really cold lately, not sure it will be warm enough for Oakley to be outside all night. Might go just for the earlier part of the night.
Little man is stirring...time to go! Hope you ladies are having a good weekend!! :)
:hi: everyone

pink sorry you have to work extra boo! Oh well not long at all to go and then you can put your feet up and eat ice cream until you get your baby! Or will you need to be on call to run around after your hubs :wacko: hope not so much, you need to rest too now...

Lindsay glad you got stuff done! I would only go for a little while to the bonfire too with little Oakley.

Jess, It's really hard getting a balance between studying and everything else isn't it? Especially when you have a lot on and you always feel the deadlines. I found university fun but very stressful for deadlines, I'm not sure I could go back to that - it was 10 years ago now lol unless there was something I really wanted to do, I REALLY admire you for doing it, hope you can relax too and enjoy the wedding and more boat trips if the weather changes.

Not feeling many kicks recently :wacko: just a few light ones each day, I wish I could feel much stronger ones, stupid front placenta! Hubs can barely feel anything through my tummy, he has once but not strongly iykwim.
morning ladies!!

Oakley didn't last long at the bon fire last night, actually he didn't even make it to the lighting of the bon fire lol. Once the temp dropped below 50 even bundled in his car seat surrounded by blankets, he wasn't havin it, so we headed out pretty early. I was tired anyway!

Mel - don't worry about not feeling too many kicks, I swear it wasn't until around 32 weeks that I felt Oakley a lot and even then there would be days he would be quiet. I swear every weekend I would freak out that he wasn't moving and then once I went back to my normal schedule at work I would feel him again. I also had an anterior placenta, so it does make it difficult to feel them for a little while. Don't stress! Any more thoughts on c-section vs. natural?
Thanks lindsay. Aww good for Oakley, he knows where it's warm and comfortable and he wants to be there haha!

I'm really swaying much more towards a natural birth now! I think that panicking about the baby's safety when so many women do it is a bit silly really, a bit irrational. Also I want to try again 4 months after this one so I think a c section makes that plan a bit
harder as there's more risk if it's not healed isn't there? You had a relatively good experience didn't you?
yea I think if you have a c-section it will be more difficult for you to start trying again quickly. I was terrified of delivery but maybe I just had a great experience but it went very smoothly and there wasn't any moment during it that I was concerned about Oakley being in danger. I could hear his heartbeat the whole time and could tell the nurses and doctors were really there for him. The contractions in the beginning were difficult but I was induced, so I think that makes them harder to deal with. See how the rest of your pregnancy goes and go with your gut. The recovery time was why I didn't want a c-section but I've had a couple friends lately that have gotten a section that seemed to recover very quickly.

Kirk is making me breakfast right now - so excited! he makes the best breakfasts :)
Thanks hun, ohhh jealous about the breakfast! I really fancied a proper cooked breakfast this morning! Enjoy!! xxx
Lindsay so glad that Oakley is doing better with eating. It seems so often it's the bottle that needs to be changed. I registered for a bunch of Aventi bottles, and now I'm maybe regretting my decisions because I'll be stuck with a bunch of bottles that won't work with the LO. Nothing you can do though, it's all trial and error. How fun when we can start calling you "Dr. Lindsay"!!! Keep at it hun, you'll be so happy when you're all done. I don't really have a date in mind to stop working. Probably work right up until....which I'm kind of dreading but we'll see how I'm feeling. It'll be nice that it's right around the holidays so I'll have some days off for HOliday anyway, and then maybe I'll get lucky and go into labor and not have to worry about going back to work after xmas? Wishful thinking? :)
Jessie your temps seem to be pretty normal for AF temps, so I think you're right with when you counted CD1 as. Did you get lots of studying done on Friday? Lucky you to still be able to go on the boat---it's been 40's and non stop rain here. boooo! Do you have a test date set yet or you'll schedule it when you feel ready?
Sam one more week of work!!! You lucky girl you---I bet you're just so excited. How have you been feeling? Getting to the really uncomfortable point yet? Is OH able to get around a bit on his own or are you having to take care of him totally? Can't wait to see your bump pic, I took one on Thursday and meant to post it but didn't get a chance. I will soon!
Mel---3rd Trimester! Woohoo! I always worry about movement because it always seems like others describe their movement as being more constant and more distinct. But Lindsay and Sam have helped calm me a bit, although like you, I still worry. That sucks that hubby hasn't been able to feel the movement much yet, but you'll get there. DH got all teary eyed the first time he felt it. Now we just laugh at what my stomach looks like when the babies rolling all over. Need a bump shot from you momma!! As for c-section vs natural---I think I'd be more afraid of the c-section just because I hate the thought of surgery. I'm sure I'll get so nervous when the time comes, but right now I'm a crazy person and I'm excited to experience the whole giving birth process. Of course after I get the epidural :) You'll know how you feel once you get closer, and hopefully your Dr. won't make you make a decision way in advance.
Rach how you doing babycakes?
AFM-Went on a maternity clothes shopping spree this weekend :blush: I had stopped at Motherhood Maternity (not sure if that's by you guys?) to look for an outfit for my shower and just found way too many cute things. I feel guilty because there's so many other things I could have bought with that money. Ugg...but I'm not a big shopper at all, so it's not like I do this often. Oh well, at least I have an outfit for my shower as long as I don't get huge over these next 2 weeks! Shower is coming up on the 27th! Hope everybody else had a great weekend!!
Hey ladies!

Kelsey - its good you went on a shopping spree! You deserve to be comfortable during your pregnancy and cute while you're at it! I spent a ton on maternity clothes but enjoyed every penny of them! Plus, you'll need them again for the next one, right?! Having oakley has totally given me baby fever for the next one which I'm not sure if that's normal or.not lol. I want to start considering taking my mirena out by next year at this time but we will see how close I so to being done with school. No later than may of 2014 which is my 30th birthday month. Just hoping and praying we don't go through another loss, but will try to prepare myself just in case.

On my way home now, this week is still really difficult...hope it will get better soon.
Hey girls! :wave: Sorry i haven't been on. Kinda feeling odd since all this stuff has been going on with AF. If you're asking, AF still isn't here. Although this evening i went to the bathroom and saw more red than i have in the last 2 1/2 months. So that's a start, HOPEFULLY. I been getting tons and tons of nosebleeds too. I've had problems with nosebleeds my whole life. I have blood clots in them at the end. Idk what is going on with my body. Geesh! I haven't gotten to read up on anyones posts so i'm going to go do that now! Oh, i saw this on facebook and thought it was so funny and so cute for a baby shower.


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Aw rach I'm sorry about AF. That's got to be so frustrating for you! I hope she shows up for real today! How's everything else going for you? Do you still like your job? You and Andrew doing well? What does he think about everything that's been going on? Does he want you to go to the doc too? Sometimes I found that dtd would bring on AF..it was probably all a coincidence but DH liked to take the credit lol.

Afm - second week of work sucks still but I have a plan in place now to work on to get to graduation so I feel a little less stressed. Just like you Jess I hate my commute. With no traffic it takes just under an hour to get in and a typical trip in before major rush hour is an hour and a half and the trip home is usually closer to 2 hours....thankfully my boss is out with her daughter who just had a baby girl so I've been able to sneak out real early but not sure how I'll balance full days...cross that bridge when I have to I guess.

Jess - how's the house search going? I'll have to start checking your chart again. I decided I'm going to start temping tm and I'll take it when DH gets up since he almost always gets up before oakley. Should work! We'll see what this mirena does to the temps. My spotting seems to have stopped so that's exciting.
Thanks Lindsay, when I think about I really do enjoy every penny of my new clothes as well :) I hope I can wear them again for #2, but with our crazy seasons here it depends when I get PG next time! If i'm huge in summer I won't be able to wear any of the sweaters or anything I bought! I think work will suck for awhile. I think we get so used to the everyday swing of things, and then when we're taken out of it for awhile, it takes us awhile to get back into it. Especially when you have a baby at home waiting for you! Omg, 1 1/2-2 hr commute?!?!!? I can't imagine....
Rach WTH, your body is bleeding out of the wrong end!!!
Jess has your bleeding stopped?

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