1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

They say it can take until 12 weeks until you can hear the heartbeat with the Doppler so try to be patient! :)
Rach my GP couldn't find Ariah's heartbeat EVER! After my 7.5 week US, I didn't get to hear that sweet sound until I was 18 weeks at my first OB appointment. Its all good... just breathe and try to just think positive happy thoughts.
Rach - it is VERY rare to hear HB this early I was 13 weeks with B (but only got the doppler then) but it took me a lot longer this time as I have more meat to get through!! I have heard the movement (like a soft whoop wop) before the HB. The mw's here won't even try before 16 weeks and even then they are reluctant.

Glad everything turned out okay for that poor lady, what a shock to the system having a labour like that.

linds -glad you are getting the same symptoms as with O. Every one has said different things to me with regards pg symptoms being boy/girl. Lots say as it is different to B then it will be a girl but then other have said such differing symptoms (and the signs were the same) and they had another boy/girl.

Mar - glad you had a good time and that OH coped so well. I don't think I have ever had that much time away from B till he was nearly 1.

alyssa -YAY for cross hairs!!! Looks like BD was well timed and you'll have plenty of swimmers in there just waiting for that eggy. Do you feel like you ov'd this time?

Hi Kels, Jess

afm- think some of my ms returned over the weekend as I was sick sat and sunday and feeling a little nauseous tonight. OH unwell again over weekend which annoyed me no end, he spent nearly all weekend in bed moaning and groaning. Nor as sympathetic as I should be as that is what I had but was all alone and still had B to look after day and night. So tired today and feet really sore at work for some reason, it was busy but no mor than normal.
Good morning, Ladies!

How is everyone??

Alyssa - Hoping your temp is a bit higher tomorrow so you'll get those crosshairs! What are you thinking? How are you feeling?? How's everything with the house? Settlement date set? Kitty still doing better??

Sam - you poor thing getting more MS! Isn't it 'funny' how as soon as you're pregnant your DH seems to come down with the worst pregnancy symptoms of all?! This has happened EVERY pregnancy with me! haha. I tease him about it so much! I'm already starting to look forward to second tri - I don't really have full on morning sickness yet but early morning and late night I feel pretty awful. Nice reassurance but I am kind of hoping I don't get as sick as I did with Oakley - although I will take whatever I can get that results in another healthy perfect baby!!

Rach - saw you got a heartbeat on the Doppler - congrats! That is awesome!! They told me at my 12 week appointment that they may not be able to find it - do you know if you have an anterior placenta - placenta that grows on your belly? That's what I had so they said it would take longer to feel kicks and pick up a heartbeat with the Doppler. It also made 3D pictures much more difficult on my SIL haha.

Mar - it's nice you can get out and get some exercise in. I found that was a really great way to feel back to normal after Oakley was born. I had a tough time getting out of the house to exercise due to Kirk's busy work schedule but even just putting Oakley in his swing while I did a video helped a lot!

Jess - I want to see pics of the new furniture!! Hope you're doing great!! Saw some pics from what I assume was your shower - hope you had a great time and got a ton of cute stuff :)

AFM - like I said before, MS is kicking in morning and late night. Mid-day I'm great, which I remember being the case with Oakley too up until around late week 7, early week 8 when I just felt awful all day long. IBS type symptoms have been here since nearly the beginning but only first thing in the morning.
We are in for more snow tomorrow night - unreal! I can't remember a winter this bad! I don't think I've gone to work a full week since early December! Maybe even November!
Hi, all...

Mar- so nice that your DH was able to spend some time with his baby girl and give you a break! I'm sure it was just what you needed, and I'm glad you had some time with friends.

Rach- I'm sure you're so excited to hear the heartbeat, but just be patient and trust that all is going well. I'm sure you'll hear it soon!

Sam- I'm sorry you're feeling sick again, and after that horrible cold/asthma too! Don't you love it when men whine about how sick they are, when you had the same thing and had to keep going through it? Rob does that sometimes, and it makes me giggle so much. I guess I do have superimmunity as an elementary school teacher, though... every germ in the book! Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and that if it is MS, it's a sign that everything is going well. You're almost to 20 weeks... are you planning to find out the sex of the baby or be surprised?

Linds- Sorry the sickness is setting in for you too, but hopefully it's a sign of things going well. You must be enjoying your snow days... my kids are going nuts without the regular schedule from ours! This is a bad winter even for up here, so I'd imagine you have it worse relatively speaking since we have the infrastructure for megasnow in upstate NY. Stay warm and safe!

Kelsey- how's your little girl holding up? How is she recovering from the tubes? Have you noticed any difference yet?

AFM, my crosshairs disappeared today, my temp dipped. I hope they come back tomorrow. I'm not really sure if I O'd... I'm EXHAUSTED, but that could just be still recovering from my trip to the city (stayed out until 2 am on Saturday doing karaoke with friends!). I was also constipated Saturday-today... finally that 'passed' (sorry for the pun, couldn't resist) but I seem to remember that being a post-O thing as well. I'm still worried I O'd Saturday and the BD was too early, but yesterday FF said I O'd Friday. I guess no way to tell, really. Hopefully it happened at all, and at least if it did, I won't have to take Provera. Doctor's appointment on Friday. Any thoughts on questions to ask? I'll def bring a copy of my chart. He's my regular gyno, and I don't know if he does monitoring for Clomid or Femara. Anybody have any ideas on whether you need testing done first before you can take it? I just need to do SOMETHING to get a cycle. Can't get pregnant if you don't ovulate...

Today my closest real-life friend/TTC after loss buddy told me she was pregnant... she's a coworker and told me in our faculty meeting, where another teacher who's on leave's baby pictures were being shown, another pregnancy was announced publicly, and one teacher who's currently out on leave was back and brought her baby. I felt like I couldn't breathe, it was so hard. I feel really horrible for being upset with my friend. She's had a hard road too, and she's scared because she's not feeling any symptoms. I think I was able to be supportive in the moment but I just wish she'd told me in private. :( Is that wrong?

Update: temp dropped again this morning. I guess no O. Ugh.
Alyssa - I'm hoping your temp will go back up tomorrow! Gosh, I can only imagine your frustration!! As for what to ask your doctor - I don't think you should ask anything, I think you should be persistent with him when you say you need something to help you O and have a normal cycle. Those drugs were literally invented for people like you! Is the Provera a pill or a shot? I'm hoping he can just prescribe it for you and you can wait and decide when to take it yourself since you said it's rough on your system.
Hearing other people are pregnant when you've been struggling so much is really the hardest thing ever. I swore EVERYONE got pregnant as soon as I had my missed miscarriage the first time and that pregnant women were EVERYWHERE. It was just awful!! I hated going out in public because it was all I noticed and I even skipped a baby shower I had been planning to go to for months because I couldn't handle it. Does your friend know you're still struggling? How far along is she?
We do struggle with the amount of snow we've been getting lately! We're expecting around a foot of snow tomorrow and they've already declared a state of emergency for the state of Maryland! A foot was much more tolerable when I lived in NJ but here we seem to just fall apart at the thought of snow. We have better infrastructure to deal with it than when I was a kid (grew up in northern VA) but it's still a bit pathetic sometimes. I think it's also that the people that live around here try to drive in the snow and have no idea what they're doing!!

How's everyone else doing?? Like I said before, we're setting up for a big snow tomorrow! Hoping there will be a few inches first thing in the morning for Oakley to go play in - a foot will be a bit too much for him to handle, I think but early I'm hoping he can go play :)
I'm feeling pretty good this morning - I was horribly dizzy and tired last night but it at least holds off until evening to really bother me, it seems! I need to be better about snacking to ward off uneasiness, I think!
Oh Alyssa, I can't wait for you to see your dr. What an endless battle this has been for you. It's understandable how you feel towards your friend. It's a very touchy topic. When you're putting your heart and soul into something and it doesn't work at all in your favor it gets very hard to be happy at all. I hope you find peace soon and can get on with a new cycle with clomid

Lindsay how much snow did u get? I saw y'all were getting pounded. how are you feeling?

So what does round ligament pain feel like? I think I'm experiencing it tonight. on my right side ive felt sharp jabbing pains around my ovary area and groin area. Sounds like that is what it is but is it too early? could it be that possible tumor I have? no idea! I haven't felt crampy since starting progesterone which is good. i think with cyst and tumor it wasn't helping with low progesterone
Rach - it's definitely not too early for round ligament pain - I already have it too. It's not as bad as first pregnancy but that's probably because mine have already stretched completely before. I even get the "lightning crotch" pains in the very beginning which I've had now too that you get later on when your cervix is opening up - but I'm assuming right now the pain is from is squeezing closed and getting higher. You'll get a lot of twinges and sharp pains in the beginning that will freak you out but are definitely normal. Even this time when I get them it freaks me out but I have to remind myself that I had them even worse with Oakley.
I started week 6 off with a bang with my first vomit session (just spit/phlegm) but felt like I was going to throw up pretty much all day. I don't think shoveling helped any - I felt great while I was out there shoveling but as soon as I rested, I felt just awful!! We got around 20 inches of snow yesterday! It was insanity and now Kirk is stuck on the first road outside of our neighborhood along with 4 other cars! I have to go in to work today but I can go in whenever I want so I will definitely be waiting until the sun is up and cars seem to be moving better on the roads out there!! crazy!! I feel so bad for him but I can't leave the house with Oakley sleeping and I'm not sure I could really do anything to help anyway.

Alyssa - so excited it's your appointment today - please update us as soon as you can!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
Hi, ladies... Hope everyone is good. Quick update now, more tomorrow... Saw the doctor, I have to get bloodwork done tomorrow to see whether I've ovulated. If I have, I'll either be pregnant or get my period and start femara on CD 3. If not, I have to take something to induce my period and then do the drugs on CD 3. If that's the case, I'll have to delay inducing a period for a couple of weeks since Rob and I will both be traveling in mid-March.

Happy Valentines Day, all!
Glad you got to the doctor and got some meds! So exciting! When do you go for the bloodwork??
How's everything with your house going??
Hi girls! Sorry I have been MIA, trying to keep up, it's been a crazy week!!!

Sam - glad things are going well for you! When is your next appointment? Will you find out gender? Do you have a preference? Tell your OH to suck it up! You feel sick and still hold it together, he needs to pamper you right now!!!

Rach - so glad you got to hear the HB! Your definitely at the point of feeling all kinds of twinges and pains and I think you're more in tuned to it with the losses. Your little one is just making room in there for the long haul! How is the wedding planning going? It won't be long now.

Linds - glad you're not feeling well also. That feeling of being on the verge of throwing up all day was awful. I almost just wanted to do it and get it over with. Brushing my teeth was the worst! Did you guys tell anyone yet? How are things going with the other house?

Alyssa - glad you got to see the doctor! Can't wait for your update! I hope you're pregnant but either way I am glad they are finally going to get things going for you! How are things going with your house purchase? Do you have a close date?

Mar - glad Ariah is doing so well and that you got to get out of the house for a while. I am sure you need some time to yourself occasionally!

Kelsey - hope little Khloe is starting to feel better!

Mel - if your stalking, congrats on your new addition! Sophia is adorable!

AFM - we had 3 showers in the last week and 1/2. Got lots of cute stuff!!! So many outfits though! How many do you girls think I need in each size range? I got a lot of small stuff and wondering if I should exchange a few for larger sizes. Chris and I are going away this weekend for the long weekend so looking forward to that. I will post a pic of the baby furniture below and try to get a bump pic this weekend. Next week we are getting maternity pics taken, ugh I have no idea what to wear!!


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Jess- the room looks awesome! It's always interesting to me that people set up their baby rooms in advance... I was raised pretty conservatively Jewish, and it's considered a major taboo to set the room up before the baby actually arrives. It seems so welcoming and lovely, though! I love the colors! Have you decided on a name yet? I've seen some people do maternity pics in a long, flowing black sundress, that might be pretty.

Rach- How are you feeling? I'm sorry you're uncomfortable, but I guess it's a good thing that your baby is burrowing in for the long haul. 25% done already! Are you feeling less bloated? Only about 2 weeks until the wedding... you must be so excited!

Linds- Glad Oakley had fun playing in the snow. We got about 22 inches here on Thursday, they let us go early from school and snow day Friday. Less fun when you need to shovel it! Have you told your SIL about the baby yet? Are you starting to feel more confident?

Sam- How are you feeling? Are you showing yet?

Hi, Kels and Mar!

AFM, I was really freaking out yesterday that the doctor's office would be closed because of the weather... I kept calling and getting the 'after hours' message, but finally waited for the service and found out that they were open. Rob came with me too. He has a script to get a semen analysis (sorry if TMI) so we're covering that base. Anyway, the doc only spent about 3 min with me... he took one look at my temp chart and saw that I hadn't had AF since November, and immediately wanted me to get bloods drawn to see if I've ovulated and if not, on to medicated cycles.

He doesn't seem to feel the need to do bloodwork monitoring beyond checking to see if I've ovulated now, and I felt so rushed that I didn't ask if we should do any other tests (FSH, AMH, etc). I guess it's worth it to just try the femara and see if it works, then worry if it doesn't... I'm also a little worried because I've heard that when an RE puts you on it, they tend to do bloodwork and ultrasound monitoring, but this is just my gyno and he isn't doing that. Not sure if it's really necessary. Anybody have any thoughts?

My body is playing cruel tricks on me. I know I probably haven't even ovulated, but I've been exhausted this week (taken naps 3x, I never nap), have had GI symptoms including random waves of nausea (even puked twice seemingly unrelated to food, but maybe just anxiety--- I do have a super sensitive nervous stomach), super moody, and my boobs are tender. I'm hoping I DID ovulate and it's PMS, but it feels like I felt last time before I knew I was pregnant. Rob's even asked me a couple of times if I'm "sure." I am. But my body is screwing with me and I don't like it. Has that happened to anyone else?

My kitty seems to be doing well still... the appetite stimulant is working well for her and she definitely hasn't lost any more weight, not sure if she's gained any back yet. Her snot looks a lot better (and there's less of it!).

We're clear to close on the house... there were some issues with the title that my lawyer is resolving. We're waiting for that to be taken care of and waiting for the sellers to get their acts together (DON'T THEY WANT THEIR MONEY??). I'm getting a little nervous, but my lawyer assures me this is normal. She's out of town this week so we're hoping to close the week after... the week of the 24th.

In other news, I signed up for a beginning yoga and beginning meditation class... I need to try to manage my stress in a healthy, proactive way. I have to take a break from running on the treadmill because I have a ragingly painful case of plantar fasciitis... I've been walking, but it's not the same. I can't wait until it gets warmer and I can run outside again!

WOW, that was long... sorry. I wanted to give you all the deets from the doc and I haven't been on much this week to give you the rest!
Wow Alyssa - can't believe the doctor spent such little time with you. I write down a list of questions before I go so they don't try to rush out before they get to them. Did they do a urine analysis on you while you were there? Your symptoms sound like preggo symptoms. I have everything crossed for you girl!
Are you able to see an RE where you are?
Yeah, I didn't really think about any ?s other than WTF is going on?? If I DID ovulate, I'd only be 7 or 8 days after today, too early for symptoms, too early for a test (and anyway I took one and it was negative), I really don't think I'm preg, just that my body is messing with me. I am STILL getting positive OPKs. Hopefully my bloodwork will tell what's going on.
Hi Everyone!

Jess - the furniture looks amazing!! So excited for you! You're so close now! How have you been feeling?? Getting uncomfortable yet?

Alyssa - I don't know what to think about your doc as I've never been on any meds but I remember Kelsey had to go in for blood draws after O to make sure the levels were good. I think ultimately the numbers didn't make a difference on what they would do but it gave you a good idea of how things were going pre-drugs vs post-drugs. How long are you waiting before you get the provera? You've been under a lot of stress lately so try to relax - I think the yoga and meditation will be great for you! I want to badly to do yoga right now but I'm not sure I'm supposed to. I skipped my exercise class this morning bc I've been throwing up.
Great news about the house! and Yes, title details always take the longest! as long as the title is in the owner's name - you're good! :) They'll sort it out! We found out from the bank that we need to repaint some of the wood around our front and side porch for the loan to go through for our buyer so Kirk is over looking at it right now. It's been snowing so much we haven't had a chance to go look at it but it seems pretty easy to fix.

Sam - how are you feeling?? Hope you and Ben are doing great and DH is back to his normal helpful self!! :)

Rach - how do you like your Doppler? I'm considering getting one but not sure about it. You got the sonoline? How are you feeling??

AFM - Kirk and I have been joking that we're having twins this time because I feel so freaking awful but it is definitely reassuring!! It's just tough with a little one running around and following me in the bathroom - don't want to puke in front of him! I know other ladies get anti-nausea medication but I'm nervous about that too. My OB office is really against giving it anyway and since I didn't take it with Oakley and had such a great pregnancy/healthy baby even with all the vomiting, I'm reluctant to even ask about it.
Linds- I may have to delay inducing a period because Rob and I will both be traveling for work (different places) in mid-march. Thinking to start it feb 24 or 26th so even if my period starts right away, I can do the meds this cycle. He's giving me Prometrium, not Provera, in the hopes that it will be easier on my system.

Sorry you're not feeling well! Maybe the increased MS means it's a girl??
Kind of nice you can control the timing of everything this time although I'm sure you're anxious to get it started but I think a bit of yoga combined with the meds and you'll be pregnant before you know it!!
I was really sick with Oakley too, just don't remember it starting this bad this early. We'll see! I'm kind of secretly hoping for a girl (hehe) but would be thrilled with a boy as long as either is healthy!! If we have another boy I'll be tempted to try one more time!

I ordered a fetal Doppler today - couldn't resist!
Jess - love the pic!! Looks so nice and cozy for peach! I bet you're getting anxious, nervous and excited for her arrival! I am so excited for you.

Alyssa - i hate it when you feel rushed at the drs office. You feel like they want you in and out as quickly as possible. Do you really like this dr? Or are you thinking of switching? I'm glad they're giving you medicine that will be a little less harsh on your system. It's good you can choose when to take it since you've got upcoming plans. Won't be too long before you you get prego!!

Lindsay - can't believe you're already this sick! That is reassuring i can only imagine. When is your dr appt? the 20 what? Sorry. You will LOVE your doppler! I listen to babies HB everyday. Even though i told myself i'd use it once or twice a week. Oops. I've read online the waves from the doppler sound like a plane hovering over your house to the baby. Which scares me. It makes me only use it 2-5mins at a time. I did get the sonoline B one. I love it!!

Sam - how are you feeling? Better i hope!

AFM -- i am so damn thankful for that doppler. Otherwise i'd be worrying myself sick. My BBs haven't been sore in over a week and i've never once had MS. I did throw up once, but it was from a stomach bug. It all worries me, but i keep telling myself i'm one of the lucky few who have a good pregnancy. If it wasn't for the BFP, i wouldn't still have known i was PG. I kind of wonder if i have a tilted uterus because the further down the baby is... the harder it is to hear the hb. I'll ask my dr that question next time i go.
Rach- I think it's great that you are having an easy pregnancy. After everything you've been through, you deserve it! I'm glad you have the doppler to reassure you, though. How are you feeling about the wedding? It's coming up so fast!

Linds- It's cool that you're getting a doppler also. I hope you're feeling better! How long did your MS last with Oakley?

AFM, my doctor's office just called. They're normally great, and the nurse took about 10 min on the phone with me, so I'm not sure what was up on Friday. I think they were all messed up because of the weather. She said that my bloodwork showed that I might be ovulating (really high LH), and that I have to wait another week. I'll be glad if I do actually ovulate, but I'm currently freaking out because Rob and I had taken a break last week (and I mean, like, ALL WEEK) from BD. If my bloodwork on Saturday showed that I was possibly going to O but I haven't had a temp rise yet, do you think it's too late? I guess it doesn't really matter, at least I'll get a period if it was too late and not have to take the prometrium. I also won't have to delay it next time, I can just start it. I do feel like I just can't win, though.

On the plus (or minus) side, he wound up with the same stomach symptoms I did... nausea, a little vomiting, and some lower bowel stuff. I guess we both had a little bug. That makes me feel better, I really thought I was going crazy. One of the main reasons we haven't BD'd this week is because we've both felt so yucky!

I have the week off for midwinter recess/President's Day, so I'll be spending it packing and cleaning up this house. I hope to hear from my lawyer about a closing date soon! Enjoy your day, everyone!
I really hope you're about ready to O. I would BD just in case. Usually that temp will rise when you are. So if you haven't had a rise yet, then i don't think you're out!

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