1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Mel - cutest bump picture!! love it!! sorry you're feeling sick but loads of people have gotten colds while pregnant and have healthy happy babies! I know fevers are more to worry about but otherwise just get to the doc for relief for yourself :)

Jess - so sorry about DH! I've been suffering from bad anxiety since going back to work and I was afraid it was from the mirena but the doctor said that it is unlikely and more likely to be because I'm away from Oakley now and the hormones may be just intensifying my feelings but as I settle, so should the anxiety. She said if it doesn't she would like me to consider medication but I just hate taking pills, so I'd really rather not do that, but we'll see, I think I'm driving my DH crazy sometimes because I just get so stressed out.

Rach - we won't drift!! the thread has been a bit quiet but we will all come back together! How's your job doing and when do you think you'll make it to the doctor?? I think it will make you so much happier to hear what a doctor has said and get on track to figuring out what's going on.

AFM - we're waiting for Sandy to hit - supposed to be the worst storm in over 100 years here - Jess - was it bad for you?? I'm assuming I won't be going to work tomorrow or Tuesday just as a precaution. The power companies are terrible here and so many people lose power. I have my MIL staying with us while it goes on.
Turns out the bleeding I had in September was my AF according to my doctor and most likely the bleeding I had on Monday was my AF and how I can expect it to be from now on - crazy! one day AF?! kinda makes me nervous but that's pretty awesome at the same time.
How bad will the storm be Lindsay? I love storms! But not if they cause mass destruction. That's funny about your af! Prob takes a while to get back to normal does it especially when bf is finished. Good in some ways! Xxx
The storm is supposed to be the worst the northeast has seen in over a century! I love storms too, I can't wait for it to start but hoping we don't lose power for too long! I'm already planning on not going to work tomorrow and most likely not on Tuesday either - so I'm super excited to spend some extra time with Oakley - especially since we were at a wedding yesterday that both Kirk and I were in so we were away from him from 930AM saturday until around 930AM this morning. We didn't get much sleep so kirk is upstairs sleeping but I can't peel myself away from the little guy. He took a long nap earlier, I probably should have laid down then but he doesn't usually take long naps so I assumed he be up pretty quick.

Now I'm just rambling...lol hope you ladies are having a good weekend!
I am here too!! No drift!

I had mum and brother and soon to be SIL last weekend and Mum only went away on Wednesday. OH still off work and on the crutches so I have been having to do everything still and the lack of sleep has been getting me really down. I have popped onto BnB but not really posted much.

Jess - I am sorry to hear Chris is struggling. I think here in the UK it is still used but doesn't have great press. My best friend OH has been on various anti depression meds and sometimes has to self adjust his dosage due to SE and work up to higher levels, so what Chris is doing seems sound. I think his SE are very common, I found this on one site.

Very common (affect more than 2 in 10 people)
Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
Feeling sick (nausea).

I was on Citalopram for 6 months when I first started working as a nurse 9 years ago. I don't think it was true depression as such but more like anxiety and situational depression (i.e work place induced). It can take upto 2-4 weeks for it start to be effective so he might not feel the benefit just yet.

I love your pics on FB, you looked wonderful at the wedding.

Mel - love the bump pic (saw it on FB too) I get the impression your house looks fab just from your hallway mirror!! 29 weeks already!! I hope you feel better and I agree I don't think it will have any impact on me-mo. Just think of the new antibodies you are creating that will help him afterwards!! Have you thought about the flu and whooping cough jabs (once you are feeling better?)

Kelsey -30 weeks wow!!! Where has the time gone? It seems like forever to me with my pg but then it seems to me that yours has flown by!! Hope you had a fab time with your shower. How are your ob appointments going?

Rachel - Glad there is something you can be doing to find out a bit more with what is going on with your cycles/AF. Like you say knowing something is better than not knowing and then if something is found then it can be worked upon.

afm - I have said a bit above about me. I have been a bit down the last few days probably due to lack of sleep/being so uncomfortable. OH still off work and on crutches so I have been having to do everything which isn't helping. I feel a bit angry at times thinking this is the time he should be looking after me. I did get him to do my toes as I am struggling to reach them now! Today has been much better and we had a nice chat about things once the baby is born. Had a mw appointment during the week, smartie is still head down but not engaged yet. In some ways I want him out but other times so scared about being a mum want him to stay in forever!
Sam i can understand your frustration. I know it can't be fun being 9 months pg and waiting on your H. I'm so sorry. I also totally understand about being scared to be a mom! It's something you get so excited for but when you REALLY think about it, it's soo intimidating! You're gonna be a wonderful mother Sam! Don't you worry. All of us have to start somewhere. xoxoxo

Lindsay stay safe!!!!! My family lives in NY and i am so worried about them. I saw a little bit of what is predicted to happen and that's some f'd up shtuff! Did you buy a bunch of groceries just in case? I hope so. Do you have a generator? I am glad you get to be home with little Oakley though!! :) And WOW 1 day AF. That's crazy. Lucky you!

Kels - OMG LOVE the pics of your baby shower!! Your bump is beautiful.

AFM just sitting here making some chili for dinner! I hate how cold it has gotten. Wahh!!! Tmrw at my work they're having a 'trunk or treat'. They fill their trunks full of candy for kids to go 'trick or treating'. I wish i had a kid to do it with :( Oh well, my turn will come. I hope you all have a good evening. Stay warm and safe from that Sandy!!!
Lindsay - be safe with that storm. I have a friend up near Ocean City and she has been posting just awful pics of the flooding and waves on FB. It's crazy. We are so used to hurricanes here in Florida but this one seems exceptionally bad. We still have a lot of strong wind here but that's about it. Chris' boss is on a cruise this week that left from Canada and is supposed to be coming down the East Coast. I can't even imagine what that must the like with the pics I've seen and the strong wind gusts we are getting here so far away!

Sam - I know what you mean about being scared to be a Mom. I am not overly motherly either but I think it just happens. When you see little smartie for the first time your heart will probably melt and that would be it!!! Sorry your O/H is still so laid up. This IS the time when he should be taking care of you!!! Do you have your hospital bag packed and everything ready just in case? Thanks for the info on the meds, I have heard that about the 2-4 weeks until you feel the full effects so I hope that will be soon. He seems to be doing a lot better on the 10mg but he's still a bit anxious so he either is not feeling the benefits yet or he really needs that higher dose and he needs to start gradually moving up to that.

Mel - My studying is going well this time I think. It has also been nice to have a couple days off of work. Its been so crazy there. I need to get these exams done so I can start looking for a different job. You were going to be moving into a house weren't you? I wasn't sure when that will be.

Kelsey - where are you?? We need an update on your shower. Since Rach mentioned some pics you must have some posted on FB so I will have to go take a look.

Rach - all of your cooking sounds fabulous. I am a terrible cook, but I can follow instructions well!!! :) Thinking of that, maybe I should go set something out for Chris tonight.
Rachel - your chilli sounds fab. I think I am going to start cooking lots of things to freeze for afterwards like chilli, Bolognase sauce, casseroles etc as OH DOES NOT cook! If I am not there his meals consist of cereal and toast. I remember him once phoning me at work to ask how to put the oven on! (to give him his due it, was new when we did up the kitchen!). Hope your family are okay in NY.

Lindsay - I hope the worst of the storm misses you, be safe. How is little Oakley? We are getting all the report over here about it and it looks bad form the pictures. One of the ladies from work is in Florida just now and says is windy but she is supposed to fly home on Thursday from NY, not sure if that will happen or not. 1 day AF - is that to be expected from the coil? Wow!

Jess - glad the studying is going a bit better this time. How is the house hunting going for you? OH keep looking at houses, he was ll for going to view one this week and although I wouldn't mind moving I don't think now it quite the right time!! Maybe later next year when things are more settled.

Kels - I agree with Rach you looked fab at your shower, perfect little bump. Loved the Halloween theme too!!
Sam aww I can imagine your frustrated, tired and a bit resentful you have to be waiting n your OH when you're weeks away from giving birth, I am struggling to get off the sofa now and I'm not quite 30 weeks yet! Massive hugs to you and I hope your OH is not in any great pain. I am a little anxious about giving birth too, it dominates my thoughts ATM. For me though I just want the baby to be out safe, I am not worried about the pain etc ATM. I am a bit anxious about being a mum too! It's scary that we don't have long left really, i mean by mid January we will all be mums - me you and keels - no more so much me time lol! When exactly is your due date? Everything is going to work out though, it's very exciting too isn't it?
Jess I can imagine that having some days off work is a God send when you're studying too. How did that house hunting go? What kind of job do you think you'll go for? We are likely going to move in April / may next year, we really will need more space. This will mean moving into a nice big home outside of london (a million times cheaper!) and not our present 2 bed flat. Speaking of which...

Sam our flat is nice and modern and I'm a bit of a house proud type person - love putting up photos pics flowers etc etc, I'm putting up golden lights around a table today because I saw them on the nigella Saturday kitchen show in her house lol! But it's just a modern 2 bed flat type thing that you'd find anywhere, you know wooden floors White wall and doors etc

Rach I hope your family will be ok! It is worrying isnt it? I didn't realise the seriousness until i saw it on the news and

Lindsay I saw Maryland on the news yesterday, the sea was going crazy, I hope you're ok Hun! Cant be fun with a baby in tow too :nope: xxxx
I haven't gotten to check out too much of what you guys said but just wanted let you guys know we're all doing OK here! There's some crazy flooding around here but we still have power and even though the lights keep flickering, I don't think we'll lose it. The worst of the storm is done - thankfully! The wind was insane last night, I couldn't sleep just listening to it. We have a 200+ year old house so I just kept listening to the roof, hoping it would stay on! lol We did get a roof leak in our guest room (thankfully my MIL is in that room otherwise we would have never known!). DH is a workaholic and headed into work today even though everything is shut down! Oakley and I are going to hang out here and I'll probably head back to work tomorrow. I caught a cold over the weekend and I'm just hoping and praying I don't give it to Oakley..glad to have had a couple days home to rest it off.
Oh and Jess - with the latest roof leak Kirk is insisting we finish this house and put it on the market, so looks like I"ll be house hunting soon too!! woohoo!!
Lindsay so glad to hear you're all doing good! Kirk sounds like Ryan---no matter how bad the blizzards we have here, he'll still insist on driving the 45 miles to work. I hope you feel better and hope lil Oakley stays healthy! I see your temping again--so I'll be stalking your chart! Now you shouldn't have any questions hopefully about what is AF and what isn't (although I think you said your temps are a bit wild to start with on the Mirena).
Jess your temps this month have been interesting--especially todays. Are you guys preventing this month or NTNP? Sorry to hear that Chris is struggling with some anxiety. Hope he finds some medication that helps him out without all the nasty side effects. He's a lucky man to have a loving supportive wife like you <3
Rach how did AF end up? Did it get more normal? I hope you have a normal cycle month, and no more of the 70 day crap! Anything new with the insurance stuff---will there be a long wait for it? Oh and I like the name Aria---very pretty---reminds me of Pretty Little Liars! And she's so pretty which makes the name even prettier :) Ohhh your veggie soup sounds soooo good! Andrew is lucky because you sound like such a good cook and baker! I'm lucky if I cook once/twice a week! how far is Andrew's sister now? You have such a positive outlook---it WILL happen for you guys!!!! How is your family in NY?!
Mel your bump is beautiful! Are you feeling any better yet? I hope I can make it the rest of this pregnancy without any colds---they're horrible! Speaking of, what are your guys thoughts on flu shots---my Dr. is practically forcing me to get one but I'm just leery for some reason. As far as working up until the end most people here do unless they have a medical reason not to. If I'm getting to 39 weeks and really not feeling well I'm sure my dr. will write me a note. Plus it will be the holidays so it will be extra hard for me to want to go to work anyway!!
Sam--only a few weeks left and all the discomfort will be over! Tomorrow you're considered FULL TERM!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! I hope that OH gets better real quick because you really need him right now to be helping you out! I hope you are taking time to relax and have YOU time.
Sorry for my long posts! Last week was such a busy week I only got to get on and skim every one in awhile! For my birthday DH made me breakfast in bed and then took me out to dinner after work. And then this weekend was my shower (which you all saw I think on fb) and I'm so glad it's over and it all went wonderful :) I had a college friend stay with me for the weekend so she kind of helped calm me. My mom works so hard at making each of our bridal showers and now baby showers so special and unique for us. I'm not sure how many of the pictures you could see but my mom spent so much time arranging different pumpkin arrangements and fall food, dips, drinks and snacks. We got a lot of lovely things and I'd say we have about $1000 worth of things to still get which we can now spread out between a couple paychecks (which is why I didn't want to wait until the end to have my shower). My breast pump is the most expensive thing we still have to get, otherwise it's mainly smaller/ish things. This week or weekend we have to do an online birthing class as Tuesday is our first class we actually have to go to the hospital for---it's a caring for your newborn and breastfeeding class. I still can't believe it's time for all this. I have a regular check up today after work and then again in 2 weeks and then it's about time that I have my weekly check ups! I'm starting to really panic about the health of the baby for some reason I'm having such a fear of stillbirth or chromosomal problems and a big fear of the umbilical cord wrapping around the baby. I just am so anxious for birth and for everything to hopefully be alright! Ok, sorry for the long posts and talking about myself so much when I know you all have your own things to worry about! Have a great Tuesday girls!
P.S--Mel---are you having a shower and if so when? Sam, did you have one already?
Oh and Pss---when I first got on our thread it said we have 13 guests viewing our thread---so it was popular today! :)
Just me on now - no one viewing!!

Kels - Glad you had such a good time and it wasn't too bad being the centre of attention. What sort of stuff did you get given? We don't tend to have baby showers over here, and I think I can say the same for Mel that we wont be having them. I did get some nice things from work when I left and lots of gifts from my patients as well as bits from friends and family so maybe we just get them in bits rather than at one organised do. I went through a stage around 30-34 weeks with exactly the same thoughts as you and was even considering c-section as I was so worried about stillbirth/cord etc. I still think about it, I suppose that's only natural, but when you think of how many births that are absolutely fine, Like Lindsay and Oakley then I am sure we will all be okay.

Rach - forgot to say :dohh: That I love the name Aria!! So pretty. I hope the insurance thing come through fast and that, like Kels said, your cycles settle back down to normal.

Lindsay - I haven't seen the news today but the radio has said how bad it has been. Glad you are okay with the weather and the leak can be repaired easily, bummer you are not feeling too good though and I hope it passes fast. My OH would be the same about going into work -men!. What other work do you need to do before you sell?

Mel - Yep that was exactly how I was feeling! Your idea of the lights, courtesy of Nigella sounds great. It may be a modern flat but it how you decorate and with what that make it your own and from what i can see of your hallway I imagine you have a gorgeous house. I bet you will look forward to decorating a new house next year, a real family home. I am looking forward to putting up the Christmas lights/tree this year. I always do put them up but one year when OH out in Afghan I didn't bother as it was just me but this time and from now on its different!

afm -Just had my sort of MIL (hard to explain) over for lunch to say thanks for getting us some bits and pieces and for knitting LOTS of baby stuff. I really struggle with her sometimes as she is quite opinionated (her mum is German and by that I mean they have a way of speaking that is quite blunt). She has made her feelings known before about Mums returning to work (why have children in the first place then) and 'all the things we didn't have back then' etc etc. She is a heavy smoker (I am currently washing all the stuff she has brought round) and I am not looking forward to the discussion where we tell her we are not bringing our baby to her house to see her (through the haze of smoke) although she is welcome here. I feel as if I am coming across ungrateful, I hope not but she and I are so very different and OH is a bit scarred from his upbringing with her that I worry about what she will be like with my LO.

We are planning on seeing the new James Bond film tomorrow, can't wait!!
8 weeks naked, 23 weeks, 29 weeks naked...


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Sam I definitely think you should stand your ground with your MIL. She can't expect you to take your baby round to a smoke filled house - will she understand do you think? I can imagine the person she is. My FIL is getting married again in March to a woman who I am not sure of (hub's mum died of cancer 4 years ago). I am really happy for my lovely FIL though as he is so happy. She's 'OK' but there's something about her I think is false IYKWIM!

Kels I have the same fears hun, I think we all do in varying degrees. It's really been helping me to watch those labour shows like 'Birth Stories' and OBEM. Also I have had the flu jab and I am getting the whopping cough vaccine on weds. I am a firm believer in vaccines but I totally appreciate your concerns... need to look at your photos
To all you ladies worried about birth - I had the same exact fears! Now that I've gone through it, it really is amazing how closely they monitor the baby! I was terrified about giving birth as my mom couldn't deliver naturally so I assumed I couldn't, but it all worked out fine and I know it will for you guys too! The doctors do this all the time and will recognize if something isn't right!

Kels - I was temping and the last few days with the storm have been crazy so I haven't been - hope I remember to start back up again tomorrow - we'll see! glad your baby shower went well!!

Sam - Sorry about your MIL - smoking is a tough one and you shouldn't feel bad about trying to shelter your baby from that! DH quit for our LO.

I think DH and I are going to go look at some land nearby that has a trailer on it (not ideal) but we would eventually build a house on the property. Pretty excited to go see it!
Girls what do you think of these? We are having a Mose's basket you see until we move 4/5 months later https://www.preciouslittleone.com/p...freestanding-crown-drape-and-rod-set-(white)/

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