1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Had the page open fopr ages before posting so missed Jess' post.

Sounds like everything is coming together and you guys and have some lovely baby showers. I really hope the furnitute is in that truck as its such a great feeling having eerything in the room sorted even if you don't use the cot for a while. What things are you planning for your birth? I had a medela breast pump and it was good although I still never got more than 2-3oz at a time but I think that was me rather than the pump.

afm - feeling a bit better, so tired atm which is a combination of poor sleep from me, dirsupted sleep from B (permanent runny nose/cough) and increased exertion from breathing/coughing. We have booked a mid week break in March to CentreParc (outdoor lodges in the Lake District with indoor pool/activite etc. Mum, Dad and step mum are coming too so should be a nice get away. B might be properly walking by then so can get out and play in the dirt and trees etc.
Hi Girls!

Rach - I hope no news is good news! Let us know how it went this morning!

Sam - glad you're feeling a bit better but hope you can get more rest soon. Steroids actually help develop babies lungs, so they can't be all bad for baby!! If you need them, it's better you can breathe! Vacation sounds amazing! Hope March comes quickly for you!!

Jess - Fingers crossed for your furniture showing up!! Gosh, you're so close now!!

AFM - I tried to call the doc for betas this morning but they're closed due to snow. I didn't think it was that bad out there but I suppose it is. Makes me think I should head home now! I'm feeling a bit better. Put some Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear last night and that seemed to help a bit. I will try that trick again tonight.
OHH!!! Was so exciting to see peanut!!!! It was the most cutest thing ever. She was like watch for a minute. So i did and i could see its little legs and arms moving around!!! OMG was sooo adorable!!! I asked her if i could get the BPM and she said 173. She showed me the yolk and then said it looks like my placenta is already growing and attached. She then saw that the baby measured 8w5d. So everything is going great. I have to see my OBGYN this afternoon to go over everything. Hope that's all good.


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Woohoo!! So glad to hear it, Rach! Knew everything was going to be fine :) Did they say why you're getting the bleeding? Find a source by any chance? Have you had any other bleeding?
massive YAY!!! They are wonderful scan pics Rach you must be over the moon. Hope the Ob appointment goes well and they can help to explain the bleeding.
I have a bleed by the placenta. Dr said my progesterone was only 14.6 he said it varies all day what your progesterone is bcz u have peaks and valleys with it. therefore he doesn't know if that is my peak or valley. so he wants to put me on progesterone cream but my insurance won't cover it and would be $450. so im waiting for my dr office to fax them back for a generic. I pray there is one. I go back march 6 for another scan. we will see if placenta is still bleeding or not.
Rachael- so glad your appointment went well. I've been watching but not replying for a while, but I've had my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad you were able to get into the doctor on Friday even if they didn't have a lot of info for you, and also glad they decided to scan you earlier. That must have been a huge load off. It also seems like you're just a tiny bit further along... didn't they say that the first time you got scanned? Are they going to adjust your due date?

Sam- I'm glad you're feeling better. Asthma's the worst, I have had it since I was a child and it always seems to flare up at the wrong moments. Out of curiosity, is it okay to take an albuterol inhaler during pregnancy? Do you take meds regularly? I know it always flares up during a regular cold, too. So exciting that B is getting a tooth (maybe annoying, but exciting!) and starting to walk. So many milestones!

Linds- I hope you're starting to feel more confident about this pregnancy. It seems like everything is going your way. Did you ever have that talk with your boss? If so, how did it go? Is Oakley feeling better with his ear infections?

Jess- It's great that you were able to take the classes and are getting your pump. What kind of support do you have available with breastfeeding? Sorry the furniture still isn't in, but it seems like it'll be there in time (although it must seem like forever to wait!)... at least you'll have time to get the room set up. Have you decided on a name yet? Do you at least have a list narrowed down, or are you planning on keeping it a secret until the little lady is born?

Kels- thanks for the encouragement about Clomid. I'm glad YOUR little lady's ear procedure went well... is she feeling any better yet? Do you notice a difference in her hearing? I hope you're sleeping a little better at night.

AFM, I've been lurking, but I needed a little break from replying... my "small self" (the mean, jealous one that feels bitter and sad) was feeling pretty grouchy that I'm the only one in this little group who is neither pregnant nor has a little one already. I know that's really stupid, but especially because I'm newer, I felt like I didn't belong/don't fit in. I'm sure that's in my head and not in yours, though! I indulged my "small self" for a while but am ready to be my "better self" again... you ladies have been SOOO welcoming and kind to me, and are the nicest ttc/loss community I've come across. Sorry for being a brat. :p

Peanut is doing better... thanks to everyone who has been asking about her. She seems to be tolerating the antibiotic really well, no vomiting or behavioral changes and she still has a good appetite. She still has a lot of nasal discharge, but it's slooooooowly turning lighter and more clear. I have to remember that she had a really serious chronic infection and not expect it to happen overnight. She's been on this antibiotic for almost two weeks, I take her back for a re-check and bloodwork on Wednesday and the vet will decide if we are going to keep her on this drug or try another. I'm a little more hopeful, though, especially because she's acting so normal.

Things with the house are going well... the sellers did fix the septic at their expense (needed a new tank and drywell, so it's good they did it and nice to have brand new ones!). The regular home inspection went really well... in NY, if there are any structural issues costing more than $1500 to fix, you can back out of the contract... our inspector actually didn't find any! Despite the house being built in 1835, it is in great condition and very well taken care of. There are a ton of updates, and the 'guts' of the house are great. The previous owners just re-did the kitchen and bathrooms, and they put in this really nice spray-foam energy-efficient insulation that will really help us keep our heating costs down (which is important in upstate NY). Here's a website where you can see some pics if you want to check it out. My mortgage is all in and the loan officer thinks we can close early, definitely before the end of February either way!

My cycle is still going on... I'm on a provocative CD 69 today. I've had a lot of signs of O, lots more EWCM and positive OPKs again, but I've had a few false starts this cycle so who knows. Either way, I go to the doctor next week, so if I O the cycle will end soon and if I didn't, well, he'll give me something to end it soon. I'm trying not to be anxious about it, but I swear I have peed on so many OPKs it's obscene. It just sucks that it's taken this long even to prove to the docs that I don't ovulate on my own. We don't even know yet how hard it will really be for me to get pregnant or if I can carry a pregnancy to term, and I feel like I've just wasted the past three months on one cycle. Ugh. I'm trying to just focus on the better things (Peanut doing better, the house), but sometimes I get bogged down in thinking about TTC and feeling depressed/frustrated. I would have been due on Mother's Day and I'm really hoping we can get pregnant again before then... there's still a ways to go, right?
Alyssa the house is really nice! To me it doesn't even look like it was built in 1835. Looks newer than that to me. I'm glad the inspector didn't find any problems and that the owners fixed the septic tank and drywall. I think it looks like a nice cozy home!! So you may get to move in by the end of the month?! That is GREAT news!! I bet you're so excited. Trust me, i know ALL about upstate NY weather lol. I lived there for 18 years. The blizzard of 93 was a joke! LOL. Definitely cold up there. My parents house takes a beating every year between the weather and wind. I'm happy you found a home that will make you and Rob happy! Are you already thinking of how you're going to decorate it? As for peanut, i am so happy she's feeling better! Sounds like that antibiotic is what is going to heal her. Clearer nasal discharge is great news and to see her mood change is a good feeling. It's always a relief when you can find the problem to your fur babies and make them feel better. Such a good fur mommy! <3 Yesterday was 1 year ago we had to put our little Jaxon down. So hard to believe how fast time flies. I just hope peanut can continue to feel better <3 I really hope this is you Oing because i know how much you dread to take the medicine to end your cycle. I am happy that your Dr will put you on Clomid though. It will take a lot of this stress and worry away.... along with 'wasted time'. I totally understand where you're coming from when you say that. I use to feel the same way. March will be a great month for you. You'll be in your new home and will have a BFP with your first round of clomid!! ;) As for feeling left out and like the only one who doesn't belong.... please know that i have been where you are. Before you came into this thread, i was that girl for months. It was so hard to see how easily BFP's came for some. Unfortunately, that's life and we're all dealt different cards. I know your time is going to come and i have all faith that you will have your BFP by Mother's Day. Waiting sucks, but honestly that is all we can do. As much as we want to take control of God's plan.. we can not. As much as we worry and dwell on the things we can not change, we have to remember that something good is going to come out of it. It always does. Please don't feel left out. I know how hard it is sitting back and reading updates about dr appts or ultrasounds. It hurts a lot hearing all that when you're TTC with no luck. Just please don't hold back from talking to us. We love having you around and chatting with! You have every right to feel the way you do, but we want to be here for you as well. Keep your chin up. Things are coming to an end soon with all this darkness. Keep your mind on that house!! That's so much goodness to look forward to!
Good Morning Ladies!!

So good to hear from you Alyssa! I've seen you lurking, so knew you hadn't abandoned us but have been so worried about you! Your house is ADORABLE!! I LOVE the old refinished floors - they're awesome!! Such a cute house and really spacious with a great sized yard! You must be so excited :)
Awesome peanut is feeling better too! Those chronic lung infections in cats can be so difficult to get rid of!
I know it has to be hard to see others getting pregnant but it will happen for you - most everyone on here has had an extended struggle with either taking forever to get pregnant, or having multiple losses, or both! We ALL understand your frustration and difficulty understanding the "why me?". I'm so excited to be there with you while you get on clomid and have a successful pregnancy! :hugs: to you hun, we're always here for you but completely understand when it's too much for you to handle too!

Rach - how you feeling today? a bit more relaxed?? Glad they're going to monitor you closely and hopefully by your next apt that placenta bleed will be all resolved! I think it's pretty common during placental development.

Sam - how you feeling???

Jess - did your furniture come in??

Kels - how's miss Khloe liking her 'new' ears?!

Mar - how's Ariah doing? getting more sleep?

AFM - I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday and accidentally took my last digi and thank goodness it said 3+ or I might have started panicking and gone out and spent way too much on my tests. I'm officially done taking tests!! I think 3+ at 4wks 5days is good so that's it!! I'll try to call my doctor again today and see if I can get my apt set up. We have more snow coming in tomorrow so I'm sure they'll be closed.
Oakley's ears seem to be better. I take him to the doc Thursday afternoon to get them rechecked - fingers crossed they're all clear!
My ear is still hurting but I'll survive! :p
Im glad you and Oakley are feeling better. Thank goodness for 3+ on digi!!!! that's great news! really happy for ya!!!

afm I woke up this morning and had a little tiny pink again with 2 pen point clots. they were extremely little. everyone I tell this to says they were put on bed rest. my dr never said a word about it. I feel really uncomfortable with that.
Sam – glad you are feeling better and your vacation sounds amazing! A little trip away might be exactly what you need!!!

Rach – your scan pics are terrific and you must be ecstatic. I am so happy for you with everything you’ve been through on this journey. I think you said something last year about not liking even #’s but I think 2014 is going to be the year for you girl!!! Let me know what your doctor says about the progesterone. I had to get my doctor to write a note to the insurance to say it was medically necessary before they would cover it. I have a lot of my prescription left, probably about 40-50 suppository packets so if you PM your address I will mail it to you.

Alyssa – Don’t worry about your “small self” it’s totally understandable to feel that way. You definitely fit in! We have all been in this thread a long time struggling to get pregnant. It definitely doesn’t happen overnight. I am not sure how many MC’s I had just while in this thread but it was a lot. Just when I thought I was going to be joining the rest of the girls with a pregnancy, boom, it ended it a loss. I’ve had 6 total losses. It was nice to be in here though because we all know the struggles of this journey after losses and having everyone at different stages of this journey keeps things interesting and most importantly, positive. It’s important to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it’s someone else’s. It helps keep your dream alive! It took me 4 years of TTC to get where I am today and so glad I have these ladies for support! You will reach your rainbow too, just try to hang in there and remember that we’ve all been through it and we’re all here for support. Feel free to vent whenever you want!
Glad Peanut is doing well and so great that things are right on track with the new house! So great that the inspector didn’t find anything. Can the doctors give you something to make you more “regular” with your cycles?

Lindsay – Hope you can get into the doctor today but yes… no more HPT!!! You’re going to drive yourself nuts. It crazy all the snow you guys are having up there! How are things going with the other house?

Good news girls! The furniture arrived on the truck yesterday so it’s being delivered on Thursday. I am so excited!! It will give me time to get a few things organized before the baby arrives and it will be nice to have it at the house for my shower. I hope everything comes in undamaged so we don’t have another Haverty’s experience with 4 deliveries to get it right!!!
Hey ladies! I called the doctor and set up my first appointment for feb 27th at 1pm. I'm waiting for kirks blessing to tell my SIL so I can try to get her to be the one to scan me. She typically doesn't work at the office I have to go for my first scan so she will have to work some magic or I will need to switch the appointment day.

Jess thats so exciting the furniture will be delivered so soon!

Rach - call the doctor and ask. Thats what they are there for! It can't hurt! Hope it calms down soon!
oh and Alyssa - you asked about the "talk" my boss wanted to have with me - made me so furious. She made such a huge deal about me coming on one day so she could talk to me about a "few things" (with the motherly glare) and when I went in that day and pulled her aside and said I was ready to talk to her whenever she had time she said "what did we need to talk about again?"
WHAT???? ahhh made me crazy!!!
Lindsay- that sucks. Sounds like your boss has a case of the crazies. It's exciting that you'll have an appointment! By then, you will definitely be able to see something. Are you feeling better about being able to tell people?

Jess- thanks. It's really inspiring that you have been able to stay positive with so many losses, and I am so glad you will get to hold your rainbow soon. Yay about the furniture!

Rach- I hope you're feeling better... did you wind up calling your doctor? Are you going to just take it easy for a few days to play it safe?

Sam- I'm jealous of you for a vacation. If we hadn't gotten this house, we would have scheduled one to someplace WARM... If I don't get pregnant soon, as soon as we settle in, we may plan one for my April break. We never took a honeymoon... originally I wanted Paris, but I actually think I want Puerto Rico at this point. RELAXING ON THE BEACH!

AFM, CD 70... I'm still getting positive OPKs (I wound up getting the digis so I wouldn't make myself nuts, so there's no question about it). Not sure if that means just another false positive. It's a little more bearable knowing that I have a doctor's appointment next week. guess we'll see tomorrow morning...

We're expecting a ton of snow here, I gave my kids the homework to wear their pajamas inside out (snow day superstition!). I could use the day off!
Alyssa - my boss is beyond retirement age so I think she's just not all there sometimes. Have you taken a pregnancy test, by any chance? Is it possible you O'd somewhere in there and your temp just is being weird? We're still really not telling people. I'm more comfortable this time than last time but I'm still pretty uneasy. We ordered Oakley a shirt that says "I'm so AWESOME my parents decided to make ANOTHER" that will be here this weekend but we're tempted to wait to tell everyone after the first scan at 8 weeks. We'll see.

Rach - what did the doc say? any more bleeding? Did you get snow? we have a lot of ice out there. My neighbor has been warming up his car for a half hour now and it's so loud it keeps waking Oakley up, ugh. I'm about to go buy him a new muffler!

Sam - how you feeling??
Jess - YAY to baby furniture coming!!!!!!! I hope there's absolutely nothing wrong with it so you can just go ahead and go baby crazy decorating! I can't wait to see a picture of the finished product!! How have you been feeling? Have you felt really pregnant yet? Wow almost 33 weeks!!!!!! This time 2 months from now you will have your babygirl in your arms.

Alyssa - i hope you got your snow day!!

Lindsay - We got a bunch of ice. Maybe about 2-3in of snow, but the ice is awful! My car doesn't have heat and Andrew's car is in the shop. Soo... i'm kind of stuck here lol. I so badly want breakfast though, UGH! I did call my dr and he seems to think bedrest won't help. I only had the tiny spotting and 2 little clots in the morning then it never came back. I almost wonder if i'm sleeping wrong? Because the last 2 spottings was from my FMU. Is it possible i could be sleeping on my belly to cause that? I'm really self conscience about sleeping on my belly, but sometimes you can't control it in your sleep. I did get my progesterone yesterday. Got 32 pills for $32! YAY. Much better!
Well, I got my snow day, aka "St. Laundry's Day." I am STILL GETTING POSITIVE OPKs. This is day 4 in a row. WTF?
You'll get positive OPKs if you're pregnant!! :) Have you taken a HPT by any chance?? Your appointment is valentine's day, right?? Getting close!!
POSTIVE OVULATION TESTS = POSITIVE PREGNANCY TESTS! I used the rest of my ovulation tests after I had used my positive pregnancy tests. :)
I took a pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative, I honestly don't think I've o'd yet looking at my chart. My longest cycle since coming off the pill was from April to August when I did get pregnant and miscarry, that was about 120 days :-(. I've read that PCOS can give false positives on OPKs, but this is five days now (still positive this morning). Also not the first time this cycle I've had them. Whatever... Yes, doctor is next Friday, so the end is in sight regardless.

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