1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Alyssa - I would BD this week if you're up for it every other day just in case. Are they having you come back in a week to check your levels again?

Rach - don't get stressed about not being able to find the HB in the beginning. I could never find mine, and often stressed myself out! Baby was so low! Chris was always better at it so I just left it to him.

Lindsay - do you still have an appetite even though you're sick? I couldn't take the nausea, so I just too the meds "as needed".

AFM - I am starting to feel pretty uncomfortable. It's hard when sleeping and really hard to get up from a lying down position. Getting up twice a night now to go to the bathroom so I'm really tired during the day. We are getting our maternity pics taken this weekend so I am really excited about that. The weather is looking perfect so I hope we get some good ones!
My CM has been really thick and sticky (but a lot of it), which isn't pre-O, that's why I haven't pushed the BD. I guess I'll take some guaifenesin today just to help. Can't hurt!
Hi Ladies!

Alyssa - If you guys are feeling up for it, it wouldn't hurt to keep at it every other day. When do you go back in to get your bloods rechecked?

Jess - Kirk would have to push me up to help me get out of bed in the middle of the night - so neither of us slept well by the end! I was up 3 times a night the first two weeks of this pregnancy and now it's calming down, thankfully.

Rach - my appointment is Feb. 27th - not this Thursday but next - 8 weeks on the dot. I'm excited about the Doppler - I don't think baby can even hear anything yet so I wouldn't worry about the sound of the Doppler. I'm curious when we'll be able to hear it!

Sam - how you feeling?? When is the gender scan?!

AFM - yesterday was really rough. My body completely rejected something and I was throwing up and also rejecting out the other end too (sorry TMI) for a couple hours last night. Ugh, it was terrible. I was trying to just eat normally yesterday even though I didn't feel great because I know I need to eat but I guess that was a bad idea. It wasn't food poisoning as I didn't have any cramping or anything but my body was just clearing out, ugh gross. I had the same thing happen with Oakley - my stomach got realllllly picky!! I've eaten pretty simple stuff today, I need to go back and look at my journal with Oakley and see when I can expect this to let up. My doctor recommends unisom for morning sickness - has anyone heard of that before? I'm starting to consider trying anything after yesterday! I know by 13 weeks with Oakley, I was pretty close to back to normal and by 15 weeks I was eating everything in sight. I think it was worst from 6-9 weeks. I remember at 10 weeks I got nervous because I felt pretty good and then it came back for a couple weeks and then I was good to go. I don't know..one day at a time for now! I know it will pass!
Oh Linds- that sounds awful! I hope you feel better soon. Sometimes when I'm nauseous I just like ice chips with some sugar sprinkled on them... you could make some dairy-free snow cream! I bet Oakley would love it too!

Jess- I'm sorry you're not sleeping well. Try to rest all you can!

Yeah, we'll be back to the BD. I'm going to get bloods drawn on Saturday, I'll hear back from the doc next Monday. I don't need another appointment as I know what will happen next. Hopefully the timing will be okay with our trips, but even if it isn't perfect I think I'd still rather have a natural period than take the meds. We will make it work!
Thanks - I just had some mango sorbet - worked wonders last pregnancy and I guess it's doing OK right now. My mom is picking me up some chicken soup right now. She thinks I'm having a girl because this is how she was when she was pregnant with me. I'm having her pick up the unisom too...I'll try that tonight and see how I feel tomorrow. I haven't even been taking my prenatal vitamin the last couple days :/ ugh!
Linds - Ugh! I hope you get get some relief soon. I had a hard time with my prenatal vitamin too when I felt nauseous. Hopefully its OK. I really liked the Luigi lemon and strawberry icees. Did you guys tell anyone else yet?
I'm doing so much better today. I don't know if the unisom really worked today or what it is but I'm thankful for the relief! I actually slept through the night last night too! I still feel really uneasy but not like I'm on the verge of throwing up constantly! I took my prenatal vitamin last night with the unisom so I probably just slept through the nausea. Works for me! We've told all our family and some close friends but I will be waiting as long as possible to tell my work for sure! Especially since I plan to stay home with this one for a little while before getting a job. My boss is not going to be very supportive of that!
Linds- glad you're feeling better! Unisom is basically just benadryl... My doc told me to take it for my allergies the first time I was pregnant, and I actually take it for motion sickness when I fly. I never thought of it for morning sickness, though.. glad it worked for you! As for work, your boss, being older, is from a different 'feminera,' in which she probably had to fight so hard for recognition as a scientist that the concerns/desires for a family HAD to come second... doesn't give her an excuse, but she may either be resentful that you CAN make the choice to honor your family and your career both, or be stuck (in her mind) in the time when you had to choose, and she thinks choosing a family is 'a shame' because you're wasting your intelligence/talent.

Jess- sorry you're not sleeping well. Do you have one of those snoogle things? I have a cheap body pillow from Target that I use just to sleep comfortably now, would something like that help? Or is it just one of those "I'll sleep better once the baby is born" things?

Rach, Sam, how are you feeling?

Hi, Mar and Kels.

AFM, I took Peanut back to the vet yesterday (such a nice guy, didn't even charge me since all he had to do was weigh her!)... she's only gained an ounce, but hasn't lost any more for the first time in months. Her snot is looking better and he wants me to keep doing what I'm doing with her and bring her back in a month for a re-check.

We have a tentative closing date for the house... next Thursday, 2/27. All of the title stuff is clear, just waiting for the bank's attorney to get back to us on his schedule. I've been spending my break packing, and we're ready for it to just happen! Rob and I decided that since we're closing so close to the end of the month, it's not reasonable for us to take Friday off to move, and my inlaws won't let us pay for half of the month of March (reason 4,596,432 we're moving out!) so we're stuck with March rent... but it's not that much, and at least this way we can go in and paint and rip up the carpet first.

One of my friends in the city has a cat she wants us to adopt. We're actually thinking about it... my best cat experiences have been when one falls in my lap. Not sure how I feel yet, but we have time.

AND I woke up to a giant glob of EWCM as well as a temp dip. I wasn't temping when I got pregnant with my MC, but I remember having the huge glob of EWCM when I woke up the day I think I ovulated for it, and I've had temp dips on O day before. We BD'd the last two days, again this morning, and will do so tonight for good measure... I dunno, I'm feeling pretty positive all of a sudden. Maybe the waiting was worth it. Either way, the end of this cycle is in sight. Plus, since I'm on break, I baked some delicious peanut butter banana muffins this morning (mix of whole wheat and oat flour, no refined sugar!) and they are making me feel FANTASTIC right now. :)

It feels like things are turning around a little bit here. Good things are happening, but I'm also just feeling "less bad." KMFX it sticks! Have a nice day, everyone!

I'm doing OK today - I think being at work is really good for me. Keeps me distracted and not thinking about how I'm feeling constantly. We'll see how I do this weekend. A week from tomorrow is my scan! Kind of crazy - maybe then it will sink in that this is for real! I know this is silly but part of me is sad for Oakley - he's been the center of our entire world for 19 amazing months + when I was pregnant with him and soon he'll have to share us - kind of sad. I know eventually he'll grow to love his sibling but he's so attached to me that I'm not seeing this going very smoothly for any of us. I guess 8-9 months is a long time and he may be a very different child by then! We'll see!!

Alyssa - I'm anxious to see your chart tomorrow morning! Got everything crossed for you this is it! Awesome on getting a settlement date - same as my scan date - good day all around, hopefully!! Glad your kitty hasn't lost any more weight - seems like everything is falling back into place for you! Yay!! So awesome!!

How's everyone else feeling??
Alyssa - so glad thing are going well!!! Keep up the PMA!! That's fantastic about the closing date! A fresh start may be just what you need! Strange your in laws are so difficult!! I am sure you will be so happy to be in your own place! ... I will be anxious to see what happens with your chart too.

Lindsay - glad you are feeling better! How did it go telling your family about your pregnancy?

AFM - had my weekly doctors appointment today. They saw some contractions on my NST so they also did an exam. Everything seems to be fine, probably just my body getting warmed up.
how exciting Jess!!!!!! I am so anxious for you! Just need peach to stay in there at least another 2 weeks!!

Glad you're feeling like crap Lindsay lol. It's so reassuring. I know what you're saying about Oakley, but he will adjust. You will be giving both babies the same love and attention. When you're attending to your little girl ;) Kirk can be playing with Oakley. I remember when i was first born my parents would tell me how much my sister hated me LMAO. She said she wished i was never born, but she got over it LOL. Oakley will adjust and will still love you just as much!

Alyssa i hope O is on the verge and you get that sticky BFP! How exciting for a new kitty! It's really nice your vet isn't charging you for weighing her. I'm glad her nose is looking better!

AFM -- i am feeling so non-pregnant it's not even funny. Scares me a lot, but i hook that doppler up and feel reassured. I can't wait for my 12w6d scan. I can't wait to see the progression of the baby. I hope all is still well. I ask myself "why wouldn't it be?". Then i start really thinking and freak myself out.
Hi Ladies!

Jess - my family took it a lot better this time. My mom only had one slip up that she has since been trying to make up for. We got Oakley a shirt that says "I'm so awesome my parents are making another" and both my parents were excited and when I said that I didn't want to get a job and then get pregnant right away my mom quickly said "Lindsay, people do it EVERY day!" and I quickly told her that I'm not one of those people and ever since she just talks about how this is a great time for me to do this and blah blah blah. I don't think she really agrees as she had 5 years between my brother and me and she was a stay at home mom, so she just doesn't get it. She thinks that I will never go back to work if I take time off between kids but 1. I don't understand what is so awful about that 2. it's my decision what I do with my life and 3. she should know me well enough to know that I will want to do something with my degree.
End rant. :p

Rach - The fact that you have no MS makes me pretty jealous but I understand completely why you would like some MS. By 10 weeks your placenta starts taking over and that's when most women START to feel back to normal and it's completely taken over I think by 14 weeks so that's why MS fades then - can't wait until then!! haha. I'm oddly not nervous this time around but probably because I feel like poo!! my Doppler comes tomorrow! If you're getting the heartbeat with your Doppler, you have nothing to worry about :)

Alyssa - I see your temp is still down this morning - still feel like O is coming? Could it be AF about to show and you actually did O? Are you still getting bloodwork to determine if you O'd?

Hi Sam, Kels and Mar!
Rach- are you doing the NT scan? I'm sure everything is fine if you can find the heartbeat, everything is fine! :)

Linds- sorry your mom is still being a little iffy, but I'm glad she's trying to recover from it. :) Your scan is in a week... excited? Glad you're feeling a little better, too.

AFM, still no O. I'm TRYING not to get too upset, I get bloods drawn Saturday and will start meds on Monday if it hasn't happened by then. The bloodwork I had done last week indicated that I still hadn't O'd then, so I'm not expecting AF (unless she comes randomly and this cycle was just anovulatory). I'm really angry at my body right now for not doing what it's supposed to do and for tricking me so much, but I'm trying to stay positive and just hope that I respond to the medication I'll take next cycle. When I let my mind drift, I worry that I won't respond to that, and that I'll never ovulate, or that I'm in premature menopause, or... well, best not to let my mind drift. :)
Hi girls sorry Iv'e been mia.

Dad and step mum were up for a long weekend then back to work (hectic atm)

Alyssa - so glad you have a tentative closing date for next week. Pity your In laws are being such prats about the rent, honestly whats family for if they can't help out a little. Anyway wont be long till you are in your new place. Glad you cat is doing better and hasn't lost any weight. Glad you trying to stay positive and hope your body decides to do one thing or another (ov or AF) very soon but at least you know you can try the medicated cycle next month. Hopefully a new start in your new house.

Linds - wow 1 week till your scan! Glad you mum is behaving herself somewhat. Sometimes I don't think our mums really know us all that well, I suppose they want the best for us but go about ti all the wrong way and push all our buttons. Sorry the MS isn't being kind to you but its great all the same. I sometimes feel the same about B when this new one comes along but then I see him interacting with other and think it will also be a good thing for him to have someone to play with when they are both older.

Rach - Not long till your scan and I am sure everything is going well especially since you can hear the hb. As Lindsay says the placenta start to take over form about now so with B I was feeling much better by that point. Hows things going with the wedding planning?

Jess- glad you did so well with your baby showers. Where they BH hicks they were seeing on screen? Can't believe you are so close to the end - exciting!!

Hi Mar and Kels

afm - Benjamin's walking has come on great so we bought him his first pair of shoes on Sunday. I was expecting him to go a bit berserk as he sometimes wont even keep his socks on. All went well though as the lady measured his foot. 3.5F. He didn't seem to mind the shoes as he was toddling about the shop. I hope the weather is a bit nicer tomorrow as I want to go for a walk so B can 'play out' so looking forward to that.

My dad and step mum were up for the weekend which was great as they really wanted to see B walking and his tooth (one only still!). They took the monitor each night and got up in the morning with him so we got a couple of good night sleep and later mornings. He was still coughing lots so was waking a bit but that seems to have settled the last night or 2 and we have (nearly) sstn.

Anatomy scan 2 weeks yesterday. Nausea and vomiting seems to have come back over the weekend. I am wondering if it might be my new inhaler but probably not but I'll ask when I go back in a couple of weeks time. Seem to have a new cough which is a bit more chesty than the last one, will need to keep an eye on it and hope it doesn't get worse.
Hi Girls!

Alyssa - I'm kind of excited for my scan but Kirk is not going to be able to be there, so kind of bummed about that. I should get my Doppler today, so even though it's really early, I'm hoping at least by the night before the apt that Kirk will be able to hear the heartbeat. When will you get results on your blood draw on Saturday? By Monday?

Sam - you poor thing still having nausea and vomiting this far along! Did you have that with B??? Gosh, the only thing getting me through this time is knowing it will pass but you're making me nervous! haha! Your anatomy scan seems so late! I'm so curious if it's a pink or blue smartie!!

I threw up my unisom and prenatal vitamin (and dinner) last night, so I'm curious to see how I will feel today. Thankfully, I'm working from home today but will have little O with me so we'll see how it goes!
quick update bcz I have to go to work but heres 11 weeks bump pic


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Lookin good, Rach!

Just got my fetal Doppler - couldn't resist trying it - nothing yet. Hope by next week we can possibly hear it for Kirk since he won't be able to come to the scan!

Poor Oakley threw up in his bed last night and had some diarrhea today - is going over 2hrs sleeping right now too, my poor bug! He hasn't been acting like he's sick but all signs are pointing to it! No fever as of yet!
Hi Everyone!

Just checking in to see how everyone's doing! It was a pretty rough weekend in our household - bad stomach bug hit Oakley on Saturday, moved to me Sunday morning and Kirk Sunday evening. It's making me dread my appointment on Thursday now as I got a stomach bug last pregnancy and started bleeding within a couple days of it :/ I didn't get a fever this time so I think that's probably a good sign and last time I had the bad hpts to go with it, so might have just been doomed from the start!
Lindsay - are you feeling better today? That stinks you guys are all sick! Just stay positive, everything will be fine for your appointment!

We got some maternity pics taken on Saturday at our house. Can't wait to see them all but here's a sneak peek she sent me... 35 week bump pic!


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