Hi girls! Sorry I have been MIA. I have been trying to get on here but life has just been crazy with work and DH has been dealing with a bit of anxiety I've been trying to help him with.
Happy 35 weeks Sam! Is next week. Your last week of work? Gosh it won't be long for you now! Did you have a shower at work? I haven't check per our journal but how did you make out with the rug?
Happy 29 weeks Kelsey! That's great you did some shopping for yourself!

I can't remember but which theme did you finally decide on for your room? Big weekend next week with your shower!! Where is your bump pic!!??
Lindsay - that drive sounds crazy!!! I don't know how you do it!! As far as the home search, we haven't really seen anything we like yet but we are still going to go for it and just get an apartment or something. We are meeting with a real estate agent on Monday to discuss listing our house.
Rach - did you get AF or what? That is very strange about the nose bleeds. I really wish you could see the doctor.
Mel- how are thing going with you? Any more thoughts on delivery?
AFM- I had some spotting yesterday and today so not sure what's going on. The bleeding I had last week never really got red so maybe it wasn't AF.

I am taking my temps so well see what happens over the next few days. Chris and I are heading to Sarasota for a wedding tomorrow so although I wish we were boating I am excited about the wedding. We are going to head down early to try to hit the outlet mall and enjoy the area.