1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

You definitely already O'd it's just that spike that's throwing off your chart - hopefully AF won't show and it won't matter! and I forgot to answer your question before - we only have two cabinets hung. I talked Kirk into stopping so I could paint behind the cabinets before he put them up, so now we're doing all the drywall everywhere since the hallway, living room and kitchen will all be the same color. So, I want everything ready before I start painting out there. We want to get the backside of the house done before we venture into the kitchen or living room since that's where the entrances to the house are. We'd rather not finish them and be bringing construction supplies/dirty boots over anything finished. So....yea, kitchen will be last but we're getting close! Just have to finish the hall bath and then we're ready to really tackle the kitchen!
Alright so doctors appointment was good - EDD is Nov 4.
They found a little protein in my urine, but my blood pressure was fine. They are going to send it away to make sure there isn't anything funky going on that shouldn't be. They weighed me and I've lost 2 lbs. Doc wants me to come back in two weeks to make sure I've started to gain weight, although he wasn't concerned. Doc's assistant tried to use the doppler to find the little heart beat without success. I told myself that it is normal for that to happen but of course I'm thinking a million things - Doc told me there is no reason to believe anything is wrong and to keep going about my business.
They are referring me to an OB! Hopefully there still is a tiny, strong heartbeat.
When do you get another scan mar? I'm surprised they didn't give you one when they coukdnt find it with the Doppler - although it is very common this early to not be able to! Are you starting to feel any better? Hope you start gaining weight soon!
Thats great news Mar! So are you not seeing an OB yet? Sorry I thought you already were. When is your next appointment? I would definitely insist on a scan at that one. How are you feeling otherwise? Are your clothes starting to feel tight? :winkwink:

Lindsay - are you working from home again today? Oh how I wish I could do that occasionally.

AFM - I think I'm out this month. :shrug: I was really hoping I wasn't because I have had more frequent urination the last few days but today I had a slight tinge of pink on the TP when I go to the bathroom. We'll see what happens over the next day or so.
They just referred me to an OB. And you can count I'll be requesting that at my first appointment (if thats anytime before my next regular doctors appointment). It didn't do anything for my nerves.... but we have no reason to believe anything is wrong.

And YEP! I bought my first pair of mat pants on Saturday. Although I haven't gained weight, my belly be alittle more round these days.
Aw, congrats on the maternity pants Mar! I got my first belly band around 9 weeks, haha! By 12 weeks I definitely needed maternity pants! Can't wait to see your scan in a couple weeks :)

Jess - I see you're still on this cycle - anymore spottin? Maybe it was implantation? Have you ever gotten implantation bleeding?

AFM - I'm home today again so I can take Oakley to the doctor at 8am - can't wait to see how much he weighs!
Happy Friday girls!
Well the witch got me! What a weird cycle I've had this month with being sick and all. On to next month! Well we got out on the boat last night for my weekend birthday celebrations. We had a nice night on anchor and today will be going over to our boat slip where we'll be for the rest of the weekend. There is a park attached to the marina where they will have some concerts. Really looking forward to it! Hope everyone is doing well!!!
Aw jess I'm excited for you for your birthday bash! Sounds like fun! Maybe its better you're out this month so you can celebrate your 30th appropriately! ;)

Hope everyone else is doing well! Miss you ladies!

Kirk is working tomorrow so ill be spending the weekend removing wallpaper and pulling staples to start prepping the kitchen - eeee can't wait to have a kitchen again! Probably a month and we will have a fully functional home!

I had oakleys 9 month check up yesterday and he's staying long and lean! He's over 80% for length at 29 inches and only 17% for weight at 17lbs 11.5ounces - carrying him around every day I could've sworn he was going to be 25lbs haha :p jk he still has some baby eczema on his face which the doc says should clear by the time he is 1. He also has a bit of cradle cap left so he just has very sensitive skin - poor booger. He also graduates to more grown up food with yogurts and cheeses and all meats except shellfish allowed. Still no eggs honey or nuts though, oh or milk. Very exciting!
HI GIRLS!! Oh how I've missed you--although I've been trying to at least get on and read as often as possible!
Jess I'm the worst friend ever---HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!! Your weekend on the boat sounds amazing, you deserve it! How's the house coming along for you?
Lindsay I love looking at your house progress pictures---you guys are so amazing! I want lots of before and after pics. Oakley is such a lil stud, can't believe how old he is already! We have Khloe's 4 month appt in 2 weeks (1 week late because I have a wedding next weekend so I wouldn't be able to snuggle her if she's sick again so I put it off for a weekend I can sit home with her). Weighed her before her bath this week and she's a little over 14 lbs---she's grown so much this past month! She would give us sporadic little giggles for a few weeks now, but this week she started laughing more often and without as much work on our end to get her laugh. Breastfeeding still going good---although I'm really only nursing her about once a night and then at her 230am feed. Otherwise all pumped bottles she's getting.
Lindsay/Sam/Mel---at 4 months about how many oz were they taking? Khloe's at about 4 oz right now, although sometimes she only finishes 3 and sometimes she takes up to 6! My Dr. wants only straight breastmilk until 6 months, then she said I can introduce her to rice cereal. Also---when did yours start sleeping through the night? Khloe most nights will go from 830-4ish but she'll still have 1 or 2 nights a week where she's up at like midnight, 2 and 4.
Mar very exciting about the lil bump starting!! How did the first 12 weeks go for you?
Rachael love all the lil fur baby pics on fb---you and Andrew are such good parents!! Any dr appt yet?
Mel love all of Lexi's pictures, such a beautiful lil girl :)
I'm adjusting to being back at work----still hate leaving in the morning. Really look forward to the weekends even more than I did before.
Ok, sorry, long enough post! Hope you're all doing wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend!
By 4 months Oakley was on formula with EBM and I would say he was consistently doing 4 ounces total with probably 6 bottles a day. We did introduce rice cereal around late 4 months bc Oakley was starting to wake at night again and was very interested in us when we were eating and was making chewing motions with his mouth when we would eat. Oakley really started sleeping through the night consistently when we switched to formula to be honest around 2 months. I think you'll fond when you start working rice cereal in she will sleep a lot better but you'll know when the right time to do that is. I think next baby I will try to exclusively breastfeed for 3 months and then start working in formula bit by bit but we will see!

How's work going for you?
Work is going ok----thankfully it's been pretty busy and trying to get caught up so my days go pretty quick. I need to start saving vacation for maternity leave for baby #2 (God willing) but I want to use my vacation to enjoy baby #1! ahh :) Right now Ryan is student teaching so we only have my income so our parents are helping out till school is done in June. So it's been wonderful having Khloe with grandparents while we're gone and I'm already dreading putting her in daycare this fall (HOPING Ryan finds a teaching job---so far no luck).
Aw I know how you feel! I've been on the phone with daycare places today and while they sound so nice I just can't help but dread even going to look at them! And we are only planning on doing twice a week daycare at first and eventually will switch to preschool. When are you going to start trying again? When do I get to stalk your chart again? I would love to start trying again now but I'm pretty sure I will never graduate if I got pregnant again now. I'm kind of banking on that we won't have trouble getting pregnant again so I'm hoping that will be the case - I think we will have a better idea of when the right time to start is in another 6 months or so. If I can take some time off after I graduate then we will start trying before I graduate...if not I may need to wait until I find a job :/
Hi girls! Sorry I have been MIA - its been absolutely nuts since I've been back to work!

Kelsey - How have you been!? We've missed you! I can' beleive Khloe is almost 4 months already!!

Lindsay - the house pics look amazing! I love the framed windows!

Mel - love the FB pics! The area where your new house is looks amazing! Any more updates on starting to try for #2?

Sam - your FB pics are great as well! I hope Benjamin is feeling better! Poor little guy! Its so nice you have all this time off there!!

Mar - hows the bump going?

Rach - How are ypu doing? How are things with your job?

AFM - had a great birthday weekend and started to study again - Ugh! I am hoping to get this next exam done by the end of the month. Well better get back to work! Catch up with you girls later!
Hey girls! Been awhile since i've posted. I finally got AF on CD39. It's real weird this time. Last month it only lasted like 2 days. This time it's been 8 days. I haven't bled this long since the miscarriage. It's really weird too because it smells funny (TMI) and at times it like runs out. Almost like a bloody nose how it comes out of nowhere. Any ideas what could be going on? Maybe cysts on my ovaries? That's all i can think of. I'm in no pain but this AF is definitely weird. As for work, it's been going okay. I can't wait to find a different job. I'm so sick of it. I've been trying to lose some weight though. It's been helping me get around a little better and hopefully going to help with my chances of conceiving! It sucks because this is cycle #20 for me :( Andrews (OH) sister had her baby yesterday. She named him Oryin Dace. It's so weird. You pronounce it O-Ryan D-ace. I honestly don't like it. She was going with Corbin forever which i liked, but then changed it to that. At first she picked Zebidiah. I was like WHAT are you off your rocker? LOL!

I try to pop in every couple days and see how you ladies are doing. I just never get to writing, sorry. I love seeing all your pictures on fb though. I don't have Sam as a friend so i haven't saw much of her at all.

Mel - i don't know if i ever told you, but you look so young. You're so lucky lol. You honestly look 17 to me. You pictures on fb are adorable of your little angel! You look so happy next to her :)

Lindsay - are you going to try for #2 anytime soon?!? I know you were talking a while back about it, but i didn't know if you were holding out or not. That pic you posted today was so cute of your dog eating off Oakster's plate. :)

Kels - so happy to hear from you!! it's been a bit. I definitely think trying for #2 would be great. I hope Ryan can get a teaching job soon. How are you adjusting to being back at work? I can't believe Khloe is 4 months old already. She is a spitting image of you. I love her thick dark hair! Such a cutie.

Jessie - glad you had a good birthday!! I bet it was relaxing and just what you needed. Are you going to be trying again this month? Have you saw your doctor recently to discuss anything? Any plans on what to do next? Good luck on your exam. I'm such a bad test taker. Studying will def get you to where you need to be!
Morning Ladies!!

Jess - your temps are nice and steady - can't wait for this month, you always seem to do well when your temps start out like this!! How's the house progress going???

Rach - so good to hear from you!! Do you have a doc appointment yet?? I hope so!! I think with a couple tests they could figure out exactly what you need and get your preggers asap! :) I need more pictures of babies on my facebook! Sorry your job is still going a little rough but I bet something new will be around the corner for you soon! Take advantage of the benefits while you can now :)

Mel, Sam, and Kels - hope you ladies are doing great! When is everyone trying for #2?

Mar - how's the bump?! When do we get to see a scan pic??? I'm dying for a sono pic!

AFM - I'm home today and was yesterday too because Kirk's grandfather was having surgery (went great!) and so Kirk's mom is helping her dad recover so we're out of daycare options :/ I had a hugely productive day yesterday though, so it was good! I'm going to look at a daycare today for Oakley when he's 15 months (November) which will be tough but I think for the best - better for him to get some social interaction and it will only be 2-3 days a week and my mom or kirk's mom will be watching him the other times.
The house is coming along really well! We have started working on this kitchen again and should be painting it this weekend - I am so incredibly excited it's ridiculous! Although that's probably because we're living on microwavable food, take out and washing dishes in our bathroom sink! haha!
Ugh Oakley just found a giant beetle - I haven't screamed so loud in a long time haha poor little booger wasn't happy!! gross gross gross!!!
Rach - it's so great to hear from you! I love reading about your little furry ones on FB! You are such a good mommy! Regarding AF... I have had months when it's like 7 days and some where its light and just like 2 days. It does sound a bit strange though with the smell etc so I would definitely book and appt with an OB. When is the last time you've had a well woman exam?

Lindsay - I am getting exciting about your house pics! I love this stuff. You need to post a few more on FB though. I am getting withdrawals! Our house still has not started. The applied for the permits on Monday which is taking about 2 weeks and we have our preconstruction meeting on Wednesday so I am thinking it should be starting the week after or so. I am ready, we signed our contact on Feb 18th and I can't believe it still hasn't started!!

Anyone have a big plans for the weekend? It's windy here today so we are home. Probably run some errands today and do some studying! Booo!!
Aww thanks you girls. I feel sooo bad for not posting on here, I have been reading but then lexi cries or I have to wash bottles or take another pic lol! Fb is so easy to load up on my phone. Yes I am ttc no 2 but keeping it quiet as it could take another chunk of mc's sigh. Anyhow I want to see you rach and jess with your rainbows before then. Lindsay I love your house pics too. Ive just updated my journal with ttc info. Right promise will write more when hubs takes lexi shopping later :) need to feed her now syne is shouting 'aaaa' (she hardly cries!)
Rach I had a very weird period period before Lexi if you remember? It was light and stopping and starting and how you describe but obviously it wasn't anything to worry about. I wish you had another job, will it be very difficult to find one again do you think? I remember it taking a while before :-( What is it you don't like about it. You will get your baby hun I am 100% sure and for Jess too. Oh yes everyone always says how young I look but I will be 34 in June :-( It's just my face shape and I don't have any wrinkles or signs of aging UNBELIEVABLY!! They will all come at once I reckon... My mum looks 40 and is nearly 70 genes?! LOL. Not complaining although people can talk down to me and think im a teen mum until I speak up hahaha.

Lindsay post a pic of the beetle lol!! Love insects find then fascinating and disgusting! Good news about your grandfather in law :) I totally agree with the social interaction argument and I think 9 months is a great age for it. Love your FB pics!!

Kels Khloe is ADORABLE!! She has her mum's good looks for sure! When will you try for number 2?

Mars - sorry I don't know you so well but good luck with your pregnancy! :cloud9:

Jess that does seem like a long gap since Feb! Good luck that is so exciting! Our house was ready when we moved in (we are just renting in Kent and letting out the flat we own in London). I really like Canterbury but it's been a bit of a culture shock and I left a lot of friends in London but Canterbury has lots of seaside and is better for Lexi. Good luck with your studying too. So where are you up to cycle wise now (sorry if I have missed this info) xxx
I am going to schedule a doctors appt tmrw. It's been since i think 2010 since i had a pap smear. I am def over due. The bleeding as tapered off but still bleeding a tiny bit. I need to take advantage of this insurance while i can :)

Jess - i had no plans today but to work. It's been raining and gloomy here. It sucks!! I want the sunshine. I am off the next 2 days which i am excited about. woohoo. How is Chris doing? He saying anything about the baby making?

Mel - i am so happy you're doing great and so is Lexi. She is too cute!! So happy you finally got your miracle. Are you going to try for another in the upcoming months? I appreciate your positive vibes for Jess and i. I def need it! I know i'll get my baby.. the waiting just sucks.

Like i said, on May 1st Andrews sis had her baby. I was holding him yesterday and i felt so different holding him. It was more than just a baby. I felt something so deep within. I thought i was ready for a baby a couple years ago, but that feeling that came across me really tells me that i am ready. I am so excited and ready for whenever God decides to bless me with my rainbow! I just hope it's soon.
Rach and Jess you will both get your babies I am 100% sure xxx

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