1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Jess - wow what a fab scan. How confident are they about size? I have 2 friends that said where measuring big (expecting 10lb+) and they both had 6lb odd babies!!

Linds - Great news about closing tomorrow that;ll be such a relief! Is it the lady you spoke about before that is buying?

Rach - from the sounds of things the others have said it all looks to be okay. Can't wait to hear all about it and see pics.

Mar - great news about Ariahs eating. How old is she now? Time is flying by.

Alyssa - hope you are settling in okay and little cat is feeling better.

My scan is on the 19th, hope we get a different person doing it that's a bit friendlier. We are heading off to my Dads house tomorrow for the week and will be spending a few days away at Centre parcs (family friendly centre with wood lodges Like Dirty dancing but without the dancing!!).
I am going to update quick. I'll write more later, but here's the baby!! :) Baby was measuring 13w4d, but lady said it was good since it was in the gestational age of 1 week. Do i change my due date or is that up to the dr? Not sure lol. If so, baby will be due Sept 7th. Andrew's bday is the 8th! :cloud9: Sucks baby had its back to us, but i was very happy to see it had been growing and that there was a heartbeat. I really can't stand the ultrasound tech. She does everything so quickly and doesn't even say much except "Here's your baby" and then moves on to looking around else where. I had to ask what the hb was because she didn't tell me. She didn't tell me what it was last time either. She finally told me 140. I didn't get to see any movement or nothing because she was so fast. I was like WTF. lol


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Everything looking perfect rach, sorry the tech was rushed and rude. Must be a common thing.
Lindsay - my mom developed hemorrhoids while pushing my sister and i out. I know it can't be fun dealing with it. She always complained about it hurt when she would make a bowel movement. She felt constipated a lot too i think. I guess it's apart of being a mommy! As for maternity clothes, i haven't had to buy any yet. I bloat a lot, but it's all from the junk i've been eating. Nothing is baby yet. Sucks! I'd get your clothes back for sure! I'm sure she wouldn't mind lending them back to you lol. If so i'd be like ummm no. Glad you're feeling better.

Jess - WOW! What an awesome 3D picture. She looks so pretty already. 7lb5oz is pretty big already! Are you doing a c-section? Wow so hard to believe you'll be holding that precious girl by the end of the month! :cloud9:

Mar - glad Ariah is starting to adjust to her new routine. Can't believe she's eating oatmeal already! such a big girl. do you have any new recent pics to post of her?

Sam - like you said, our ultrasound tech's seem alike! Mine too was pressing a little too hard for my liking. 55% accuracy is basically like saying "i don't know". That's only 5% more certainty than you started out with lol. I def wouldn't give up on baby being a girl just yet! Can't believe you're 21 weeks. Wow!!

AFM -- thank God the weather is gonna be warm here the next few days. Of course they have to throw in a 25 degree day mid next week. I can't wait for the warm weather. Only 2 weeks from tmrw until the wedding! I'm feeling so fat too. Yuck! I'm getting sick too. Andrew has been passing it back and forth to himself the last couple of weeks. Seems everyone is. Whatever is in the germs of this nasty cold is definitely a fighter. I am convinced the baby is a boy. I have even before it was conceived. What makes it so hard is a name. Andrew and i both like Owen, but i'm not settled on it yet. I think i'm going to just tell you girls the name and keep it a secret from facebook until baby is here.
Alright, i have a dilemma and i need your thoughts. I went to the dr today to follow up with the sonogram, but also my cysts i have on my ovaries. He seems to think the cyst on the left ovary is a luthem corpus or whatever it's called. Says it's common for all women yada yada yada. He's more concerned about the right ovary because it has a dermoid tumor. He said mine is 5.6cm. He said the safe zone is 0-6cm. Anything above 6cm should be removed. I'm really close to that 6cm line. He said i have 2 choices. Removing it or not. There's risk factors to both. If i remove it, they will have to give me an anesthetic and make an incision on my belly. He said if theres any abnormalities with the baby, it would already be there BUT with an anesthetic, there could possibly be a chance of something abnormal happening in the future from taking it. Also, i'd be out of work 4-6 weeks (possibly). BUT the biggest risk factor of all is there's a small percentage of losing the baby and miscarrying. THAT terrifies me. Also, tumor has a small possibility of being cancerous. Most aren't though. He said if i don't get it removed we will keep a close eye on it. He doesn't want to remove anything after 20 weeks because the uterus is above the belly button by then. So basically i only have a couple of weeks to think about this. He said if i don't get it removed, it could twist and cut off the blood supply to the baby, or it could burst and cause infection through out my body OR if it ruptures towards the end of pregnancy i could go in pre-term labor. I'm like GREAT. So i don't know what the hell i should do. SO many things to think about. I have an ultrasound scheduled for March 27th (16w) to check out the tumor to see if it's grown anymore. Also to see baby and hopefully find out gender (that would be awesome!).
Rach - If I were you I would probably wait until the 16 week scan before making any decisions to see if it has gotten any bigger since you're still technically in the "safe-zone" but it definitely wouldn't hurt to get a second opinion since it's not just you this could effect!
Wow, there's been a lot going on in the past couple of weeks... hope I get everybody.

Jess- wow, it's so exciting that you've hit full term... are you ready to go? Does Chris get to take any time off of work when the baby is born? Have you decided on a name yet? I've also heard of a lot of people who think that their baby is measuring big but then are fine when things actually come to pass. I guess there's no way to tell until it actually happens!

Sam- glad you're feeling better, and I hope you enjoy your holiday! I live pretty close to the Catskills (where Dirty Dancing took place!) so I have a good idea of what kind of a place you're talking about. Have a great time! Sorry you weren't able to tell if your baby is a boy or a girl... do you have a preference?

Mar- that's great that Ariah is eating oatmeal! How old is she? Are there other solid foods to which you are introducing her? Sorry about the lack of sleeping, hopefully she'll get into a groove soon.

Linds- Congrats on your settlement, that must be a huge weight off. Glad you're feeling better too. Hopefully you're right that your placenta is taking over and you'll only do better from here. Are you thinking you will be able to have less frequent checks this time around? Have you told Oakley yet that he's getting a new sibling?

Rach- I'm glad your scan went well but sorry you weren't able to see the baby better. At least you get to go back sooner rather than later, but I'm sorry for the reason. I obviously have no frame of reference, but I would probably go with what Linds suggested and wait to make a decision until your next scan. So close to the wedding now... are you excited? Have you had your final fitting yet?

Hi, Kels!

AFM, the kitty is doing better... I take her back for some repeat bloodwork tomorrow, hopefully it will show the improvement we are seeing. She's eating on her own, at least.

Rob took last week off to work on the house, he's got the floors almost totally done. I've been working at our old house packing and cleaning, but I've also been spending a lot of time working on my portfolio for work... it's my tenure year in this new district. I have it almost done!

I'm almost done with the Prometrium... I've had some rotten side effects that cruelly mimic early pregnancy... sore boobs, super moody, GI stuff, but at least it's almost over and then I get to start a medicated cycle!

This week will be pretty nuts as well as I'm going to Houston for my summer work over the weekend and have prework to do for that. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Jess - sorry I didn't answer you earlier but my friend was told her baby would be over 10lbs and so they induced her a week early, I believe and the baby was mid 7lbs and completely healthy, so I think they just play it on the safe-side. My SIL scans a lot of babies and she says the estimate of weight of the baby can be + or - a whole pound, especially if the tech is not as experienced. She was right on the money with how much Oakley was going to weigh - I was really impressed!!

Rach - what'd you decide to do about the cyst/tumor?

Alyssa - glad you got your medication down and hopefully we're closer to that medicated successful cycle!!

I have a meeting to run to and will post more later :)
Alyssa - so glad your kitty is feeling better and you're getting things going on your new house. When do you think you'll move in? Do you have to be out of your current place at the end of this month? I remember your family would not prorate the month so you might as well stay as long as you can. Does the prometrium get your period started?

Rach - Ugh! I couldn't believe it when I read your post. Like you need any more crap on your plate!! I would also wait until your next scan before you make a decision. Also, does your doctors office rotate you around to see other dcotors? Or do you see the same person? It might help to get another opinion.

Lindsay - how did everything go with the closing? Glad you are starting to feel better. We need some scan pics soon!!

Sam - Hope you are enjoying some time away. How are you feeling? We need some scan and bunp pics from you!

AFM - had a pretty productive weekend getting things organized for the baby arrival. I still need to make a trip to Babies R Us to get a few last things. I may try to do that Wednesday. We are trying to finalize our decision to name her Isabela Jaymes. I can't remember if I told you girls but my brothers name is James (he passed away 12 years ago in a car accident) so I wanted to be able to name a baby after him. I didn't know if I would be able to do it with a girl but it seems like Jaymes with a Y for a girl is becoming more popular. What do you girls think?
Jess - what a great idea with Jaymes - just beautiful!!! I absolutely love that! Glad you're getting everything settled for the baby - such a great feeling, isn't it?! Is she a kicker? I remember at your point just fighting with Oakley to get his feet off my ribs :p

Alyssa - So glad you're getting settled with the house and your kitty is doing better! Do you think she'll have any trouble adjusting to the new house? They have those pheromone things you can plug into the wall that can help them be calm. They sell them at petsmart - my brother did that for a particularly sensitive cat he had - worked like a charm! Sorry the medication is causing unfortunate symptoms!!

Sam - how are you feeling?? I'm so anxious for your next scan! Do we get bump pics from you at all this time??

AFM - I had a really rough weekend. I went and got my hair cut on Friday because I had a few days in a row of feeling pretty good and minimal vomiting, and then I swear as soon as I cut my hair and it wasn't easy to pull it back (to vomit) - I go on a three day vomit spree!! I had a baby shower on Saturday and we hadn't told many people there and it was really difficult to hide that I wanted to be sick and didn't want anything to do with the food. I ended up writing on their little message board thing that we were pregnant again and have been waiting for the phone call when they see it. I just didn't want to announce it at the shower as this girl has been just really dying to be a mom for so long - didn't have trouble getting pregnant, just finding someone worth marrying! - and I didn't want to take away from her day at all. Plus, I really didn't feel like explaining to everyone that I felt awful because when people find out your pregnant all they do is ask how you feel - which is nice but it's tough to tell people you don't really know that you want to vomit at the moment, haha.
I have my next appointment and scan set up for March 28th in the morning. That will include the NT scan with the high risk doctor and my normal monthly appointment with my OB.
I'm debating when to tell my mentor here at school what's going on with the pregnancy. I know she is not going to react well but my pants are already pretty tight. The last time I told her I was pregnant she said "yea, you look it" and I'd rather not get that type of reaction this time. Plus, I kind of need her to understand that I'm not in the mood to dilly dally around and need to get stuff done and need her guidance to do that.
jess, I think Jaymes is a great idea and if it feels right do it :)

rach, I agree. wait until your next scan and make an informed decision.

Sam, when is your next scan?

Linds, is the settlement all done?

Here are a couple shots of my big girl. she is 4.5 months. we have our next set of shots next Monday (the 17th). TIME FLIES.


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Mar - your little munchkin is so incredibly cute!! oh my goodness!! I just love the pictures! Sleeping much lately? Any signs of teeth yet? Oakley didn't get his first until around 9 months, so you might still have a while!
We did settle! We got the money but the mortgage is still showing on my bank account so I need to get that figured out but seems like it's nearly officially off our plate!! VERY exciting!!
Alyssa - I'm glad peanut is doing much better! Also happy that the prometrium is almost done! YAY to a fresh, new BFP cycle!!!!!!

Jess - I think Isabela Jaymes is adorable! There's so many guy names for girls and vise versa. I think it's awesome you're putting your brother into her name. That way it's like he's still with you :) Wow just a couple more weeks. So hard to believe! How many weeks are you taking off? 6 or 12? When does it start? I'm so excited for you.

Mar - Aww Ariah is so cute!!!!! The last picture she looks a lot like mommy in! 4.5 already? Wow! Getting to be such a big girl.

Lindsay - Your dr appt is the day after mine. I'm shocked my dr hasn't asked anything about NT for me. I thought for sure that was what my last appt was for, but apparently it was for my ovaries. As for your mentor, ugh. I hate it when people have that dry sense of humor. You don't know how to take it. I think i'd wait until your 12 weeks to tell her. If she doesn't understand then oh well. There's nothing you can do about that. She will get over it.

AFM - i'm going to wait it out until the next appt. I'll be researching and trying to make my mind up in the meantime. Once i have my mind set on one decision, i start thinking more into the other and convince myself that i honestly have no clue. I just wish i knew for sure that it would be okay until the birth of baby because then i would just wait and have it removed right after delivery. Just too much shit on my plate right now and i am honestly about to break. I try to be positive, but by the end of the day i am so worn out and have my eyes full of tears. I have all faith that things will be okay no matter what decision i choose. I just hate it that i have to make that decision. I'll also never be able to forgive myself if something were to happen either way. I'd like to sit back and enjoy the wedding from now until the big day (next friday!!), but that isn't possible. I can't wait to be off work for 2 weeks. That place is driving me crazy and is getting so hard to do my job with being pregnant. Inhaling all them chemicals can't be good either.
I'm wiped so more later, but Peanut gained 9 oz back in a week and all of her lab work came back normal again! Thanks for all of your well wishes. Last progesterone pill tonight!!
Good morning, ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Rach - how you doing? Everything ready for the wedding? Hope it's not stressing you out too much! How you feeling about the cyst?

Sam and jess - how you guys feeling?

Alyssa - feel af coming yet?

Afm - I've decided I'm going to tell my boss I'm pregnant today - my pants are already really tight and I think suspicions are going to start soon and I'd rather tell them first. Wish me luck! I'm feeling pretty good today but had a rough week last week. Hoping week 10 will be a bit easier!
I talked to my boss yesterday and it went a lot better than I expected, although, I almost cried telling her so she probably felt obligated to be nice to me! I stupidly started out telling her that I've struggled with keeping pregnancies and nearly lost it but have felt for a long time that it's important she know that I've struggled emotionally in the past in case I've been 'weird' at work and she didn't know why. Anyway, I told her that I knew it would make life more difficult at work but that it's really important to me that I do this now and I will try to make sure it has as little impact on work as possible, blahblahblah. She then said congratulations and that it will make things more complicated but that life comes first. So, I'm really relieved and glad it's out on the table! Now I just need to get through the NT scan!! She also finally started talking about me graduating too, so maybe this will be a good motivator for her!! :p
Lindsay - i'm glad everything went good with your boss! I bet you're glad that's over. I just hate how some people LOVE to make others uncomfortable. You shouldn't have to explain yourself to your boss. Your mother maybe... but your boss? Lol. You get what i'm sayin! I'm just glad they took it good. Now you can enjoy everything a bit more! My dr hasn't even said anything about a NT scan. I'll ask about it at my 16w appt.

Alyssa - I"m so glad peanut is doing better! Now how about you? Did you start AF yet? And the clomid?!

AFM - I'M GETTING MARRIED FRIDAY!!!!!! Wow. Doesn't seem real. My family from NY are driving down and getting here Wednesday morning. I can't wait to see them. It's been since April last year that i have. I can't wait to see my twin nieces!
Woohoo, Rach!! So exciting your wedding week is here!! Are you and Andrew going on a honeymoon?? I saw your little baby bump pic on facebook - you're looking great!! How's the wedding dress fit??
It is silly that I had to explain myself to my boss but that's just the way it is at my work. She definitely treats me like a child, and I considered waiting until I was done to have another kid (as you all probably remember) but I'm just not willing to wait - I think it will be better to begin my career being done with pregnancies!
How are you feeling? in the second trimester honeymoon phase yet? I'm so looking forward to that!! I had two days in a row that I didn't throw up until this morning..ohwell!! Hopefully it just means baby is growing and growing in there!!
Jess - how you doing, hun?! Almost there!! :)

Rach - the big day is tomorrow!! you must be so excited!!

Alyssa - when do you expect AF?

Sam - how you feeling? When is your next scan so we can get better than 55% confidence of a boy?!

Mar - hope Ariah is sleeping well for you!

AFM - had a no throw up day yesterday - feeling decent this morning. Have a mini-committee meeting today - wish me luck!!

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