1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Cycles can get really messed up after a miscarriage :( hoping it goes back to normal soon!
Not sure what the time difference is, are you at your appointment now Jess?
Hi girls! Sorry I didn't post earlier, it was nuts when I got back to work. Everything went well at my appointment. Saw the fetal pole, heartbeat and I am measuring right on track for dates. I measured 6+1 and by dates I will be 6 weeks tomorrow. The doctor was happy with the scan but still a bit concerned about the issue last week with the betas given my history. I have another appointment in 2 weeks so we'll see what happens. I feel really nauseous today which absolutely sucks :sick: Ugh!
Aw, Jess, I'm sorry you don't feel well but that's a great sign!! Don't worry about your betas just be happy everything is measuring right and you have great symptoms :) You have another scan in two weeks I'm assuming??
Cinnamon hearts and scotch mints. Crackers by the bedside... eat'm before your feet hit the floor Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just try to relax.
Jess your appt sounds like all good news to me!!! I have such a great feeling, but i won't say too much more. I'm glad you're feeling sick. That is obvi a GREAT, WONDERFUL sign!!! I hope you feel so nauseous for the next month or 2 ;) 2 more weeks to wait?!!? That will feel like eternity! LOL. I wish you the best of luck with your exam results. Just take it easy and embrace everything. Just relax :) loveeee you!!! <3

Happily, still no AF huh? :nope: I sure hope it comes soon. That is one of the worst things ever. Wanting so badly to try, but your body isnt cooperating. Sooner or later it's gonna work out this funk you're in.

AFM my days off were Mondays and Tuesdays. Well we just bid last week and it went into effect this past Monday. I got Fridays and Saturdays off. Well the way all of it fell i had to work 9 days in a row. Tmrw i volunteered so it makes it 10 days in a row. I am so tired!!! I'll be off Sat but then back at it for 6 days because we're all mandatory 6 days for the next couple weeks because so many girls have quit. Haven't even had time to BD. Just been toooooo damn tired. On Sat Andrew and i are going to meet a wedding planner and seeing if we can maybe get married next Jan, Feb or March. We'll see how everything goes.
yay Jess, so glad everything looks great on the scan. Have you had more betas done since last week? I wasn't sure with the time difference but I realised I probably would be sleeping when you posted. Hopefully the next 2 weeks will go by fast and although the nausea sucks (I had that ALL DAY sicky hungover feeling for 7 weeks!) it is a great sign. I tried all sorts of things but couldn't find anything to help really but I di notice if I was hungry it was worse.

Rach - hope the next 6 days pass quick and you can get some well earned days off. I had to 10-11 day stretches when working on the wards and its a killer. Why does the days off pass so much more quicker? lol. When is your next ob appointment? So exciting planning the wedding!!

Happily - I see you your temp dropped again. It is so frustrating waiting for Af to show. Like the others have said mc sends cycles off for a while. :hugs:

Hi mar - how are you feeling?

afm -solids going well after his 2 weeks strike a month ago. I am trying him on finger foods but still a bit hit or miss. He loves his toast in the morning and will have bits and pieces if I offer during the day. I feel I am not offering him enough and am a bit stuck atm what to give him. He is on quite chunky purees so can cope with 'chewing' despite no teeth still!
Rach - sorry about having to work so often! That sounds exhausting and your work sounds physically tiring too! Hope you can really relax on Saturday! Do you have any idea where you want to get married?? so exciting! can't wait to hear all about it!

Sam - solids can be so tricky! Oakley did the same thing to me where he was eating and then would go on strike. and he'd like something for a week and then refuse to eat it the next week. He is FINALLY now getting to a more consistent eating pattern and I can rely on him always liking some things and hiding the things he doesn't like in those. Just try to be patient with him and keep offering it to him. Are you allowed to try yogurt yet? Oakley LOVED yogurt from the start but I can't remember when we started him on it. I could hide almost anything in yogurt and he'd eat it - even broccoli!

Jess - hope you're feeling OK today! like Sam said, I was nauseous with Oakley all day from about 6 weeks until 13 or 14 weeks - it got a little better around 12 but didn't full go away until after 14 so I hope you're in the same boat, missy!!! :) :p
Yup. It dropped again and rose again this morning... boo, boo, boo... well, the husband has his analysis appointment Monday morning and the last time any :sex: can happen is tonight... I told him that last night and he didn't initiate anything, so I guess it's gonna be a long weekend with no :sex: :haha:

She did say he has to make sure to do something because it can't be more than 5 days and no less than two days since he last (TMI alert) ejaculated.

Guess we'll see what those results reveal...:shrug:
There's no such thing as TMI on here, Happily! :p Hope everything comes back normal with the SA and you had a fluke MC and after your wonky cycle is over you'll have a nice rainbow baby! I think OPKs and temping next month will help a lot!
I'm hoping everything is okay with his sperm. He is a little concerned because he has never gotten anyone pregnant, even when he was younger and even when he and previous girlfriends were NTNP and even when at the start of our relationship we were NTNP.

I think he is fine, though. He does have a low sex drive, but I don't know how that would factor in to morphology, motility, or the number of little swimmers. :blush:
Happily, my OH has a low sex drive too. I always thought men were suppose to think about sex 24/7. I think i'm more in the mood than my OH. Is that normal?
I bet everything is fine with his sperm and things just weren't timed right. How long have you been trying for?

I can't really comment on the low sex drive for us but I think there's a different range for everyone. You can mention it to the doc but I would think unless he doesn't want to have sex at all, it's not a problem. Plus, I think TTC can really kill the mood sometimes. They start to feel like it's a job instead of fun like they want.
That's true Lindsay. Seems more like a job anymore and that is not good!

We go and talk to wedding planner today. Hope to finally set something up for early next year. This weight loss is totally helping my mood too. I may not be at my goal weight, but i'll look a hell of a lot better than i do now! I woke up this morning, weighed myself and was in a new set of numbers. I absolutely love the feeling. As for this cycle.... i'm pretty sure i'm out. I've been so busy and tired that we barely BD. If i do end up pregnant i will be shocked.
Rach - so excited about the wedding planning! How did it go today? Your weight losses great. Stick with it girl!

Mar- I looked all over the other day for red hots and could not find any :growlmad:

Sam - glad the solids are going well. Your avatar is sooooo cute! I have not had betas again since the first 2. It's probably better, I am trying not to pay as much attention to things this time.

Lindsay - love the new ticker!!!

Mel - heard your 12 week appointment went great!!! :thumbup:

AFM - out on the boat for the weekend. It's so nice to be away and get some fresh air. I did just realize that I forgot my progesterone. I hope that's ok until tomorrow. Hopefully my levels are ok on their own.
Have fun on the boat, Jess! I am so jealous everytime you go out on it. I haven't been on a boat ride in years!

Wedding appointment went good! Andrew and i are will be paying for it all because our parents aren't wealthy. Therefore, we will be having it in the off season and on a Friday evening because it's cheaper (50% off). So we are debating between 3/21/14 or 3/28/14. I am thinking the 21st, but i need to have my mind made up before tmrw. I am super duper excited!! I hope to lose 75 more lbs by then, which is do able because it's a little less than 33 weeks away (eeeek!!!) and if you can lose 2 lbs a week at least then thats 66. I think i can do 75! So glad i am ahead of the game and started dieting when i did! Anywho... the ballroom is beautiful that we chose. There's a chapel that is connected to it that we will be having our ceremony in. Which i think is an awesome setup. If any of you wanted to check it out the website is www.thecovingtonmadison.com and go to ballrooms and click Galleria. The Chapel is where we will be getting married in. Andrew asked me if we should stop trying until the wedding. I told him no. Whatever happens, happens! Am i being selfish?
Rach - that's a beautiful spot for your wedding. I am so excited for you!!!! Regarding TTC, I agree, I would not stop trying. You have had so much trouble getting pregnant, I think whatever happens will happen. I don't think people like us that have trouble can plan things like this. It just doesn't happen like that.
Rach - no, you are not selfish. What were his reasons for not ttc until after the wedding? Maybe he is worried about money? Plenty of ladies looks stunning when pg and in a white dress! You have been trying for so long I think you need to keep going. Wow the room looks beautiful, a bit like the place where we had our reception only nicer, and the fact the ceremony is done next door is perfect. You can do the weightloss, not only do you have the ttc angle but the wedding too to help motivate you.

Happily - I see your temps are back up, wish I could help understand what is going on.

Jess - I can understand that. Hope you are relaxing loads on your boat.

afm - had our first nearly sttn last night. For the last 2 night we have been giving him a bottle at 7 when he goes to bed (I cried buckets the first night as OH fed him) and the first night he woke up 4 times as usual but last night he woke at 10pm and it took about 10 minutes to settle. We both thought he'd wake as usual between 11-1 for a feed but he went right through till 7am!! I doubt it will be repeated but you never know.
Aw, Rach! how exciting! March is a great month to get married in :) Kirk and I had to pay for our wedding too - I think it makes you appreciate everything a lot more! I'm so happy for you with your weightloss! You're doing such a great job, keep it up! I also agree with the TTC thing! Don't stop trying - what's meant to be will be. That hall is absolutely gorgeous!! Aw, I can't wait to see the pictures :)

Sam - congrats on the STTN!! I bet you'll be getting more nights like that from here on out! When you say you gave him a bottle do you mean formula or EBM? It was so emotional for me when I stopped giving Oakley breastmilk - I swear I fell into some sort of depression when I "dried up". Oakley slept through the night as soon as we started giving him formula and then recently when he was in the prime of teething he would get up for a bottle in the middle of the night and then he slept well for a few months and then we started getting his front teeth and we were up every night for a bottle again. Now that he has his front teeth he was still getting up in the middle of the night asking for a bottle and after talking to the doctor he told us to let him cry for 5 minutes the first night and see if he'll go back to sleep then make that longer every night and now he wakes up for a couple minutes and we just have to wait it out. Breaks my heart to do it but he really doesn't need the bottle he just wants us to snuggle with him. Do you let B cry at all?

Jess - love your pictures from the boat! so gorgeous! I swear Kirk and I should live in FL! we love the water and LOVE hot weather! Sounds like your progesterone levels were good from the start with this pregnancy so I'm sure one day won't make a difference :) How you feeling? Does the boat make your nausea worse?

AFM - both Kirk and Oakley are napping right now, so I've got some time to get some things done around the house and just relax. Oakley's running a bit of temperature after his MMR shot last week (they said it would take a week to show any symptoms and they were right!). We have cut Oakley down to one nap a day and that seems to be helping with him sleeping through the night. We also have cut him down to 2 bottles a day - we might have cut out too many things at once but I feel like since we already have we should keep going with it. It's crazy to think they want 1 year olds off the bottle completely. Oakley doesn't take well to sippy cups so far but we're working on it. Kirk will be home for the next two days to keep up the new schedule while he's in between jobs. He starts his new job on Wednesday. Hoping my MIL will be able to keep up our new schedule...we'll see!

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