1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I bought a ton of like sweater wrap type things that I ended up wearing all summer too bc the ac was so high at work so maybe you'll be able to wear them again lol
Hi girls! Sorry I have been MIA. I have been trying to get on here but life has just been crazy with work and DH has been dealing with a bit of anxiety I've been trying to help him with.

Happy 35 weeks Sam! Is next week. Your last week of work? Gosh it won't be long for you now! Did you have a shower at work? I haven't check per our journal but how did you make out with the rug?

Happy 29 weeks Kelsey! That's great you did some shopping for yourself! :happydance: I can't remember but which theme did you finally decide on for your room? Big weekend next week with your shower!! Where is your bump pic!!??

Lindsay - that drive sounds crazy!!! I don't know how you do it!! As far as the home search, we haven't really seen anything we like yet but we are still going to go for it and just get an apartment or something. We are meeting with a real estate agent on Monday to discuss listing our house.

Rach - did you get AF or what? That is very strange about the nose bleeds. I really wish you could see the doctor.

Mel- how are thing going with you? Any more thoughts on delivery?

AFM- I had some spotting yesterday and today so not sure what's going on. The bleeding I had last week never really got red so maybe it wasn't AF. :shrug: I am taking my temps so well see what happens over the next few days. Chris and I are heading to Sarasota for a wedding tomorrow so although I wish we were boating I am excited about the wedding. We are going to head down early to try to hit the outlet mall and enjoy the area.
Jess i hope you have a great day tmrw. The bleeding is strange. Maybe this is your AF? It sucks not knowing. I wish i would have temped this whole time so i could have saw some sort of pattern. So i believe AF is here! It's like... weird. I have to actually use a pad so therefore it is AF but it's not heavy at all. Sometimes it's their and sometimes it's not. It's so weird. This is what i'll call AF though. This whole time i haven't had anything at all so to have enough to make contact with the pad makes me feel somewhat better. Going to get me a thermometer though. Def need to! Not going to buy that same brand i got before.
Hi ladies!!

I think my AF has started too!! I'm thinking the bleeding I had before wasn't AF. We're all having weird bleeding issues!! I've been crampy today and bleeding a bit of red as of earlier, so we'll see if it keeps going. The last time I had bleeding I didn't have any cramps so i think it was just from putting the mirena in. We'll see if this bleeding goes somewhere though because they did say I could spot for up to 90 days - insane!

Kirk and I had a pretty good weekend. Had our first night out with friends together without the little man last night and we pretty much decided we're done with bars altogether lol. We felt so old not being able to hear anything anyone was saying and would just rather have been somewhere else but it was really nice to see our friends! Today was a little rough since we had to get up with Oakley but honestly he's so good with sleeping that it hasn't been that bad. Can't believe it's already time to go back to work tomorrow... :(

Hope everyone else had a nice weekend!! Jess - Sarasota sounds nice! I've been there before - it was beautiful! Hope you guys had a great time at the wedding :)
So I was wrong...no AF for me! I have only been temping for a fee days but I had a temp drop this morning so I'm hoping that might mean AF is almost here for real. How long after a temp drop does it usually start? Within the day I'm hoping. Now I'm thinking the bleeding I had a few weeks ago was AF. I think I will count it as AF as its the closest thing I've had so far.

How's everyone doing?
Happy Birthday Kelsey! :cake: Oh my gosh, your shower is this weekend isn't it? Be sure to post lots of pics on FB!!!

Happy 36 weeks Sam!! Oh my gosh you are so close now!!! So are you officially on maternity leave? How is DH doing with his leg?

Lindsay- so did AF finally show up? I usually get mine within a day or so of the temperature drop. Are you back into your routine now that you are back at work?

Mel- how are things going with you? When are you moving to your new place?

Rach- how are you doing? Did you get your thermometer?

AFM - I stayed home today to start some real studying. Got quite a bit done so I am feeling pretty good about that. Chris stayed home too so that was a bit distracting but overall a pretty productive day. :thumbup: I don't know if I told you girls but Chris has been dealing with a lot of anxiety lately. The doctor put him on Prozac but he's been having a real hard time on it due to the side effects. Does anyone have any experience with this? I just want him to feel better soon!
Well better get off to bed, I do have to go to work tomorrow.
Jess - hope studying went well! When's your next exam? I don't have much experience with prozac but a couple of my friends do, I'd be happy to ask them any questions you might have, they're very open about it! I am back at work and it really sucks lol. The commute is killing me, I used to be able to leave early enough to beat traffic but its really hard to do that now, plus I can never leave early enough in the afternoon to beat traffic so even if I did beat the traffic in the morning I won't in the afternoon and that makes for a really long day for our parents with oakley....plus I miss him, of course. But it just makes me that more determined to graduate! Hoping a little over a year from now I'll be getting really close and kirk and I will be thinking about the next baby :)

Happy birthday Kelsey! Hope you had a great day!

I want to see bump pics from all you ladies! A lady here at work is pregnant and she has the cutest bump! Made me miss mine!
Hey girls!

Jess what kind of side effects has he been having? I know a couple ppl who were on Prozac including my grandfather. I haven't heard any of them having any side effects, but i was on Paxil a long time ago. I remember it made me feel nauseous sometimes and i was actually mean on it. I'm glad you got to study! It really frys your brain when you try to pack so much info into it lol. I hope you're doing well. I see you're close to O'ing on your chart! WOOHOO.

Lindsay i can't imagine how hard it is to leave Oakley when you go to work. My friend has been going through the same feelings and she so badly wants to be a stay at home mom until he gets a little older. I totally get what she's saying. I know i'd be the same way. How is Kirk doing with it all? Have you had anymore odd bleeding?

My AF was so weird. You'd think after not getting it for almost 2 1/2 months that i'd have bad bleeding and cramping, but nope. It was def AF because it was a lot of blood at times but it was so weird because there would be a lot and then 5 hours later there would be nothing. It would keep doing that. So strange. I'm going to send in paperwork to get on the states health plan. I pay a certain amount every month but at least i'll have some insurance to do what i've got to do! Whenever i can make that appt to figure things out i will be anxious but also super nervous that they'll tell me something is severely wrong. It's better knowing though. Today is going to be a beautiful day. Going to 80!! Then the temps are suppose to drop down in the 50's for the rest of the week. Wahh!! So i FINALLY found a girls name i am in love with and am going to name my little girl it if i have one! The name is Aria. I just love it so so so much! What do you girls think of it?

Kelsey.... Mel.... Sam where have you all been?!!?!? Like Linds said, we need belly pics!! I also wanna know how you girls are feeling and doing?
Hi girls,

Lindsay - Oh i know what you mean about the commute. We have been dealing with that crap for 7 yeas now. That's why we need to move. We just can't take it anymore. With working so much and then having such a long drive, it just makes the day way too long!! And stressful!!!

Rach - I think its great that you are applying for that insurance so you can get some answers!!! How is work going for you by the way?

Kelsey - Happy 30 weeks!! :happydance: Wowsers!!!

AFM - I am home today to do some studying. Work has been really stressful so I am really glad to not be there. I need to make my next exam before the end of next month so I really need to get cracking!!! Its been really hard to go to class the 2 nights a week after working all day AND studying.

Chris has been having a lot of sleepless nights with the Prozac, and he says he feels warm tingly feels all over and kind of out of body almost on it. The tingly feelings wake him up at night. He started taking 20mg right before bed because some people say it makes you tired, that was not the case with him so he started taking it during the day. He said he was feeling really weird at work, almost like he couldn't function. We decided to switch to the non-generic brand (some people say it has less side effects) and cut back to 10mg a day. If he does ok with that we will work our way back up to 20mg. The doctor was really annoyed with him when we saw her Wednesday because she really feels like he needs 20mg and was not giving it a chance but he was feeling so odd on it and seriously had not slept for several days so I think its good he cut back. He also said it had decreased his appetite to where food was almost a turn off.
Jess - i remember when i was on my anti-depressant i had somewhat similar symptoms at first. I remember i would be WIDE awake at night. Never felt tired. I was nauseous and i remember i felt jumpy. READY TO GO like i had tons and tons of caffeine. My legs i remember were like restless. They would keep rubbing against each other. I wasn't even trying to do it. It's hard to explain. I definitely think reducing the dose will help it. Once he gets use to it then he can up the dose. The doctor seems shitty because it's not about what she wants.. she has to work with her patients. If he's feeling like that he needs to do exactly what he's doing (reducing dose). I hope it helps him! How have you been other than stressed? Have you been BDing the last few days? Or are you trying to take a break right now?

Hope everyone else is doing good. Seems like we're drifting apart :( Makes me so sad! We can not let this happen!!!
Rach - Noooooooooo we will not drift!!!!! I am going to go find those other girls and get them and their bumps back over here ASAP!!! :trouble:

Did you stop taking your anti-depressants or what did you end up doing? Chris is a lawyer and he over thinks everything so he is definitely thinking a lot about these meds now and I think they are causing him extra anxiety. The doctor that prescribed them was our primary care and she was definitely frustrated. When we went there to talk to her about the issues, she was like... so what do you want to do? We were just sitting there kinda dumbfounded, I mean, she's the doctor. Anyway, his therapist can't prescribe meds but thinks our plan of starting on the lower dose will be good. I just want him to feel better!

No real planed BDing for me. We're just kinda NTNP. I have even been super bad about taking my vitamins. I should probably go take one now that I am thinking about it. I think maybe we will start next month. My AF was so odd I am not even sure the environment is good in there this month.

How about you? Are you still BDingand letting whaever happens happen? Are you using OPKs or anything?
I did stop taking the anti-depressants. The doctor had me on them when i was just like 13/14. My dad has always said the depression is "in your head". So i kept that in my mind and ended up not taking them. Just to get it out there.. i totally DISAGREE with him. I truly think i need to go back on them again. Depression runs in my family. My grandfather had it real bad, my sister has it, my mom, me. I definitely think if Chris tries it at the 10mg he will feel a lot better. If he doesn't, then his doctor needs to prescribe him something else. It's not fun waking up feeling super funny or not even getting to sleep. Has he started the 10mg yet? If so, has he felt any difference?

As for BDing, i think that sounds like a good plan for you! With your weird AF and all the stress this past few weeks, NTNP sounds good. No need to add anymore stress onto your schedule right now. I'm actually doing the same. I think i'm going to do an OPK here and there but not really 'try'. I was going to go full blast into TTC again but i sat and thought about it. I feel like it's going to happen when it's meant to. I've tried everything i possibly can on my side of the fence, have had no luck. So, it's going to happen when it's meant to. :) I had a little cry session the other day. Andrews sister is pregnant with her 5th and she went to her appt and they didn't find a heartbeat. So, they had her come in for a sono the next day and thankfully found the heartbeat. It just made me so emotional between thinking about miscarriages and the fact that she's PG. I never hear Andrew say much about the whole TTC thing but the other day he said "when is it going to be our turn?". Made me happy to hear him say that.

I'm making homemade vegetable soup. I got it in the crock pot. It smells so yum in here. I made some last week and it came out SO good and didn't make enough LOL. So i had to make more.

Any Halloween plans anyone? Any parties? I just feel like dressing up. I swear i do all the things you're suppose to do with your child. I don't know if that's my way of coping with it or if i'm just a kid at heart LOL. I want to dress up as a zombie pin up. Would be fun!
Hi girls!

No we are not drifting apart, we all get together again at some point!! I have been working so much that I now have a bad cold, cough and sore throat so having to slow right down and cancel some social things so now have time for bnb

Rach and jess as you know I was diagnosed with reactive depression when i was going through my mc's it's the lowest point ive been in my life. I've never had it before but it really floored me. Personally i think take something if it helps. I hope the Prozac helps Chris Jess I really feel for him - I would never want to go through that again and my depression was only reactive meaning it would get better xxx

Kels here is a bump pic! kels are you sure you should work right up to the end? I am a bit worried about you doing that, you need energy for labour!

Sam you're sooooo close!!

Lindsay loved your pic of your DH and Oakley on fb! :cloud9:


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Thanks Jess :hugs:

I've got a horrid chest infection and a cold :-( think I'm going to have to go to the docs tomorrow, bit worried it's going to affect the baby :wacko:
Oh no Mel! Sorry you are not feeling well. I think it's a good idea you are heading to the docs for some relief! Don't worry about Me-mo, people get sick all the time while pregnant. :hugs:
Thanks hun, how you doing with all the studying?
Rach how was the soup!? :munch:
I agree with Jess, don't worry about little me-mo. I do hope you start feeling better though!! The soup was delicious. Your bump is ADORABLE! It's nice and round. I wish i could rub it LOL!! Can't believe you're 29 weeks!!!! The time has flew by.
Aww thanks rach, glad you enjoyed the soup you're making me want to eat it!!

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