1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

When is your surgery rach? I know everything will go great!! Afm not a single symptom and I'm probley 9 dpo :(! Hopefully I feel something soon!!!!
hI EVERYONE. just checking in with everyone!

Jess congrats on Isabella. :)
rach - a boy!!!!!! Cant wait to hear what name you pick.

Happy to see some of our snow melt... maybe spring will arrive afterall.
Woohoo, Sam! Glad DH remembered mother's day and congrats on V-day!! I can't believe you're already that far along! goodness!! How are you feeling?? Poor B and his fevers! Oakley has really sensitive skin! It's getting better - it used to be that I couldn't even use Johnson's and Johnson's - had to be aveeno or anything all natural. He's gotten better but he gets dry patches of skin that need Vaseline all the time to keep them under control. When he was little he got them on his face and they would get scabby and bleed every once in a while that would require steroid cream - it was awful! He had TERRIBLE cradle cap too so just an overall sensitive skinned baby - think it's very normal though!!

Pink - don't worry about no symptoms!! I only tested this time around because I wanted to take some cold medicine - can't wait for you to test!

Rach - When is surgery??

Alyssa - How's the cycle? House? When do you find out about tenure? How's kitty??

Mar - glad you're getting spring - we got snow again yesterday - I'm starting to consider other living locations, haha! Not really but in my head I am!! I hate this!

AFM - had another sick weekend, bleh!! We got the house cleaned up yesterday and ALL the laundry done AND put away so it was still a successful weekend! Plus I got out all of my maternity clothes and put them away where I can get to them even though I'm not quite there yet. I wear them at home but long skirts with elastic waist bands at work that I wear when I'm not pregnant. I was wearing my jeans with the beband thing but it's just so uncomfortable that I gave up on that.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Hi, all... Linds, sorry you were sick again. Hope it's over soon!

Rach, a boy, congrats!!

Hi, Jess, Mar, Kelsey, and Sam...

Sorry this is brief, no internet at home so using my phone. We moved this weekend, yay! Went pretty well, just living in chaos now. Meds are going well, today was the last day to take them, we will see in a week or so if they worked (if I O). Kitty is doing well, she seemed okay with the move. I guess she's used to it after living with me in NYC!! Hopefully we will get internet sorted out soon and I can be more in contact with the world...
Hi girls! Sorry for the delay in the update. I have no idea where the days have gone! Had to stay an extra day in the hospital because they were worried about a tear in my bladder. Then got home to find out that my aunt had passed the day I went to the hospital but my mom didn't want to tell me with the pregnancy. We got in the car for a 7 hour drive each way Friday for the funeral. A long trip for little Isabela but my pediatrician said it should be ok as long as we keep her away from people and I really felt like I needed to go.

Delivery was terrible.... I think they called it a "traumatic vaginal birth". About 24 hours of labor... And had trouble getting her out. They tried the suction cup a couple times (unsuccessfully) - which felt terrible when that thing popped off!!! Finally had to use the forecepts. It was awful but the doctor really didn't want me to have to go through a c-section. Thankfully she did nit end up with any marks or bruising! I did also have some tearing and really swollen and bruised down there. It's getting better every day.

Anyway, all worth it to see our little angels face. Chris and I can't get enough of her... Some very unproductive days just staring at her. It's just amazing and makes all the MC's and everything I've been through soooooo worth it! So here are the details and a pic. I will post more later.

Isabela Jaymes - born March 21, 2014 10:44pm
7 lbs 3 oz, 20 1/4 inches


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:) Jess - I'm SO incredibly happy for you and Chris!! I'm so sorry you had a rough delivery!! You poor thing!! Did you at least have an epidural for all that labor?! My episiotomy was pretty rough but I was thankful for it because (I think) it meant that I pushed for a lot less time. How long did you end up pushing for? She looks absolutely perfect - poor little thing having to get tugged on!!
I'm so sorry for the loss of your aunt! Was it unexpected?? At least newborns sleep a lot so the drive probably wasn't too bad!

:hugs: to you in the celebratory happy ways and in the condolences ways!!

Keep having unproductive days of staring at Isabella - you'll blink and she'll be running around your house!! :)
Oh, and I got my NT scan/bloodwork results back and baby came back with the best odds possible of 1 in greater than 10,000 chance of having any of the major trisomy's.

On my month of the Pregnancy After a Loss thread there have been so many later MMC's - makes me so nervous. I feel so bad for the ladies but at the same time it's making me question everything and I'm considering not reading and following them anymore so I don't stress myself out. I'm getting a belly but I'm not gaining weight like I did last time. I've been really sick but I think I just need to chill out. Yep - chill out time!! :) Sorry for the mini-rant!!
Lindsay - my worst fear after getting through all these obstacles was a MMC. We wouldn't be mommies if we didn't worry! My advice to you is to stop looking. You're going to be fine and i'm so happy everything came back great for baby! I'm going to schedule my NT scan here in a minute. My insurance covers 70%. Yay to getting a belly! If you haven't gained weight then that tells you it's all baby!! So exciting!! I can't wait to see what my belly will look like in a month!

Pinkerton - Any news on AF? I hope she hasn't shown. Have you taken a test yet?

Jessie - I am just so happy for you guys. Isabela is so beautiful and i am soo happy you chose Jaymes as her middle name. She looks perfect. I'm so sorry for your birth story. Sounds like pain and agony. My mom was in labor with me for 32 hours. I sure hope that isn't the case for me too. I'm just glad Isabela is here and healthy. You and Chris deserve this so much.

Mar + Alyssa - glad to hear from you two and happy to hear everything is going great!

Sam - so happy you're past V-day. I kept seeing that on here a few weeks ago and had no idea what it meant LOL. Now i do. Congrats! SO happy hubby remembered mother's day. I hope B is feeling better :(

AFM - yesterday i'm pretty sure i felt baby kicking around. Today i feel nothing again. I hope what i'm feeling is kicks and not just something else lol. I guess within the next few weeks i should start feeling some good kicks. I hope so! Really nervous about surgery on Friday. It's all i can think about. I've been trying to come up with names for Baby S, but everything i like Andrew doesn't. I told him he needs to look through the baby book so we can figure this out. We've agreed to like 2 names so far.
Yes, I did have an epidural. Thank goodness! I got it at 5am and ended up delivering at 10:44pm. So a lot of hours on it. I ended up pushing for about 2 hours.
My aunts passing was not really expected. She has not been well for a few years, high blood pressure, etc. Then a week before she had a massive stroke. I couldn't go see her because I was so close to my delivery date but my mom and aunt went. I spoke to her on the phone, I really thought I'd get to see her after delivery sometime. It just happened so fast and I don't think my uncle was really telling us how bad she was. :cry: I feel terrible that I did not get to see her while she was alive.

Lindsay - that's great about your NT results!!!! Do you have a preference this time if you have a boy or girl? I would skip that thread too, maybe at least for a little while until people get farther along.

Rach and Sam - looks like boys for you if I am remembering right!! How exciting! What names are you girls thinking?

Pinkerton - welcome and sorry for your loss! :hugs:

Mar - how are you and Ariah doing?

Alyssa - are you settled in yet?
Jess - I'm sorry the birth was as traumatic as it was and you are all bruised and sore but Isabela is just beautiful and no wonder you can hardly keep from looking at her all day. Sorry for the loss if your Aunt. It must have been hard for your mum too (assuming it was her sister) not telling you when you were in labour. Are you bf?

Rach - Some days you feel more than others, today mine has been super active. You tend to notice more when you are relaxed and sitting as they say when you are moving more it rocks them to sleep. Glad you will be getting the NT test, will they scan you also after the surgery. I am sure all will go well but any surgery is nerve wracking never mind when you are pg. As for names something will hit you both, I hope so anyway as we are still struggling!

Linds - Yay for fab NT results. I had to stop my month PAL thread as it was moving too fast, being ignored and the fact there still seemed to be lots of mc/mmc. Now you have had a few scans the chance now of anything going wrong is so very low but seeing it on threads makes us worry even more than we already do.

Alyssa - glad the move is all sorted and kitty is doing much better. Did they say when you might ov after the medication (ie more likely after 10-14 days or so?) or is it a case of wait and see?

Mar -hope you are both well and its so nice to see some warmer weather.

afm -B's rash has all but gone and he is getting back to his usual self. I have been getting this strange ache/pressure on the left side tummy under the rib. I had it with B towards the end of my pg and assumed it was a foot as its is like being poked on a bruie but I am getting it now and it hurts to bend or stretch. I don't think its round ligament pain as its just in one spot and I just want to rub it to relieve the pain (almost like I have been hit with a cricket ball). I might give the mw a ring see what they say.
Sam - Yes, I am BF. Although we had to start supplementing as Isabela had lost just over 10% of her weight on her first pediatrician appt and was jaundice. She's gained the weight back now so I am hoping we can switch back to just BF soon. I have another appointment on Monday. Overall it's going ok. It's definitely very time consuming as Isabela starts to fall asleep on the boob and I have to keep rubbing her to wake her up. Also doesn't look like I am producing a lot of milk yet, but it seems to be increasing. Probably just about 1/2 oz on each side every 3 hours or so when I should be up to an ounce. I called the lactation consultant today and she said it could take 2-4 weeks for my milk to fully come in. I am going to a lactation support group on Friday to get some tips etc. Nighttime is hardest with the BF when you are just so dead tired.
Hi ladies!! I haven't taken a test yet it's hard but I'm sticking it out till Sunday! I think if I get af I'll b disappointed ur not as bad as seeing that bfn:(. I'm keeping my fingers crossed still!!

Beach... Congrats in the baby!!!! Sounds like the delivery was awful! Maybe I'll just get a puppy lol no just kidding!

Linds what do u mean u mean you got sick because u were pregnant? Symptom? I never get sick and I woke up with sore throat and messed up sinuses!

Rach... Good luck with surgery Friday!!! I'll be praying for u it all goes well!:)
Originally with this pregnancy, I had a nasty cold and an absurd amount of snot that I wanted to take medicine for but cold medicine isn't recommended so I only tested to make sure I wasn't pregnant, ha! I still have a lot of snot with this pregnancy that I don't remember with my son (gross!). AF is due on Friday for you, right??

Jess - good for you breastfeeding!! You'll start producing more as Isabela needs more :)

Rach - I hope you're not too nervous for tomorrow!! Everything will be OK and we'll be here for you!! What time is the procedure?

Sam - waiting on that bump picture!! :)

AFM - had my last research day for my university yesterday where all of me and my classmates present our data and I ended on a good note and won the competition! It was exciting! :)
The weather is FINALLY starting to turn for the better and I'm hoping it will bump me out of my final couple weeks of feeling icky from morning sickness! It's definitely helping with my energy!
keep on keeping on with the BF jess. I didn't have any problems in the feeding department. luckily, Ari went from bottle to boob like she was a pro. still does! BF came very naturally but stick with it. once you get the hang of it and into a steady pattern, its the easiest thing going. So convenient while you're home all day... less convenient when you are trying to go anywhere without the babe for the day.

who's all going to be affected by this crazyass weather down in the States? We are only predicted to get rain here in south central Ontario, but I see the crazy potential. Eeeeeek! Everyone be safe.
surgery is postponed until Monday bcz the birthing center at the hospital is full and they're under staffed. I'm not gonna lie... I'm kinda pissed.
Ugh, Rach, I'm sorry they did that to you. The apprehension would be killing me!

Can someone talk me off my ledge? This is my first cycle on Femara so not quite sure what to expect... My temps have been higher on this cycle (but we did just move, so maybe different environment?)... I had a temp jump this morning. Negative opk yesterday and the day before, positive today, ewcm today. I am afraid I o'd yesterday (bc of the temp spike). That is way too early at CD 9... We did bd on CD 8, but no way a healthy egg was ready that fast. Hopefully the temp spike was a fluke and I will O tomorrow or Saturday, but what if...? In the meantime, we will def keep BDing...
Alyssa i wouldn't think you O'd yesterday. You possibly could today so definitely BD, but i'm still even unsure about today. Your body could be preparing to O within the next couple of days. So make sure you keep up that BD!! :sex:

Lindsay how awesome you won the competition! congrats and welcome to second tri :flower:
Alyssa - I'm ready to talk you off the ledge as I don't think your temp spike is a "significant" spike since you've already been at the level earlier in your cycle. I think you're going to O today or (more likely) tomorrow and you'll probably have a temp drop tomorrow followed by a bigger temp spike in the next few days. Keep up the BD! O is probably close!! So exciting!! I wouldn't worry about your temps being higher than usual too as you've been on a lot of medication lately, busy, etc etc, I think that's normal especially since they're still within normal ranges - looks more like temps I was used to.

Sorry Rach! I would be pissed too! Don't you have a time limit on when you can get that done? When are you going in for your NT scan? I think that has a time frame in which you have to do it too.
Alyssa - by your chart so far i definitely think the 2nd you didn't O. I think you are today honestly! It's so hard to tell until you can fill in the blanks for the next couple of days! Just keep up that BD every day!! I bet it is so relieving to see an O at CD 12, etc compared to it being CD50 with no sign of it! SOOO exciting!!!!!!

Lindsay - i went in yesterday for my blood work for NT screening. I wanted to go before my surgery so that way i will know for sure whether or not anything was wrong before surgery. If baby is healthy and then when baby is born and something isn't right... i'd feel like i could say surgery was a reason for it. Just to have a lead. If that makes sense? They said results would be in next week!

So baby naming has become an obsession for me. I've spent HOURS on the internet and have looked through baby books. I've found a few i like, but Andrew has shot some down. Two names i REALLY love are Gavin and Gabriel. Bad thing about those 2 names is 1.) Gabriel is close to Andrew's nieces's name... Gabrielle. I feel like it's too similar and his sister would get mad? 2.) Gavin is my sister's best friend's son's name. I feel like i would be stealing it from them. I am just so lost for names. Other names we like are Owynn and Bradley. Andrew loves Bentley but since teen mom Maci has that... it's a no no lol. He also likes Austin, but i'm not a big fan of that. What the hell am i suppose to do lol. I love Brody, but Andrew doesn't. Grrr
Did they do the NT scan too?? Where they measure behind the baby's neck? I was looking up "abnormal" NT scans and I think when something is wrong it's really obvious. The NT tests is genetic abnormalities, so if baby was born with something like that it wouldn't be due to the surgery.

You have a long time to figure names out so I wouldn't obsess about it just yet! Keep bringing names up and you never know what you'll come up with. I love the name Gavin but it's WAY too close to our last name so it's a no no on our list of boy names haha. Just keep talking with Andrew - I'm pretty sure Kirk and I refused every single name the other said until we got to Oakley and even once we both decided we liked Oakley it took a while before we were set on it. I need to go back and look in his journal to see what the "runner-ups" were! I know we also thought about "Rylan" but Kirk thought it sounded too girly!

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