1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hiya girls:- Back from St Mary's recurrent miscarriage clinic (best in Europe) and we saw Lesley Regan. In a nutshell she said ABSOLUTELY NO to IVF and that it in no way improves the live take home baby rate and best news ever... WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TO TRY AGAIN, SHE SAID THIS MADE NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER!!! And I have an "Excellent" chance of being successful next time. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: So we've decided to go with the steroid therapy etc and try on our own. She said she is sure my af will come back and just now I had some pink spotting on toilet paper (maybe because my misery has suddenly lifted!) Today is a good day!! :yipee:
I know kels about the withdrawal symptoms from here!!! it was awful :haha:
Sam this will be your forever baby I just know it!!! :yipee: :yipee:
Jess - so sorry about your grandfather in law :cry:
lindsay - yay for weddings and bridesmaid dresses! how lovely, you'll shrink back don't worry - hopefully not in the boob area though!
Rach - temp taking is a pain sometimes but it does give a good overall picture. Check mine out in the first half of my cycle - I was too lazy to be bothered to take it at the same time so they look like icycles but it was just about ok to interpret!!
Mel - that is such good news, I am so so happy for you that you can try again straight away!!:happydance: I was thinking of buying her book off amazon but I hope I might not need it now. Lets hope thats definitely the start of Af now.
Hope so Sam and we can be bump buddies!! Something is def going on down there - slight pains, ahh I don't know, im all over the place hormonally...
Hiya girls:- Back from St Mary's recurrent miscarriage clinic (best in Europe) and we saw Lesley Regan. In a nutshell she said ABSOLUTELY NO to IVF and that it in no way improves the live take home baby rate and best news ever... WE DON'T HAVE TO WAIT TO TRY AGAIN, SHE SAID THIS MADE NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER!!! And I have an "Excellent" chance of being successful next time. :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9: So we've decided to go with the steroid therapy etc and try on our own. She said she is sure my af will come back and just now I had some pink spotting on toilet paper (maybe because my misery has suddenly lifted!) Today is a good day!! :yipee:
I know kels about the withdrawal symptoms from here!!! it was awful :haha:
Sam this will be your forever baby I just know it!!! :yipee: :yipee:
Jess - so sorry about your grandfather in law :cry:
lindsay - yay for weddings and bridesmaid dresses! how lovely, you'll shrink back don't worry - hopefully not in the boob area though!
Rach - temp taking is a pain sometimes but it does give a good overall picture. Check mine out in the first half of my cycle - I was too lazy to be bothered to take it at the same time so they look like icycles but it was just about ok to interpret!!

Hi honey,
I am so pleased that you had a good appointment and its great that you saw her in person!! I am up there next tuesday....was this your first appointment?? If so how long does it take and what tests did you have?

I'm so pleased for you xxxx :happydance::happydance:
So excited for you Mel! Thats great news! Hope AF comes for you soon! Let me know when you attract chartig again and I'll add you to my list of people to stalk lol :p
Omg Linds I know, daylight savings time is KILLING ME!! Maybe it's my age, but I am just struggling to adjust! And you tempers in here, have your temps been affected at all by the change? My temps have been soo low!
Rachael---yaah for you remembering! Omg, when it's OV time and 2WW time, I don't sleep very good because I'm so anxious to wake up and take my temp!
Sam, I'm so happy you're feeling good and secure with this pregnancy! Can't wait for your first scan pics!
Jessie sorry for your and DH's loss! Hope today wasn't too rough for you :( And yes, I did stay up and watch the Bachelor! And you're exactly right, I think they're perfect for each other because they're both "odd". I'm glad the season is done, because towards the end when it was out everywhere that he choose courtney, it was kind of pointless to watch. Plus, I just really didn't like him---kind of a jerk I thought.
OMG MEL---WHAT GREAT NEWS FOR YOu!!! :happydance::happydance::cloud9: I hope it's just the pick me up you needed :) Now bring on AF, and then bring on your :bfp:!!!!
AWESOME NEWS MEL!!! So happy for you girl!!! That is awesome awesome awesome news. I bet you are so relieved and ready to start TTC again! Sounds like this next time will be the winner!!!!! :happydance:

Kelsey how you doing sweety pie!? Did you BD at all like you said you might? If not, then HUGE congrats to you for being so headstrong :thumbup: I can't wait for the 2WW this month. Can't wait to see my chart all filled out.

Lindsay just like Kelsey said, the daylight savings time has really got my sleep schedule in a funk too. Making me insane! I just wanna go back to bed in the mornings. Ughhh..... how is that handsome little man doing?! Is he moving around alot? :baby:

Jessie you doing anything fun this weekend?! Any boating in the forecast? It's going to be so gorgeous here all week. Today was so warm. Almost hit 80! It's so hot in this house right now. i just wanna strip off all my clothes... hmm... brb... ;)

Sam you feeling anymore confident about being prego? I know it's all a dream and blur until you get your first appt. When should you get your first appt? You're at high risk.. so wouldn't they try really hard to see you as soon as possible?

AFM.... I am just sitting around. I'm so tired! Been learning so much from the new job that i just can't contain it. I seriously can't. I feel like i'm in school again, but i just can't concentrate. There's so much to learn. It's crazy! Kinda is freaking me out. I got to know all the banking laws, procedures, etc. Plus know what our bank offers and yada yada. Very intimidating, but i'm trying! My class has 21 people in it and 1 has already dropped out. Like WTF. It's only been a week. lol. Ahhh i so can't wait for the 2ww! This month i am going to use the smiley opk's instead of CBFM. It's expensive, but i heard good things about them. I hope i get a damn smiley, otherwise i'll be so pissed! Will have to get my bat OH's dad got me for xmas out and bash every stick and my vagina! Okay... maybe not vagina, but sticks definitely. Well, it's bedtime. Morning comes sooo quick. So glad to have bnb back! Missed you all so much! Felt like i was going to have to go to a mental health clinic! Love you girls! Night. :sex:

ooops, i meant.... :sleep:... mwahha!!!!
Morning girls!

Ugh, I know, daylight savings time is still killing me! I think it won't be better until this weekend, although I'm better today than I was yesterday.

Kelsey - looks like you're right around O!! I'll be curious to see how your temps are this month off of the clomid.

Jess - So sorry for you and DH's loss!! :hugs:

Sam - How you doin?? Getting nauseous yet? It took me around 5.5 weeks to feel significantly nauseous and not until 6.5 weeks did I actually get sick. Once I got sick it was all the time except for a few random days thrown in there that would just send me into complete panic as my boobs woudln't hurt anymore and I would feel fine and I just immediately thought the worst! But, that wasn't the case so try to keep that in mind if you start feeling better.

Rach - That's really exciting about your new job - just hang in there, you'll get it!! Everyone's going through the same thing. and yes, the little man is moving around a lot. Not as much at night anymore though which is disappointing for DH but soon enough he'll be big enough that it'll be easier to feel and he'll get to whenever he wants.

Yesterday was my first angel's due date, so I'm glad that's over! I tried to not think about it during the day but just had anxiety all day! I didn't even mention it to DH, I don't think he remembered - or maybe he did because he shaved his massive beard off for me last night which made me really happy :)

Hope everyone has a great day!! xoxo
Oh and Rach the smiley opks are the best! I used them this past time and I just loved them! I still have a pic in my phone of the smiley that I sent to DH to let him know what he was coming home to ;) lol I bought a ton of them and DH joked and told me I was going to have to sell them on ebay bc we were going to get pregnant that month and I just laughed at him but he was right!
Lindsey - I have been mildly nauseas since 5dpo but today is much worse. However I am putting that down to the amoxicillin I started taking Monday evening for UTI. Boobs less sore, I know fluctuating symptoms are to be expected but that was a nice reassuring sign for me as like I have said before I didn’t have sore boobs until 6th week last time. Still my lines are darker again today. I will continue until my IC's run out (I have 4 left) then stop. I got a 1-2 on the digi, I was hoping for 2-3 but I suppose it is still correct to dates.

Jess – I must have missed your post, Sorry for you and OH loss :hugs:

Mel – anything yet? Come on womb, get a move on.

Kelsey – How much time was altered with the time change. Usually the body adapt within a day or so temping wise.

Rachel – It will be a lot to learn but most of the remembering will be done on the job whilst you are actually working. I find I remember more once the job actually starts and just think all the other 19 people will be feeling the same as you. I liked my smiley OPK, it was so nice to see that little happy face smiling back at you. I only really used mine to confirm ic opks but still great to use.

My Mum is arriving here tomorrow evening so I am not sure how much posting I'll be able to do. We are going away for the weekend as I am rapidly running out of things to do around this area. Luckily the B&B has wifi! We are sharing a twin which may be a huge mistake as she snores like a trouper. I can usually hear her 3 rooms away, I might need to borrow OH’s aircraft ear defenders!
Good morning girls!

OMGosh Mel - that is so great!!! Can't wait to hear all of your details about the visit! It seems like you and I have the same craziness going on with our bodies!!! Why did she not recommend the IVF? Which steriods will you be on this time? I hope AF comes on soon so you can get going on :sex:

Rach - that is so great about your new job. They are definitely overwhelming at first but you will have it in no time!!! Yes, we will probably be out on the boat this weekend. I don't know if I told you girls but Chris and I are going to be in a video for our marina so we will be going there Friday afternoon for the filming. I will share the link with you girls when its finished :)

Kelsey - I had a huge change in temps the first day of the time change but hopefully they will start to level out now.

Lindsay - sorry you had a rough day yesterday :hugs: So glad you have so much positive to look forward now though!

Sam - hope you have a great time with your Mum. Are you going away somewhere close? Does she know yet about your BFP or are you going to tell her when she arrives?

Not much new with me. Chris' grandfathers service turned out nice yesterday. We had a nice time in the afternoon too when everyone came to our house. Also my doctors office called and said that everything was normal with my Day 3 test. I am not exactly sure what that means so I had them fax me the results. I have not logged on to my work email yet to get the fax but when I do I will post the numbers to see what you girls think.
Hi girls!
Well I just pulled the fax with my Day 3 lab results and here they are:

FSH: 8.1 miu/ml
Estradiol: 26 pg/ml
Anti mullerian hormone: 2.83 ng/ml

My doctors office said these results are normal but I am not really sure I know what these numbers mean until I go to my doctors appt next month. Anyone know? Do I have a good quantity and quality of eggs?

Thanks! :)
Jess found this about AMH

The current, most common measurement of AMH levels is as follows:
High Over 3.0ng/ml
Normal Over 1.0ng/ml
Low Normal 0.7-0.9ng/ml
Very low 0.3-0.6ng/ml
Very low Less than 0.3ng/ml

And this was from IVF document -

AMH levels less than 0.2 - 0.5 ng/mL are associated with increased IVF cycle cancellation rates and fewer eggs retrieved from the ovaries.
• AMH levels greater than 2.5 ng/mL are associated with greater number of eggs retrieved and a better fertility potential.

So looks like fine healthy number to me!!
A normal FSH level is usually between 3 mIU/ml - 10 mIU/ml. Levels of more than 12 mIU/ml are worrisome and suggest impaired ovarian reserve. Levels of more than 25 confirm ovarian failure and are found in menopausal women. FSH levels can also be artificially raised by ovulation inducing drugs such as clomiphene citrate ( clomid).
Omg Rachael, I don't envy you with the new job. I hate the beginning when all the info is thrown at you, it gets so overwhelming! Soon you'll be the one training everybody else though :) I looovvee the smiley OPK's, takes all the guess work out of it. Plus, the sticks are the same basically as our CBFM, and although they tell you to not try and read the tests, I can usually still tell when a positive is close by the sticks. I also plan to only use the smiley face OPK's next month! (When I tried using OPK's from the $ Store, I never got a positive). Paid so much fricken money for my CBFM, and I'm done with it. See, you hated that bat when you got it, but it could def. come in handy for a few things! haha, you crack me up girl :)
Aww Linds, you should have said something yesterday, I'm sure it was a tough day for you! At least with lil one baking you could rub your belly and know that soon you will have your rainbow (although he will never replace your angel) <3
Have fun Sam! This will be the perfect thing for you to keep your mind off things. That's funny about your mom snoring, it's my dad we have to worry about when we all go on vacation together. He's worse than a freight train!
Jessie I was thinking about your test on the way to work! So glad the numbers came back good! I was going to google it, but looks like Sam already did! yyyaahhh for having super eggs :) Will you still wait until your next appt to try? How many weeks until your amazing vaca?!
AFM--I know I've read over and over that daylight savings time should only affect your temps for a day or 2. Mine have stayed so low though! I looked last year, and daylight savings fell on OV day, and my temps went up as normal after that. I wasn't planning on temping after I had confirmed OV, but maybe during the week I still will anyway before I go to work I just won't set an alarm for the weekends. We did end up BD'ing last night, but only because we wanted to and it wasn't necessarily "proper form" for baby making? TMI?!? lol It was the first time in a long time we got outta that boring missionary position that is "supposed" to help and left the preseed in the drawer. It was such a relief!
Have a happy hump day ladies!
Hiya jess, glad everything went as well as it could with your grandfather in law :hugs:
And those are FANTASTIC numbers! You definitely don't have a problem there. I think we've just had bad luck Jess. Lesley Regan said I so 'me and you' have an "Excellent" chance of being successful so we just have to keep ttc! x x x

my period not coming back is really getting to me now :-( After 2 procedures because it failed the 1st time it's going to be a f***er I just know it. It will prob be another month. Thinking about getting some hormones from somewhere!
Jessie I'm not sure what it's suppose to be for all that, but by the sounds it is good. I would maybe google what normal readings are. I'm kinda lost though... are you TTC right now? If so we are going to be in the 2WW together!

Kelsey woohoo on the doggy style or butt sex you had last night!!! I bet it was so nice to finally just relax and take a breather. OH and i do it any which way. I just can't do missionary a lot. It just drives me nuts! I feel it's best when you're making true love. Sometimes i just want it in and out.. QUICK! ;) I'm not sure about the whole temping thing as far as daylight savings time, but i imagine it has a lot to do with it. I need to take a look at your chart when i get done writing this. I too am not using CBFM this month. F that thing!

Mel I understand your frustration. I too would want AF to hurry up and come. It sucks because you just don't know and you have no way of really telling. Just hang in there hunny. It will come! The more stress-free you are, the faster she will be here.

Sam+Lindsay how are the preggers?!?! You girls feeling alright?!

AFM I'm SO tired. I can't wait until Friday afternoon. I just wanna sleep. Work was craziness today. We were learning all sorts of stuff and i just can't think right now. It is SOOO HOT HERE!!!!! I think i got a sunburn driving home. It's 80+ here today. Very nice and relaxing! Wish i was outside all day with a nice ice cold slushy beer.. mmm! HA! And i said i was never going to drink again......
Rach - you crack me up. Kelsey is going to pee her pants when she reads your post.

Sam - thanks for looking that stuff up. I did some googling about the individual numbers too but I wonder what the whole picture is of my situation. I will probably not have another appt with the doctor until the end of the month when the do the follicle count so I guess I will talk to him then.

Mel - so was that doctor able to give you any info on what she thinks is going on or does she also feel like its just bad luck? I really hope we get our happy ending soon!!!
hahaha omg Rach!! NNNNOOOO butt sex!!!! :saywhat: LOL!
Mel, are you still spotting? How many weeks has it been? There is something you can take to bring on your period, isn't there? But maybe you can only use that in certain circumstances? Thinking about you hun....nothing worse than waiting for AF when you have no idea how near or far it is.
Mel - there is definitely something you can take to bring on AF. I had to take it to get my period started back up after I got off the depo.

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