1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I am SOOO glad you're feeling better Jess!!! I bet you are on cloud 9 right now lol. YAY for sunshine and warmth! It's cold here today. Gloomy, rainy, about 50 degrees. It sucks!! I am sooo happy you're feeling good though. Don't feel bad about your temps. Ugh FF f'd with mine and i'm pretty sure i'm out this month. Oh well! Knew it would happen. Hurry up AF... lol.
Rach WTH?! It does kind of look like it might be right...but not 100% sure about that. When I looked at last months chart it almost looks like it's possible you O'd on CD 20 last month too?? How are you feeling? DId you have cramping and EWCM on CD 20 or was it done by then? How's Jax doing? Him and Sadies meeting didn't go the best? Didn't love each other right away?
Jessie--SOOOOO GLAD YOU'RE FEELING BETTER!! The pics from your boat are just gorgeous!! It's 45 and rainy here...ugg...Now when AF comes this is your first month back to TTC right?!?!?!? :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Kelsey - Yeah last month FF said i O'd on CD20, but i KNOW i O'd on CD17 and according to my LP 14 days after CD17 was when AF arrived. I didn't really pay attention to CM this month, but i didn't have any cramps or anything. I remember on CD15 i DID have a lot of ewcm. Who knows! Kinda burns my roids. Ugh! Anyways, Jax and Sadie hate each other right now. LOL. I knew that was gonna happen, but they will have to adjust. Jaxon's infection looks SO much better. I had him in my lap earlier. He loved it. He's so light. Such a kewt bebe. How is your symptoms? Feeling better? worse? Hopefully you feel like a bag of shit!

Blows bubbles my FF is ratarded. Yes ratarded. Stupid BnB finds that word offensive but not dick, ****, whore, fuck, shit, pussy.

Rach - whoa! You know your chart may just look weird because you did not have the whole month of temping in so it might have taken that 2nd dip as O. Because you did not have low temps early in the month. It really does take a couple months of charting to really see your trends and it also helps to temp every day if you can. (insert finger waving visual here) Your temps are still up so that's a good thing. Your not out until the witch arrives!!!

Kelsey- how are your feeling? I just saw your ticker!!! :thumbup: How exciting! By the way, i have been meaning to tell you, your next appt does not work well with my schedule. Can you move it up a couple days please? :winkwink: I would like to see your little bean pic before i leave on my trip. :baby:
Yes as soon as AF arrives I will be back to TTC. :happydance: I need to join you so we can be buddies :)

Well we are spending the night out on the anchor tonight. The water is so calm its amazing! You girls need to come down from that bad weather for a visit! :plane: We will be out here tomorrow too, I'm loving it.
Sorry didn't get back last night, friends popped round unexpectely (but still nice) however the house was a tip as I had been half through cleaning.

Jess - so glad you are feeling better and you are enjoying the boat this weekend. The pics are amazing!

Kels - yay for ticker!! So exciting! Have you told any family?

Rachel - hmm difficult to decide on your chart. I can see whay it might have moved your ov date. I know FF can be frustrating but I hope you keep going with your temping, another friends chart used to look like massive icicles her temps were so erratic at the start but eventually her pattern started to show. I am sure your 2 babes will grow to love one another...........eventually!!

mel - how are you? Good those lines are getting lighter, hopefuly ina few more day they will start getting darker again!!
Yes girls, I bit the bullet and put up a ticker! I've been longing to have one for sssooooo long that I'm taking the chance of jinxing myself.
Unfortunately I'm still feeling pretty good besides my stomach being VERY touchy!
Jess for some reason I was thinking you were leaving May 20something!! Well hopefully you'll come home to good news AND have some good news for us!! Are you going to still try and temp or just forget it while you're there?
Hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Omg can you believe that my stupid thermometer erased my temp from this mornin?! I turned it on and it was flashing and acting weird. So i jiggled the battery and now it works but erased my temp from this morning in the process. GRR!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure it was 97.3 something. FML.
So i had a dream about pregnant women last night. Taking pg tests. The PG tests were a FRER but it was the size of a coffee table LOL. So after they were done, they'd set it on the ground and from where i was sitting i kept seeing it. Positive after positive. The lines getting darker. Mmm, wonder if it's a premonition? yeah right! Well at least my temps are decent i guess. Was always worried that maybe i didn't ovulate. I'd say i have been, right?

Jess hope you're having a blast! I am sooo jealous! Always looks picture perfect on your facebook of where you are!!! Take me with you!!!!!

Kels i'm glad you got a ticker! You aren't jinxing anything. This is your forever baby. Don't even think about something bad happening, because it's not going to!!!!! This is your time hunny babe pooh bear!
OMG Rachael-your luck with that thermometer?! I know it's not funny but you really make me giggle with some of your struggles!:dohh: But I'm liking your dream you had!! Remember I dreamt that somebody told me I was PG and my last PG I had a similar dream!! Aaahh!!! :happydance: Let's pplleaasse speed up this 2WW!
Jessie I have no idea how I'll survive your 2WW without talking to you!! Your trip will seem like years.
Lindsay how are you feeling-still having the pain? Any nursery pics to share?
Sam have we rubbed off on you at all or still just producing pebbles?:wacko:
Jess I'm so jealous!!
Rach keeping everything crossed for you and the temps behave all the way to your bfp!
Pink, kels how you feeling? Xxx

My pregnancy tests are fading right out now from the trigger shot. So I am set to see a bfn tomorrow and then hopefully a bfp on weds here's hoping!
Hi Ladies!!

Jess - so glad to hear you're starting to feel better!! Your pictures on facebook really are amazing!!

Rach - Kitties and doggies always take a bit to adjust to each other - they'll become buddies in no time!! My dogs still chase my cat around sometimes. I don't know about your chart - hopefully it was right the first time!

Kelsey - I was the same as you in the beginning of this pregnancy. Had a touchy tummy but overall felt pretty good. It just hit me one day around 6 weeks. Felt kinda crappy starting mid week 5. I think my belly was so touchy at first because I was so excited/nervous so try to relax and maybe that will help! Not that that's possible haha. I love your ticker by the way! I was hesitant putting up a ticker and decided what was going to happen was going to happen and the ticker would make my happy in the meantime :) So enjoy! and you don't have to worry about taking it down until your little one joins you in 36 weeks! :)

Mel - Can't wait until Weds for you!! woohoo!!

Sam - how are you feeling??

I've been feeling pretty good lately - belly's a bit on edge but not too bad. The pain is still there but not nearly as bad and the little man has been super active today so I could be in a massive amount of pain and still be happy. Glucose test tomorrow - fingers crossed it goes OK! I definitely haven't been eating as healthy as I should :blush:
Hi ladies! Well back on land - boooo :( and back to work tomorrow, super booooo!!!!

kesley - I will still be temping while I'm gone. As long as I can get to some wifi my data should update so you girls can keep track of me. I am going to have to sneak on the Internet in Barcelona so I can check on your appt. :winkwink:

Mel- I am going to be on the edge of my seat all week waiting for you to test!!! I have everything crossed for you!!!

Lindsay- good luck with your appt tomorrow. Are you still going to mention the pain and just have them take a look?

Rach- have things gotten any better with Sadie and Jaxon? The pics you posted on FB are so cute!!!

Sam- when is your next appt.... 12 weeks? Are you planning to do any extra testing?
OMG can't believe you're going on 11 weeks Sam!!!! Where has the time gone? I swear it feels like you should only be 7! GEESH! How are you feeling?

Jessie hope you had a blast this weekend! Esp being sick free!! Looks like you were/are in paradise. Sadie and Jaxon don't really care for one another yet lol. Letting Jaxon roam downstairs while Sadie is upstairs. Trying to slowly get them use to each other. Thanks for asking! :)

Mel is it Wednesday yet?!?!? GRR!! Hope you're PGGGG!!! With TWO! ;)

Kelsey feeling like poo still?! I sure hope so! I hope you feel like someone got you with a bat LOL. Not literally, but you know what i mean. Would be super duper awesome if you and Mel were both rocking twins!! I can't wait until your 7wk appt is here. UGH! Oh well, it will be here VERY soon!!! :)

Lindsay how are you doing? Haven't heard/seen much of you lately. Been busy? I hope you and Oakley are doing okay!

AFM -- ehh hanging in there. Definitely not pregnant this month. Not even going to buy any tests. Not feeling like i am one bit. FF has got me a bit confused. It's a good thing i wasn't trying this month. I would've been severely ticked! I called Citi back (place i was working) asked if i could come back. I made up a HUGE lie when i quit. Made up a 'family emergency'. I hope they take me back. I just want a fresh start at it now that i know what to expect. I called last Tuesday. She told me it sounds like i've taken all the right steps so far and she had to look at the rehire list and get back to me within a week. If she doesn't call tmrw, i'm calling Tuesday. I need a job ASAP. Hoping to find the right one and not 'f' it up. :dohh: I feel so crappy lately.
Morning ladies!

I'm sitting at the doc office waiting to get my blood taken after drinking the Glucose thing. It wasn't bad at all lol it was just like fruit punch. Maybe I just have a high sugar tolerance? Lol everyone makes it sound like its terrible, glad it wasnt! I asked the doc about the pubic pain and she said that's a very common complaint and it should get better but if not to get a belly support to help but I'll be fine I just wanted to hear that it was ok lol.

Well while I was typing that I got called back so the bloodwork is done and I'm just waiting to see if tami can take a peek at oakley for me :) hopefully I'll have a new picture for you guys later.

I think I need to start taking calcium supplements. I'm getting those ridges on my nails.

Alright now I'm just rambling...hope you guys are having a good Monday! :)
Oh Lindsay I was thinking of you today on my way to work! Glad it's done already, when do you get the results? FX'd you get an extra peek at Oakley!! I can't believe you're going to be in week 30 soon!!!!!!!!!!
Rachael, FX'd you can go back to that job. Will you be doing the same thing, or can they put you in an area that better suits you? Poor lil Sadie not liking Jax, too cute. I hope they end up loving each other and cuddling with each other! Those pictures of dogs and cats doing that are the CUTEST!!
Hope you're feeling even better today Jessie! Boo to it being Monday...Very glad to hear you'll still be posting stuff while you're gone so that I can still stay a little connected to you!! :)
Mel, F&TX'd (fingers and toes crossed)!!! How are you feeling?
Lindsay so glad to hear that you felt pretty good overall until 6 weeks. Because so far besides my occasion stomach issue, I'm feeling no different. BB's are pretty sore and I'm hungry more often...but not much else. I hoped that this PG would be totally different right off the bat than my last PG....Oh well, gotta try and stay positive.
Quick update -- i pretended i got a positive OPK on FF so that way it would go back to CD15 as my O day. I wanted to see how my temps looked. I'm keeping it that way.
Ok Ladies! Here are some new photos :) He was hiding his face. After drinking the drink he was flipping out in my belly and Tami got to scan me about an hour later and I think he was in a sugar coma lol He was out! In one of the pictures it looks like he's giving us the middle finger - definitely daddy's little boy! lol The last one is of his little foot <3 cutie pie!

Rach - it looks like that is when you O'd and if it is then you might be preggers with the extra jump! FX'd you're right!!

Kelsey - I felt totally fine at first, just a little extra hungry which def went away around 5 and a half weeks lol. I can't wait for your first scan!! I peeked at your thread on the PAL...SO crazy there are so many of you with the same EDD! That's really awesome! The July thread isn't very active over there, but they respond very quickly when I have a question, which is really nice!

Mel - two more days to test day!!! woohoo!! :)

Sam - hope you're doing well!!

Jess - :hi: how you feeling????


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OMGOSH!! SOOOO CUTE !!!! That's awesome you can see him cover his face with his hand!! Awhhh. So in love!
Lindsey - they are fantastic scans!! Do they do 3d as routine there? So cute, love the middle finger pic!! Glad you feel more reassured about the pubic pain and you glucose test went well. That is not something I have heard they do rountinely here either.

Rachel - I hope they (work) gets back to you very soon. I am just going to play devils advocate here. When I was out of a job or looking I hated feeling unequal in my relationship with OH, he never felt that just me. I would end up doing all sorts of crap jobs and just ended up making myself more miserable. What I am saying is are you sure you want to go back as you seemed so unhappy? I know though second time back is a bit easier as, like you said, you know what to expect, I just want you to be comfortable and happy and the best for you with what you do hun.

Rachel - Things didn't really kick in for me till 5w4d-6w too then it was full on!! These early weeks are horrible on the old emotions but it won't be long till your scan and then you know everything is going well and this is your sticky for sure!

Jess - boo for work, soon be Friday again. How long now till your holidays?

Mel - stalking.

AFM - I have my scan on 14th May (12+6) where I'll get my NT scan at the same time. I am feeling much better all round, nausea much reduced, boob less sore etc overall feeling more normal and sometimes not even pg. I thought I was getting another uti yesterday as slight blood in my urine for a few hours with that 'nnuurrrggg' type urgency feeling but that went quickly. I checked my urine at work and trace anmount of blood but nothing indicating an infection so I think it was just friction from bding the day before, however I will keep checking just in case.

OH blurted out the news when FIL visited sunday morning, I was so suprised as he had been telling me that he was going to wait till the 12 week scan! He does that a lot though says one thing then does another - really annoying.

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