1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kelsie I'm sorry the witch got you. And I'm sorry for the way u have been treated by that cow of a nurse.
Jessie I sent u a private message on here with my name. Anyone else want me too I'll send it to u too
Jessie I had my d and c on Thursday and it was painless and everyone was lovely it was over quick! Due to get a negative test really soon as they are soooo faint! :yipee: going to try again next week! The egg will be released soon if this is the same as my other mc's. But going to be on the blood thinning injections and progesterone and aspirin in case I do have that antilhopholipid syndrome. How you doing? Have you got full af yet after brown spotting? I'm ttc before af so I don't want to see it for the next ten months at least! But at your stage getting af is good as it means you're closer to ov again If you haven't already been trying x X x

Kelsey I REALLY think you need a different clinic that is APPALLING. All this is stressful enough without being treated like that x x x x x:hugs:
Mel - glad the procedure went well. I find that the D&C is the best way to just move on from it all too.

Still no AF for meyet. I don't know whats going on. We have not been TTC but we have done the BD, we are just trying to be careful until we know the results of the tissue (which by the way I am getting very annoyed about the length of time that is taking). Anyway, I know AF can take some time but mine have typically been within the month. The one time it was really late it turned out I was prego.

Maddy - found you on FB and Rach too. Hopefully we can all link up through each others pages! :)

Well we just got the boat and just spending the day anchored not too far from our marina so we can still pick up their wi-fi signal :) All the comforts of home in our little weekend "condo" :) Those of you in the cold are going to be mad at me but its supposed to get up to 80 here today. We have had a super mild winter this year, hard to believe its actually February!!!
Jessie keep pestering them Hun, I had to pester to get mine. At least one phone call a week. X
Kelsey - :( I'm sorry hun!! I've been thinking about you all day! I have everything crossed for you on your next cycle but like Mel - I agree! you need a new office unless your doctor is some sort of god!

Rach - what's your status??? I'm hoping you've just been putting off testing and we'll see a BFP soon! We need a pick-me-up!

Mel - so glad your procedure went well - I thought the D&C made it much easier to move on. I hope you catch that egg before AF has a chance to show!!

Eliza - I found you!! :) on facebook that is haha

Hi sam!

I hope I didn't forget anything! My morning sickness is kinda back - and I mean kinda. It's very weird. Threw up two days ago and this morning but it's definitely different than before. I think I just need to figure out my trigger foods or something. Even though I've been sick I've had way more energy and have done probably 6 loads of laundry already today!! We went away last weekend so it definitely piled up!! I have another appointment on Monday with the one doctor I really am not a big fan of. I had a bunch of questions but I'm sure I'm not going to like his answers. We'll see! If not, I'll call on another day and see if I can talk to my favorite nurse.
Hi Lindsey - Wow to the washing frenzy! I know some people get ms through out their pg and it does seem to come and go.

Jessie - it must be so nice to get away for the weekend on your boat and have nice temperatures. It is -4 today so a bit chilly. I hope AF turns up soon, any feeling she might be on her way? You may have mentioned before but have you had a -ve hcg yet?

Rachel - Any testing news? I hope you are out celebrating your bfp and that is why you haven't been on yet.

Kelsey - that nurse sounds just awful. Regardless of how busy she is etc she shouldn't be speaking to you like that. Surely she must realise how anxious and upsetting it is ttc and just want to know the next possible steps. Grr :growlmad: I am really quite mad at her, I would never dream of speaking like that to my patients.

hi Eliza - hope you had a nice start to you weekend. Any signs of gearing up for Ov?

Hi Mel - see you back on the other thread!!

afm -I am a bit concerned as my temps don't seem to be as high post ov this month as they have been in the past few months. Usually I am up past 37oC by 4dpo and it is not as if pre-ov levels where lower and there is is a corresponding rise. I just hope it is not a hormonal thing. Dec/Jan cycle looks perfect and that is the one I sat out - argh. I used a different bbt this month so wondering if that might make a difference, but doubt it as I have used it from the beginning so maybe it is just the temperature outside, I hope so. For some reason I don't think this is my month and atm I am okay with that, but that might change next week!

ANOTHER DIY day but that is the last bit sawing type work. That last bit of skirting is on and I just need to paint that and the wall then wait for the carpet fitters and furniture to arrive then its done - phew.
Hi Sam - when you asked about: -ve hcg
Is this a negative HCG test? If so they did not test HCG this time after my D&C. I think the only time they did that was when I went though a natural MC. They don't seem to do it for some reason with the D&C's. I kinda have a feeling that AF is on her way. I had a little bit of heavier brown spotting today and I feel a little cramping. I don't know we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Lindsay - I hear you get a lot more energy in your 2nd tri. I hope the sickness goes away soon!!!
Took a test when i came home and it's a BFN. When i wiped it seemed like my AF is going to come tmrw or something. Who knows. I know i'm out this month. I hope to be able to use my CBFM right this month LOL. I think i'm going to buy a basal thermometer. Never charted my temps before, but i think you girls have convinced me to. I'm going to reset my monitor as well. Stupid wonky thing! Just so weird how my monitor always reads high for me. Makes me wonder if i have pcos or something. I pray to God i don't. I did get 20 cheapie pregnancy tests in the mail today for next month. (10miU/l) Woohoo. Just need to buy that thermometer and more cbfm sticks.

Eliza and Jessie, thanks for the add girls! :)

Pink not sure about the whole temps thing but don't worry about it. Maybe in some weird odd way that's a good thing? I think you will be the next BFP.

Lindsay woohoo for morning sickness.... again! LOL. That's a good thing. I HATE DOING LAUNDRY with a passion. I hate putting them in the washer, dryer and folding it. I am screwed when i have a baby! LOL.

Kelsey hope you're doing okay today sweety. I know AF has got you down but smile and know we are TTC together! We will be O'ing around the same time this upcoming month, IF i get AF tmrw. :) :hugs:

Well, i live in Indiana and the superbowl is in Indy this year. Soo, it's a stinking madhouse around this state LOL. They said hotels were booked 60 miles out of Indy for it. DAMN. So glad they aren't coming to my hotel LOL. I'd prob call in. I can't wait for tmrw. PIZZA, WINGS and BEER!!!! So excited. nomb nomb nomb
Mel - glad the procedure went well. I find that the D&C is the best way to just move on from it all too.

Still no AF for meyet. I don't know whats going on. We have not been TTC but we have done the BD, we are just trying to be careful until we know the results of the tissue (which by the way I am getting very annoyed about the length of time that is taking). Anyway, I know AF can take some time but mine have typically been within the month. The one time it was really late it turned out I was prego.

Maddy - found you on FB and Rach too. Hopefully we can all link up through each others pages! :)

Well we just got the boat and just spending the day anchored not too far from our marina so we can still pick up their wi-fi signal :) All the comforts of home in our little weekend "condo" :) Those of you in the cold are going to be mad at me but its supposed to get up to 80 here today. We have had a super mild winter this year, hard to believe its actually February!!!

OMG JESS YOU COULD BE PG?!??!?! Are you going to test?!?!?!! Ok, you really sparked my attention.....I think you should do a test, just in case! And you asked what softcups are. They're something that some women use when they get AF instead of tampons, but it's been discovered that it helps women who are TTC because you put it in after bd and then it keeps hubby's sperm close up in your cervix. It took me awhile to get the hang of them, but I love them because it makes sex so much less messy! Here's a link: https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/softcup.html

PS----You're so lucky it's not a normal winter here, or I'd be soooo jealous of your 80!! (still jealous, just not crazy winter blues jealous). It's been the most mild winter I can EVER remember----it's been 40's this week which is UNHEARD OF. Your weekend on the boat sounds amazing. I so wish we all lived closer and could do things like that together.
Aww Linds sorry you're feeling crappy again! When will it go away and you can just finally enjoy this 2nd trimester---it's supposed to be the best! I hope you get your questions answered, just be prepared to be persistent. Will you get another scan? Hopefully!
Sam that's weird you mention that about your temps! After my D&C my temps were sooo much lower than normal! I posted it in a couple diff. forums asking people if they ever noticed their temps lower after miscarriage but nobody really responded. I started taking vitamin B6 again, and it raised them a bit higher, but still not as high as usual. This last cycle was actually the first cycle they were closer to high. Idk, I just think miscarriages really mess with our hormones. If you keep noticing they're lower than normal, I'd see about maybe testing your progesterone? I think my temps were lower because of my lower progesterone. How exciting that the remodeling is moving along!
Rachael I hope AF doesn't show!!!! If she's not there in the am, will you test again? This is the longest your cycle has been, usually you're a couple days ahead of me and I even had a longer than normal cycle this last one! My fingers and toes are crossed, but JUST IN CASE AF does come, I'm so happy you're going to try temping. Temping will help you figure out if you're for sure OV'ing ever cycle. It also will take out all the wonder of how many DPO you are. It will help the DR's with testing too if you ever end up needing to do testing. I LOVE stalking peoples charts! But, hopefully we don't have to worry about all of this and you'll be getting your BFP :)
Ok, now I have to figure out how to find you all on facebook!
Kelsey - I don't think I would be prego. DH and I did it really late this month and were careful. Besides I have had cramping today and more brown discharge. Looks like you, Rach and I will be OV about the same time this month. If Rach starts temping too it will be interesting to compare charts. I don't have my thermometer on the boat with me so I will start temping a little (on Monday).

The boating has been great this year. Last year, the winter was terrible. I told DH that it must have been mother nature telling us that we needed to stay home with our little sick kitty. This year she's not with us and the weather has been much better so its nice to go out. It would be nice to have some of you girls closer we love to go out!! :)

Rach - hope you're hotel is not too busy. I used to work at a hotel too. I do not miss the crazy hours I had to work!!!
Awh thank you girls. Ya'll are awesome!! Once i start temping you HAVE to tell me what's good, what's bad, what's ovulation, etc. I have no clue! LOL.

Jessie, that would be awesome in a way if you were pregnant (stayed full term, obviously). It would be a beautiful surprise. When should you hear back about your tissue?

Kels, my fb page is .... https://www.facebook.com/rach818xx
Good morning ladies!!! Thanks for your comments on the morning sickness - you're all so sweet! I'm kinda happy it's still here (I know - weird!) but it is much easier to deal with now than before! I'm feeling better this morning. I'm starting to think eggs are a trigger food for ms for me as it seems every time I eat them I throw up, so those are out!

My house is *cleaner* than it has been since I got pregnant and started having symptoms! I'm pretty proud of myself as I did all of it yesterday! DH even got me a sign last weekend to put up that says "dust bunnies are a country accent" hahaha :p the house has gotten pretty out of control but we too are remodeling so DH hasn't had time/energy to help out much - if you add me on facebook you can see the latest demolition - our bathroom. We have a 210+ year old house and while it's unique and has character - it needs a LOT of work! We've come a long long way and I think DH is itching to get out, well I know he is! Me being pregnant has really slowed things down as I used to do all the cleanup and painting, and I can do neither now. Good news is we finished the baby room between my two pregnancies - so that's all ready to go.

Rach - Hopefully you're pregnant and you won't need to but if AF shows - start charting!! I LOVE reading charts! I have no idea why. It was such a therapeutic thing for me to do right after my miscarriage as I felt like I knew what was going on - even though half the time I just stared at my chart haha.

Jess - I'm so jealous of your boat - it looks like you guys have a great time on facebook!! I really hope AF shows for you soon, I know that wait is really aggravating! I remember when I got it DH and I went out to dinner to celebrate lol.
Lindsay - your're house is 210+ years old??? I have to check it out. I love the design of old houses!!!

Rach - any news yet? Hopefully AF did not show up!

Mel - are you going to start trying this month or wait for AF and then try?

AFM, AF definitely started so I will start temping tomorrow morning. I hope I find out about my tissue results soon because I am not sure what to do about trying. I would think when I do start TTC I might need to start taking progesterone earlier etc. Not sure if my doctor will prescribe this for me yet until she gets the labs back.
Yay Jessie I'm glad that it has started for u and u don't have to wait any longer. Rach I still have my fingers crossed for u. Thanks for the adds on fb u guys. As for me nothing new her just sooooo hot. No Ewcm yet which is weird. Not that we have been doing much practicing this month.
Hi ladies.

Jessie - yay for AF arriving. Seems strange saying that as usually its not something we want to see, but it means you can now start ttc with ernest!
I love temping and chart stalking. It is such a good way to understand what its going on but it can get a bit stressful in eh 2ww.

Lindsey - wow 210+. I thought our redecorting was difficult and our house is only 12 years old!! I would love to have period type property as they ahve so muh character but with that come a host of other issues I presume.

Eliza - Do you normally get lots of ewcm? I started using EPO in Nov and it has made big difference. I don't think I had much of an issue with ewcm but was willing to give it extra help!

Rachel - any news? Hope you are ok.

Kelsey - Hope AF is not too sore and will be over with soon.
Girls! Work is crazy today, so I'll either try on my lunch to read through everybody's posts or after work (I've skimmed through them and glad everybody seems good---Eliza, you must be VERY close to OV).
JESSIE!! YYEEAAHHH HUN, so glad AF showed up (althought it would have been amazing to find out woops, I'm 6 weeks PG).
Rachael, I'm wondering where you are?!!?? Dying to hear your status.
AFM, AF and I are just chilling :) Actually this month it's only my 4th day and I'm just barely spotting---which is unusual. I know this could be a sign that clomid is thinning out my lining. Also, I have ulcers that are acting up, so woofrickenhoo. lol
Oh girls, I need to get home and find you on facebook!
Stupid phone. I wrote a message and it didn't work. Didnt say much. At work ATM so I'll update later. Have a great day girls. Rach has af arrived or u still testing
Hey girls. Sorry been MIA. Anywho, no AF. I thought it was going to come earlier. I had bad lower backache and when i wiped it seemed like it was trying to start. There was no blood but kinda pink CM. Nothing else other than that. No idea wtf is going on but it's aggravating me to death. I can take one more test but i already know it's gonna be a BFN. Have no symptoms at all. No fatigue, nothing. It's 4 days late. Feels like a month.

Jessie woohoo on AF. That is great news! I hope you hear back from the hospital about your tissue. can't imagine the anxiety you have over it.

Kelsey hope AF is gone for you. It sucks we won't be close in O anymore :( but we def will still keep TTC together! :) Find me on fb girl

Eliza, Pink, Mel, Lindsay and anyone else i forgot... hiii :wave: hope y'all are doing good!

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