1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Ok finally have time to properly post.
That's so interesting you guys lost your plug without realizing---I thought this whole time that'd be a sign to me of labor approaching, but maybe I won't even have that as an indicator! I've had A LOT of creamy cm (sorry TMI) lately---that wouldn't be anything with my plug, would it?
Omg Jess I can't believe all this excitement already with your house!! That's so cool that you can stay in your family's home until you find something permanent. That must help take the pressure off a ton---especially since if nothing else you can use the home for storage. Before you sell you have to take some pics and post them of the house---it must be gorgeous if people are fighting over it! Well you have gotten PG before when you DTD a couple days before OV, so it could be?!?!?! I'll def. be your chart stalker the rest of this week. Soooooo glad you got the test done---assuming you pass cuz you will----when do you have to start with the next one?
Sam I can't believe no baby yet---hope your tests from today came back ok---otherwise you may be busy having a baby?!?! Everytime I see you posted my heart starts pounding cuz I think we're getting some baby news!!! Is DH able to drive yet or are you still taxi-ing it to the hospital? Oh and I suppose I should have read your post about pineapple before I ate a ton of it?! I've been craving it and eating it----never heard about how it can jump start labor or cause contractions! So far no effect though.
Glad you all had a good Thanksgiving---omg reading about all your food makes my mouth water!!!
AFM-starting to think about what to pack in the baby bag and my hospital bag---any suggestions? I'm still feeling good and not really too uncomfortable. Only thing is I get full so fast and feel like I can't breath. Ok Jess, I'm going to work on posting some pics right now! Oh, and my next appt they have to do the strep B test---AND I'M DREADING IT!!!! she said they're swabbing front and back down there! Omg, just dreading the back swab, because TMI, but I'm not looking forward to her seeing my beautiful hems I've got going on. Ugg....Lindsay was your uncomfortable? Mel and Sam did you have to have the test?
Ok first pic is 28 weeks and 2nd pic is 34 weeks! I didn't realize how puffy I looked until I looked at my 34 weeks pictures :wacko:


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Ok---tried loading nursery pic and it keeps saying file too big! So sorry, I guess a nursery pic will hafta wait...:shrug:
Hi girls, I don't know if this will work but I will try to post a pic of my house listing that has some pics
Jess - Wow, your house is absolutely gorgeous, I love it!! I can see why you would be sad to go.

Kels - you look fab, nothing puffy there!! I have had to stop wearing my wedding ring and put my Mums on and yesterday noticed that even my comfy shoes were getting a bit tight.
Loved the wedding pics on FB. I know how you feel I got a huge hroid just over a week ago which made sitting and walking difficult. It was incredible painful, never had them before. I was very embarrassed when seeing the mw last week and this but neither mentioned it as it is probably such a common sight to them so I really wouldn't worry.

If you go to 3rd tri forum there is a sticky thread with what to take in your bag. Mine is absolutely stuffed but I think we have to take nearly EVERYTHING in with us as the hospitals don't supply it. Lindsay will be able to tell you more.

Hi - linds, Rachel, Mel

afm - smarties still snug as a bug. Full moon last night didn't help then!! Bloods came back okay, which I thought they would so atm raised BP is normal not Pre-eclamp. I think it is finally hitting in that things will be starting in 36 hrs and I'll be a Mum this weekend. Am I ready for this?

OH now driving and off the crutches unless long distance walking so thats a big relief.
Kels I have been craving pineapple too!! And I have loads and loads of creamy cm, think it's just your boy's way of keeping things clean down there for baby! You look gorgeous pregnant, your bump shots are just lovely! Will you miss your bump? I saw loads of lovely pics of you on fb too :cloud9: are you getting excited? I am but nervous too lol! Can u put your nursery pic on fb?

Sam I can't be bothered to talk to you on 3 threads and repeat myself lol!! Xxx

Rach I love your food creations on fb! You make me hungry lol. How you doing?
Lindsay how are you?

Jess that is just amazing, you must have an amazing house and great news you can be put up too :yipee: excited for you! I hope you get a bfp soon too! Your day will come I promise you.
Hi girls, I don't know if this will work but I will try to post a pic of my house listing that has some pics

OMG jess it's an amazing home!! I want it!!! No wonder they are queuing up to buy it!!
Sam I can't be bothered to talk to you on 3 threads and repeat myself lol!! Xxx

:haha: I know it must look like we totally ignore each other!!

Kels -forgot to say I had loads of creamy CM too, very normal and as for the pineapple I think you have to eat at least 8 to get the desired effect (bromain sp?) and if it does anything its more likely to upset your stomach/colon after trying to eat 8 at once!!
Yuck - even the thought of a tin of pineapples sitting in the kitchen makes me feel ill! People keep saying how nice fresh pineapple is but the smell makes me gag. I usually eat most things and will try anything once too, so I don't know where my abject disgust of pineapples come from!!
Jess - that house is beautiful!! I love the furniture they have in the pics. It's gorgeous vintage style. Once you get this house maybe it will have baby dust all over it and you will get pregnant in no time!!!! How do you feel you did on your test? When will you know the results? You may have said but i kind of just speed read through everything.

Kelsey - I couldn't help but laugh when you said the thing about swabbing the hem area. :haha: you have me rollin! I love your bump pics. You are such a beautiful girl and even more beautiful with that bump!!! I can't believe all you have is a little over a month left. I think your pregnancy has felt like the quickest compared to everyone else.

Sam - you just may have a December baby!! I can't believe smartie isn't here yet. You are more than ready to be a mom, you just don't feel like it because you've never been one. After you change so many diapers, make bottles, snuggle and do baby talk... it will all hit you and you'll realize you're a great mom!! I am so happy your OH is now off crutches. Now he can help you out more when baby smartie is here. You will definitely need it.

Mel - so glad to see you on here a lot! :) how are you feeling? It seems like you're getting more and more comfortable with things. I am so happy to see that!! I use to hate pineapple but i can handle it now. I just can't eat loads of it. I love it when it's mixed in with other fruits. Mmmmm... ice cold fruit cocktail is delicious!!!!

Lindsay - your little man is one of the most adorable little boys i've ever saw. He is just too gosh darn cute!! I love the pictures you post everyday. I look forward to them!!!

Not too much going on over here. The whole school thing i am trying to get figured out. I may have to wait on it a bit because of money issues. Andrew and i aren't going to get married this upcoming year. Will probably do it in 2014. I am weird because i don't want to get married in an odd year. Something about odd numbers makes me feel like something bad will happen. LOL. As far as TTC... we are NTNP, but yet we are trying. It's hard to explain lol. I try to still pay attention to what is coming out down there and how i'm feeling to try and pinpoint O but i am not using anything else to predict it. I just need a little break from it. Do you girls pay attention to celebrity media? I saw that Jessica Simpson has lost 60lbs from her baby weight and is now a spokesperson for Weight Watchers. Well... now she's PG again! Her babies will be 13 months apart. I don't know if i could do all that. I setup my Christmas Tree which most of you probably saw on facebook. I'm going to go ahead and post them on here anyways. I can go from clear to multi which makes it nice!


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Hi ladies!!

sorry I haven't posted much lately - I've been stalking but not posting!

Jess - congrats on the contract!! I cant wait to get to that point with our house! thats so nice you have a place to at the very least to store your stuff as that can be so expensive! I think it greatyou guys will build - so much fun!!

Sam - I can't believe you still haven't had that baby!! Hopefully you'll go into labor tonight naturally - I really recommend pain medication if you get induced. I don't know what real labor feels like but I really couldn't handle the induction. ahhh so exciting you'll be a mommy this weekend! It didn't dawn on me that I might not be ready until Oakley was in my arms to be honest. I was so thrilled to have him but I def got scared too and now I feel like I couldn't live without him. It's so natural to be scared!

Kelsey - we packed a ton of stuff just make sure you pack snacks for your hubby! I was nauseous and didn't want to eat but he did and he didn't want to leave me so the snacks came in really handy. Bring a bath robe or something really cumfy that you can easily open up to breastfeed with. You'll want out of the hospital gown ASAP. I was so glad my MIL suggested a robe cuz it was so liberating getting out of that stupid gown lol.

Rach - your tree is awesome! I think Kirk and I are going to put ours up but I'm scared to get it down from the attic as we had an insane stink bug invasion up there a couple years ago so I almost just want to throw it out - I'm sure it's insane! We'll see! Let us know how the school thing goes! Can you get loans?? You should really go to school for ultrasound - how fun would that be?! I semi want to do that except my degree is like totally not related haha

AFM - came home early from work today bc my dad said Oakley wasn't acting well and my little man was a bit stopped up - I took his temp (rectally - poor kid) and it just came pouring out haha gross, sorry! Then he was giggling and smiles!!
Sam I am soooo excited for you and the new baby of the group!!!! Tomorrow is induction day, right?! Baby Smartie pants just knew he had to come a week late to make sure that daddy was all healed and ready to help mommy out :) Can't wait for an update, I'll be crazy stalked lady starting tomorrow!
Mel I think I will miss my bump, because so far I haven't been too uncomfortable so I like it! People seem to be nicer too---more kind smiles and conversation. I always forget we're friends on fb now, I need to figure out a way to get you on my feed---I swear I see the same people on it and most of them I need to figure out a way to get off my regular news feed. Now Rach----you on the other hand are KILLING me with all your food posts---omg if we lived next to each other we'd be such trouble because I think we have the same exact appreciation for food! Except you like to make it, and I only like to eat it. So we'd have to come up with some sort of compromise :)
Omg Jess, your house is gorg. I only drive 10 min to work---I'll totally trade you up for your house and you can have my short commute! I think you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming out of there :) I can only imagine how beautiful the house would be that you would build! Let us know how it goes tomorrow with the inspection. And will it be about a month until we get the results of your exam? Do you plan on testing by the weekend by any chance if your temps are still up?
Rachel---booo to you and Andrew not getting married in 2013! If you want an even year, there's still a month left to this one! You guys are just so cute, I just wanna get you all wifey'd up! That's such a good idea to have the different light options on the tree---I've never seen that before. I think we're going to get our tree this weekend. And holy cow is that true with Jessica Simpson!? I saw it on msn yesterday but nothing was confirmed by her so I didn't know if it was true. That'd be crazy!
Lindsay thanks for the ideas---I don't think I would have thought of snacks. A wondered about a robe so I'll for sure put that on the list now. Omg how does that work that if you stick a tiny thermometer in there it relieves him? That's crazy! Well, now you know what to do I guess for next time....I can not believe he is 4 months old already, he needs to stop getting older!!
Hi girls! :wave:

Kelsey- Happy 35 weeks!!! :happydance: You look fabulous in your pics! I can't believe it's almost time for you. I like the idea about the robe and the snacks!

Sam - I will be anxiously waiting for your updates tomorrow. Hopefully little smartie comes on his own. Last day of the month, he can still make it into November!!!

Rach- noooo you have to get married next year!!! 2014 is too long.what if you pic an even month and an even day?? :) Oh I love your tree!! I've never heard of lights that change color like that- how cool is that, you get the best of both options!

Lindsay- poor little Oakley! By the way how are your :holly: doing now. Is everything all better?

Mel- how are you feeling? Your so tiny is that belly getting uncomfortable for you?

Thanks for all the compliments on the house girls. I really love it but its just way too far from things! I will be definitely sad about it though. We have the appraiser and home inspector coming tomorrow so hopefully everything goes ok with that. Regarding my exam, I am not sure how it went. The exam pass rates are in the 40s so not getting my hopes up. I should find out about mid-December. I don't think I will test this cycle, I just don't think there is any way possible. We will probably start TTC this next cycle.

Alright off to bed, when I wake up we better have a new addition to the thread!!!
Not sure of the time difference but here its 07.40am. I don't think smartie will be a November baby as I don't go into the hospital to get things started till this afternoon.

Linds - I forgot you were induction. I was slightly annoyed with Mum, although she did nicely back track, when I suggested epidural if the pain was getting too much. She originally said I was strong and would be okay when she realised thing might be more painful than natural labour but when I suggested I would consider an epidural she said 'you don't want one of those do you?' in the tone of voice- you will all know what I mean. I think my silence spoke volumes and then she suggested that had it been available with her she might have had it back then. Still Grrr. Aww poor little oaklely. It happens in adults where you get a little impacted and then it all just backs up and sometime breaking that hard stuff (which you may not pass naturally) lets it all out.

Jess - you have had a lot going on this month no wonder ttc has been top of the list. I hope next month, with relaxing at Christmas and the move /house sale all sorted it will be a magical time and you get a new years bfp.

Kels - this is a link to the thread on stuff to put in your bag.


I kept buying snacks but they never seem to make it into the actual bag!!! Maybe today they will.

Rach - I really admire your artistic skills. The pumpkin was wonderful and so too is your tree decoration. What a great idea having lights that change like that, I have never seen them before. I hope you get something sorted soon with the money so you can get started on you training.

afm - I doubt much'll happen today, more likely a saturday baby. I might not get chance to update but Mel will probably be able to update you once baby is here.
Ok I'm guessing this is normal but looking for some reassurance---my feet and legs are really swollen---I was hoping after sleeping it off they'd be a little better today, but they're not. I called the nurse whom I just LOVE, and she said well you can come in if you want to. And I was like well if it's normal, then no I don't want to come in---just looking for some reassurance. She wouldn't say anything 1 way or another.
Sam I think you're about 6 hrs ahead of me so you may already be at the hospital getting start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will be thinking of you all day. And you just enjoy every second of the pain medication, don't moms just have a way of saying something to really get under our skin? and I lol'd about your snacks not making it to the bag---I did grocery shopping last night and had food opened on the way home snacking already!
Rach I agree with Jess---you have to get married in 2013!! :) If you add the numbers together of 2013 it's an even number 2+0+1+3=6! :)
jessie I'll be thinking of you too today with your home inspector--hope it goes great (I'm sure it will, what could they find wrong in that house).
Oh yeah omg Lindsay, what did you find out with your bbs!?!?!?! I feel awful I totally forgot you had that appt coming up and I thought it was around Thanksgiving.
You girls make me laugh about the marriage thing. LOL! I will talk to Andrew about stuff and will let ya know what is really going on.

I saw this video today on facebook and you must watch it. It's 50 seconds long and i guarantee you it will make you smile and tear up. It's of an 8 month old baby who was born deaf and got hearing implants for his first time.

Hey girls- so I am stalking from my phone today so if anyone sees any updates from Sam please post.

Kelsey- I would definitely go in for a check up. A girl at work got really swollen when she was prego and it was ok but I feel like they had to give her something for it. I like your idea about the dates for Rach too!
Just posting an update from Sams post in her journal a little bit ago in case you didn't see it:

Just a quick update. Pessary put in 3.30 got very string period cramps. After 1 hr did another tracing of hb. That showed lots of dips, quite scary listening to hb drip to 65. Pessary removed but had to be continously monitored. Things did slightly improve but they wanted me on labour assessment for better monitoring. So at moment waiting for a labour room to be free where they will break my waters and start drip. Hope he tolerated it okay or it mean csection. Surrounded by ladies with babies, so not getting any sleep. Oh still here I asked about him going home few hrs aha but itooked like a room was imminent, obviously not. I am going to be knackered
oh my goodness! I'm not sure I understand what that means, but I hope little smartie is OK! I wonder if he's joined us yet - I'll have to check facebook!

Oh my boob is doing good now - they said that because of all the mastitis and inflammation that I had a couple lumps form around one of my ducts and they will just take a little extra time to break up on their own. It's taken a couple weeks since then but it is starting to feel better - thank goodness!!

Someone asked if my AF is back to normal now on mirena and since I know I O'd around last Saturday (positive OPK) I expect to see some bleeding next Saturday - but who knows?! I think I've had two periods since on the mirena - they're just super light and the last time it was for about a week but we'll see!

I'm starting to do some yoga again as my back has been killing me! I have no idea why but when I was in gymnastics, the reason I had to quit was because I fractured two of my vertebre so now I swear if I'm not stretching and keeping my core strong, my back just KILLS me, and I've been so bad about doing anything since going back to work that I think it's time to focus on it. It's just so hard, I feel like I'm wasting time I could be spending with Oakley - especially after work. I wish I could do it on my lunch break or something...we'll see.

and Sam - don't listen to ANYONE about their opinions on pain relief! I don't really need to tell you that though because you will know if you can handle it! I had told myself I would try to not have pain relief and after being induced for about 4 hours and I had only progressed to 1.5cm dilated, I knew a natural birth was just not an option. I'm hoping next time I will not have to be induced and maybe I can try that time and hopefully I'll progress a little more quickly! Plus, I'm going to really try to watch what I eat next time and exercise a little more than I did as I gained nearly 50lbs by the end and I think they say that makes it harder..? I don't know!! I hope you're doing great Sam!!! I know you are!! Sending tons of love your way!

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