1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Kelsey your appt. went the best it could, i think! I hope and pray that was your only problem with not getting pregnant. It's so neat they can go in and do something like that. I think you should just wait the next month, try clomid again and wait on the FSH. Your dr. sounds very trusting and knows what they're doing!

AFM well i had pink come out on the toilet paper earlier.... i had a huge crying session. I feel so vulnerable. I just feel so yuck... just want to cry again..
You won't Jessie don't worry! Just think how quickly you get pregnant too. Is this your second period after you mc then? X x
Kels sounds to me like you're going to be preggo very soon, you know lots of people get pregnant quickly after that procedure. Sorry it was painful :-( :hugs: x x
Rach :hug: it's soooooo frustrating isn't but youre not out yet by far :hugs: x x
Mel - yes this was my second AF after MC. Did you see my chart. My body went nuts this past month :wacko:

Awww Rach, I hope that is not AF on its way and just a little implantation bleeding. Please do me a favor, tie a little string around your index finger (just like when you were a kid) so that you remember to get your BBT today!!! I hope you won't need it but if you do, it would be best to start right when AF starts.
Rachel - hoping that bleed is nothing more than IB and the witch misses you out this month. I second getting a bbt reminder!!

Mel - hope the superscan goes okay today.

Kelsey - :hugs: for the painful hsg. Like the others have said, maybe this has cleared out your snotty tubes/cervix and OH swimmers can now get to their goal. I don't know much about clomid+iui. Could you try one cycle normally, one with clomid only and one with clomid/iui?

Jessie - hows AF treating you today? I know you probably said, are you missing this month out too?

Lindsey - Glad the yoga went well. I tried it a few years ago (not sure what type) and struggled so bad I never did it again. All these 80 year old women with their legs over their heads. Ok slight exaggeration but way better than me!!

Back from the EPU and bloods. The Karotyping results are in both of us are 'Apparently normal female/male' Not sure what the 'apparently' means though!!

I had the lovely mw I saw for my mc scans. She suggested I take 5mg dose of Folic Acid as the Consultant feels it may have some effect on a protein in clotting (I know thats the MTHFR gene thing but she never specifically said that) So she gave me a 28 day box and to get it on repeat prescription. Oh, and she said it would be ok to start trying again if I wanted - hahaha.
I haven't caught up with what you ladies said yet - but kelsey I skimmed yours and it seems like good news to me!! I just wanted to post a few pictures for you guys from today :) One is a profile, the other a 3D of his face with his hand up by his face and the last a 3D with his boy parts in it (hehe). The cysts are still there but they aren't concerned still. So, yay for that!

DH got the day off to come with me, yay! so we're going to go out to lunch.

Hope you guys are having a great day!


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Aww Jessie babe they will not tell you that you have expired eggs! I think you'd have difficulty getting pregnant all together if they were "expired"! Do you know how long it takes to get your results back from that?
Aww Rachy, I just want you to know that on my PG cycle, I had a very light pink cm that was weird in color---but didn't think anything of it and thought AF was coming. Then, at 12 DPO, I had a lot of bloody brown discharge so I was having myself a cry fest. But, I woke up the next day and my temps were still up and it was a BFP! I know you're probably sick of us hounding you, but def. get the BBT, because that can tell you so much about your ovulation and confirm if you are ovulating. Since testing can be expensive, it helps to be able to tell them if you get pos OPKs every month, and if you haev a clear temp shift. If you're not getting pos OPK (or at least not every month) and you're not having a temp shift every month, then you may not be ovulating and they could put you on something like Clomid right away to make sure you get good ovulation every month. Clomid works so much better with somebody that's not ovulating on their own, than with someone like me that already ovulates and is just "unexplained". Aaannnndddd since you don't know for SURE when you ovulated, you may only be like 7 DPO and that's the perfect time for implantation spotting!
Sam that's great that so far all of your testing is coming back good! Aren't you glad you didn't wait to TTC??? :)
OMG Lindsay---I thought your scan was on Friday so what a great surprise for me to open this thread up and see the pictures!!!!! When will they check you again? Did they tell you that if they're not gone by like week 35 that's first when they'd worry---or not worry at all regardless? His lil guy parts---bet hubby is proud!! :) :) Adorable <3
AMAZING Pics Lindsay he is adorable!!! :cloud9:
Kels so what were the results of your hsg Hun? I'm reading back and I can't find what they were, is everything ok? Edit I'm getting confused with the names of procedures, that was your hsg :dohh:
Pink I'm glad youre apparently normal :haha: I always did wonder about you :haha:
Glad you've got the green light to try again now too :haha:
Jessie, I'm glad you've found lots of comfort in the stories on the pal thread theyre amazing aren't they?

Had my 3d saline scan and everything is perfect!! No scarring no tissue no cysts no nothing all clear and the best bit... A good egg reserve!!!! :yipee: :yipee: . The thing that's stopping me getting my af is my corpus luteum which is now haemorrhaging which means it's going to go soon. He said I will ovulate next and then get my period. So relieved! It was painful but worth it to know that.
Hi girls! :wave:

Omgosh Lindsay the pics are great!!! :happydance: ...and the one of his "parts" :) yup definitely a boy. So glad things are going well!! :yipee:

Sam - so glad your karyotyping is all normal. What other tests are they doing? I think it wouldn't hurt to take the Folic Acid. I just started back up my regimen of 2mg Folic Acid, Prenatal w/ DHA, and baby aspirin. Did they say anything about how things look for you this cycle? Yes I am taking this cycle off too. I should be ready to go next month!!! :)

Kelsey - I would think the results of my testing should be back within a week. I will ask them when I go tomorrow. So anything planned for your month off? Lots of drinking? I think I might do some drinking this weekend!! :drunk:

Mel - So glad everything is good with your test and you have plenty of eggs!!! I'm sure that will really help if you do the IVF w/ PGD. Yes those ladies on the PAL thread are amazing. I need to go back and start reading from the beginning but it will probably take me a while to get caught up. They have me inspired to endure a couple more losses if necessary :wacko: (lets hope not).

Ok, so I have decided, that since we're all such good friends we should remind Rach daily of her to-do's, just so she doesn't forget :winkwink: With all of our hounding, uh I mean reminders, she will be right on track for her BFP!! Ok, I'll go first...

TO DO for Rach: Buy BBT

AFM, I am feeling Ok today. AF always sucks, I feel crampy and achey!! Plus I decided this might be a good time to start getting the pregnancy weight off and in shape for my trip. Well I went out and did a long walk/run the other day and to top all of my AF stuff, my legs are killing me!!! (I am in terrible shape!!!)
im 1 dpo todayyyyyy

i am on cd 15 and i am going to try to hold off testing til next weekend..ill be like 11/12 dpo...

i am pretty dry down there today and i def ovulated 2 eggs bc i am monitored, i take clomid...(this is my 2nd round)

heres to twins!!!! :)
OMG LINDSAY... that sonogram is just..... AMAZING! I can't even find the words. I never ever saw a sonogram like that! He looks so gorgeous and so healthy. I am just so so so happy for you and Kirk!!!!!! OMGGGGGOSH!!!!!!!! Love babies and i already love yours! LOL. Not as much as you do, of course! ;)

Kels i am most certainly going to the doctors when i can sign up on Friday for my insurance. I need to find out wtf is going on. Can't wait to find out! It's actually what's exciting me the most right now...

Mel SOOO happy for you! So happy you're all clear! :happydance:

I know, i know girls. I need a BBT. I WILL GET ONE. I need to LOL. Going to see if OH will wanna go out tonight and get one. Thank you all for kind words. It's greatly appreciated. The flow is trying to start... kinda. UGHHH
im 1 dpo todayyyyyy

i am on cd 15 and i am going to try to hold off testing til next weekend..ill be like 11/12 dpo...

i am pretty dry down there today and i def ovulated 2 eggs bc i am monitored, i take clomid...(this is my 2nd round)

heres to twins!!!! :)

Lisa - Welcome! FX for you this month!!! How do you know you ovulated 2 eggs? That's very interesting, I have never heard that before. How do they test for that?
Oh man girls, I think I'm in the doghouse with kirk lol. He posted "12 days down" on his facebook and I put question marks and my sister in law was the one to point out he meant how many days he hasn't smoked for. Wife of the year right here! Man I'm so embarassed I should've def known that but I'm so preoccupied with the baby that I assumed it had to be something about the baby. He had a rough day yesterday but I try to remove myself from it as much as I can bc him smoking has been the only source of tension in our relationship and when i get too involved I take things very personally if he doesn't actually quit.

Anyway, how is everyone else doing today?
I can understand definitely but don't push him away if he needs you on a rough day. I'm not saying that's what you're doing but just throwing it out there. I done same stuff to Andrew but he makes sure he lets ne know lol.
Wonderfuly pics Lindsey! So amazing to get to see your little man in such detail!! I understand where you are coming from with regards the smokeing. My oh doesn't smoke so I am lucky there but my Mum always has and even when I found out I had asthma (relatively unknown when I was young) it wasn't enough for her to stop and that still bothers me even now.

Kelsey- how you you today after your HSG? Still thinking about what to do next? :hugs:

Rachel - end of your first week ant this new job, how has it been?

Jessie - They just took bloods, I haven't seen a Dr so they have no idea of my cycles. I won't see a consultant unless there are issues with my blood results. Glad you enjoyed your run despite the achy legs now. I was so out of breath running up the corridor this afternoon at work, rushing to get to the dentist.

Mel - I am glad to know I am nornal too! I thought if the corpus luteum haemorrhaged and therefore progesterone levels fell then that would bring on AF first rather than ov? Either way things are moving in teh right direction.

Hi Lisa!

afm - got my progesterone back. 34.9 nmol/l. Which I think is okay, had a wobble that it wasn't high enough and that I was out for this month but others have said that it is okay.
Jessie hope your test today was a breeze and you get awesome news back soon! And yes I did watch Bachelor, ugg, that Courtney I just think is so fake. I feel like she tried really hard to work up those tears. She's an odd one (and crazy). That one blonde girl that was in the 2nd row that was rather loud and opinionated drove me NUTS. Glad the crowd finally booed her! I think it's fairly obvious he picks Courtney....and yes, this month will consist of some drannkkss :) #1 I'm Irish, so this I guess is as good of month as any to have to WTT! Next weekend is my sister's Bridal Shower, and then we usually start drinking wine right after and cont. for the rest of the day/night. Then the 24th I'll be visiting a friend from college and we'll be going on a "bar crawl". Soooo, yeah. And then bring on April BFPs!!!!
Rachael---I hope that AF stayed away...you're almost done with your first week of work! That's awesome you get insurance and stuff right away. Just in time for your BFP :) Did you get your BBT!?
Lindsay, don't feel bad! When i'm PG, I could have bombs going off around me and I'd be clueless because I'd be sooo zoned in on my pregnancy! I think it's adorable that was probably his way to let you know, without actually announcing it straight to you. :) I think he wants a lil love <3 Guys are so funny.
Mel so glad all your tests came back great!! It's great reassurrance isn't it? You asked about mine, and you might have already saw that it came back all clear---no blockages. She said we can't TTC this month, but I'm so anxious to try anyway. I've read though that ectopics are more likely if you get PG the same month as a HSG. Don't want to take that chance...
Sam---I think your PROG. level is measured diff. than ours? If they told you it was good, then that's great! When will you test? We're due for a BFP in this group, girls!!
AFM---I'm feeling like such crap yesterday and today. Yesterday I actually had to pull over because I thought I was going to throw up! I had a migraine really bad, so it could have just been from that. Today, I feel "off", dont' really know how to describe it. It's probably because I had such a bad migraine yesterday, that the next day I feel a bit off. I don't feel good, but I don't really feel bad. I'm letting my hypocondraic self kick in and I'm worrying that I got an infection for the HSG. I was thinking, thank god I'm not in a 2WW or I'd be 100% convinced I was PG!
Kelsey - hope you feel better soon. Those migraines can be a killer and can knock you off for a while.

My progesterone levels equates to 11 measured in your units. No one has said what the results mean as I can look them up on the computer at work, although I am not supposed to really! Like I said, technically I won't know what is okay until the Dr's finally write to me and that might be a few weeks off. I only know my results from looking them up!!
Hi girls! Well I am back from my Day 3 bloodwork. I gave my little eggs a pep talk on the way to be sure they were on their best behavior for the test. I don't want to be embarassed about the results (being expired, or even worse that there are very few in there). :haha: Hopefully I will get my results by early next week.

Lindsay - Hopefully you are not really in the doghouse with Kirk. That's great that he is stopping the smoking!!!

Sam - glad your progesterone is OK. Will they retest again if you get prego? I am really hoping this is your month!!

Kelsey - sorry you feel crappy today. I'm sure its just a migraine. Try to think positive thoughts about the test... like it was just a "cleansing" :thumbup:
Pink that number is PERFECT you have nothing to worry about there :yipee: great news!
Kels I just got mixed up with what a hsg was but realised. So happy everything is Clear for you :yipee:. You def don't wanna risk an ectopic but ive heard you're more fertile after one of those after i googled it! :yipee:!
Jessie, I'm sure your eggs have listened to you! Which tests did you have?
Lindsay great news that your hubby is stopping smoking that's hard...
Rach how you doing?

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