1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Awh! It sounds like Oakley's room is going to look sooo cute! I definitely wanna see pics when you're done. Your husband is just so good with remodeling stuff. I imagine you're awesome with interior decorating!! I love to decorate, i just need lessons on it LOL. My friend Ashley who was due on the 23rd and still hasn't had her little man, said she had bad pubic pain prob right around where you're at in your pregnancy. She said it hurt if she laid down, sat up, walked around. Eventually i guess it went away or she just got use to it because after awhile i never heard her complain about it. I hope you start feeling better though! Pain sucks regardless. :hugs:
Omg Rachael that's awesome it only cost you $48!!! Lil Jaxon, love it. How is he doing today, are you able to pet him or is he still pretty gross? That's great that he's already neutered and litter trained. You shouldn't have to worry about him spraying all over the house (we babysat my sisters cat once that wasn't neutered yet and it sprayed all over the house and it was the most horrendous smell EVER). Did Andrew go to the appt with you---what does he say about this? This whole thing reminds me so much of when we adopted our Presley. He had no hair and he had what looked like burns all over him. We ended up finding out he was infested with I forget what, and had to give him sulfer baths for the first month and give him medicine. So for the first 8 weeks of having him we could barely touch or do anything with him because he was so infested. I want to know his story too sooooo bad. They think he was from the south somewhere and was about to get euthanized. So, we made up a birthday for him and went off the Dr's guess for his age. Aww, my lil baby I just want to go home and squeeze him now that i'm talking about him.
Anyway, nice temp rise today Rach! My temps first spiked up at 6DPO too!! (Can't believe you're already 6DPO!!) Woohoo!
Ooohhh Linds, the glucose test. You will pass it with flying colors because you eat so good and exercise! Crazy that you're already at the point of doing the glucose test. AAHHH!! So exciting that the furniture came, can't wait to see it all set up. How much have you been loving having the bathroom upstairs by you!?
Jessie---how's the prednisone treating you? I had to go on that for my back a couple times and it worked wonders. Your chart this month is just mind boggling. Being sick though really stresses the body out.
AFM---first appt is May 18th---i'll be 7W1D. The nurse I hate who I just talked to less than a week ago about my progesterone numbers called me back yesterday and she's like oohhh is this your first PG? I'm like no LOOK IN MY CHART WOMAN BEFORE YOU CALL!! And then I was talking to her about clomid and she's like oh you were on clomid???? I was like YES, WE JUST TALKED NOT LONG AGO. Anyway, she told me that if I do an early scan at 7 weeks I wouldn't have another until 22 weeks! Then a diff. nurse called today to confirm the scan and she said no, I'd still have a 10 week dating scan. I asked for them to check my progesterone again to make sure it was ok and she said the Dr. said no because my levels were so high at 7DPO. Ugg...just because they were high then doesn't mean they are going to stay high!!! So, I'm just trying to not get excited until we know how the scan on the 18th goes.
Sorry girls, I feel like all I talk about is myself these days!!! Rachael, I think you need to take the bat to me:grr:
Ugg...so 4 weeks today and first couple times I went to the bathroom nothing and then just now I wiped and I've got some brown discharge. Wwaahhh!
kels don't worry, pretty much all the girls on the PAL thread had some kind of bleeding discharge it's normal. Are you using progesterone too - that can cause bleeding

Lindsay - your decorating sounds so exciting! :cloud9:

Rach - so happy for you, love the name too!!

Is Jess on her trip now?
lmao omg Kelsey! I love that damn bat. Can always beat someone with it, but not you! [-X he's doing good today. I went down there and been petting his head. He's so lovable. He was kneading the blanket. I never really knew why cats do that but i googled and it said that means they're calm, relaxed and happy :) He so badly wanted to jump in my lap and i was like NO! lol. Can't wait until he starts feeling better. He let me go ahead and give him his antibiotic right in his mouth! As for my chart, i'm glad i got a bit of a rise today, but i won't except to get PG this month. Just don't feel it! Don't worry about your spotting hunny!!! Only time to start worrying is when you get bad cramps with a bunch of blood. Stay calm hunny!! I can't stand that nurse you talk to. She's the one who needs the bat. :grr: She's so stupid. Ugh lol. I hope you are gonna have TWINS! How awesome would that be!? I can't wait till your 7wk appt. I think it's stupid they'd wait till 22ws to look again. It's like once you have a MC you are at 'high risk". I don't understand why they don't monitor us closer. Thankfully you get a 10 wk one. I just still am in shock! I can't believe it!! I am just sooo happy for you!!!!

Mel, how are you doing sweety? Have you been to the dr's since you last talked to us? How is everything looking?
Kelsey don't worry about the brown discharge...your little bean is just burrowing in there and making a lil come out in the process. I would call and tell your doc just in case they want to do something though. My doc told me to call for any spotting even though a little is normal.

Keep us updated!
Kelesy - brown spotting is quite common as maybe little kels snuggling in, but I know how worrying it can be. I can't believe that nurse she is a total nutter and unfit to call herself a nurse.

Rachel - Love Jaxon, He has such a wonderful mum looking after him now and I am glad everything went okay at the vets. Volunteering will be great but just try not to bring them all home when you fall in love!!

Jess - Can't make head nor tails of your chart this month. I think with the illness it has thrown your temps right off. Do you think you ovulated? It may be delayed because of your illness. :hugs: glad the steroids are helping a bit.

Lindsey - I am sure the pains are normal, but I am glad you might be able to get checked out with your sil. Oh and leaking boobs, why do we think pg is fun?

Mel - can't wait to see those ic.
Aww Rachael that's so good that he's being friendly with you, I was worried he'd be wild and not friendly at all. Sucha good mommy he has :) I thought I was totally out this month, then started feeling good 6DPO-9DPO, then when my temp dropped 10 DPO I was back to thinking I was out. Soooo, you stay positive lil missy. Oh and I missed the volunteering part, omg sam is so right, you're totally going to be bringing all the animals home with you!! aww! That's why I could never do it...I went to our local shelter and my sister and I left bawling like idiots! haha
I hope it is just the baby snuggling in, I just hate that brown discharge is what I had last time at 7 weeks and it turned into a miscarriage. I'm hoping that since I'm only 4 weeks it's just everything getting settled in. I don't think I'll call the nurse unless all day tomorrow I still have the spotting. I just don't know what they can really do for me at this point, unless they change their mind about testing any of my levels.
Ok, here are the pics! The onsie is how I told DH (he walked in to it hanging with my test taped to it).


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Ok, apparently I don't know how to post 2 pics in 1 post?


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OMG sooooooooooooooo cute!! That is just wonderful and so are your progression tests. Lovely dark line at 14dpo!!
Aww kels that's lovely!!!! :cloud9: and yes that stupid nurse I wouldn't see her again if you can help it xxx
oh my goodness Kelsey! SO cute!! very nice progression of your tests too!! DH made me stop taking tests after the third one lol You still having the brown discharge? It's so common to have spotting this early! I would call your doc if it continues bc they might change their minds about testing levels and putting you on progesterone if you need it but some doctor's don't believe in it. I have different doctors in the same practice that think different things about it, so who knows!
Yea thankfully I only had 2 FRERs or I'd keep testing! But I do have 2 digis I plan to use this weekend.:blush:
I have very little discharge-i have to really stick the tissue up there to get anything (I know prob not smart to keep shoving stuff in there). Idk-if I still have it tomorrow I'll at least call and ask. I did read a lot where dr's are very different on their thoughts on progesterone.
AWH Kelsey!!!!!!! Your tests are getting darker! SUCH a KEWT idea with the onesie! I tried to do something kewt with Andrew when i found out. I prob told you guys a mill times but i grabbed a bracelet box and laid the stick in it, wrapped it up and told him i got him a present lmao. He was shocked! Ahhh!!! I am so over the moon for you Kels!!! I can't stop saying it!!

And thank you all for the kind words about Jaxon! :)
haha i was looking on FF at positive pregnancy charts and i see yours kels! LOL. Yay!!

Jess your temps are CRAZY! When is AF due? That huge spike, then huge drop an then spike makes me wonder... bfp?!
Awww Rach I never heard that story for how you told Andrew! Such a cool idea!! Can't wait to see your temp today.
Well last night and so far today no brown-but it's like a weird yellow? Sorry, TMI.
TGIF GIRLS!! Any big plans? We have nothing going on this weekend and its still low 50's and rainy. BOO WI, YOU SUCK.
Morning girls! :wave:

Sorry I have been MIA. I am having a terrible time with this cold and work has been absolutely hell!!! Last night I started taking antibiotics and today my stomach is really upset :cry: I don’t know if that’s normal or what but I feel terrible.

Rach – that is so great that the vet only charged you $48!!! I don’t think I would be prego this month, I am not even sure we’ve had sex, ugh! I have been so sick!!!

Kelsey – Your tests look great! I am so super excited for you!!! What’s up with that damn nurse!!!??? I can’t remember is she at your regular OB’s office or are you seeing a specialist now? I definitely think the brown discharge is normal at this point, but it never hurts to ask and you might get extra testing out of it! :thumbup: Oh I love your way of telling DH with the onesie, how cute!!!!

Lindsay – can’t wait to see your baby room pics! Is your glucose test the 1 hour or 4 hour? I had to do the 4 hour one as part of my RMC testing, it was awful!!! I was so weak when I left the hospital from not eating and having so much blood draw that I had to stop downstairs in the cafeteria for a snickers and a mountain dew so I could drive home.

Mel – any news on Meanie and Mo – sorry I have not had a chance to check your journal.

Sam :cold: - how are you doing girl? 10 weeks already, so great!!!

AFM – not sure what’s up with my cycle this month. I think being sick really threw things off. I don’t know, I think AF should be here in the next few days, so we’ll see. I really just want to feel better.
We are heading out on the boat today after work for the weekend. DH and I are both sick so we’ll probably just spend the weekend in the cabin taking naps and watching movies. I am really just anxious to get out on the water and get some fresh air. I don’t even care if it’s nice out!!!
Yellow is normal and cm in general is normal! I wear panty liners most of the time bc its a lot (tmi) haha. That started up pretty quickly for me and I think that's a sign of good progesterone levels actually. As long as its not smelly then you're good! Keep an eye on it today (lol like you wouldnt!) And if its brown again then it won't hurt to ask the doc what they think since its Friday you don't want to worry about it all weekend. Although the nurse you talk to sounds so awful that maybe its better to not have to talk to her! How are you feeling? I'm still so excited for you!
Rach your chart is looking good...I'm curious what todays temp will look like! I love how you told DH! The first time kirk was with me and we were squinting at the test and couldn't tell if it was positive so kirk ran out and got another one. And this last time kirk had to go to work early and I had convinced myself I wasn't pregnant the night before but when I saw my temp in the morning I figured why not just test even though I was still pretty convinced it was going to be negative. Less on it and was brushing my teeth and turned around to take a peek at it and saw two lines and threw my tooth brush in the sink and jumped in the shower and kept peeking out to see if the line was still there lol I had to have looked like a crazy person! Called kirk as soon as I got out of the shower crying my eyes out and laughing lol.

Jess - I'm sorry your still not feeling well! I often get an upset stomach on antibiotics. I think its common.

Sam - I checked your journal - loved seeing the ultrasound! So exciting hun! I'm so happy for you :) how are you feeling?

Mel - how you doing hun? Meanie and mo meet any spermies yet? Can't wait for you to test!

Afm - bellys been acting up again a bit but not nearly as bad as before thankfully. Pelvic bone and hips still hurting a bit but I've gotten a bunch of reassurance that it is normal at this stage so I've def chilled out about it.

Happy Friday ladies! Any plans?

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