1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi girls! Just a quick post from NYC. I have been trying to keep up with the reading but it's been hard to post, for some reason the wifi in the 5 star hotel we are staying at sucks. :shock:

We are having a great time. Our hotel is right on 5th Avenue in midtown Manhattan, just a couple blocks from Times Square. The weather was a little cool when we got here Friday (even some snow still on the ground) but today was actually hot. We have been all over the place and even caught a Broadway show. I posted a few pics on FB. Tomorrow we will be going to Central Park and ice skating tomorrow night, hopefully we don't break anything, I haven't been ice skating since Elementary school!
Hi girls!
How's it goin? Jess - I hope you're having a great time in nyc! Did you make it to the world trade center memorial? Really moving! My dad worked there on 9/11 and it still brings tears to my eyes to think of that day - he's fine btw but it was just unbelievable.
Also I think you guys should buy a house closer to work before you have a baby! This commute is killing me with oakley! I end up not working full days because I spend so much time in traffic and I'm afraid its going to end up pushing my graduation date. Ugh!

How's everyone else doin? Sam - any contractions?! Can't wait to see your little one! Woohoo!
Hi all,

Jess- you'll be heading home soon. Looks like you had a wonderful time and the weather turned good for you too.

Lindsey - I couldn't imagine doing such a commute, I take it you finish work early to get home for Oakley. How much will that delay your graduation. Is your house on the market yet as I remember after the storms you mentioned about finishing it off and selling.

Rach - that's job/training sounds so good. I though about dental nursing a few years ago
as I like that one on one type thing/local practice. When will you start and how long is the course. Its fab that you can still work too.

afm - going to cheat and copy from my journal!

Well yesterday evening has been uncomfortable again. I have taken paracetamol just now for slightly, don't really want to say painful but cant think of another appropriate word, lower period type cramps and they seem to go up my bum too - weird. I did google and this seems to be common sign of effacement but also very early labour. Grr why are these signs so confusing? Also Heartburn in overdrive today, nothing seems to be working, maybe I am OD'ing on gaviscon!!

Had a walk to the shop earlier, normally it used to take me 5 mins but to get there and back took me more than half an hour!! Slow waddling LOL!!
Hi girls! I am back from my trip! We had a fabulous time, I do think I came home with a cold. I haven't really been feeling well yesterday and today. My Florida blood is not used to that kind of cold.

Lindsay - we did make it to the 9/11 Memorial - very moving. I posted a pic on FB. The event is still so shocking to this day. Sorry about your drive. I can imagine its worse now that you have little Oakley and are anxious to get home. The real estate agent is coming on Saturday to do the paperwork and take pics to get our house listed, I can't wait. Its going to be really hard to keep the place clean while its on the market. Overall our house is clean but Chris and I do have a habit of leaving things lying around.

Sam - Happy 39 weeks! Your comment about the waddle had me laughing.

Kelsey, Mel, Rach - how are you girls? I need to go back and read a few pages so I can post properly to everything that's been going on.
I wanted to pop in to let you girls know Eliza had her baby!! He was born at 5:03am today 11/15. He was 6lbs 9ounces. She named him Mason James. I am so happy for her!!
Great news about Eliza rach! Thanks for letting us know. Has your af subsided yet? That's great you're training to be a dental assistant, it will be worth the investment in the end!

Jess, sounds like you had a blast in NY! So jealous! I love NY. What was your favourite part? Oh yes it's so sad about 911 and when I went it was still just rubble and no memorial. Hope your cold goes soon.

Sam you're being really brave and strong with your poorly hubs and go into first stages of labour :hugs: hang in there Hun, soon you'll have a better hubs and a beautiful baby. Will you taxi it to the hospital then?

Lindsay i just loved the picture of Oakley in his bumbo waiting for milk! :cloud: he is so cute!!

Kels how are you feeling now?

I had my scan yesterday to check my split placenta wasn't low. It's a placenta with 2 parts one large one small and if it's low and the vessels joining it ever lie over my cervix then it's dangerous. Thankfully placenta is really high and a natural birth can go ahead as normal, they just need to double check that all my placenta comes out! We saw memo too, he looked so cute and I was over the moon to see him again, no pics though :-( he has full lips! He was sticking his Tongue out at us too! Had antenatal classes this week too and they were good, so was the bf one but I'll only be doing that for 3 weeks tops! For now mood swings have gone and I'm happy nesting and resting!
Hi ladies!

How is everyone doing?! I hope well! Sam - you still hanging in there? I can't wait to see your little one! Update us as often as you can so we know when it happens :)

Jess - bet you're glad to be back in warm Florida! I'm so sad summer is gone here! I'm looking forward to the first snow but then I want summer to come back immediately after! Haha. You guys trying this month? I haven't checked your chart in a while, I'll have to do that.

Mel - so glad you got to see memo again! It's always nice ebb if you don't get pics to take home. I got so spoiled with my SIL...wonder if she'll do that again next pregnancy!

Kelsey - how you doing? How's third tri treating you? I hope well!

I'll post about me a lil later :) just got to work...so glad its a short.week!
Hi girls! Just popping in for a quick hello. I have been studying like mad this past weekend and I am home today studying too. More studying Thanksgiving weekend and right now I am scheduled to take my exam on Monday the 26th so I hope I will be ready and able to remember all this stuff!!!

Lindsay - finally saw your hair pics on FB. Looks great!!! By the way, how is the shellac nail stuff working out? I am very glad to be home on warmer weather. Although its a little cold today. I can't imagine living up there!!! :cold: I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather. My cold I brought home from NY has been lingering and I have had an awful cough at night that has been keeping me up. Hopefully it will go away soon, I am exhausted and has been cutting in on my studying. :sleep:

Kelsey - any baby room pics to post yet? How are you feeling?

Mel - saw all the little outfits you bought - how cute!!! And some wall decor. You will have to post a baby room pic too.

Rach - how is your nose? Any more updates about school for you?

Sam - you are almost there!!!! How are you feeling? Do you have your bag packed? How is DH? Hopefully he know its almost his turn to pamper you!!!

We have not been actively TTC this month, with being sick and all the studying I just haven't been much in the mood. I think I will start pulling out all the supplies next month.
Oh, I forgot to tell you guys, our house is now officially on the market!!! :shock: I am getting a bit nervous, my agent sent some townhome listings in the area we want and they are priced about TWICE what we are selling our house for!!!! :shock: I will be interested to see what they end up selling for but we could never spend that much, we don't want to be tied to our home. So we might need to consider some other areas. We'll see what happens. We are going to go out with our agent to look at some stuff on Dec 1st.
Well better get back to homework!!! :book:
Hi girls,

Great news about Eliza!!

Jess- :hugs: Hope the cold clears soon. all the studying and stress won't be helping either but by Monday it will be all done with and I am sure you will be fab in your exam. Exciting and scary about putting the house on the market, the houses in the area you are wanting are they ready to move into? Could you get one thats need a little more work that may be cheaper?

Lindsey - still haven;t seen your hair, going to look on FB, don't know why I have to keep 'searching' for you on my fb. Hope you and Oakely are both okay. Was just going to ask why its s short week but I am guessing it because of thanksgiving?

Rachel - hope all the bleeding from both ends has settled now. Did you get everything sorted money wise for your course?

Kels - hope you are okay. Any nursery pics yet?

afm - had mw appointment today. She got the doppler out and we could hear his hb nice a steady, slower than I have heard but I think he was sleeping. She did the sweep, it was uncomfortable but not painful. I am about 1-2cm dilated, cervix in a good ready position and soft (she never really said anything about effacement as such). She did the sweep and could feel his head. Afterwards, she redid the doppler and boy the sweep really woke him up, poor fella!! You could really hear the difference!

OH asked her about my plug (not really understanding fully about the sweep), which obviously wasn't there if she could do what she did. Despite my frequent TP checking I have never noticed losing it.

I have been booked in for the hospital next Wednesday morning if things haven't done their own thing by then. I think is just an appointment as such, they'll decide then about induction and maybe try another sweep on that day.
Wow Sam, it's getting so close for you!!! Can't wait to see little Smartie! So I have heard about the sweep but do they do that to bring him on faster?

There are no homes in the area we are looking for that are ready to move into, just for sale and mostly owner occupied but we don't mind moving to an apartment or something to wait things out. We would definitely consider taking something that needs a little work for less money but location is key for us. The area we are looking is very old with a lot of old houses. They have torn things down and built new homes and town houses here and there but it's very mixed. I dont want to be in a shady area where I don't feel safe so it's tough.

Yes, this week is Thanksgiving for us! Anyone have and plans? I will be studying, but we'll be going to Chris's aunts house for dinner and i have my aunt in town too! I think we were all together last Thanksgiving and I think we talked about you and Mel using it as an excuse to eat all day too!!! :munch:
They say a sweep can induce things a bit faster but only really if things are about ready anyway, it doesn't always work. Normally they wouldn't do a sweep until overdue around 41 weeks but because the hospital mw/consultant don't want me to go too far overdue due to my age. So I got the sweep today (although the mw wrote in my notes that I was keen for it - therefore it was something I wanted as such) and maybe induction next week if still no change.
How's the period pain etc today sam? Are you calm? You sound like you are :) are you excited?!

Jess how's your cold and cough now? Yes we did celebrate thanksgiving on here! I cooked loads of food, you inspired me! :munch: what will you make this year? Sounds like you've got the ball rolling with your house :)

I've just got such bad heartburn now I can barely sleep for more than3 hrs then I just have to get up and sleep sitting up with gaviscon in my hands as I sleep lol!

Lindsay loved your hair!! :kiss:

Rach, kels :hi:
So exciting Sam! The sweep has thrown 3 of my friends into labor within 24hrs! How are you feeling?! You being so close makes me want another baby! Lol crazy crazy! We are planning on getting my mirena out not this march but next march - exciting! Can't wait to see your little guy!

Jess - I think everyone in the northeast has that cold! I was coughing up a lung for weeks and am finally feeling better - very minor cough leftover. Oh and I love my gel nails! They last two weeks even when I do them! I'm bad and I end up ripping them off instead of soaking so I'm sure I'm damaging them by doing that but I'm not patient enough and I sit through too many boring meetings Haha.
SAM ARE YOU IN LABOR YET?!?!! I also work with a lady where both her daughters had the sweep done and both went into labor within 24 hrs!! Hopefully hubby is feeling better and ready to carry a baby around :) I don't know anything about the plug so I prob. woulda asked just like him! ha That's so interesting that you didn't notice anything, because I thought it's supposed to be kind of bloody!?
Rach how is your nose feeling!? and that's great news about school---how is that going!? You're about halfway through your cycle---so exciting hope you're getting some good BD in!
Lindsay I finally got to see your hair and it's so cute and sassy-love it. Where did you find a bumbo---I haven't been able to find any since they've been recalled! How is your SIL doing that's due around the same time as me?
Jess glad you had such a great time in Ny--the pics looked awesome. I just checked your chart and you haven't updated it yet today missy---I couldn't wait to see if yesterday was your OV day! So proud of you with all your studying--this time next week you'll be done (well, with the first one at least).
Mel glad everything with your placenta is looking great---are you back to thinking natural birth?
AFM--so excited for thanksgiving! Only thing is I get full so fast now so I'll want to eat tons and I probably won't even be able to eat half as much as I'll want (which is probably a good thing) but then I'm hungry again like an hour later. That's crazy cuz I remember our talk last year about thanksgiving and Mel asking what certain foods were! I've still been feeling pretty good, not really uncomfortable yet. My feet and hands must be swollen because my shoes are getting a bit too tight and I haven't been able to get my wedding ring on very easy (really sad about that-but I got a fake so that I'm not walking around with no ring and ppl will wonder). Nursery is still a disaster area with bags from my shower still everywhere, but this weekend I plan to get that more organized. Last weekend I gave the house a good clean which I was relieved when that was done (although trying to scrub around a toilet when your 8 months pregnant and there's not a lot of room between the toilet and wall is always interesting). anywho, I haven't taken a pic since 28 weeks and I'm mad at myself because I wanted to keep a better collection of my belly growth! But belly and nursery pics should come soon! Have a great holiday girls (and those that aren't "officially" celebrating can still celebrate and eat lots :) ).
Lol kels I've got a fake ring on too haha it cost £6 so $10 ?? It's rusting already but rather that than no ring! My feet are also pregnant, I can just about put my shoes on well hubs does it! Can't wait to see your pics! I think you're in nesting mode now :cloud9: xxx
Sam - I just realized I never commented on the plug thing - I didn't notice mine come out! I got an exam and then started having bloody show but it wasn't very "pluggy" lol my friends said when they lost theirs it was like a huge glob of snot *sorry* but I definitely never had that! I think some women lose it slowly.

Kelsey - my SIL is doing really well from what I understand - she lives over the bridge on the eastern shore so we don't see them often but she's having her baby shower this weekend - I'm so excited! It's going to be at a vineyard (one of my favorites too!) I'm pretty excited! It's a little odd to have a baby shower at a vineyard but I'm sure I'll enjoy it :p

Jess - you think you Ov'd yet??

AFM - I think little O is going through a growth spurt - been eating a lot and sleeping a ton since yesterday - made cleaning for Thanksgiving a lot easier!!
We just got another room painted this past weekend - only one more to go! We got a quote for painting the outside of the house, and he's going to start after Thanksgiving - I'm SO excited! I've wanted to paint this house since we moved in, I can't wait :) I'm starting to think when we're done renovating this house that I might not want to move, haha...ehhhh maybe not! We live on a busy road and it makes me nervous having Oakley running around in the yard. We live in a great area for schools but I figure when we move we won't go far.

Little man's awake!! Hope you guys have a great holiday!! :)
Sam - Whoa - 40 weeks!!! You are a watermelon! :happydance: So excited, its almost time, please keep us posted. Can't wait to see your little one!!!

Mel - Sorry you are having trouble sleeping, that's the worst! My cold is getting a bit better. What are you having for Thanksgiving this year? :winkwink: I got out of all the holidays this year with all my studying so we are going to Chris' aunts house tomorrow and I am making a Chocolate Pecan Pie!

Kelsey - You girls are so funny with the wedding rings, did you get some big bling for your fake one, might as well right :winkwink: I just had a visual of you wedged behind the toilet cleaning :rofl: Can't wait to see your pics!! I had a problem with my temp today :( I usually take my temp at 6am and then after I'm up go and check it and enter it. Well when I went to check it was not there so not sure what happened. :growlmad:

Lindsay - Since you cleaned for Thanksgiving are you having people over?

Rach - with all your cooking, what are you making for Thanksgiving. You always sound like you are making the best meals!

AFM - I don't know if I told you girls but the house went on the market on Sunday, someone came to see it Monday and made an offer :shock: Chris and I are about to have a panic attack!!!!!! They came in low and we are pretty stuck on sticking at our list price but we made a counteroffer last night of about 4K less than our asking price so we'll see what happens. DH didn't want to move at all, especially 2 days in but our agent says that everyone wants to feel like they are getting some movement, so we moved a little. We'll see what happens. I am excited and nervous at the same time because we really haven't seen anything yet that we like. Well hope you girls have a great Thanksgiving. I will be spending my weekend studying Booooo! :( but for better or for worse it will all be over on Monday!! Yipee!!! I will check in with you girls later
.... and Sam - please keep us posted!!!!
Hi Girls!

Jess - I know you have beeb to my journal so most of what I'll write later will be repeating myself. Wow thats fab news someone put an offer in although not ata the asking price but that's just normal negotiation so hopefully they'll accept yours. If not then there will be others. I know its a big thing but ti will be good in the long run and like you said you can always rent and then at least you won't be in a chain. Not sure if it works the same over there. Boo to studying over the holiday weekend but it will all be over with Monday night. Bummer about the temp, have you tried again today just see if it is working?

Kels - I thought that to do the sweep the plug must have gone but since I have found out that you can still lose the plug afterwards. Glad you had your nesting big clean. My feet were the first to be swollen. I tried to put boots on a couple of weeks ago and after OH had zipped them up I couldn't walk more than a few step before I thought my toes had gone numb!! I can't wear my ring now as although at times I can get it on they swell up randomly. I never thought of putting another ring on - duh!

Lindsay - I suppose a baby shower in a vineyard is a little strange but its more for the ambiance of the place. I take it the weather will be nice (is it outdoors?). From things I have read they do say 4 months is a big growing phase so Oakley probably is doing just that.

Rach - you seem to be the cook extrodinaire, what delights have you got for thanksgiving. My brother loves USA and has been wanting to emigrate there for years so he is celebrating with you guys, turkey trimmings and all!!

mel - see you on your/my journal!!

afm - went for a walk this afternoon to try to get him moving down more. Later on I went to the loo and some really thick snotty, dark cream coloured discharge (like you have blown your nose when you have a really bad cold LOL!), not bloody though unfortunately. So it looks like a bit of my plug from what others have said. It wasn't a lot but have had a bit more when wiping since. No twinges/back ache so looks like we keep on waiting!

I'll try to update from my phone if I can, OH not the best at FB (and esp coming on here) I can use my phone for BnB but hate it as I end up with millions of spelling mistakes.. Don't think anything will happen that soon, but here's hoping!!
Kelsey - Happy 34 weeks!!! :happydance:

Mel, Lindsay, Rach, Sam and Kelsey- Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! We have a lot to be Thankful for, but I am especially thankful for you girls!!! :hugs:

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