Hi girls!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

We had a nice time at Chris' aunts house and I enjoyed seeing my aunt although I wish I could have spent more time with her. It was kinda nice not really having to worry about cooking anything this year!
Sam - any news? I totally had a visual of the side to side thing that Lindsay mentioned

I would be trying everything possible too. Are you ready for him to come?
Mel - Happy 33 weeks!!!! Gosh I know I always say this but time is just flying. We are going to have a lot of babies coming up soon between you, Sam and Kelsey!
Rach - how did you manage to make all that food!!!

I don't think my kitchen would be big enough for all that cooking! But it sounds delicious!
Lindsay - Oh my gosh, that would be crazy if you are preggers! Let us know how your testing goes!!!
Kelsey - How are you doing? You promised some pictures!!!
As for my just spent the WHOLE weekend sitting in the house studying. I am doing my last big push of reviewing things today. Its so much to remember. I hope I retain it all tomorrow!!! My exam is at 8am.
Regarding the house, another person came to see the house yesterday and made an offer. Now I am wondering if we priced it too low or didn't give ourselves enough wiggle room. Ugh! The first buyer that came was a cash buyer and their counter was still about $9K below our asking price. Our bottom like is $4K below asking price. I feel like if they really like the house, what's another $5K. The buyer yesterday will be financing the purchase, they offered our asking price but want 3% towards closing which is still below our bottom line. Our agent emailed the first person to see if they are still considering our bottom line (obviously it would be better to sell to the cash buyer) and then we have to counter the 2nd person by end of the day today. It's crazy, 2 offers in less than a week of being on the market and both made the offer quickly!!! Chris has been out looking while I have been studying. He has been driving me crazy about maybe building another house - which would be nice, but the one he likes is bigger than what we have now and while it does help with the drive, the location only cuts our drive in about half. I am so torn about it because although it would be nice to have a brand new house for the same money we would get closer to work, its a lot of money to spend to not fully reduce our drive. Plus its just 2 of us, the thought of a BIGGER house is nuts!!!

Anyway, I will keep you girls posted. So much excitement will all this its hard to concentrate!!!