1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Morning Ladies!

Jess - From what I can tell from Dr. Google - your numbers look great!! So excited for you!! When's your next appointment??

Rach - It's super nice here too!! It was 80 here as well and all my work friends and I went out to happy hour for someone's last day on Friday and I had the most delicious yogurt ever while everyone else had their drinks. I want more now! lol You'll feel so much better once you've been at your job a couple weeks, it's so tough starting a new job!

Kelsey - DH and I never do one position during baby making time, DH makes it last as long as possible, which he usually does anyway (TMI, sorry lol) so that I'll get the biggest O - which they say helps the spermies make it into your uterus. I learned about it in an evolution class I took, that you have some almost like "dip stick" thing that will release more of your mucus that will help bring the spermies up into the uterus. That way the more the guy is "investing" into you the more likely he is to get you preggers lol. So, enjoy the sex! I never do the legs in the air either, I just don't go to the bathroom after and go right to sleep (on my belly). lol too many details in there for you guys?! haha.

Sam - have you called your doctor yet? Your temps are looking lovely! Hope you're feeling OK (but not great lol)!!!

Mel - I hope you get AF figured out! How frustrating! You're in my thoughts, hun!

AFM - I didn't say anything about the due date thing bc I was trying to not think about it too much, but it was definitely bugging my subconscious as I felt nauseous all day. I feel better about it now that it is has passed and am thankful for everything I do have. This little one will never replace my other baby but if that didn't happen, I wouldn't have this baby either, and I do believe it may just be his spirit wasn't ready before and now he is, so maybe I didn't lose him at all. I think the hardest day for me is going to be July 4th - that's the day we found out we were pregnant last time and I'll be so close to birth that I'm sure my hormones will be all of the place! Any time someone mentions July 4th I get a little weepy for some reason. Kinda silly.

Anyway, my next doctor's appointment is next Friday. I think I'm getting close to the point that they're going to trust my cervix and I won't have to go in every two weeks. Yoga has been absolutely fantastic! I wish I could go every day! My weight gain is going through the roof lately though! I've gained 17lbs already! I think they say 5lbs in the first trimester and a lb a week for the rest of the pregnancy so....that's 5 + 9 = 14lbs. I guess I'm not too bad then :blush: I'll post a belly pic this weekend! Getting pretty big - love it! I'm also starting to retain water, so I hope my feet don't get too bad, I think the yoga will help.

Alright, I should go to work - love you guys! :)
Linsdey - I will go direct to the EPU for a scan around 7 week, I'll book that next week. The GP's here aren't really involved that much and normally I would just see mw at 8 weeks for the booking appointment. I will do that again but not sure what use it'll be as last time it was pointless, she didn't do bloods or even a urine check.

I won't be telling my Mum. She doesn't know about the 2nd mc either. I want to get a nice scan before we think about telling anyone else.

Jess - all the numbers all together look fab, nothing tt worry about and hopefully you'll feel more ressured when you speak to your Dr later this month.

Rachel - what are you like! My first thought was Kelsey will be killing herself at what you wrote. One more day after tody then its the weekend and you can relax. I wish it was ice and warm here

Mel - would you consider taking something to kick start AF? I hoped with the spotting it wou;dn't be far way.

Kelsey - yay for the non missionary position bd! We kinda stick to that during ov time but the rest of the month is a free for all.

afm - darker lines again today. FRER line was coming up even as the dye was still going across the window! Nausea, boobs and cramps all fluctuating but still there.
Morning girls!

Lindsay - My next appt should be Day 3 of my next cycle. It looks like I would be due for AF on April 3rd so it looks like maybe the 5th or 6th I would go in to have them look at my follicles. Hopefully those will be good too :) (its so hard to book that in advance since you never know for sure when AF will arrive) So cute about the weight gain. I can't wait to see your next bump pic! Are you taking them weekly? I started to do that with my first couple pregnancies. All of that kind of stuff starts to get less and less exciting for me now after the losses. So glad everything is going well with your cervix. That is really interesting about the "dip stick" I've never heard that!!

Sam - so great for your lines getting darker. Are you seeing your regular OB or a specialist? Yeah for feeling crappy too!!! :thumbup:

Kelsey - I never thought about sticking to missionary during OV. We just do whatever, but like Linsday said I just go right to bed afterwards.
Lindsay, i can definitely relate to the whole due date thing. My angel's due date is in 2-3 weeks. Very hard and difficult no matter what. It's amazing how someone you never knew, can impact you like that. I can understand your reasoning behind 4th of July as well. No reason to explain that. Also, the weight gain is AWESOME! You will be fine. This one girl i know gained 100 lbs LOL. It happens!

Sam i am just over the moon excited for you! You deserve it so very much! This is your rainbow baby. This is your sticky bean!!!!! xoxoxo I saw your tests on your journal. NICE lines!!!!

Jessie, Mel, Kelsey :wave: hope you girls are doing awesome!
Thanks girls, I got some clomid yesterday!! Hope to catch an egg in 10 days! Bit more excited now but soooo tired and wiped out on this clomid I feel like I did when I was preggo!
I have everything crossed for you Mel! All the kinks and bumps are gone and you will get your sticky bean!
Thanks girls, I got some clomid yesterday!! Hope to catch an egg in 10 days! Bit more excited now but soooo tired and wiped out on this clomid I feel like I did when I was preggo!

Hey Mel - that's great!!! Why did they prescribe you the Clomid? They would not prescribe it for me. Maybe I need to try a different approach!!! :) Are you still charting?
Thanks rach :hugs: how are you? X x
Jess, my period hasn't started you see so I went to see yet ANOTHER doc and he scanned me and said if I wanted to kick start my af we could so he gave me clomid! We are going ttc but I'll be happy with af tbh as it's so long since I had one!!! Really want to know I can ov again too and if we get preggo then so be it. I'll be on all the steroids and everything else :wacko: but I'm only gonna take progesterone at bfp. How are you? x x
Hey my beautiful girls!!!!!!!!!

How are we all doing on this lovely
St. Patty's Day!?!? It's super warm here and i'm loving EVERY MINUTE OF IT! Since it's the freakin weekend and a holiday that's all about drinking beer... i bought some! LOL. Got to have my last drink in before ovulation because you know, this IS MY MONTH! ;) It better be! If not, i'm scheduling doctor appointments.

Well love you all and hope y'all are having a good weekend. I been so excited to get up and temp LOL. So neat to look at the chart. Whoop whoop!!!!!!!!
Hey girls! Happy St. Patty's Day!!

Anyone have any big plans? No drinking for Lindsay or Sam, the rest of us will have to have some drinks for you!!! :)

Mel- you should definitely start temping especially since you haven't gotten AF so you can see what's going on and know when to "concentrate your efforts" :)

Rach- enjoy your beer!!

Not sure if you guys saw on FB but Eliza just got a tatoo in memory of her little angel Madison.:cry: it's really nice

Well we got out to the boat Friday night and heading back in on Sunday. We are anchored behind a little island and the weather has been absolutely perfect!!!
Thanks Jessie! Sounds to me like you're in paradise! Enjoy yourself!! And yes i saw Eliza's tattoo. Absolutely beautiful. I love it!!! Very beautiful.
Hi Ladies!! How's everyone doing?? I hope everyone had a nice weekend and St. Patty's Day!! Did you all have a drink for me?! It was my sister-in-law's birthday yesterday so we went out for some mexican dinner - so delicious! I had a bunch of virgin strawberry daiquiri's and pretended I was drinking lol. It was really nice!

The weather has been super nice here lately! We've started grilling out and I'm absolutely loving it! DH's also making good progress on the bathroom (he took a few weeks off because of guests and out-of-town trips) so it's nice to think I might have a bathroom close for my nighttime pee-sessions!

I saw Eliza's tattoo on facebook - so nice!! I really love it!

Jess - looks like your chart is gearing up for O, hopefully your body won't be confusing like last month!

Mel - so excited for you to try again! I'll start stalking your chart too :)

Rach - I'm so proud of you for doing the charting! so far so good!!

Kelsey - Where ya been lady??? Looks like you O'd! We'll find out in a few days!

Sam - how ya feeling?? I hope you're feeling awful ;) but not too awful! :)

AFM - everything is going well - I have my next scan on Friday - might be my last one that's every two weeks! I'll probably have one more at 24 weeks though. My cervix has been super long so unless it looks different this week, I have a feeling they'll stop checking. So glad I haven't needed the stitch stitch down there but very thankful they've monitored me so closely!

I also got my masters in the mail on Friday! Very exciting! Trying to decide if I'm going to get it framed as I entered the program I'm in to get my PhD and didn't realize I could get a masters along the way, so now that I did, I'm not sure what to do with it lol does that make any sense? I tried to explain it to DH yesterday and he didn't get it. Framing can be so expensive.

anyway, I'm rambling, hope you ladies had a great weekend! :) :) xoxo
Rachael I'm so proud of you and your charting!! I see you didn't forget 1 day yet!!! :) This next week should be exciting because we should get to see your temp shift indicating ovulation!!! And yes, THIS IS YOUR MONTH!!!
Saturday was my sister's bridal shower, and I was very stressed about it all going perfect, and as soon as it was done we started celebrating St. Patty's which left me with a helluva hangover yesterday (and actually today I still don't feel 100%). I don't drink often because of the awful hangovers I get that last for 1-2 days. And it's such beautiful weather here too (almost 80 for like a week which is unheard of here) so I was so mad at myself that I wasted the day away in bed and in the bathroom.
Mel I didn't realize that Clomid brings on AF!? So interesting...has the witch showed her face yet? I hope so! And yes, def. start charting again, I love looking at everybody's chart.
Jessie I saw your pics on facebook---your weekend looked AWESOME!!! And I also see you have a temp drop, is that indicating OV for you?
Lindsay congrats on the masters in the mail! How exciting, ya little smarty pants :) FOR SURE frame that baby. And woohoo for being almost out of the woods with your cervix, although it will be disappointing to not get scanned every 2 weeks! Although the baby will be here before we know it and then you'll get to see him every single day! We need an updated bump pic from you, it's been awhile!
AFM--fertility friend is saying I'm 4 DPO, but I think I'm really only 2DPO. Don't know for sure though....guess we'll find out when AF comes. We did BD a couple times around OV, I'm nervous that we shouldn't have. But with my track record and how difficult it seems to be for us to get PG, I'm not too worried. Then, I start back on Clomid. Ugg, this weekend with all my craziness I lost the charger for my fire kindle (I had it in my purse and it must have fallen out at one of the bars). Then, I had my prenatal vitamin in the pocket of my pj pants bottom along with my B6 vitamin and D3, and my DOG ATE THEM!
Anyway, happy Monday loves! I just want to go home, get my blanket, and lay underneath a shade tree.
Oh Kelsey - we have missed you!!! I was laughing about your dog eating your vitamins!!! I know what you mean about the drinking. I don't really drink too much either because I can't handle the liquor anymore like I used to, and like you said, its not worth the hangover and the couple days of feeling like crap. I have everything crossed that this will be your lucky month when you weren't trying so hard. Sometimes I do think all of this difficulty is just because we try to hard.

I think that dip for me does indicate O, but not sure. If so my cycle seems to be more normal this month, as I usually O earlier than I have been the past few months, even my pregnany month. See how my spike is so much more dramatic than Sam's for example...? I wonder what's up with that. She has onviously been successful so maybe I am having a problem..? What do you girls think?

Lindsay - Congrats on your Masters!!! I would definitely frame and hang that thing! So much to be proud of!!! Do you frame your Bachelors?

AFM still waiting for a call back from my doctors office about my next appt. They want to do the sonogram on Day 3 but Day 3 is so hard to predict for sure so I am trying to figure out how flexible they are with the scheduling. I had to change my appt for my Day 3 bloodwork a couple of times due to the fluctuation in the day it started and then the first day only being spotting. Ugh!!!
Idk Jess, I think a spike is supposed to be a good thing, my charts are a lot like Sam's without big spikes but it seems that everybody's temps just do different things. Even after I went on Clomid and my progesterone was good indicating good ovulation, my temp still never spiked. That's good that your cycle is looking more normal this month, it's always good to see things get back on track! I'm suprised they even ask you to schedule a test before CD1 because like you my cycles are always a couple days different depending when I OV so I'd never be able to pinpoint CD3 until I know when CD1 is! Now what is this sonogram for? Does it evaluate your eggs more thoroughly than the CD3 FSH test?
I def. hope and dream that since I didn't freak about TTC this month that I'd be one of those stories you hear about, but I just don't think it's possible without Clomid helping me have a good ovulation. Who knows?! :)
Hi ladies,

My mum has been visiting and is still here, but goes home tomorrow so I'll post more then. I have been reading but only really able to write a few posts on my journal.

Hope you are all well and and I'll chat more tomorrow :hugs:
Jess - my charts look more like yours than sams...I always kinda assumed hers looked a bit different than ours because its in celcius instead of farenheit. But I'm sure you're fine! You've gotten prego enough that I really font think that's the problem :) I showed DH pics of your boat and he was very jealous! Lol I good him one day we'll get a boat

Kelsey - glad to see you back and to hear your sisters bridal shower went well! I have to start planning one for my friend. I'm the matron of honor so I get to start bugging people soon! The wedding is at the end of October. When is your sisters wedding?

Hi Sam, Rach, and Mel! Hope you ladies are doing great :)
Hey Ladies!! I just got a message from Eliza on facebook saying she got her BFP at 8DPO! She's 10DPO today and is going in for bloods after work today! She said she can't get on BnB because of a virus on her computer or something but I wanted to let you all know the great news! :) :) So exciting!! I told her to let me know how the tests go and I'll update you guys as soon as I find out :)
Kelsey - The day 3 sonogram i guess checks to see how many follicles you have. I am not exactly sure what that says about things, maybe someone else will know more about this. When my doc mentioned the tests, I hadn't had time to look into it enough to ask questions. It does seem strange that they would have me schedule so far in advance but I think the sonograms in the IVF dept (where they are doing this) stay pretty busy. I hope its not a problem. Since i haven't heard from the doctors office yet I will call them again tomorrow.

Sam - hope you are having a great time with Mum!

Lindsay - Thanks! we love out boat, its out little "home away from home". We spent 5 years "camping" on one that was quite a bit smaller so this has been a really nice upgrade. I feel completely refreshed after spending a weekend on the water! So funny I got a message from Eliza too and was getting ready to post the same message :) you beat me to it :) So happy for her. Just 3 of us left "holding up the rear" in this thread, we really need to get these BFP's going!!!!

Mel - how are things going with you... AF...?

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