1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

awesome, Alyssa!! and you will try another cycle on...femara (that's what you were on?) or will you try something else???
I'm really not sure, that's the last of the "easy" options (typically if you don't respond to femara you won't respond to clomid). I'm really depressed and weepy this morning, my temps have been down for two days but so crazy I'm pretty sure I didn't O. I feel really hopeless and out of options, and I don't know what's next.
your temps have been higher and are still above your typical coverline so we'll see what your bloodwork shows - Your body definitely tried to respond to femara so I'm sure they'll have you try again!
I am anxious to see what your blood work says. Like Lindsay said, i'm more than positive he will have you try another round of it. Maybe even 2. Don't give up all hope and think this is it. Your body is just trying to adjust to everything and if it doesn't happen this month, hopefully it will be geared and ready for everything next month.

When you girls had an epidural did your body freak out afterwards? I had the shivers so so bad after. I obviously was super itchy too, but the shakes were awful. I googled and saw a lot of women get that. They gave me a pill. If you were to say the name i would remember, but i can't right now. It seemed to help the shakes, but then they came back for a short bit. Anywho... 18 weeks today!! I feel a bit better today. I can move around a little faster. I go in Monday to get my staples taken out.
It was tough for me to know what was side-effects from epidural vs. childbirth. I don't remember shakes - I remember my back being really sore but I have a crazy tilted uterus so most of my labor was in my back, so even though I only felt that in the beginning and the very very end, I'm not sure which the soreness was from. I don't remember any shakes or chills though. You get so many hormones post-delivery that I think you're kind of unaware of a lot of things! Hope they get better soon! You're almost halfway there!!
Yayy i know! I'm so excited. Yesterday i was having a hard time dealing with everything. When i came home from the hospital i had a gift from a friend in the mail that was 3 onesies, pants, 5 bibs, 2 pair of booties and a swaddle. They were absolutely precious. Well yesterday when i woke up i had this weird sensation. I don't know if it was a combination of a lot of things or what, but i felt like my baby was here and i didn't understand why i couldn't see him. After going through basically child birth (csection) and not having a baby, but coming home to clothes.. made it hard. Once i knew baby wasn't here then i started feeling grieving, but then i stopped myself and told myself "Rach, you're only 18weeks!". I just pray everything continues to go alright. I worry every single day. I know he's a tough cookie for going through all of this and still sticking with me. I think of being 18 weeks and i am so thankful, but then i think how i go 20 more weeks to worry and i really am not looking forward to that part. I need to just relax and enjoy the pregnancy. I hope once i start healing that i will be able to. I can't describe everything i am feeling, but that is it in a nutshell.

I'm also not feeling a whole lot the last week as far as movement. I hope that is okay? I know it all depends on the placement of your placenta and uterus as far as kicks go. I just want to feel him!
They typically don't tell you to start doing "kick-counts" I think until beyond 20 weeks. I did yoga with a lady that didn't even feel one movement until 22 weeks, so I think it's definitely baby/person dependent. I saw your post somewhere else that you felt kicks before surgery but haven't felt any since which made me think about why that could be and I came up with a couple guesses - 1. the tumor took up space in there and reduced baby's space, making you feel him squirming, 2. You most likely have fluid in your belly now from your body trying to heal and that can reduce what you're feeling and 3. You said you're taking Percocet and that could be making baby a bit drowsy and he won't be having his typical "parties" in there, if you know what I mean! haha.

Try to enjoy the pregnancy - you'll really miss it when it's over!! I'm trying to savor every moment of this one, although baby is making it difficult when I feel like crap haha, but I know I will miss it!!
Thanks Lindsay you always know how to make me feel better!

I've noticed since surgery baby harder to find with doppler but he has risen higher. dr said surgery took longer than expected bcz tumor was behind more than what he thought. what do u think that means? and why is it harder to find him?
Well that would make sense to me too - what he means by it being "behind more" than he thought is there's a lot of "stuff" all around your ovaries/uterus - intestines. So, if your tumor was back behind, it was pushing your uterus forward and now that it has room to move back, both uterus and baby are moving back. You also said somewhere you've gained a bit of weight and that can make the Doppler work less well and then again, you'll have fluid floating around to heal up everything which will make it more difficult too - PLUS you also said you have an anterior placenta (so do I - again!) which makes finding baby a lot more difficult. I've honestly only ever found the heartbeat through the placenta with my Doppler but that makes me happy enough! My doctor assured me that if the placenta is working then baby at this point is doing just fine!

That's just my guess as to what's goin on with you! Also - the weight gain you talked about and that I mentioned is not coming out of no where, it's likely from fluid retention.
Thanks Lindsay!

So, since i have time on my hands i started thinking about a psychic i had contacted in 2012. Come to find out she was right about everything. She had told me i was going to find out i was pregnant, give birth, or get pregnant in the month of APRIL and related her as a GIRL. Well, a few months later i wrote her again and she had changed it to SEPTEMBER and BOY. I was like "wow what a fake". I called her out and told her it was different. She responded with, "I'm seeing the same thing. A girl and a split view, then 2 boys. You will have the boys 2 years apart. I relate your second boy to MAY".

Well, now that i think of it. The APRIL and GIRL part could have been true. I found out i was pregnant in August 2013 on CD10, which means i would've been pregnant in July with a regular period inbetween. Therefore April would've been birth month. Baby could have possibly been a girl!

As for now, we know i am pregnant with a BOY and due in September! Super freaky! Also she had mentioned that maybe my 'infertility' had to do with my Endo and i needed to cleaned out. Umm, well... i just found out i had a tumor on my ovary for God knows how long that could have prevented me from getting pregnant!

Yeah, i'm a little freaked out about how correct she actually was! We'll see if in two years i'll be having a boy again.

Alyssa, if you wanted to contact her just for fun to see about yourself her name is Cheri. Her website is www.cheri22.com and she has a $5 basic reading which is what i did. She will tell you the gender and month of baby! Just a thought!
Hehheh Rach, you must be psychic, I was going to ask you!!

Thanks for the encouragement, girls, I'm trying to stay positive, but today it feels hard. I also puked three times and feel cruddy, which might be messing with my temps, but I would think illness would make them higher. Just one of those hard, friends are pregnant and lots of people are bragging about how easy it was. We've been trying for almost a year and a half, and I would have been due really soon from my mc. Did you find you felt better after your would-have-been-due date passed?
Honestly Alyssa, i felt crappy no matter what, but especially crappy on my Due Date. It's just a feeling you can't shake. It's something you want so badly and nothing can take it away until you get that BFP. I know the things you're feeling. I had tried 23 cycles, got pregnant then lost it. Then tried 3 more cycles and now have my rainbow! It's really hard being where you are right now. You're in the unknown. You feel like you're searching SO HARD for answers, but feeling like you're getting nothing in return. Trust me, they're going to come. I promise you they are. I know you want it NOW and you deserve it NOW since you've waited SO LONG, but unfortunately it all works on God's divine timing. I know this really doesn't even make you feel better because you hear all of this so much. I wish i could tell you exactly when you'll have your baby just to make the wait easier for you, but i can't. Just keep your faith and keep trying. Don't give up and don't lose hope. You're getting so close.
So i think i know why i haven't got a good feel for baby since surgery. The nurses kept finding him on the right side of my bandage. Since i've been home that is where i've looked. I find him, but it's faint and he moves so much that i hear it for a split second. Last night i ventured over to the left side and sure enough, i heard him plain as day! :cloud9: I started thinking about how big TheBump says he is and it would make sense (5.6inches). I listened this morning and i THINK i felt my first outside flicker. I could be wrong, but i think i did!!!
Just a blood draw. I have no idea what's going on, but my temps have been low and I doubt I O'd. Hopefully the doc will help me figure out what's next... I've done opks since CD 8, all negative except for days 10 and 11. Truly negative, even lower than my baseline from previous cycles.
Hi girls

I have been stalking and seeing how you were doing Rach and chart stalking you Alyssa. I wrote a huge post last week then lost it as was timed out - argh. Its happened before you'd think I'd have learnt.

Rach - how are you today. I hope the pain has settled fast and I can understand you not wanting to take the stronger painkillers. Yay for maybe feeling movement on the outside! It won't be long till Andrew will be able to feel his kicks too. Do you have another appointment soon for another scan/post op check up? Very freaky about the psychic lady!!

Alyssa - I hope the bloods give some idea of whats going on. The really negative opks were such a good sign, just needed those temps to have been higher. Could they not scan your ovaries to see if you look like to are due to/have ov'd? So sorry you have been feeling ill. Seeing pg news especially when they say how easy it was can really hurt. They are probably not aware of what some poeple have to go through to get their babies but it still hard for you :hugs: I feel that the due date is very hard however I was pg with B by then and that helped so can only imagine how I would have been still ttc. When is the due date anniversary? Fingers crossed you get your bfp before then.

Linds - loved the pic of O on fb!! Great way to announce!! Hope the good days are now out numbering the bad ones with regards the nausea. Fab news about winning the competion. Does that help with the graduation?

Jess - totally agree with Linds on the cutting down supplements. Your supply will start to regulate especially the more she feeds. Bfing is WAY more difficult than people ever tell you but so worth it if you can stick with it.

Mar -hope all is well with you guys.

pinkerton -congrats!! Hows things?

Hi Kels.

afm - I have been so busy at work and then mega tired in the evenings, I have been lurking but never getting round to posting. Sorry. Weather getting nicer here so hoping to get out to more places at the weekend with B. We went to sea world and he loved looking at the fishes and sharks.
Alyssa - let us know what the doc says today - your temps are nice and low today, I'm wondering if you're body is gearing up again. Any signs of fertile CM? I think it's a great sign you had such clear cut negatives and positives on your OPKs when you've never had that before. hoping your body is getting the hang of it and if you need to go on to another cycle that it will be in the right groove!!
I'm so sorry about the comments about how easy it is to get pregnant. I'm pretty sure every single one of my friends has gotten pregnant within 1-3 months and the rare one that it has taken 4-6 months is like a huge deal and I don't know ANYONE in person that has had a loss. None of them know how to talk to me, but I'm the type of person that will talk about uncomfortable topics to nearly anyone, as I think it's good for people to understand that life isn't always so easy for everyone in the TTC world. I've never had trouble getting pregnant, so I can't commiserate with you there but I can definitely commiserate in having very strong feelings toward people taking advantage of being pregnant and getting pregnant. :hugs: you WILL get there and that baby will be the most loved child on this planet!!

Rach - Hope you're starting to feel better! The weather is hopefully helping you!! Very cool about an outside flicker! I felt little one move around about a week ago but haven't felt anything since. Hoping to get consistent movements soon!!

Sam - I know what you mean about being super tired!! I've been waiting for my second trimester "bloom" of energy but it just doesn't seem to fully come! I remember having more energy when I was pregnant with Oakley but I'm definitely doing a LOT better at this point. I threw up on Friday but think I just waited too long to eat and then I ate too much!! Are you able to eat well??
Alyssa - i'm wondering if your body is getting ready for an early AF? I could be wrong, but if you DID ovulate on CD11 then that would mean AF would be here CD25 if your luteal phase is normally 14 days. Getting AF wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily. You could just move on to a newer cycle that your body will hopefully be more prepared to take the femara. Let us know what your Dr says.

Sam - i was just thinking about you and wondering how you've been. So happy you and B aren't sick! I bet Sea World was a lot of fun!! Did you take any pics? How is your pregnancy going? You feeling good?

Lindsay - Saw your fb reveal :) Love Oakley's shirt. So cute.

I go at 3pm to get staples removed. I'm feeling a lot better than i was a week ago. Hard to believe the procedure was that long ago. Seems just like 2 days ago. I've noticed since he went in there, my uterus is more visible now. I wonder if he moved it or if it has more room to move? I don't know! All i know is now when i lay down i can see the uterus just floating there. I can tell it's not just fat anymore (YAY!). I can't wait to 'pop'. I still am in that awkward stage. Wow and i can't believe how much maternity clothes are! Holy smokes.
Well, I guess I must have O'd, because AF is here. My doc will call (well, a nurse will call) with my bloodwork results today, so I'll chat with her and see what they want me to do... If I O'd on CD 11, that's a 10 day luteal phase, which is short, but I don't know exactly when I O'd, and my cycles are so inconsistent that I can't tell by counting backward from my luteal phase. May still have O'd on CD 9 based on my temps. Either way, it's more positive... If my body is responding to the femara, I feel like it's about dialing in the right dose and timing.

Also, I started bleeding last night... Just a little, but definitely more than spotting. What should I count as CD 1?
I always count the first day of real bleeding as Cd1 - I almost always get AF at night with just spotting but thats what I put in FF and they start AF as CD1 the next day. This is good news right? We're happy you're responding to femara, right? Sounds like you need to start it a day or two later - very exciting! :)

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