1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Lindsay - not really sure what measuring big means at this point, just that they wanted to monitor it more closely to make sure she doesn't get too big for me. I guess I'll find out more on Thursday. I am excited about going out for maternity leave. I know it will be a lot of work (at home) with the new baby but it will be nice to have some time off of work for a while! Does anyone at your work suspect your pregnant yet? I know you've been sick so heat might be a bit hard to hide.
Snow here too... roads are crappy. Ugh these hospital bills are outragous. I just got a bill from an ultrasound i had done at the hospital which would of been my most recent one. It was $1800 and after insurance i still have to pay $700. WTF? I just don't get it. What a joke.
wow, that's a lot, Rach! call your insurance company and ask why it's so expensive. Are you getting your 12 week scan at a perinatologist? I found those scans are nearly twice as expensive as the regular - my insurance paid for it but kind of crazy!!! They were over 2000 bucks - and I had to have one every two weeks last time - was so thankful my insurance covered it otherwise I couldn't have done it and would have just been worried the whole time. They said they'll still need to scan me frequently, especially early on but may not have to be as frequently as last time (every two weeks). I'm hoping it will be every 3-4 weeks, although I don't mind an extra peek at the baby, it's just tough getting to the doc office from DC if I have to go to work.
Hi, all...

Jess- you must be getting so excited... very close now! How was your trip? I hope you were able to get away and relax. I think you're right that it'll be work to be home with the baby, but definitely a different (and hopefully more pleasant!) kind of work.

Rach- Wow, first tri is done... you must be so relieved! I hope you're able to work something out with your insurance... that seems ridiculously high for a scan. It makes me so upset that healthcare in this country costs as much as it does, and that the prices aren't even standardized... it costs differently for different people depending on insurance, private pay, etc. Anyway, I hope you get it taken care of. When is your next scan? Are you going to be doing any screening, or just a typical checkup?

Linds- I think you've gotten more snow days than we have! How are you feeling?

Sam- how are you doing? I hope you're feeling better, you poor thing... it seems like you've been sick almost your whole pregnancy.

Hi, Mar and Kels.

AFM, we closed on the house... yay! Also, I started my medication last night... so far no mood issues, but I can smell everything and my boobs are sore. I'm just glad to be moving forward, and knowing that this cycle is ending soon makes me feel better. By the last week or so, we just gave up... figured it wouldn't be healthy anyway. It's SO NICE to take a break from BD! Rob scheduled a semen analysis (sorry, gross, I know) for this week so at least we don't have to worry about its coinciding with my fertile time. I'll start Femara on CD 3, which I guesstimate should be around mid-March, meaning I should ovulate by the end of March if my body responds to the medication. I'm really hoping it does!

Peanut had a bad reaction to the strong antibiotic she was on... it just upset her stomach over time, but only showed up once she was REALLY sick. I had her in to the emergency and then the specialty vet. Right now, she's still not eating... I have to force feed her and give her subcutaneous fluids, but she seems to be looking a bit better. One of her liver values was elevated so I'll have to get that rechecked next week. I just hope it was a reaction to the antibiotic, sometimes cats get really sick really fast when they stop eating. If that was the case, stopping the antibiotic and giving her this nursing care should turn her around. I'm trying really hard to hope for the best, I can't even really think about preparing for the worst.

Rob took the week off to work on the new house, so I've been having him bring Peanut with him so he can watch her. He's working on pulling up carpet and putting down laminate flooring (the house is mostly hardwood except for a couple of the bedrooms). We moved some stuff in yesterday and are hoping to do the rest in two more uhauls. Hopefully we'll be all settled by the end of March... the better to do some BD!

We have our first yoga class tonight... chat soon!
Alyssa - congrats on the house!! you must be so excited!! Hopefully spring will show up soon for all of us and you can enjoy that new house of yours to the fullest!
Your poor kitty! How old is she? Hope she will be on the upswing here soon!
Glad you're starting the medication! Can't wait for you to get on a medicated cycle so we can get you that BFP! I will be crazy stalking your chart now :) How are you feeling??

AFM - We settle on our house on Friday - I can not wait!! Looks like the weather should be nice so should be no surprise snow storms to cancel *fingers crossed!!* I'm getting so sick of this snow it's just absurd!! I really hate winter anyway and am starting to think I may belong in Florida with Jess!!! But now that we'll be making some money from our house, we're going to be doing a full "make-over" to the outside of our house. I'm so excited!! It's going to look like a whole new house - we're getting quotes this weekend, I think!
I've still been really sick but compared to the stomach bug I had it really hasn't been so bad, but I also think my placenta may already be starting to take over as I'm having moments where I don't feel pregnant at all. It's funny as I'm savoring those moments this pregnancy instead of freaking out like last time. I'm surprisingly much more relaxed this time around!! I guess it's finally sinking in that I have no control over what happens and as long as I take as good of care of myself as I can, what will be will be!!
Lindsay - when i went to my last scan at 8w3d the girl had told me she could already see my placenta and that it was great news because she thought she couldn't see it just a few moments ago. So that's good for you! Good mind set on things <3 It's so true. I think you'll be just fine. WOOHOO to closing on the house. That would be awesome to upgrade yours and switch it up. I am so sick of this snow too. I was just looking at the forecast and saw there's 40's and 50's coming up. YAY!!

Alyssa i'm so glad things are turning around for you. I hate that peanut isn't doing the best, but she is a fighter. I'm sending positive vibes for you guys <3 That would be amazing for you to get a BFP at the end of March!! That would be fab. I hope Rob's sperm analysis comes back good. One less thing you'd have to worry about. YAY to closing on the house. So so so exciting!!

AFM -- 2 more days until my scan. I had a dream last night i went and my dr was no longer there and no one would take me or scan me. I was so pissed and started throwing shit lmao. Omg so funny. My dreams are always crazy whether i'm pregnant or not. I just can't wait to go!!!! I'll be 1 day shy of 13w. Would be super duper awesome if by some fat chance they could guess on the sex. Andrew and i are sooo impatient and can't wait LOL. We want to know now damnit!!! Last time i went i was measuring 2 days ahead. I never changed my due date because i figured i'd wait until this scan to make sure. So we'll see.
Andrew and i were arguing earlier. I don't know what the hell his deal is lately, but he's so moody and takes everything out on me. Anyways, while my blood was boiling i could tell the baby was upset because i just felt weird down there. Like i pulled something. About 45mins later i go to the bathroom and there was brown spotting. I got my doppler out and i heard the hb. Thank god. I've been trying to take it easy. I can't wait for Thursday even more now. I was thinking maybe my placenta healed itself but makes me wonder now. I haven't had a bit of spotting for a month now since my last appt. Of course now i do. I feel a tiny bit crampy or achy i guess you should say in my lower back and down my legs. Trying not to freak.
Try not to freak out, Rach! Brown spotting is very normal. Your scan will be here before you know it! And you and Andrew have a lot of big changes going on in your lives right now so there's bound to be a little tension! Plus, if you're anything like me right now, I'm a bit emotionally sensitive, so try to cut him a little slack but also talk to him about it if you can! :) What time is your scan tomorrow?
well now I'm Wondering if the blood was from a pimple that busted lol. I'm telling myself that anyway. my appt is 9am! I can't wait
haha, maybe it was! This is probably TMI but ever since Oakley I must have gotten an internal hemorrhoid as I can have some blood after BM sometimes and it freaks me out every time now but I have to remind myself there are other sources of blood than just the baby maker!! :p How are you feeling?? I threw up a lot yesterday - hoping today will go a bit smoother!!
Hi girls!

Alyssa - Yeah :yipee: on closing on the house! This is going to be a new chapter in your life and good things to come! Glad you got on the meds now and moving on to a new cycle. I have everything crossed for you girl!

Lindsay - Yeah for settling on your house as well! I am sure that will be a huge relief to get that off your plate! so good you have the hook-up on the scans! When do you go in for your next appt?

Rach - anxiously waiting for your report! Try to stay calm girl! This is going to be a crazy month with the wedding and being pregnant so it will be hard as you guys will have a lot of emotions going on but just try to make the best of it. Oh my gosh did you find out any more on your medical bill yet? Have you had your first "official" OB appointment yet? Sometimes its around 12 weeks, the doctor gives you a little goodie bag etc...? With my insurance, after that is when my maternity coverage officially kicks in and I don't have to pay my co-pays etc.

AFM - have my growth scan tomorrow morning. Looking foward to seeing what our little angel is up to. At my NST appt on Monday the doctor told me she was way down low and said to talk to the specialist about timing etc. I've put on about 40 lbs (and I'm small) but they think its mostly fluid so I will be interested to see if that's still the case.
Chris and I went to Breastfeeding class last night so got a lot of good info. Tonight I am going to have him put the carseat in the car and get a few other things ready just in case.
Oh goodness... I hadnt even checked my chart. I started my meds Sunday night... I really have no way to tell if I O'd. I thought no because the temps dropped Sunday... The rise on Friday was after a glass of champagne Thursday the day we closed and all the cat stress. I almost hope I didn't, I had a couple of drinks this week since I was starting my meds anyway! I guess if I don't get a period I'll have to take a test.
Wow Jess - things are getting so close. How was the bf info? It'll be great being home off work but its a whole new different kind of work, nicer though!! Are you settled on a name?

Alyssa - big yays for closing on the house. It'll be great being able to make it your own and for your family soon to be. Hope your little kitty cat is on the mend.

Rach - nearly end of 1st tri, wow seems to have gone so fast but maybe not for you! Looking forward to seeing your scan tomorrow and I hope you got your insurance sorted as that seems unbelievable the cost. Glad you can be reassured hearing the hb, sucha a fab sound. I was looking back through my pg journal with B and the number of times I put about OH and us being snipey. As Linds say you both have a lot goingon this month and your hormones are all over the place but at the same time my OH was also acting like a plank for no real reason!!! I am sure when he sees the little bubs on screen things will calm down again.

Linds - So hope you get the house all sorted this weekend and the snow stays away. We have had a really mild winter but lots of places have been flooded for weeks. Glad things are feeling a bit better with regards the ms and I am sure it was around 9 weeks with B that I started to feel a bit better. Its a great attitude to have but I think this is a good 'un! So they might not need to see you for your cervix check as often this time around?

Hi Mar and Kels, hope you and your girls are doing okay.

afm - sorry mia again. I have read but just as I get the chance to post something crops up and before I know it is bedtime. Anyway it was my anatomy scan today. Scan went ok, the lady doing the scan was a little abrupt initially. There were times she was pressing really hard and it hurt. The scan wasn't as clear as I seem to remember with Benjamin and although she did explain bits and pieces it was more just to say which things looked normal. I do have to go back in 2 weeks as she couldn't get a angle of the spine.

She did check at the end for gender but the wee tinker had the cord between their legs however she thinks (with about 55% accuracy?!) that it is a boy. I'll be able to check again at the next scan so I am not saying one way or the other atm.

Saw Dr Nicoll, he is keen for Vbac, talked about induction after cs and risk of rupture so although they would prefer not to do it will induce in some circumstances. But there is no way I will be induced again, its either vabc or elective cs in my mind. I go back to see him at 34 weeks.

I did mention the pre-e to the mw I saw before the Dr and she said my BP was fine after B was born. Dr Nicoll also said each pg is different and they will just keep an eye on it during this pg.
Jess and Rach - can't wait to hear about your scans!! :)

Jess - How are you feeling at this point? At least it's not summer and you're probably not battling the swelling as bad as you could be - I'm kind of dreading this summer! 40lbs is a good amount of weight to put on by now, I think! I ended up putting a full 50lbs on with Oakley. I dropped 30 of it really quickly, the next 10 took a little effort and the last 10 took a lot of effort. I think if I had breastfed longer it would have been easier to get the last 20lbs off! So exciting we're getting down to needing daily check-ins from you!! Will you post on facebook when you're checking into the hospital?? I'm so excited for you!! and yes! being home with the baby is definitely work but a much better work than work work!! :p How long do you get to stay home?

Alyssa - I bet it's your meds making your temps go up - How long do they usually take to kick in an AF? How's the new house? Kitty doing ok??

Sam - only 55% certainty?? That's hardly better than chance!! :p Glad you'll get another scan :) What do you think it is? Are you feeling better now??

Kels, Mar - Hi!! :)

AFM - I had my first non-vomit day since 6 weeks yesterday - very exciting!! It's getting easier to keep my prenatal vitamin down and my boobs don't feel like they're going to explode at any moment, so I think that placenta is starting to do it's job! I felt pretty awful this morning but seem to be doing better now. My pants already feel snug by the end of the day but I haven't put on any weight yet - I need to ask for maternity clothes that I lent out back - it was to a coworker and she looks like she never had a kid already so not sure why she hasn't brought it up yet.
Wow. I disappear for a couple weeks and everyone seems sooooo much further along in their pregnancies. incredible.
Geez, next time I look Jess will have had that wee babe.
Rach how are you feeling? Is your scan today?
Linds, still getting sick??
Sam, 55% sure its a boy? Hopefully you get a different tech next time that can be 100% sure. I can't believe you're half way already!

AFM. Ariah is onto OATMEAL!!! Its really agreeing with her. We also had to start sleep training as she has felt the need to wake up 2-5 times a night. So far, its going pretty well. She hates the nap training as normally my husband or I would rock or bounce her to sleep. NOT anymore. lol. Poor monkey. I hate hearing her cry, but she's figuring it out pretty quick.

and hi to everyone else :)
Hi Girls!
Well my appointment today went well - except baby is measuring big still. I am measuring 1 week ahead and 7lbs 5oz!!! :shock: Her head and belly are measuring in the 90th percentile but overall I think she was about 77%. Doctor couldn't really say that I would go early or need a C-section. He said to let nature take it's course and we'll see what happens when I'm ready. He did say that he didn't think I'd go past my due date.

I've attached a pic below.


  • IMG_0708.jpg
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Rach - saw your post on FB - looks like everything went great for you today as well! My little bean was always a little camera shy too!

Lindsay - glad the MS is starting to let up a bit and you are feeling a little bit better! If you ask for your maternity clothes back from your coworker do you think the word will get out about you being preggo? Or do you think they already suspect it? I am just planning to take the 12 weeks off for maternity leave.

Sam - I can't believe they couldn't keep looking until they found out for sure if you were having a boy or girl. Do you have a preference this time either way?

Mar - wow Ariah is growing up so fast! What exactly does the sleep and nap training consist of? Do you just put her down and let her cry it out until she goes to sleep? Then do you just gradually extend the time she's down for her sleep/nap?
Mar - awesome about the oatmeal! Oakley was big into Oatmeal and really still is! It can be so tough to get them on a good sleep schedule and it always seemed for us as soon as we got it figured out and he was on a good schedule, something popped up and it was shot to hell lol. I'm hoping by the time the baby is born, Oakley will be through all the teeth stuff and will just sleep for us!! He's been good for a couple months now but it seemed like he was never going to be a good sleeper. He was good from like 6 - 11 months and then something switched in him.

Jess - what a beautiful scan picture!! That's good that you won't go to your due date! They told me I'd go to 42 weeks if they'd let me when I was 38 weeks! I wanted to punch them in the face at that point haha I was so ready at that point!! The MS does seem to be lightening but definitely not gone. I have some energy back though and today I feel almost not pregnant which I read in my journal with Oakley at this point in his pregnancy so I think every day should get better and better from here *Fingers crossed!!*

Sam - I'm disappointed too in your US tech! When is your next scan??

Rach - saw on facebook everything looked good - congrats! bet that makes you feel awesome! ever figure out what was going on with your insurance?

AFM - settlement tomorrow!! woohoo!!

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