1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Oooooo jess! Positive opk! Woohoo! Get to that bd! Nice and early again this month! Hope those temps skyrocket!

Rach - let us know when your appt is! I can't wait to hear what they have to say. I bet they'll put you on Clomid to get your cycles more regular. Cant wait!

Mel - whenever you say Canterbury I think of a fairy tale! Your pics are beautiful! I've never been over the Atlantic, it seems so gorgeous though - hope I can go sometime!

AFM - have another bug presentation today - I can't wait for may to be over! My next one after this is may 21st and then I will have one more in June but that one is just for my committee, not as big of a deal.

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
Sorry girls! I still check in all the time.
I too am waiting for my next ultrasound picture. The last one at 7.5 looks like a little smudge but my doctor said they wont do another one until 18-20 weeks. OF COURSE! I tried using the "but I'm very nervous and anxious to know whats going on" but they didn't go for it. They told me there was no need which only pissed me off more! So all I'm going on is that I haven't had any cramping or bleeding *knock on wood*, I'm 14 weeks and my belly is growing. I will post a pic AS SOON as I friggin get one.

Hope you are all well! xo
Aw mar don't stress! How you feeling? They don't do the downs testing where you are? That's usually a scan at 12 weeks. How about a belly pic? Can we get one of those? :)

There's a girl at work that is just barely 12 weeks and she's real thin so you can see her bump and its so cute it makes me want one! Just not quite there yet. Had my presentation yesterday and it went really well and reminded me why I do research but didn't help me decide if I want to stay home when I graduate or not, ugh!

Jess - I will check your chart after I post - stupid phone loses ny post if I try to in the middle.
Temps are looking good jess! Great bd timing too! :) hope you get some progress on your house soon! I should have kitchen pictures of our house this weekend! Our working time is going to be shortened some with mothers day and kirks brother and sister in law coming into town on Saturday and then a birthday dinner for me on Sunday. I'm looking forward to taking a break and relaxing but I'm dying to finish too! I go to Philly for almost a week starting next Saturday and then we are going away for memorial day weekend so I feel even more pressure to get it done but it'll be ok!
Jess I am loving your temps this month! They've been really stable and then OV is perfect!! I'll be chart stalking you big time :) So end of the month is your exam---how are you feeling about it? Have you had time to get some good studying in?
Oh my gosh Rach, I forgot your SIL was pregnant---she's the one that has a couple children and then miscarried and then got pregnant real soon after, right? Hhmm...glad they didn't pick Zebediah. SO GLAD YOU MADE YOUR APPT!!!!!!!!! It's just the start of getting you pregnant ASAP!!!!!!!! I think clomid will do the trick for you, just like it did for me. Keep us updated asap about the appointment--I think I'm probably more exicted than you about this lol. When is your wedding (speaking of that, how is all the planning going?!?!)---I thought this coming January/February?? Do you care how pregnant you are for it?
Lindsay how did the daycare looking go---did you like it? I'm going to have Ryan call as soon as he's done with school to start looking into daycare. I have one right by my work, so I think we'll try for that one. Just sucks with daycare that you have to pay year round even when Ryan's out of school for the summer and Khloe's not even going. How did the kitchen painting and stuff go---still have a lot to do? How did the presentation---hope you had some wine after. :)---Never mind if I finished reading through all the posts before I posted I'd have some of my questions answered! When you're going to Philly is it for work or are you going with Oakley and Kirk?
Oh my gosh Mel----I would have not guessed in a 1000 years that you're 34!! You are so lucky with your genes! Jessie---you look so young too---you lucky girls :) Mel how exciting you're trying for baby #2---are you temping and doing OPKS? You always seem to get pregnant so quickly---and now that you've have baby #1 hopefully your body knows what to do this time around and you won't have to worry about miscarriages.
Mar glad everything sounds like it's going good! 18 weeks will be here before you know it :) I'm glad my Dr. knew how insane I was because she brought in a little crappy portable scanner at a couple of my appts to do an u/s before my big one at 22 weeks. I opted out of the downs testing so I didn't get that big u/s either.
Some people asked about baby #2, but while breastfeeding I can't really plan anything because I still haven't gotten my period. Dr. said while breastfeeding that's like 90% birth control. I'm enjoying Khloe for right now, and when I mention wanting #2 I have a friend who strongly advices to wait until she's walking and see how I feel about #2 then :) My only problem is I don't want to wait too long to try in case it takes me 1 1/2 years to get pregnant again. I think once she turns 1 we'll start NTNP and at a year and a half really start trying. My sister is on her 6th month trying and she's freaking out because she'll be 35 in July. I think she's just worried because of the issues I had. Although she's had the LEEP procedure and she starts spotting a couple days after OV and spots all the way through till AF---sometimes the spotting is almost like AF. Her Dr. said she's not concerned and won't do anything until a year. I think the spotting indicates maybe low progesterone---what do you guys think?? Khloe gets her 4 month shots on Friday and I'm dreading it---last time I cried so I may have to leave the room this time because it just makes me so sad! Plus she's teething so she's so fussy from that and she got so sick after her last shots so this could be a loonnngg weekend.
Aw Kels! Poor khloe! I hate the shots too but she needs her mama there :) I am going to Philly for a conference for work so kirk is on his own with Oakley! I'm dreading it! I am giving another presentation there and then I will be done with big stuff for a while, pretty much! Are you guys on some sort of birth control? Bc I have a friend who got pregnant without getting a period while she was breastfeeding so it does happen! Don't listen too much to other people's opinions on when to have another baby - ylgo with your gut :) and we put a contract in to start Oakley at a daycare right around the corner from us that has preschool 3hrs a day and we will take him twice a week and then he will be with my parents once a week, kirks mom once a week and I will work from home once a week, so I think it should be ok...still dreading it though.
Hi girls!

Oh Rach - so excited you have your appt scheduled. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of your pregnancy pictures.

Mel - your pictures of your hometown are so beautiful. I am sure you miss your friends in the city, but it looks so amazing where you are!

Lindsay - glad your presentation went well. I hate speaking in front of others! Can't wait to see you house pics! How is Oakley adapting to the new place?

Kelsey - so good to hear from you! Like Lindsay said, I had a friend get pregnant twice while breast feeding so it is possible! Wouldn't that be just what happens though as hard as it was to actually get prego that you would get prego when NOT trying!!!!

Mar - definitely need a bump pic from you? Are you seeing a regular OBGYN now? Strange they are waiting so long to scan you again.

AFM - we had our preconstruction meeting today, everything went well so things should be starting in the next 10 days or so! Can't wait! My temps look good this month, it looks like I O'd a day or two ago so I think BD timing was good and a nice early month!!! FX!!! Studying is going well, trying to stay on track to test later this month. Sucks with Memorial Day and stuff but I just need to suck it up and get through it!
Temps are looking good, jess! Hope they stay up and you get your crosshairs! You going to start progesterone soon? Woohoo on the house starting soon! We primed most of the kitchen last night - since kirk had to jack the house up the drywall cracked on one side but thankfully its over by the stairs and not where cabinets go so it can be fixed after cabinets are hung, I'm dying for them to be in place!

Kels - I forgot to say before that I had a LEEP too and my pregnancy was super normal but I didn't have the breakthrough bleeding but I was on the pill so I think that helps prevent breakthroughs. Has she always had that or only since the LEEP? Is she temping and doing opks? I had a friend that was trying for close to a year and then the first month she did opks they got pregnant and then second baby was a bit of a surprise because they thought it took so long to get pregnant the first time that it would take a long time again but they were definitely wrong haha
That's great about the kitchen Lindsay! I bet you are so ready to get that done! How do you jack up a house!?? Wow that sounds like quite a job!

AFM - did not get the crosshairs yet, temps seem to be going up slowly. I still think I O'd on CD 13. I wanted to get another BD in last night just in case but Chris had a rough day yesterday and was a little upset about some things so it just wasn't the right time. Hopefully I got it covered!

Anyone have any big plans for the weekend? This will be the first official Mothers Day for many of you girls!! Lindsay, my Taurus friend, I also see you have a birthday coming up..... :cake: I am home today studying. Hope to get a lot done and probably some this weekend too! :( Boooo!!!
Yay for being home, Jess! Boo for studying! I'm home today too :) Much needed break from the lab! I have a ton of writing to try to get done today and editing of my presentation for the one later this month. I leave for Philly next Saturday and I'm not going to lie, I'm dreading being away from Oakley for 5 days! I will get to visit with some of my NJ friends from college and high school so hopefully that will distract me some.
Weird you haven't gotten crosshairs, I would think that was enough of a temp rise for them but I guess because your pre-o temps are around the same. I think you O'd CD13 too and I think you've got it covered :) Get some in tonight if you can just to be safe :p

I'm going to try to get some work done this morning and then I might be bad and use the afternoon and evening to paint instead of working! I started the hallway between the kitchen and the bedrooms last night and it's just calling my name to keep going this morning but I have to resist!!

I can't believe it's mother's day already! Happy mother's day to all of you! Jess and Rach - I'm hoping you both get BFPs this month to celebrate it with :) Rach - when is your appointment??

My birthday is coming up! I'll be 29 on Tuesday! It's funny though, I feel older than 29, I wonder if that's a bad thing? haha I don't mean it in a bad way I just feel like so much has happened in the time that I've known Kirk that we must have been together longer than we have (5 and a half years). We've gotten married, bought two houses together, renovated one, are in the process of renovating the second, I've gone to grad school and of course had two pregnancies and one baby - crazy! I feel like I could've fit that into 10 years haha.

Hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!! xoxo
Oh and Kirk literally went out and got a car jack and did something with it - I don't really know!! haha
I agree Lindsay---daycare is good for the social interaction. I think it helps them handle the school setting so much easier. No we're not using any birth control, but we've only gotten busy once since Khloe and it hurt so damn bad I haven't brought myself around to try again--poor Ryan!! Aww I feel bad for you---I would hate being away for a week! My sister has been on the pill for a LONG time so she didn't have the breakthrough. She just came off the pill in December, so she's hoping it's just her system getting regulated. She is temping and doing OPKs...so we'll see! Any big birthday plans?? I wish I was turning 29 again....I'll be 30 in October. Wah...
Jess you timed BD'ing perfect this month---ssoooo excited!! Get this dumb test done, over and passed and a BFP all at the same time---sounds like a good plan to me :) Did you start your progesterone? Anything else you're trying or doing different?
Well today is Khloe's shots and I'm just dreading them. I fight with the fact she needs me in there, but I get so upset seeing her hurt. I just need to toughen up and keep my ass in the room. She's been so glassy eyed and a little feverish (almost positive it's from her teeth) but I want them to look and make sure it's nothing else. Because I don't want her getting shots if she has any fever or is sick with anything else. Every year we have a cook out for mother's day, so that's the plan for Sunday. Sucks because the weather is supposed to be low 50's, cloudy and windy. Why the hell do i live in WI!?!? Last time she got shots she was feverish and crappy feeling for 3 days---I hope she handles them better this time. otherwise instead of getting my house ready for company I will be snuggling her like crazy. Doesn't help that Ryan has a horrible sinus infection so he tries to help best he can but I just want him to rest and feel better.
Aw Kels! It does hurt the first time but it gets better very quickly with every time you do, just have to be super gentle! My cervix is in a totally different spot than it used to be, which I find really weird, so there are certain times of the month that it's painful and we have to get creative with positions - this was my doctor's orders too!! So, awkward!! He literally told me to try having Kirk behind me and to experiment until we found a position that doesn't hurt!
Oakley doesn't get feverish after shots he just sleeps a ton and it always makes me nervous! I hate watching him get shots too - I usually end up crying but I know it's for the best and that he wants me there and you know miss Khloe will feel better quicker if you're there :)

I bet your sister's system is just regulating and hopefully those OPKs will pay off for her! are her cycles at least consistent?

I was bad today and instead of writing like I should have been - I just painted the hallway and the kitchen - eeeee!! It looks SO MUCH BETTER!! Can't wait to get those cabinets hung! Although, I have another coat to do! haha. Getting closer :)
Ok the bump pic (its not great). Normally I have a flat stomach - 14 weeks and little bumpy.


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Cute pic Mar! Is this your first baby?

Yayyy for getting some more work done on your house, Lindsay!!

Kelsey, you will do better than you think with the shots. She will just be very uncomfortable. You will be able to do it!! I hope she is just teething and it isn't something more serious.

Jessie, it's pretty awesome you O'd early and on time this month!! I hope this means something extremely good!!!

Did you girls hear that story about that feather that was poking of out a little girls neck?! I think she was like 8 months old. By her lymph nodes she kept rubbing and being grumpy. Then it started swelling. It looked like it was a pimple head. They took her to the hospital and the doctor lanced it open and it was a 2 inch feather. They said they will never know for sure how it got their but they think she inhaled it or ate it. Weird!

Happy Early Mother's Day and Mother's to be Day!! I may not have a chance to write tmrw. Mel, Kels, Linds, Sam.... this is all your first!!! Congrats to you. So happy for you all. Oh and Jess next year will be ours, right? Right!
Happy Mothers Day girls! Hope you all have an awesome day! Definitely so much to be thankful for today!

Rach - it WILL be our year next year!!

AFM - no crosshairs yet. I am still thinking about starting the progesterone today. What do you girls think? I am wondering if low progesterone levels are keeping my temps low.
Yep first baby, second pregnancy. My next doctors appointment is May 21. I'll be 16 weeks then. Looking at beginning of June to get my next ultrasound!
Jess - I think its good you started the progesterone. Weird your temps aren't higher. Do you usually have other symptoms of o? Did you have any of those? Mine I can tell even without opks.

Mar - June is coming up! So excited for you :) how are you feeling?

So many girls at work are pregnant! I feel like it goes in waves! I'm going to a career symposium tomorrow and I'm so tempted to say forget it and just focus on figuring a way to stay home with Oakley and the next baby after I graduate but I'm so afraid ill miss some opportunity if I close my mind like that. Do any if you ladies consider staying hone with your babies? Even if its just for a year or two? I know you ladies in Europe get better maternity leave but beyond that is what I mean.

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