1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hey girls!! :wave: It's been a few days since i posted properly. So here i go....

Sam* I think your bump is perfect. Your MIL seems kinda harsh on you. Does she know you are very self conscious about your weight? If she knows you are and is saying these things, then she deserves the worst MIL award of the year. I agree with you and think it's perfect. You aren't too big. I think you look nice and healthy. Have you told her yet about not wanting to bring the baby over due to her smoking? My mom smokes heavily and my sister had a talk with her as well about not bringing the kids over because of smoking. My mom took it well and doesn't smoke in front of the girls. I hope your MIL doesn't take it the wrong way and knows you're just trying to do what is best for your child! I know i've asked this 2 or 3 times, but what are you naming blue smartie?! So crazy to think you're now considered "full term"!!!!!!!

Lindsay* I'm glad Hurricane Sandy didn't destroy your town. Glad she stayed away! My family didn't get hit either (thank God). I did see what it did to Jersey and NYC, how awful!!! Is your cold any better? I sure hope so... that's no fun being sick. Happy house hunting!! I know how stressful it can be but SOOO much fun at the same time!! Good luck. Hope you find a really nice one that you fall in love with. Did you like the property that the trailer is on? How did all that go? I've heard of gel nails. Did you do them yet? Do they stay on? If so, i definitely need to invest in it because i use chemicals all the time at work and it eats it right off. Have you ever had a mammogram before? I never have and i heard it hurts. I'm glad they suggested that for you though. I pray nothing major is going on. I'll be thinking of you.

Kelsey* Yes, Aria as in PLL lol. I love that name so much!!! You're right, that girl is gorgeous. Do you watch it? I am completely addicted. I can't wait for it to start again in January!! I'm so happy to hear your birthday and baby shower went well. I hope you got a lot of things you were hoping on for baby McCulley! :) Your mom sounds awesome for doing everything she did for you! She seems like an awesome mom and you're going to take after her with your little sweetpea. Any new strong inklings of what you think your baby may be? I was sooo thinking girl in the beginning but now i'm not even sure. I hope he/she comes on Jan 1st!! Beautiful New Years baby!!!

Mel your bump is just glowing!!! I love the naked ones... so beautiful!! That Mose's basket is adorable!! I love it. I bet your winnie the pooh one is sooo cute.

Jess i hope you're doing well. I saw you were on the boat this weekend!!! I am so jealous how beautiful it looks down there right now. Andrews dad is down in Daytona for a couple of days. As for NYC i think you and Chris should still go. Christmas and New Years is a huge huge huge deal for NYC and i think they will have most of it all cleaned up before New Years. I'd still go. Your exam isn't too far away. You sound very prepared and ready to go. Good luck! Not too much longer.

AFM just been taking it easy. Back to work for me tmrw. I'm thinking of maybe getting a second job for the holidays. I need the $$. Andrew and i are going to meet up with a wedding planner next Saturday! I want to check out this venue and see how much everything will cost. Maybe going to plan it for Feb/March 2013 or maybe sometime in 2014. We will see. I can't wait to go! I had checked it out last year but i totally forgot a lot about it. I remember i fell in love. I will take bunch of pics to show you girls. Been trying to BD every other day, hoping to catch that little eggy. I am also trying to eat better and lose some weight. So hard to around the holidays but i'm really going to try!! I can't believe Christmas is among us again. Seems like it just passed, but i think this year is going to be a really good one because so many ppl have jobs and can actualy get in the spirit rather than a few years ago when the economy was so terrible. I wish i could put the tree up! LOL. Not too much longer and i'm going to. It's already snowing up in NY where i lived. My mom was telling me they got some dusting today. I am so jealous in a way. I got into my car yesterday and the heat isn't working right, UGH. My rear defrost doesn't work anyways so if the heat goes i'm screwed. Anywho... i'm going on and on and on lol... i'll ttys!! Hopefully Miss Sam will be having her little one within the next week or 2!!!!!!
JESSIE---13 DPO!?!?! And actually looking at your chart I think you may even be 14 DPO---are you planning on testing at all???? What an exciting week that would be with NY on Friday (are you still planning on going?) and a BFP all in one week!?!?! FX'd for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg Rach, that whole nose thing sounds really uncomfortable!! How is it feeling now? And yes, Pretty Little Liars is another one of my little past times :) I have the Halloween one taped but haven't watched it yet because otherwise time goes even slower waiting for the January show! You asked about inklings---and this whole time I was convinced we are having a girl just because the hb is always so high (which I know doesn't really mean anything) and the ring test always swings girl. But at my shower everybody was saying my u/s pics looked like boys (which you really can't tell with my crappy u/s's) and we did a little pool with our family and the final results were like 12 boy guesses and 2 girl guesses!! So now I really just have NO CLUE! Anywho---what are you thinking for a 2nd job? Omg that's so exciting about the wedding planning----and even more exciting that it could be feb/march of this coming year!!!!!!!!! If I remember right, I think you showed us the link to it last year and it was GORGEOUS!! I'M SO EXCITED FOR XMAS TOO AND WANT TO PUT A TREE UP!!! Although I dont' want to skip thanksgiving, I'm pretty pumped about that too. Can't believe it's 2 weeks away from Thursday!
Alright girls, hope you're all having a great Monday---and I hope you all had a great weekend. WE got the crib and changing table set up, Now I just need the dresser in there and then I can start arranging stuff. I keep freaking that the baby isn't moving as much as normal, wish I could just relax!
Kelsey- I am surprised I am 13 DPO too. I guess I could do a test but I think my temps are just way too low. I think my body is just screwed up still. Yes we are leaving for NYC Friday morning and staying until Tuesday evening, so like 5 full days, I am super excited! It going to be cold though :cold: I hope I will be able to handle it... You know I was just walking around the beach in my bathing suit last weekend! :winkwink:
So do you have any pics to post of your nursery? What about any more scan pics?
Hi Ladies!

Rach - how exciting you guys are starting to plan your wedding!! I can't wait to see pics of the venue - ahhh so exciting!! You going to the doctor soon? How's this cycle going??

Gosh Kelsey and Sam - you guys are getting so close now!! Kelsey don't worry about the baby not moving as much as you would like..some babies don't move as much as others and I think because we've had a loss before we think the worst all the time! Soon that baby is going to be huge and will have a hard time moving around and any tiny jab and you'll be grabbing your belly!! Oakley would hurt me those last couple weeks sometimes but earlier on and I would question him moving too!

Mel - how you doin?? You're getting far along too!! oh my goodness - can't wait for all the babies!!

Jess - I get jealous of your boat pics every time I see them!! So gorgeous!! You guys going to try next cycle if your not preggo this one??

I stopped temping because it doesn't seem to be very accurate and I still have some CM plus I think I now have a little bit of bleeding right before O as I've had mid cycle bleeding twice now. Doesn't really matter just want to get to some sort of predictable cycle. Although, my doctor said my AF might disappear completely, but we'll see!!
I got all my gel nail stuff! woohoo!! I got gel nails done for the wedding I was in not this past friday but the friday before and that is still good, so I'll probably redo them myself this weekend - hope I'm as good as the salon! lol I'm also chopping my hair off to chin length this weekend - I'm so excited!! I'm having a LOT of postpartum hairloss and I can't stand to see it come out anymore so I'm cutting it off :p

Hope everyone is having a good start to their week!!
Lindsay - I am anxious to hear about your nails so keep me posted. I just got mine done at a salon for my trip and it was $30 plus tip. That just aggregates me since its my own nails so I would really love to just do them myself. You will have to post a pic of your hair. I always toss around the idea if doing something different with mine, I feel like it always looks the same, I am just not brave enough to do anything about it.

Well AF arrived for me this morning bright red so I am pretty sure this is it this time. I have to talk to Chris and see what be thinks about trying this cycle or waiting 1 more. I don't want to throw him over the edge with all his anxiety :shrug: 2 and a half more days until we leave for NYC, I can't wait!!
Ugg Jess bummed about AF, but yet I think it's probably good to give your body a month to get back on track. And actually you had a pretty good cycle I think with ovulation day and LP length and proper AF. Unless they plan to do anymore testing, my vote it to just try this month...maybe not even bring it up to DH (unless you think he'd really have a strong opinion one way or another). My Dr. said she always says 1 cycle off before TTC again because that's usually what it takes for our bodies to get back on track. But whatever you feel the most comfortable with. Just go with your gut!
Oh and you lil snot galavanting around on the beach in your swimsuit while I freeze up here in my jacket and dreary weather :) I have some nursery pics (right now all the gifts are just stacked in the crib and nothing is arranged but I'll post what I have sometime soon. No more scan pics---after our 20 week u/s we don't get anymore :(
Sam and Mel do you get anymore scan pics?!
Lindsay were your cycles always pretty consistent? Or without temping will you have no clue when AF is coming (I suppose with the mirena it'll be awhile before you know how your cycles will be). I always OV'd on diff. days and I'd get AF AROUND the same time every month, but never spot on 28 days like some people get. Oohhhh how long is your hair right now---I think it's like 1/2 way down your back, right? Can't wait to see pics if you get it cut---you'll look like a doll regardless if it's short/long! I am the worst at working with my hair and I'm so jealous of others who always have new cute hairstyles. If I get it cut and it looks cute at the salon, it'll never look that way again!
Jess - sorry AF arrived but maybe getting your cycles back on track is a good thing. I knowing AF is 'normal' and a good length may tell you that your lining has built back up after removal from the D&C. Have fab time in NY- you#ll love it, maybe not the cold though! We went in October but they were having a bit of a heat wave then. It getting cold again over here (did it ever really get nice though?) so like Kels intensely jealous of you getting to wear your swimsuit!

Linds - had a good look on FB at your pics. SO cute. for some reason the don't automatically appear on my feeds. I hope the hair loss settles down soon and we get to see the new you hair pics. I have quite thin hair so bit worried about it all falling out afterwards. Atm my hair is really good, that maybe due to not dying/highlights for nearly a year though!! (I have a stripe halfway down my head so can't really wear my hair down though).

Rach - Thanks, not overly fond of (sort of) MIL anyway so just ignore most of her comments. Everyone knows my struggles with my weight in the past but most have the decency not to ask. I haven't weighed myself at all since getting my BFP and am dreading it really as I know I have put a lot of weight back on and its not all baby. I am going to get my friend to weigh me but keep the results to herself till I feel more able to get back on the dieting wagon once baby is here. Hope the nose/bleeding has settled now. So exciting about planning your wedding!! Can't wait to see venue photos etc. I loved planning my wedding (14 years ago tomorrow 7th Nov!). Make me sound old but I didn't have the internet or a lot of things back then to help me either.

Kels - no more scans for either of us (speaking for Mel too) unless baby breech/reduced growth. I haven't changed my hairstyle in years either. I am not afraid but just CBA getting up early to do my hair and I am not very good at it either, so like you my hair would never look like it did at the salon. I think girl for you, not much longer till you find out. I think movements don't necessary decrease but they do feel different as baby runs out of room to move and stays head down. I likened it to squirming in a strait jacket the other day! I have days of lots of activity and like the last 2 days less so, which does cause me to worry but I think he wears himself out and has a rest for a couple of days!! As long as you get 10 movement per day everything is okay but I was advised if I was worried at all to call my maternity triage to get checked out.

Mel - will visit your journal.

afm - had my community mw appointment today. Everything seemingly on track, fundal height 38cm (equating to 38 weeks) hb normal. I am 1/5ths engaged - yay!! They don't chek cervix etc so can't tell about effacement. I asked again about sweep etc and she said they don't tend to do it before 40 weeks. I asked that at my next visit in 2 weeks (if not had him by then) I'll be 39+5 and she said if it was her then she'll sweep me! I hope that works as I don't want to be induced if possible as that seems to lead to increased intervention and I freaked myself big style out googling forceps/ventouse deliveries.

Although its our Anniversary tomorrow we have nothing planned, maybe head out for a meal. OH has his hospital follow appointment on Thursday so hopefully he can start to weight bare and get off his crutches!!
Morning ladies!!

I wrote a big response yesterday and then it got lost - I hate responding on my phone!!

Basically I said Jess - you should try again this month and if it's going to stress DH out then just don't tell him unless you think he'd have a strong opinion the other way :) I'll def post pics of my hair - I can't wait!! I'm super jealous of you being in a bathing suit this time of year too - we might get snow today!! Oh and i think you should still go to NYC, they're getting things under control up there! I think all my friends have power again - it was a rough week for them - my poor friends!

Kelsey - I always had a normal AF but I was also on the pill for 10 years, and I only had 2 cycles that weren't on some sort of birth control and those were the ones after the miscarriage but they seemed pretty normal. I think that I'll never know what's really going on with this mirena in. Not sure I'm a big fan of it but do love that I don't have to think about taking a pill every day. I was bad about remembering before, can't imagine how I"d be now with Oakley responsibilities lol.

Sam - I remember being at 38 weeks and crying after they checked my cervix and said I would definitely be induced and I did end up getting induced but only because my water broke and contractions didn't start! Don't stress - it'll happen but I know exactly how you feel about wanting it to go forward naturally!! Your body knows how to get it done!

AFM - I'm avoiding facebook a bit as I can't stand all the political comments - plus I work in DC so I'm surrounded by politically extreme people constantly, maybe that's why I can't take it anymore! ugh!!
Little Oakley is (I think) teething! Had a bit of a fever yesterday and has been chewing on anything and everything and been a bit fussy - oh and drooling! Hope it comes through soon for him!! Poor baby!!
Hey girls. I will catch up with everyone later. Just wanted to let you know i had some spotting yesterday (CD21) and now lightly bleeding. Guess AF arrived SUPER early!
OMG SAM!!!!! CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE ONLY GOT 2 WEEKS LEFT (give or take)!!!!! How is DH doing, is he ready to wait on you hand and foot---today I think you had your appt for his foot hope it went well? How was your anniversary??
Oh Lindsay there's nothing that makes me more mad then when I type something up and lose it. and yes, avoiding facebook here too because it's been AWFUL on there. And it's causing friends and family to fight---crazy. Omg can't believe the lil man of the group is getting his first teeth! Tell him to slow down and stay a lil baby :) Hope it's not an awful experience for you guys and him and they just come in as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Rach WTH!? What some weird cycles! Did you ever hear anything back about your insurance?
AFM---last night was so cool---the baby got hiccups!! At my last appt my Dr asked if I"ve been noticing that at all and I said no and didn't think I'd even know if I was. Then last night we were laying in bed and it felt like a little rythmic (sp) poke and my belly would jump just a little in a steady pattern. At first I thought I was having a weird hb or something, but then I'm like OMG, THE BABY MUST HAVE HICCUPS!!! lol It just made everything more real for some reason, just really neat.
Lol Kelsey - oakley used to get the hiccups ALL the time and it took ne a little while to realize what it was too! They say its a good sign for their lung development...poor little o still gets them all the time though. Ugh my Facebook is finally settling down but wow it was intense for the past couple days!

Tomorrow is the big equal for my hair! I'm nervous but excited to not see so much hair coming out when I shower! Sam - my hair was really nice by the end of my pregnancy too! I miss it! I was tempted to dye my hair tomorrow but it had taken ke so long to grow out the dye I had before that I just wasn't feeling it. Maybe once we are done having kids I will do that again.
Hey girls. I hope you all are doing great. I'm feeling so depressed today. I don't mean to be a downer, just need to vent. My AF is here full force. I am actually happy that it's heavy-ish because 3 weeks ago it wasn't. I've got a lot of cramps too. I'm just so over everything at this moment. I feel like i'm not trying (to conceive) as hard as i could or maybe even should, but i also don't want to stress myself out either. So many people tell me if i stop trying and stressing it will happen, but what most people don't understand is i don't. There's days that i think about it a lot more than others but i don't dewell on it constantly. I just kinda been having that attitude "it's all going to be okay". Today, is just one of my weaker days. My friend announced she's pregnant with her second. Every time i see a new announcement i feel pressure. Did any of you have that? I feel like my clock is ticking. I hate so much that i have no control over when it's going to happen. It really bugs me. I know i still have a lot of time in reality to have a child, but my heart knows it's set on right now. Everywhere i turn is about babies. Like right now, i'm watching the news and they're talking about birthing photography. Gah! When i think back to when i was pregnant, i still am in shock that i even was. Just the fact that Andrew and i weren't trying really and idk.. the timing just seemed so off. Which is why i guess it all didn't work out. I'm sorry for all the negativity but i know you girls are the ones who will have the best advice for me. Thanks for being here! Love you all!!
Rach - I can't believe this is such a short cycle. Maybe its your body getting back into a normal cycle and your next one will be just like your usual length. Did you get anything sorted with the insurance? You asked about names, we do have a few in mind but OH seems quite set on on that I mentioned right at the beginning despite me throwing other ones out there. We haven't told anyone our name choices so I am just going to keep mum and see what we choose on his arrival. I'll tell you one I really like but OH has definitely said no - Gabriel (gabe for short).

Kels - smarties gets the hiccups all the time, sometime 4 times per day for quite a while too. Its usually in the evening and night which can be a bit annoying when you are trying to drop off to sleep. I googled this as I was getting it so much and many ladies whose babies had lots of hiccups in utero also got them a few month after being born too!

Linds- Initially I quite like my hair this darker colour but now I am bored and want my blonde back. I'll see how thing go after the birth though as I am not one for going to the hairdressers a lot anyway and only really went 2-3 per year!!

Jess- hope you have a fab time in NYC this weekend. I know the weather is pretty cold and snowy just now but hopefully it will give you more of the nice Christmassy/winter feeling.

afm - OH had his check up today. He is still on crutches (different ones this time) and he can start to put more weight on his knee now. It was a different Dr who thought he should have been putting about 50% weight on it from last week but no one else had said that!! I think he is desperate to get back driving in case anything should happen but I'd rather get a taxi than risk anything till he is properly sorted.
:hugs: Rachel

I always felt AF was my worst time too as obviously it is a big reminder that this wasn't the month, again. As you know I truly understand about feeling time ticking away and as you said you do have so much more time, but that doesn't help when you have such strong feelings and needs about wanting your baby now. I think being relaxed is a good thing but maybe you should still get things checked out (depending on your insurance). Its good to vent and totally normal to have good and bad days. I remember hating every pregnant woman I saw and there seemed to be lots all of a sudden after my mc, which didn't get easier either no matter the length of time afterwards. Hang in there, your time will be soon . Love and hugs
Kels that's wonderful about the hiccups!!! :cloud9: love it! What did your hubs say? I love feeling movement all the time now, everyday! Still can't believe i feel it everyday on and off as before I was going days.

Lindsay, I know what you mean about the politics and it must be hard with you being in dc too!

Rach, like sam said when af arrives it's always a vulnerable time and yes I felt that pregnancy announcements were everywhere etc it used to really get me down :hugs: :hugs: the waiting is frustrating Hun and it is NOT because you are stressed even if you were stressed!! :growlmad: hate it when people say that!!!

Jess wow NY!! Are you sure it's safe? I really hope you have a great time and things are more back to normal now there. I'm glad your af has come back now and it's a normal one. I'd say go for it to try again but keep it low key iykwim? Post us some pics!! :plane:

Sam I can't believe how close you are now!!!! Eeeek so exciting!!!
Afm well I'm a bit moody ATM! Up and down like a yoyo. Think it's hormonal, bit scared about the prospect of birth but only in the sense I want memo here safe and sound.
LINDSAY I WANT YOUR BEAUTY PICTURES!! Let's see that hair chica :) Oh and you made me get on google and look up the hiccups meaning lung development and some said yes and some said no, but still exciting because I think it makes sense!
Aww Rach, sorry you're having a tough time. At least here we all totally understand, and like everybody said, AF was the most vulnerable time because it was just a reminder right in your face that you're not preg. And believe me, I wanted to punch people's face off when they said the whole "stop thinking about it so much and it'll happen". I do think if somebody is completely obsessing about it and severely depressed about it-it could maybe interfere, but other than that I don't think so.
Omg Sam I never even thought about the fact that DH couldn't drive! Oh baby Smartie, hold on a lil while longer so that daddy can be ready to drive your mommy to the hospital!
Mel DH and I just really had a good laugh about it. He tried rubbing my belly last night again before bed incase it would bring on any hiccups but no such luck. Happy 31 weeks tomorrow!!! For some reason I didn't realize you were already 31 weeks! Still feeling good besides hormones making us crazy? :)
Hope everybody has a good weekend planned!!
Lindsay you hair looks beautiful! I think it's perfect length. You're rockin it girl! And little Oakley is just toooooo stinkin cute in that bumbo!!! Gosh he is looking so much like momma and daddy that it's hard to tell who he is going to look most like!!! How has he been doing as far as eating? You still giving breast milk?

Sam i am glad to hear OH is doing better. I'm glad the dr's are giving him the okay to put most weight on it. I know it can't be fun for the both of you. Any signs of possible labor yet?!?! I am getting so anxious. I can't wait to see what he looks like. I love the name Gabriel. Gabe is such a CUTE name. I'm sorry OH doesn't agree. I love it though!

Mel WOW almost 31 weeks. It makes me so happy to know this. I look back at your story and see where you are now and i just wanna jump with tears of joy. I am so happy for you and can't wait for your sweet me-mo to be here!! Not anytime soon, but in about 2 months! LOL.

Kels you're up there too!! Geesh making me feel so old or something LOL. If that even makes sense? That's funny about your baby shower guesses on baby M's gender. I am just so unsure. I guess i'll stick with girl since i said that in the beginning. Although i'm 90% wrong most of the time. Any pics of the nursery?! I know it's under construction right now lol, but a sneak peak would be nice! :)

Jess i hope you're having a wonderful time in NYC. I know they just got hit with a bunch of snow. I hope you brought your winter boots and coat! LOL. I also hope you take plenty of pics. Enjoy your time and get some BD in! Good thing is, we're 1 CD apart this cycle! woot woot!

AFM Today i had a follow up appt for my nose. The dr basically re-did what the other dr did last week. Which is do a nasal cauterization. I have them blood vessels that are big and fat in my nose that keep bleeding so he took acid and burned the vessel so it would heal properly. It hurt so bad! Felt like someone took a needle and pricked my nose 3 times. Good thing is, my nose didn't bleed at all after unlike last week. He told me it may take a couple sessions before it stops bleeding. I have to go back there in a month. Later on today i had an appt with that lady for school. She discussed it with me and it definitely sounds like something i'd want to do but as far as paying for it... ehhh... it's kinda crappy. I got approved for a $1000 loan but i need a co-signer to be able to get how much i need. I'll have 5 years to pay it off. Otherwise, i'd have to make payments and have it ALL paid off within 20 weeks. Yeah, that choice isn't happening! I guess we will see what becomes of it. I need $1000 down to secure my spot for school. Paying for books and my scubs would be another expense out of my pocket that wouldn't be included in that intuition. Blows bananas!! Anywho, i hope you all are having a fantastic Friday!!! Have a great weekend and thank you all for the support. I'm feeling much better today for some reason. My AF is super super heavy and BAD. It's been so nasty! Def did not miss it!!
Rach - I must have missed the bit about school. What is it that you will be learning? Is it evening school so you'll still have your job or is it a full time course? Would your parents co-sign for you (I take that's like 'back up' for the bank). Sorry AF is being bad but it maybe a good sign that things are trying to settle back down to normal after a long and light cycle last time. Glad the nose cauterisations wasn't too bad and I hope this helps in the long run.

Lindsay - going to look on FB for your hair (that doesn't sound right but you know what I mean!

Mel - I got a lot more hormonal and emotional the last 2 months or so than I ever did at the beginning. Sometimes It will seem that I can cry at the drop of a hat and get angry at the most seemingly insignificant things (although luckily not too much of that!)

Jess- hope you are having fab time in NYC. The pictures look cold though!!

Kels - my hiccups didn't get regular till a bit later on. Have tou got anthing nice planned for teh weekend.

afm - OH a lot more mobile but still can't drive yet (left leg so needed for clutch - automatics not very popular over here compared to 'stick' drives as you guys call them!!)
Nothing planned as such, Oh back to work next week but only on half days. Despite me saying before I wanted some time on my own during maternity I have gotten used to having him about and have long lazy mornings in bed with him (that's if I haven't got up early due to extreme uncomfotableness).
Hi ladies!

Rach - I'm so sorry you're having a hard time but I always got depressed during AF too, I think it's hormonal! Keep at it, it's going to happen for you and sign up for school!! You should become an ultrasound tech!! lol we could have our very own expert on here!! :) I'm in school now and while I get paid to go to school, it's not very much and I considered not going back because it would be a big pay cut, but in the end, more schooling is always better! Gives you more options and gives you pride! If you can swing it financially - go for it!!!

Kelsey - that's funny about google - I swear you can find anything on the internet one way or the other lol. My doctor was the one that said about the hiccups but I could see how it's controversial!! Hope your little one has been moving more for you - I'm guessing girl for you since you don't feel much movement. I've heard boys kick your butt and girls are more gentle :)

Jess - hope you have a GREAT time in NY - supposed to be good weather this weekend!! Prob still freezing for you but nice for us (DC has very similar weather to NY - just a tad colder up there which is why I like down here so much more haha I'll take a couple more degrees any day!!).

Sam - you're SO close!! Any contractions yet?? Hopefully DH will be able to drive you to the hospital!

Mel - Sorry you're feeling up and down - I was like that throughout my pregnancy too! Some days I would feel straight up like a crazy lady!

AFM - got my hair cut yesterday and I really love it but I can't do the bangs like the hair dresser did! I'll have to play with it. He kept it longer in the front and told me to come back if I want it more straight around in a couple days if I don't like it - he's the best!!
Oakley's getting so big!! I can't believe he's already in the bumbo!! He had a BLAST yesterday in it, it was so funny! He kept us company in it while we ate dinner. My parents said he almost rolled over at their place yesterday - ahhhh big boy!! I also have started putting a bit of rice cereal in his bottles as he's been asking to eat CONSTANTLY so this seems to be holding him over for longer. I talked to my friend who is a pediatrician and he said he's big enough now to start trying it - woohoo!! Kirk's cousin had a baby the same exact day (literally in the room next to us) and she's been feeding her little one spinach and solid foods for a while now which I thought was weird...??
Sam the schooling is to be a dental assistant. It's a 20 week course. I would start Jan 17th and graduate June 6th which is AWESOME! It only costs $8000 USD. It's 2 days a week so i will still be able to work. So it will definitely pay for itself in the long run. All i know is if it's meant to be, there will be a way!!

Lindsay dude i can't do hair either!! like, i have super long hair. It's almost to the top of my butt and i can't do shit with it because i suck at it! my hair never stays curled, always falls out of whatever i do. I have just given up LOL. I know how you feel. Makes you want to scream because a hairstylist can curl it and make it look good in 5 seconds but it takes me an hour. I usually look at youtube tutorials of how to do hair. They make it look SO easy but i can never do what they do. I suck!!! As for your friend already giving her baby solids.. WOW. I never heard of someone giving a baby solids at 4 months. Everyone does their own thing, but my sister didn't do solids until her twins were like 8/10 months. Cereal she started at 4 months.Like i said though, everyone starts differently. Little Oakley is just sooo handsome. I love seeing your pics every morning!! :)

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