1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! I couldn't agree more with Jess, i am very thankful for you all! I've learned so many things from you and you also give me the strength to keep going with this TTC madness! Love you all.

As for what i am making... cornbread, deviled eggs, homemade potato salad, green bean casserole, rolls, turkey, ham, baked beans, corn, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, yams, banana pudding, pumpkin pie, stuffing, chocolate pie, biscuits. That could be it, but i'm not sure LOL. My sister in law is helping with half of it which helps a lot!!! I can't wait to stuff my face this afternoon and then go out in the madness of black friday shopping! I am so excited i could pee myself LOL.
Omg rach!! :munch: sounds divine! Just had a big lunch out with two friends and thought of my lovely American friends. Happy thanksgiving! Xxx
Oakley's waking up so I don't have time to catch up but just realized I didn't comment on the bumbo thing. I registered for the bumbo at buy buy baby - you might be able to order it online:


:) Hope you guys had a great thanksgiving!! We hosted so I'm still in the process of dishes! :p
Hi girls!

How's everyone doing? Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! My brother and his wife just left and we are heading to the eastern shore to go to my other SILs baby shower :) we had a great thanksgiving! We had turkey that my mom marinated in something delicious lol, honey ham, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, corn bread stuffing, salad with balsamic vinegrette, and rolls, not to mention the millions of appetizers - it was amazing but I ended up getting sick later that night. I swore I felt pregnant and today and yesterday I've been super tender so I took a leftover opk and its super positive. So, now I'm slightly concerned I'm pregnant...think I'll be buying some tests this weekend but hopefully I'm just tender bc I'm ovulating..itd be really bad if I'm preggers with this mirena in. It's so unlikely anyway just makes me nervous.

Jess that's so exciting you got a bid on your house! Let us know how it goes!

Sam - you have that baby yet?! :)
Lindsay - I occasionally felt nauseous around ov so it may be that, cd17 isn't that far of your normal (non mirina) cycle so I think it probably is ov. Testing is a good thing though as the sooner you know the better with regards the mirina. I have a bumbo, heard lots of good things about them.

Sound like you had a great thanksgiving. Enjoy the shower!!

Rachel - all that food sounds amazing. Don't know what some of them are but they still sound yummy! Did you have lots of people round? Did you buy lots on your Black friday shopping?

Kels - hope you are okay and enjoying your holiday too.

Jess - don't study to hard, you still need to enjoy this holiday. A couple more days and it will all be over. Did you here any more about your counter offer on your house?

afm - still waiting, no twinges. One of the other ladies 4 day ahead of me had her little boy on Thursday, he is gorgeous and I am so envious. Going for curry tonight with OH and his family so might have to go for a hotter one than I normally do!!
Sam - kirk and I looked up every way to start my labor and I swear what worked was getting on my hands and knees and swaying my hips side to side. It felt really weird but my water broke within an hour of doing that. lol it was probably just my time but its worth a shot, right?! Haha
I'll give anything a go!! (apart from pineapple - urrgh) I have been trying to walk lots too and he does feel so much lower.
Lindsay that sounds like a great tip! Funnily enough I can just imagine! I will be doing that :) sam my sister hates pineapple but I love it! Want some now in fact, best not ey?! Thinking about you xxx
Hi girls!
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! :munch: We had a nice time at Chris' aunts house and I enjoyed seeing my aunt although I wish I could have spent more time with her. It was kinda nice not really having to worry about cooking anything this year!

Sam - any news? I totally had a visual of the side to side thing that Lindsay mentioned :rofl: I would be trying everything possible too. Are you ready for him to come?

Mel - Happy 33 weeks!!!! Gosh I know I always say this but time is just flying. We are going to have a lot of babies coming up soon between you, Sam and Kelsey!

Rach - how did you manage to make all that food!!! :shock: I don't think my kitchen would be big enough for all that cooking! But it sounds delicious!

Lindsay - Oh my gosh, that would be crazy if you are preggers! Let us know how your testing goes!!!

Kelsey - How are you doing? You promised some pictures!!! :grr:

As for my just spent the WHOLE weekend sitting in the house studying. I am doing my last big push of reviewing things today. Its so much to remember. I hope I retain it all tomorrow!!! My exam is at 8am.
Regarding the house, another person came to see the house yesterday and made an offer. Now I am wondering if we priced it too low or didn't give ourselves enough wiggle room. Ugh! The first buyer that came was a cash buyer and their counter was still about $9K below our asking price. Our bottom like is $4K below asking price. I feel like if they really like the house, what's another $5K. The buyer yesterday will be financing the purchase, they offered our asking price but want 3% towards closing which is still below our bottom line. Our agent emailed the first person to see if they are still considering our bottom line (obviously it would be better to sell to the cash buyer) and then we have to counter the 2nd person by end of the day today. It's crazy, 2 offers in less than a week of being on the market and both made the offer quickly!!! Chris has been out looking while I have been studying. He has been driving me crazy about maybe building another house - which would be nice, but the one he likes is bigger than what we have now and while it does help with the drive, the location only cuts our drive in about half. I am so torn about it because although it would be nice to have a brand new house for the same money we would get closer to work, its a lot of money to spend to not fully reduce our drive. Plus its just 2 of us, the thought of a BIGGER house is nuts!!! :shock: Anyway, I will keep you girls posted. So much excitement will all this its hard to concentrate!!!
Aww jess I felt really bad for you studying so much :-( but it will all be worth it in the end. Will you have to do any training once you've finished your exams? Your house must be lovely if it's 'selling' so quickly :yipee: think you'll know yourselves whether you should hold out for more, I think if they like it enough they'll pay it! xxx
Morning girls! I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I did another opk yesterday and it was negative. Both times I got preggers it was off my right ovary and I felt myself ovulate and the corpus luteums on those pregnancies were brutal and I think the way things are positioned that I'm just always going to feel when I ovulate on that side bc it felt exactly the same this time that it made me nervous. But it must have popped or something bc I feel fine today. Just kinda sucks as it makes dtd a bit uncomfortable but at least now I know I still o with mirena! My opk was blaringly positive on Saturday morning.

Jess - if you move halfway closer how much does it cut your commute down? Here even if ee moved closer the majority of my commute is actually in the city...I go 30 miles in the same amount if time as 5 inside the city, so frustrating!

Sam - check in with us today so we know if we need to keep checking in for pics! :) I'll also be checking Facebook :)

Had my SILs baby shower this weekend and it went really well but I ended up missing a bunch of it bc poor little o got overstimulated and had a bit of a meltdown - the baby shower was at a vineyard so it was kind of nice walking around with him. I feel bad for my SIL she's due mid January and already looks horribly uncomfortable - how are all you ladies' comfort levels? I just remember from 36 weeks on feeling like I could pop at any moment and then the last couple days thinking he was never going to come out lol.
Jess - good luck with your exam today. Not sure of the time difference so maybe it is all over and done with now.

Linds - glad things are settled with the ov/preg thing. It looked more like it would be ov but nice to know that what it was. Poor oakley getting over excited, but I am pleased you had such a nice venue to wander round and calm him down. Did your SIL get lots of nice things> I can't remember if you said - does she know boy or girl?

Kels-saw some pics on Fb you look fabulous. Hope you are okay.

Rach - love the new avatar pic. Great pic of the two of you.

afm - I really thought something might happen last night as it feels like baby smarties is so low down his head is banging against every pubic bone I have. Strong feelings of AF type pains and now back ache. Feeling nauseous after having my bran flakes this morning but still no more twinges - getting a bit fed up now.
Hi girls! Well got my exam over with this morning, thank goodness! I am not sure how I did, I had a few areas I felt really uncomfortable on, but I am very glad it's over. My head has been spinning the last couple days! Last night we had all 3 buyers bidding on our house and one has offered 6k OVER our asking price. We signed the contract for that one tonight so if they are good with a few changes we made then we should be on our way to being homeless! Craziness!!!

Sam- sorry you are so uncomfortable!!! I hope it happens soon for you! They were going to scrap again this week aren't they? (I hope I said that right!)

LIndsay- love your new FB pic! Glad to hear that everything is going well with your body and not preggers yet- that would be crazy! Our city driving is not too bad but the time to work would probably be about the same for me if we build, just half the miles and less expensive. Right now it's not too long -20 miles and about 20 minutes if i leave the house before 7am - but I pay to drive on a toll road (I don't have many options where I live now) so it gets expensive!

Rach - are you guys still eating leftovers?
Jess- thats amazing news about the house!! How soon do things move once contracts have been signed. I think renting would be good in the area you want then you can get used to the area, commuting etc rather than build again if its not going to make any difference to your commute. Relax now the exams are over!! Will you be actively ttc this month?

Linds - loving the new fb pics!!

afm - same again last night as the previous but it felt more intense so I thought 'this might be it' but again no. I have the hospital appointment tomorrow (Wed) where I might get another sweep but I don't really know what they'll want to do. I hope at the least I'll get a date for induction, its not what I wanted as I can't have a water birth with induction but I don't think I can keep 'waiting' either as I seem to be getting more anxious and panicking about smarties movements a lot more now (the supposedly increasing risk of stillbirth its beginning to weigh heavily on my mind).
Sam - Gosh i hope something happens for you soon. Little smartie sure is stubborn. Dont worry foo much i would think that your doctors would do whats best for you and the baby.
if all is good they want to close by Dec 26th! It will be a crazy Christmas for us. We gave them 10 days to do their inspection and appraisal so we would not start packing anything until those come back Ok. As far as moving Chris' grandparents have an empty home they said we could move into for free. It's a train wreck over there and needs some work - cleaning, carpet, paint but his parents have agreed to empty it out and do that before we move in (they were planning on getting it ready to sell anyway). So it doesn't help our drive but for free we sold save a lot of money while we're house hunting and wouldn't have to pay to store our stuff. We'll see what happens.
Omg girls I hate when I'm so busy that I can't properly post---but I just wanted to quick stop in and check on poor Sam (I CAN'T BELIEVE WE DON'T HAVE BABY SMARTIE YET----I thought they would only go a week overdue with you!?).
Linds omg that would be nuts if you were PG again!! Did you take a PG test to know for sure or are you pretty positive you're not? I need to chk fb later and see these pictures.
Jess soooo glad your test is done---I know you said you have some areas you weren't comfy with, but overall I bet it felt a lot better than last time, right? OMG CAN'T BELIEVE 6K OVER YOUR ASKING PRICE!!! And what a crazy dip you had in your temp yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! Sure looks like implant to me! OMG!
Rach how is your cycle going!?
I posted in your journal but... Happy 41 weeks Sam!!! Time for little Smartie to get here!!

Mel - I just noticed that your ticker is gone from your signature. Need to be able to keep track of you!!

Kels - where are your pictures!!! Yeah crazy dip in my chart, so I haven't been DTD so I don't think its anything.

Lindsay - I can't remember but are you having regular periods now with the Mirena?

Rach - Where are you? Hope everything is going well.

AFM - the people are moving along on our house. The bank has been quick to get started and they are coming on Friday to do the home inspection. Once we get past the inspection and the appraisal I will feel much better about getting started with the packing etc. Chris and I are going to look at some carpet for his grandparents house (where we might be living) today after work and a model for the new home he is in love with. Its going to be a busy couple of weeks!!
I can still see your ticker Mel.

Jess - things move fast over there!! Once it is all signed then how long will you have to get sorted and moved? Any chance thins month or no dtd around ov time?

Kels - hope you are okay and not rushing about too much. Wow 35 weeks tomorrow, that seems to have flown by!!

afm - copied from my journal - sorry

Well I had my hospital appointment this morning. Urine neg but my BP was on the high side 140/90. Mw had a good feel and thinks I am only 2/5 engaged. She used the doppler to check smarteis hb but had to put it way high up past my belly button which got her worrying he had turned despite what she thought she was feeling. Anyway she did a sweep and says my cervix has started to efface and is softish but only just 1cm dilated so my mw last week was being overly keen/optimistic in her assessment. She had a real good rummage, it was quite uncomfortable this time as it felt she had her whole hand up there. She could feel the head and even the fontanel, he is obviously head down so must have a hb in his butt!!

I saw the consultant because of my raised BP. He was keen to book me in for induction and to get some bloods taken to check for pre-eclampsia. At the moment I am booked to go into hospital for induction Friday afternoon but if the bloods taken today show anything then I might be in later on today or tomorrow. I don't think I have pre-eclampsia so fully expect my bloods to be okay but I suppose it is nice to know there is a potential end date now. It does mean no waterbirth though, although tbh I was never convinced I would tolerate a labour without much pain relief. Still hope I might go myself but not sure if my BP rules me out totally from the MLU if I do go naturally. I'll ask when the mw phones with my blood results.

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