1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Rach - 4 days late!!?? This has got to be it for you!!! I have everything crossed!!!
Lindsay I can't wait to see the house pics---I found Rachey babes on facebook, and I'll probably find everybody else then from her page! So exciting the baby room is already done, now just fill'r up :)
Jessie how is AF---just looking at your chart we're only a day off from each other! Hear anything more on your tissue? Have you and DH decided if you'll start trying right away, or wait until after your vaca?
Sam are your temps still being weird? Hopefully weird temps=BFP! I'm telling you, in all my googling, I did find a lot of posts where women said their temps were really weird/lower the cycle they got a BFP. So, it could be a good sign? When is your testing date?
Eliza----have you OV'd yet?
RACHAEL----DO YOU HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS FOR US?!?! 4 DAYS LATE IS AWESOME!!! :baby: Pink cm could be implantation! The month I was PG I had really weird pink/peach tinged CM!!!!!
Started 3rd round of clomid tonight! I got my PG tests in the mail, and the PG tests had a "free fertility test" inside. I've seen them in the store and wanted to buy them, but figured I'd freak out if it came back not fertile and it's probably not reliable. But now I'm temped to try it out. Only thing is I'd have to wait until next cycle because apparently you have to use it on CD3. Apparently if you get 2 light lines you've got good egg reserve, 2 dark lines the eggs aren't good.
Oh how i wish i'd see a positive but nope. Another BFN. I don't understand what is going on? Like yesterday i had real bad lower backache. It was almost like AF was going to come. Well, like i said had just brownish/pink CM. My backache went away a tiny bit later. Well today, i had the same pinkish/brown very very very light cm. Then my ovaries started hurting. Felt like i was O'ing or maybe getting AF. Like one side would kinda throb, then the other. Right now it's gone. I feel nothing. I went pee and there's nothing. I have no idea wtf is going on??!!? I haven't bled red blood AT ALL. Just little bits of very light pink/brown. So damn weird. I'm really confused. This is CD 34. Longest cycle since my miscarriage in August. All i can think of is my diet making it all wack.

Kelsey awwh you're such a beautiful girl! so glad you found me on there. woot woot.

Jessie how you doing sweety?!?
Rachel - when did you start your diet? It can affect your cycles but more usually delaying ov than anything else. I wish we could know one way or another, its this uncertainty that is the killer :hugs:

Kelsey - I have never heard of the fertility tests. It sounds interesting but scary at the same time. I would like to know about my reserve, being a bit older it is a worry. I hope this cycle of clomid work for you.

Hi Eliza, Lindsey and Jessie.

afm - had another bad sleep last night despite being knackered and going to bed early. I was getting palpatations and then kept waking up with night sweats. The night sweats seem to be routine thing for me now during the middle of the 2ww, its damned annoying. I had bad cramps on Monday night too, I have aches all pretty much all the time nowadays but these felt more crampy than normal. I don't want to think of these as signs as I feel it is too early and don't want to get my hopes up especially as my temps are acting strange.

Really not sure what my temps are doing. Got a big temp jump today but that takes them to where they normally are. So does that mean something good or delayed progesterone production? I wish it was next week already. On a good note though the carpet is getting fitted today then furniture on Friday!
Hi Girls!

Kelsey - Thanks for adding me on facebook! I accidentally did one of those fertility tests without reading the directions and so I think I did it around the time of ovulation instead of CD3 so it was useless lol. Hopefully you won't have a CD3 again for a long time so you won't get to use that until your next baby! :)

Rach - how weird!! and kind of annoying! Maybe you ov'd late and now we just have to wait a little longer for your BFP! I haven't given up hope that this is the cycle! Have you been stressed too? I used to find that messed up my cycles more than anything else!

Jess - any news on your tissue/test results?? I'd start calling and rolling heads soon!

Sam - I think night sweats are a pregnancy symptom! Early in my pregnancy this time I had a really hard time staying asleep. I would wake up around 4 or 5 every day no matter what time I went to bed the night before and wouldn't be able to go back to sleep for anything! I took a lot of naps! Hope this is it for you! :)

Eliza - I love your photos of your horses on facebook! They're beautiful!! Hope you're doing good! Where are you in your cycle??

AFM - I had my doctor's appointment on Monday and my doctor was really disappointing!! DH just kept staring at the door because I'm pretty sure he wanted to punch him in the face lol. Thankfully he's the only doctor in the group that I really don't care for! I asked him if I can do prenatal yoga (I'm concerned about it because of the cervix issues) and he said "I don't know - there's no research on that" so I asked if I could just get his opinion and he gave me the generic "If you did it before you were pregnant it will probably be OK". Then I was concerned because my belly can get really tender to the touch and all he said was "get used to it - it's just going to get worse". and he was just very unhelpful. I have another appointment tomorrow just to check my cervix so hopefully they'll have some better information for me. They are "high risk" doctors so their bedside manner is really amazing!

My SIL took more pictures of the baby for me and we confirmed we have a little boy in there but I was having a contraction when she was scanning me (I freaked out but she said that's how your uterus expands - contracts and releases further) but because of the contraction the baby was smushed in there (poor thing) and we couldn't get very good pictures. We could see everything on the screen and it still amazes me every time how fast they grow! She measured him and he's 10cm head to butt and 5oz. so crazy!

Hope everyone is doing great today - we're getting snow here today so I'm cozy on my couch to avoid bad traffic this afternoon! I have tons of work to do though but I'll be checking in on you ladies throughout the day since I'm at home - yay! I just have a desk out in the open at work so babyandbump doesn't work so well there! :p
I'm at work, but I just had to quick get on here and tell Rachael that I dreamt you got a BFP!!!!
WEIRD Kelsey because i did too....

Pink i hate the damn 2WW too... or in my case the 3WW lol. I've been testing since what i 'thought' was 7dpo. I have no idea when i O'd because i never used the cbfm or opk's. So, i'm kinda f'd! Anywho, everything you are describing sounds really GOOD. I got my fx'd you're gonna get a BFP next week!!!!! So excited to see!! Oh and getting carpet fitted... that's got to be fun. I love decorating a home and see how beautiful it looks afterwards. I prob should do that with my life. LOL.

Lindsay AWHHH!!! baby boy!!!!!! I'm so excited for you. whoop whoop. I would have been flipping too if i felt a contraction. Everything is fine though :) Thank goodness for your SIL. Your other doctor seems so vague (i think thats how you spell it?). When might you be able to see your favorite doctor or don't you know? Can't believe you're almost 16 weeks!!!!

AFM, last night after i went pee i stuck my fingers up there and felt my cervix. It's hardish and low. I kinda felt around the whole thing and when i pulled out my finger it was all brown. I wipe and there was more brown with a little tiny red clot. After that, nothing. Today.... nothing. NOTHING AT ALL. Grrrr. It's like it's taking it's sweet ass time coming. I feel kinda achy down my butt right now. I really am getting so damn upset about it. I don't feel stressed but i imagine i am. Well i'm off to play with myself some more to see if anything else comes out.
oh I couldn't feel it thank goodness!! haha I would've been flipping out completely!! We could just see it on the scan. Usually the gestation sac is like an oval but it looked like a kidney bean smushing in the middle. I booked my 20 week scan - they said it will take an hour! I'm so excited lol. Just hoping I'm not having another contraction there so we can see him moving around - he had no room to move on Monday. DH was a bit diappointed because we could only see him kind of punch and kick me but not his usual flipping around.

Well - I hope your BFN's turn to BFP's soon!! My cervix was very hard and closed when I got my BFP - not sure how it used to be when I wasn't pregnant though. I only really started paying attention to that once I got pregnant for some reason. Now I can't find it but that's cuz my uterus shifted up - which is super nice for my peeing frequency! I've made it through the night two nights in a row whereas I used to go 2-3 times a night!! wee!
Kelsey -Oh I hope your dream come true for Rachel.

Lindsey - some Dr's are just total planks! I sometimes wonder how they manage to get that far. Luckily your other Dr's will be better informed, so I hope your cervix is behaving itself for tomorrow. Yay!! for confirmation of little boy, squished as he was. Are you thinking of names yet now you know for sure the gender. The couch sound like a great idea, I won't have one till Friday!!
Rachel - missed your post as I got distracted writing my other one. I can't believe still no AF. Its taking its sweet time but I still hope those bfn change to bfps though.

Lindsey - I had such bad night sweat the first few weeks (3-6) of my pg that I was soaked through most nights. However I have had them (mild) during the 2ww the last few months, and I think before then so it may be hormonal but I hope it means more than that this time.
we have started thinking about names, so far we have:

Rylan - a boys name but has been used as a girl's name in recent years so DH is reluctant
Oakley - just worried about it also being the sunglass brand but I think this is my favorite right now
Kirk - DH's name and I just love it but not sure how he feels about it - been hard to read!
Oh and I just saw Quinlan that I like - haven't even mentioned that one to DH yet though.

middle name will definitely be Daniel to honor my dad - my brother is not going to have any kids (by choice) so we'd like to give some sort of tribute to my side of the family.
I Like Quinlan as I think Quinn is a really nice name, but that might also be due to the bloke that plays the Werewolf on True Blood!!
Rach, i'm really hoping this is your bfp and you have implantation spotting, that would be wonderful!! How extreme has your weight loss been? That can delay af but think it has to be pretty extreme. Got everything crossed for you!
Lindsay just think youll feel him move soon!!! :cloud9:
Jessie, are you going ttc this cycle?
Pink, shall I just chat to you on the other thread or i will probably repeat myself!
Kelsey, are you going to stay with the clomid?
afm still getting very faint positives on ics and theyre driving me nuts!!!
I've actually felt him move some this past week! I didn't know what it was but I'm convinced it's him! We were watching a movie and he was flippin out in there! can't wait until it's consistent and DH can feel it too - that'll be a while!
Fili - It looked like I was ignoring you but since we chat elsewhere I didn't want to repeat my self either!
I know pink! I will be :ignore: - ing you from now on lol! x x x
My friend named her daughter Quinn! She is just too precious.

Well i think AF is making her entrance. I just went to the bathroom and i had more stuff than last night and the cramps are getting stronger. Also bad some clots in the toilet. So HOPEFULLY this is her. If not, i will prob shoot myself. Time to start pouring the drinks. In need of a good time!

Mel yeah my weight loss has been kinda extreme. It's been almost 20 days and i've lost 16lbs, but keep in mind that i am a BIG girl. Just been working out hard and eating healthy. Doing it the right way for sure! :) How you doing sweety pie?!

I absolutely love reading baby names!!!!! I sit here and google stuff all the time. i even get on yahoo answers and ask questions about what baby names ppl like LOL. I love it because it's SUCH a big deal to me. Lindsay i can totally understand your husband having a hard time naming your dog LOL. I am the same way. It has to be perfect. I think i'll prob go into labor early just stressing over baby names. lol!

kels how you doing?!?!?!? How is work?

Jessie, any word on the tissue?
Aww rachel I'm so hoping you get your bfp soon and you've just got your dates mixed up or something! if the weight loss isn't extreme it can't be that then so it must be your bfp! Fx fx fx for you x x

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