Rachael- so glad your appointment went well. I've been watching but not replying for a while, but I've had my fingers crossed for you. I'm glad you were able to get into the doctor on Friday even if they didn't have a lot of info for you, and also glad they decided to scan you earlier. That must have been a huge load off. It also seems like you're just a tiny bit further along... didn't they say that the first time you got scanned? Are they going to adjust your due date?
Sam- I'm glad you're feeling better. Asthma's the worst, I have had it since I was a child and it always seems to flare up at the wrong moments. Out of curiosity, is it okay to take an albuterol inhaler during pregnancy? Do you take meds regularly? I know it always flares up during a regular cold, too. So exciting that B is getting a tooth (maybe annoying, but exciting!) and starting to walk. So many milestones!
Linds- I hope you're starting to feel more confident about this pregnancy. It seems like everything is going your way. Did you ever have that talk with your boss? If so, how did it go? Is Oakley feeling better with his ear infections?
Jess- It's great that you were able to take the classes and are getting your pump. What kind of support do you have available with breastfeeding? Sorry the furniture still isn't in, but it seems like it'll be there in time (although it must seem like forever to wait!)... at least you'll have time to get the room set up. Have you decided on a name yet? Do you at least have a list narrowed down, or are you planning on keeping it a secret until the little lady is born?
Kels- thanks for the encouragement about Clomid. I'm glad YOUR little lady's ear procedure went well... is she feeling any better yet? Do you notice a difference in her hearing? I hope you're sleeping a little better at night.
AFM, I've been lurking, but I needed a little break from replying... my "small self" (the mean, jealous one that feels bitter and sad) was feeling pretty grouchy that I'm the only one in this little group who is neither pregnant nor has a little one already. I know that's really stupid, but especially because I'm newer, I felt like I didn't belong/don't fit in. I'm sure that's in my head and not in yours, though! I indulged my "small self" for a while but am ready to be my "better self" again... you ladies have been SOOO welcoming and kind to me, and are the nicest ttc/loss community I've come across. Sorry for being a brat.
Peanut is doing better... thanks to everyone who has been asking about her. She seems to be tolerating the antibiotic really well, no vomiting or behavioral changes and she still has a good appetite. She still has a lot of nasal discharge, but it's slooooooowly turning lighter and more clear. I have to remember that she had a really serious chronic infection and not expect it to happen overnight. She's been on this antibiotic for almost two weeks, I take her back for a re-check and bloodwork on Wednesday and the vet will decide if we are going to keep her on this drug or try another. I'm a little more hopeful, though, especially because she's acting so normal.
Things with the house are going well... the sellers did fix the septic at their expense (needed a new tank and drywell, so it's good they did it and nice to have brand new ones!). The regular home inspection went really well... in NY, if there are any structural issues costing more than $1500 to fix, you can back out of the contract... our inspector actually didn't find any! Despite the house being built in 1835, it is in great condition and very well taken care of. There are a ton of updates, and the 'guts' of the house are great. The previous owners just re-did the kitchen and bathrooms, and they put in this really nice spray-foam energy-efficient insulation that will really help us keep our heating costs down (which is important in upstate NY). Here's a website where you can see some pics if you want to check it out. My mortgage is all in and the loan officer thinks we can close early, definitely before the end of February either way!
My cycle is still going on... I'm on a provocative CD 69 today. I've had a lot of signs of O, lots more EWCM and positive OPKs again, but I've had a few false starts this cycle so who knows. Either way, I go to the doctor next week, so if I O the cycle will end soon and if I didn't, well, he'll give me something to end it soon. I'm trying not to be anxious about it, but I swear I have peed on so many OPKs it's obscene. It just sucks that it's taken this long even to prove to the docs that I don't ovulate on my own. We don't even know yet how hard it will really be for me to get pregnant or if I can carry a pregnancy to term, and I feel like I've just wasted the past three months on one cycle. Ugh. I'm trying to just focus on the better things (Peanut doing better, the house), but sometimes I get bogged down in thinking about TTC and feeling depressed/frustrated. I would have been due on Mother's Day and I'm really hoping we can get pregnant again before then... there's still a ways to go, right?