1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

OMGOSH Kels your dog ate your vitamins?!? eeks! Will it hurt him/her? I hope you get a huge surprise BFP! That would be super uber duper awesome!!! How do you know when you ovulate on FF? Like i know you get a .5 temp increase but some girls don't get that until after O and some get it during, right? Sorry just confused!

Jessie i remember when i went home (new york) last January i went and saw my gyno that i had when i was a teenager. She wanted to do a sonogram on me because i had told her we were TTC for a bit and she said she wanted to see a sonogram of what is going on in there. I really really wish i lived back home because she is such a good woman! Very thorough, used a lot of verbiage that i could understand. I ended up not getting a sonogram due to me just visiting and having to come back here to Indiana just a week later. It sucks! I really wished i could have. What exactly are they looking for? Just checking up?

Lindsay i too got a msg n fb from Eliza! She hasn't written me in 2-3 days but she said she had got her BFP on 8dpo but it was very faint and she wasn't certain. I'm happy for her! She deserves it. Wish she could get on bnb :(

Mel hope you're doing lovely darlin!! You get to TTC soon!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM ooooooommmmmmmggggggggg i can't stop sweating. It's so damn hot in this house. Something is wrong with our A/C so i have a fan going and i swear it's not putting out any air. GRR!!! Sweating like a motha fuuuuccccka. Ugh so i did an opk yesterday and today and they are so faint.. i must be pretty far off from ovulating. The line is barely there. Almost looks like an evap line! Ugh maybe in 5 days? I can't friggin wait though. I hope Mesina is right. mmmmm i smell campfire through my window right now. Putting me in the mood to make s'mores. Sooo... work is so stressful. Kinda worried because we go on the phones a week from Friday... kinda thinking twice about this whole thing. I'm not feeling confident at all. On a crappier note, my friends sister found out she was pregnant 2 weeks BEFORE me and apparently is going into labor today. She may have already had him. Ugh just grosses me out to know my body can't even reproduce like God meant for it to.
I have a question. I dont usually temp until 630 but i had to pee really bad around 530. So, i went ahead and temped at 530 which was 97.01. Well, when i got up an hour later just for the heck of it i temped again and it was 97.45. Should i go with the first one? On FF i went ahead and put it as 97.01 because i was resting a longer time. What do you think?
Morning Ladies!

Jess - I have no idea what they're looking for but glad they're looking for you! I'm sure they can tell the quality of the eggs from the sonogram...??? Let us know how it goes! Maybe once you ovulate you'll know better when CD3 will be.

Kelsey - That is pretty funny your dog ate your vitamins! I'm sure s/he regretted that one as soon as he bit into them lol.

Rach - hang in there with your job! I'm sure it's very intimidating but you gotta give it a shot, right?? It's probably not as bad as they make it out to be. Also, use your temp from 530 as that's the one that you were fully rested for.

Mel - get AF yet??

AFM - I'm trying to post a belly pic and a pic of my fur baby but sometimes BnB won't let me upload pictures. It makes me kinda nuts and I have no idea why. The ones from my phone always go up right away but from my camera - no matter how small of a file size I save it as - it won't upload. I might put it up on facebook since I've been getting a lot of requests, but we'll see.

DH's doing such a great job on the bathroom - drywall is up!! I'll def post pictures of that on facebook :)

I haven't heard anything from Eliza yet either but if anyone hears anything, let us all know! :)
Hi all,

Mum away home now so can get back to chatting to you ladies.

Eliza - I know you can't see this just now but a huge congratulations!! Wonderful news.

Lindsey - can't wait to see an updated belly pic. FB can be like that with picture for me, very odd. Congratulations on your Masters!! I was tempted to start doing mine a few years ago but the cost was a bit prohibitive.

Rachel – Great going for your temps, can’t wait to see when you ov and your continuing temp rises as this is your month!! As for the job, most new jobs are stressful especially when you have so much to learn but I am sure once you get into the swing of things then you’ll be great. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be brilliant from the start, that’s what I tend to do and looking back it just made me more anxious for no reason. You will get there in the end. I would love a warm house atm, still very chilly here but I know how uncomfortable it is to be too hot too!

Mel – hope the clomid has kicked started your system back onto track. When do you go away on holiday?

Kelsey – I hope this month with your more fun bd does lead to a bfp. Lots of stories show that when they have a ‘break’ was when they got their bfp. Burst out laughing when I read the dog ate your vits!! I sent a friend some pre-seed but took it out of the box for easier posting. She had been looking after her boss’s dog and got in to find the padded envelope ripped with the cbfm sticks scattered and lube applicator all over the floor. She had no idea where the tube went, thinking the dog had eaten and what was she going to say to her boss, when she found it intact under the curtain!!

Jess – loved the new pics on FB, so jealous. I would love a bit of sun. I have to find it where I can just to get my Vit D quota! As for temp rises post ov, when I put my chart into Fahrenheit I got a similar temp jump to you, about 0.5 – 0.6 oF so I think it just looks less on mine because it is in oC and goes up in increments of 0.2. So nothing to worry about regards ov for you.

Afm – did a digi today at 4+6weeks and got 2-3 weeks. Again accurate, but we always want to see it a bit at 3+ more don’t we!!

That’s Mum away home now on the train. It’s a bit of a relief actually. I know that sounds bad but we are quite different people. My brother had just moved back home from Jersey to start afresh as he has realised he wants a wife/family after being on his own for so long. He has been seeing this girl he met on line since coming back home (going out for 2 weeks!) and things are going great and my Mum and sister thinks she'll be 'up the duff' very soon (I hate that term). This was said with no consideration to my feelings and Mum hasn't asked once how I am or how things are going. She mentioned it again this morning and I was getting quite hurt and upset by it despite me knowing I was pg, she didn't though, and still carried on talking about her (wonderful) son.

Anyway rant over, just had to get that out
Rach - definitely use the 5:30am temp.You will know you OV when you see 3 days of temps that are higher than your temps from earlier in the month. Most people get some sort of a spike/or noticeable shift on day of O. Oh, and FF should add some lines to your chart (after you O) showing O date. It looks like you might O in the next couple of days so be sure to keep that BDing going on. And maybe just once a day (not twice) as I think you want to give your OH have some time to build those guys up!!! Quality is just as important as quantity. Good luck, we'll all be watching your chart!

Lindsay - I can't wait to see your pics!!! You must be looking so adorable these days with your bump!!!

Sam - Yeah for your digi!!! And glad you are feeling a bit crappy too, I think this is a great sign!! Thanks for checking your chart, makes me feel better. I was starting to think I had such a drastic spike because my body had to work harder to O. Sorry about your mum :( as least you can be smiling on the inside that you are prego!!! Regardless hope you had a nice holiday!

So I booked my Day 3 appt today for April 5th. My doctor called back this morning and said as long as its done before CD7 we should be OK. He's only in on Tuesdays and Thursdays so this might get tricky with the weekend. Hopefully my body cooperates this month!!! BTW girls, for this test they are looking to see how many follicles I have. But I don't know much more about this test. I wonder if they will be able to tell how many eggs will be ready for release...?

I had the weirdest thing happen today... get ready for TMI, sorry!!! I felt a little wet "down there" today at work so I went to the bathroom just to see what was going on and I had a HUGE clump of EW CM. I have never had so much before. I also felt slightly dizzy afterwards. Any ideas?
Well geez, I think my feelings are hurt, I'm the only one Eliza didn't message with the good news!!! :) jk, I'm super happy for her. I'll have to send her a message. I wish she could get back on BnB! I don't know what it is with this site and viruses, because when I'm at home my anti-virus will pop up with messages that it blocked a virus, and it only comes up when I'm on this site.
Omg Sam, thank God that #1 the dog didn't eat the lube, and #2 that her boss didn't find the lube behind the curtain! That would have been super awkward! lol And sorry it seems your mom was a bit insenstive. I think that sometimes people just don't understand at all the hurt unless they've been through it. I don't talk about it much with my family because I can tell it makes them a bit uncomfortable, and also they like to use the dreaded, "Kels, you're trying TOO hard, and if you'd just relax it will happen"! Then I get mad and just shut down about it.
Rachael, on the fertility friend website, there's a "data" tab at the top that if you click on it should give you an option for "temperature correcter" (unless that's only on my VIP membership). Then you can put in what your temp was at the time you took it and put in the time you usually take it and it corrects it for you. Just in case you don't have that option, I did it for you and it gave your adjusted temp as 97.21. So, you can keep it at what you have or you can put in the adjusted temp. Like the others said, fertility friend uses your OPKs, CM, and temps to verify ovulation. So for me, my temp will shift and I'll know i have ovulated, but fertility friend won't verify it until my temp has been up for 3 days in a row. Are you usking the smiley face OPK's this month? That will really help verify ovulation, especially this first month temping. I just want to speed up this month, I'm dying to see if Mesina is right!! It's warm here too---today 80! But then this weekend it's going back down to low 50's (bullshit WI weather).
And honey stay positive with this job, I'm sure everybody else in that class is feeling very overwhelmed. I remember my first waitressing job, I was so sick with worry that I would NEVER learn the menu or the computer system. It seemed way too much, but of course I learned it. With my current job, I could have cried all the time the first 6 months because it was incredibly difficult to learn all the different programs and rules and I literally thought I'd never get it. I think it's a normal first reaction to doubt ourselves and our ability (especially me, I'm a very half glass empty person who is easily intimidated especially in new situations), but you will be just fine. I know it!!! :)
Lindsay, can not wait for some updated pics!!! Sometimes I have to putz with the picture and change it to ".jpg" for it to load. Did you try that? I so wish my husband was handy like yours, I'd LOVE to have a new bathroom! I'll be facebook stalking for pics in case you can't load them on here!!
Jessie, I never get EWCM so I'm not much help. Did you guys BD at all around OV time? The dizzy part is what's really weird....I'm not sure about the test being able to show you how many eggs will be ready for release, because I thought that's usually what they scan for a couple days before OV? I think that's when they can see how many matured eggs you have and are ready to be released? Totally not sure though...hopefully April 5th gives you the clearance you need to get back to TTC!
p.s---sorry if my post is all over the place with a bunch of errors, I'm at work and wanted to quick type something up so I didn't have a lot of time to re-read it. Plus, I'd be in the middle of writing something and then get interrupted and come back to it later so I'm afraid I might not have complete thoughts! Oh well, I know you'll all love me anyway, right? :blush: lol
Wow y'all decided to write at once on me! LOL.

Lindsay - I really hope to see a bump pic soon!!! I saw you posted pics of kirk remodeling the bathroom, which btw looks really nice!!!

Kelsey - thanks for the encouraging words. I seriously feel like i'm out of my element with this whole banking stuff. Like i know this is my opportunity to make a career but at the same time i'm the type of person who gives up fairly too easy. I don't want to give up but man after taking a quiz today and me being the only one failing it, made me realize that maybe i need to rethink my career. I don't think i belong. I feel so out of my comfort zone. I'm so intimated. Anywho, i went ahead and re-did my temp for what you re-calculated it as. I tried to do it on my FF but says it's only available to VIP members. Like it will let me put the temps and time in but when i go to calculate it, it says "VIP MEMBERS". Whatevs!!!!!!! Thanks for helping me because i have no idea about temps. I'm a little worried though... my opk's are showing very very very faint 2nd line the last 3 days. I hope i'm O'ing every month....... ugh. I'm not using smileys because i didn't have enough money to get them. Instead i bought dollar tree ones.

Jessie Hope everything goes good at your appt. They might check how many eggs you may release, etc.... i'm not sure! You will be catching that egg before you know it!!

Sam i know how frusterating mom's can be. My mom ALWAYS talks about my sister and her twins. As if i have no feelings towards babies. Last night i was telling her how hearing and seeing babies gets me emotional and she says "but you were only 5 weeks... the baby isn't even formed yet is it?". I was like UHHH MOM... a baby is a baby regardless. I was PREGNANT, not maybe... I WAS PREGNANT. There WAS a human inside of me, regardless if it looked like a grain of rice or not!!! Oh man she gets me so fired up!!! It's just lessons to us on how to treat OUR babies when they're here. When are you planning on telling her?

AFM i'm just so wore out from stress. This job sucks. I can't even pass a damn test. It's still SO hot in this house. Grr!! I just really wanna kick back, have a bonfire and drink beer with good friends! That's all i want LOL. Oh and of course eat s'mores with it!!! Sounds perfect
Hi girls! Well DH got his new ipad3 today so now I have my very own ipad2 to keep up with you girls on!

Kelsey- we did BD on Saturday do you think this had anything to do with the clump today? We were careful. I just googled the dizziness around O and got this:

The hormonal and bodily changes that take place during ovulation can cause sudden dizziness and nausea. This often experienced by many women,

Rach - hang in there with you new job. This is your chance to do something better for your career. You will get it in no time and look back on this and laugh! :)
Rachel - not sure if you are still using cbfm but another lady rang the helpline as she was getting constant high for a few months and was told this.

"The CBFM and the OPKs work in different ways. The CBFM is looking for percentage changes between oestrogen and LH whereas the OPK is looking for an LH surge, but if you get a positive on either it suggests ovulation is imminent. The CBFM is apparently more temperamental, and in particular tends to give highs rather than peaks if the sticks are too wet. You need to hold them in your pee for a maximum of 3 seconds or dip them for exactly 15 seconds. If you hold them in your pee even for a few seconds longer, the results will be inaccurate.

The adviser said there is no need to do both, and as the OPKs are working consistently for me, I should stop using the CBFM as the sticks are expensive and it doesn't seem to be the best choice for me."

You will get there with your job and will make a better at it than those rushing through just now. I was the same with my job now, I feel permanantly out of my depth for months but I think in the end that will make you better at your job. I used ic opk and got good lines so I am sure your will be fine. I tested 2-3 times per day in run up to ov.

Jess - there are times when I get huge globs of cm, it's quite unsettling but it is a good sign. For the last few cycles I got nauseous the day or so before ov too. I am not sure what they ill be looking at follicle wise, I thought they waited till nearer ov time as at cd3 they will only just begin to mature? Maybe I am reading that all wrong.

afm - Phoned up the EPU. Got the older mw that took my first set of rcmc bloods. I was really hoping for 4th April when I would be 7weeks but she said to wait till 7.5-8 weeks as most viable pg would be okay by that point. Even with me telling her about my mmc didn't seem to sway her so I am booked in for 10am 11th April when I will be 8 weeks. Despite me telling them when I ovulated they go off when I got my 1st +ve hpt so she think I will be 7.5 on the 11th. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay sooner, now I have to wait another week. 3 weeks is such a long time atm!! I am a bit shakey/heart pounding now. Oh, and I also told them of self administering Aspirin but she didn’t seem fazed by it.

Also going to Phlebotomist on Friday for a repeat of my Thyroid bloods. I rung GP to get the 5mg Folic Acid added to my prescription and to ask about my thyroid bloods as it wasn’t technically due for recheck till May. I asked if it needs to be checked sooner now I am pg, it was only the receptionist but she booked me in for Friday so pleased about that.
Ok I finally got one to upload! ugh! The only one I could get to is the one that has dust in it but you can see lol. That's from a couple days ago :) Belly is getting very large!!

It took me forever to get into work yesterday and I'm leaving late again so I don't have time to catch up on everything but I hope everyone is doing really well!! I'll comment more later! :)


  • 21wks4daysdust.jpg
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Lindsay - such a cute bump, you are so neat (as my Mum would say). I might start doing pics but not yet as all I have is flab!!
Morning girls!!! :wave:

Sam - happy 5 weeks!!!! :happydance: That's good to hear about your nausea before O. I never have heard of this before but I figured it had to be something common when I saw it listed as one of the symptoms on FF. That's crazy that your doc won't get your in for a check-up sooner. Maybe like at 6 weeks. If you are really starting to stress call up and insist that they get you in sooner. I'm sure if will be fine but I think these doctors see MC's so often that to them its no big deal. For us, the extra monitoring does provide a little peace during such a stressful time! I take baby aspirin too and my doc says that this is OK. I will need to get more clarification on my next test. I am not really sure.

Linsday - awww I love your pic (dust and all!!! :)) You look so adorable!!! Gosh it won't be long for you girl!

Here's some info I found on the internet about that Follicle test:

Ultrasound used for monitoring of ovarian follicle development can provide information about the number and size of developing follicles, the reaction of the uterine lining (endometrium) to follicle growth, and when to schedule artificial or intrauterine insemination just before you ovulate. Transvaginal ultrasound is better than transabdominal ultrasound for monitoring follicle growth, counting the number of follicles, and evaluating the thickness and pattern of growth of the uterine lining.

Why It Is Done
Transvaginal ultrasound may be done to:

  • View the external structures of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
  • Monitor the development of follicles in the ovary leading to ovulation. This helps to know when to schedule artificial or intrauterine insemination just before you ovulate.
  • View the uterus and uterine lining.
  • Guide the needle used to remove eggs to be used in assisted reproductive techniques.
  • Count the number of egg follicles in the ovaries, which, along with your age and blood tests, may be used to give an estimate of treatment success.

It says that it is also use to check for: The presence of fibroids and polyps within the uterus that may alter the blood supply to the endometrium and hence an implanting pregnancy.
Its not the Dr's Jess its the Early Pregnacy Assessment Unit mainly run by midwives within the hospital. So I doubt they'll shift their positions as I reiterated the fact I had a missed miscarriage and it didn't move them.
I know I was hoping to speak to the young mw I had for my 1st mc, she was lovely and genuinely caring. I know a lot of the other ladies I have ssoken to about this subject would prefer an older mw (more experience) but from my experience so far they seem more 'jaded/seen it all before' that they seem to have forgotten the intense panic pg after mc can induce.

I did an ic hpt this afternoon and the line came up so fast I decided to use my digi. 3+ came up within 1 minutes so feel so much happier now.

Mel also gets nausea to before Ov too.
So happy for you sam that you hpts are increasing as they should! How are your symptoms? Boobs hurt yet? Nausea still coming and going? Do you have an appt set up yet? Sorry if I missed that post if you already said it. Sorry about your mom being insensitive too! Like Kelsey I think my family feels really uncomfortable when I talk about what happened which is a shame bc I really heal better by talking about things so usually I just make people uncomfortable and don't care haha.

Jess - you'll have to let us know how your appt goes! Do you get to start trying again next month? Yes, right? I can't wait!

Kelsey - I've got my FXd for you that this is your month as your chart looks pretty good from what I can remember from this morning! Maybe the clomid the other months has reset you and now that you're nice and relaxed and enjoyed some more fun BD you'll catch that egg :)

Rach - I hope you have a better day at work and hang in there hun! You're going to do great!
Just saying hello girls, I'm on holiday in Las Vegas and having a break from the sun - i'm fried! Hoping to ov on 27th March so will be testing like a madwoman then and :sex: Did I mention I went on clomid? No sides so far just high libido without even ov-ing!! Hope you're all ok x x x
Mel - hope you're having an awesome time in Las Vegas!! I hate sunburns!!!!! You will have a nice tan to go with a nice BFP ;)

Thanks girls for the encouragement. Today was worse. I swear i have ADD and ADHD. I can't sit still for a long time and i couldn't understand one word the trainer said today. In one ear, out the other. I don't know what i'm going to do...... As far as my OPK's... they're getting darker but not nearly where they should be. I say O is in 2-4 days. Woohoo!
Rach we may ov together WOOOOHOOOO I will be so happy for both of us if we do!
Pink :wave: keeping everything crossed for you if you go for a scan while im away x x x

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