1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

I think the 3D's are pretty standard at my OB office but I get extra spoiled since my SIL is the one scanning me. They have great machines there! I have an anterior placenta and they still manage to get good pics - maybe it's just my SIL is really good :)

Glad to hear you're starting to feel better Sam! I started feeling better around 10 weeks and would have a few good days and then a few bad days that tapered off by 14 weeks, I think. From what I understand I had it pretty bad - like worse than most. Now I feel like I could eat the whole pantry!! Which is what makes me worried for the glucose screening! We'll see how it goes though.
Thansk Lindsey - that is what I have read but it is good to hear that from you. I was hoping the eating might subside later on, not get worse. I have no chance then!!

I forgot to say that when OH told them MIL commented that she noticed I had a pot belly and was wondering if I had put weight back on - nice! I lost a lot of weight about 18 months ago and kept it of really well. It started creeping back on after the first mc but nothing too bad but with the nausea all I have done is eat crap, mainly chocolate.

However after telling another person at work (just the two I trust) they also said that I have been the topic of conversation about my weight gain (not the 2 people I have told but the others that I work with have apparently been chatting). Honestly some people - grr, but it does go to show you how much I have put on and it is beginning to annoy me.
Don't feel bad about already putting on weight! I only gained 5lbs in the first 12 weeks and my friends also said they could see the belly forming and when I told my boss that I was pregnant she said "yea....you look it!" lol! Which isn't exactly what you want to hear at 12 weeks, but I was just happy to be pregnant and tried to ignore everyone. And now that I'm rounding 28 weeks I've gotten pretty used to everyone saying "oh my god, Lindsay, you're huge!!" I swear you could see my belly at 8 weeks - I know my pants weren't fitting right! I even got one of those bands at 8 weeks so I didn't have to button my pants :blush: I had gained a bit of weight from the first pregnancy and never lost it before this one.

I think it's sweet your DH blurted out that you were pregnant - shows how excited he is!! Definitely try to ignore comments that bother you - I'm sure they don't mean it to come out the way they do! I've gained a bunch of weight in the last few weeks, which I've read is normal but I know it's hard to not think about! So excited for your 12 week scan! it'll be here before we know it! :)
So sadie followed me downstairs without me knowing. Jax was growling and i couldn't figure out why. I walked up to him to see and saw sadie there. I scared Jax and he bit and scratched me. Should i be concerned? Like i don't want rabies or something. No idea what to do. How long do rabie shots last in an animal? If he was neutered then you think he might of had his shot? Feeling so sick thinking about this.
Aw, Rach - don't worry about the scratch and bite when it comes to rabies - you would've known by now if he had it, plus he wouldn't have been allowed to be neutered without the shot initially. Cat scratches/bites can get a bit infected though because of the bacteria in their saliva so be sure to put some neosporin on it if you have some or at least keep it nice and clean. Poor little guy was just scared!

I agree with Sam too about your job - you sure you want to go back? You seemed pretty miserable while you were there. I hope it all works out for you, hun!
Lindsay <3 the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you even imagine when he'll be here and all the pics we're going to be begging you to post!?!?!? Yes I have ventured to the PAL thread, it's so hard getting into a different thread and keeping up with everything/everybody!
Omg Sam, are you going to get the blood situation checked out?! Glad besides that you're starting to feel better. Can't wait for your May 14th scan!! Well, I guess OH was just so excited he couldn't hold it in any longer?? LOL I can just picture the look you must have had on your face when he did it!
Maybe I'll feel different, but I'm thinking I'll LOVE people noticing I'm PG!! Although your MIL saying she noticed you had a pot belly? I would have slapped her and blamed it on the pregnancy hormones! Wow! My friend that just gave birth last weekend was very in shape and active, so her pregnant belly bothered her. A couple weeks before she gave birth I commented about how her belly had popped so much since I saw her last (I totally did not mean it as bad, because I can't wait to have a big ol' PG belly :) ) and I could tell right away it bothered her and I felt like an ass.
Rachael---that lil naughty Jax! I'm sure he was just scared because he maybe felt cornered and he's still trying to figure out if you're a good mom or a bad mom. Lindsay, thank god for you and your wealth of info!
I love love love my pregger belly but it's just how people say it sometimes! When someone says to me "oh my gosh, you look so much bigger than last time I saw you - how cute!" vs. "Oh my god, Lindsay, you're huge!" it's super nice the first way and makes you think the second way lol. Does that make sense?? One of my friends early on at 8 weeks told me I was getting bigger in the "pregnancy areas" meaning boobs and belly and told me that I might want to start telling people before 12 weeks as they were probably going to know anyway. Which for some reason rubbed me the wrong way and I wanted to slap him lol.

How you feeling today Kelsey???

If you guys haven't figured it out, I'm working from home today so it's nice and easy for me to respond to you guys! :)
Rachel - I have no idea bout Rabies but I am sure everything will be just fime like Lindsey said, he was just a bit scared.

Kels - I don't mind the pg belly bit, its just I have put weight on all over, my arms, thighs etc. I was quite looking forward to having my bump but the rest of me being thinner. I know its daft to worry but I have been overwight nearly all of my life and this time lost a lot and kept it off and I am frightened to go back to that. I don't mind having a belly bump I just don't want and entire body 'bump'!!

Yes I wil get my blood in urine checked out tomorrow as I think it's returned just now.
Hi Girls!

Sam - this is no time to be thinking about weight!!!! You are prego :happydance: so embrace it girl!!!! Being pregnant gives you a free pass to eat anything you want and put on some pounds!!! I l always start gaining right away when I get prego. Then its really hard for me to get it off when I'm not! I can't wait for your 12 week scan, its almost here!!!

Lindsay - Your pics are so cute!!! I can't believe the detail in those, its crazy! You are going to know exactly what he looks like when he's born!!! Glad the glucose test went well. I didn't think the stuff you drink was bad either, all the bloodwork is what did it for me.

Kelsey - glad you ventured over to the PAL thread. Its great when you are in a good thread with people that are at the same stage as you so you can share symptoms etc. As long as the thread isn't too active where its hard to keep up.

Rach - Not sure what to tell you about your job. It does seem like it was very stressful for you. Have you checked into maybe working at a vets office as a receptionist or something. It seems like you'd like that and you can decide if you want to pursue it any further.

AFM - no sign of AF yet. I really hope my cycle isn't all messed up from being sick. It does seem like my temps have leveled out a bit. I am just hoping I O'd this month and things are delayed. Chris and I have decided we are going to start setting things out for our trip tonight. Its hard to believe its only 17 days away!!!! Ekkkkk!!!!
Rach your temps are looking good - I have everything crossed for you!!!!
Rachey babes your temps are looking good!! Have you held out this whole time without testing?! Omg I spent all my 2WW waits in the FF chart gallery searching PG charts that looked like mine! Oh God I blush saying this, but I'll return the favor and cross EVERTHING for you. :) Yep, even "those". LOL
Jessie I want you to get AF tomorrow so that you'll have OV confirmed before you leave!
Nothing would make me happier than to have our whole group PG with our rainbows at the same time! At least for a cpl weeks before Oakley joins us!
LOL love you girls! i took a test from walmart and it was a BFN. We shall see in a few days! Yes, i've held out this whole time!
Rach glad your temps are behaving! Fx for you!! :dust:
Well I am 6dpo today and my trigger shot has now faded to a negative pregnancy test so the runway is clear for my lines to get darker again! Hopefully!! Kels did you get any boob pain in the 2ww? Xx
Omg RACH-AMAZING temp today!!!!! I'm really really excited!!
Mel I didn't have blobs pain-they weren't really anymore sore than normal when I get AF. Hopefully tomorrow that 2nd line starts showing up tomorrow!! FX'd!!

Edit: "blobs" translate to "boobs". Thank you kindle auto corrrect! lol
Yeah wow - nice temp Rach!!! :thumbup:

Kelsey - your temps are staying nice and consisent too!!!! :happydance: How are you feeling?
Jess - I'm sure your temps have been so weird bc you were so sick and on so much medicine. Prob just made it difficult to see a pattern bc of that. Hopefully.AF will show soon.

Rach - nice temp jump this morning! I like Jess' idea of being a receptionist at a vet clinic! You could see what its like to be a vet tech and could open up some options for yourself.

Mel - so excited for you! You testing tm like you had originally planned? You usually get early bfps right?

Kelsey - your funny with your temping! I made myself stop after a few days....ok ok kirk made me stop lol. You're almost at 5 weeks! Countdown to may 18!

Sam - your 12 week scan is may 14 right? That's my bday :) hope you're feeling ok!

Afm - traffic was terrible this morning and I have to pee so badly! I'm so glad I got my rhogam shot yesterday since I had already taken the day off for my other appt. I had to get my blood drawn and then go back 3 hrs later to get the shot since they.make it specifically for your blood type. I got DH to feel oakley having a little fiesta in my belly last night...he was freaking out (both of them lol)

I agree with Kelsey! It'd be amazing to have all of us pregnant at the same time! I have another 3 months basically so we're on track for all of you to get your bfps! :)
Aww yeah that would be brilliant Lindsay! :cloud9: SOOOO cute that Oakley and your DH were excited like that :cloud9: Yeah I am 6dpo - forgot to take into consideration that my trigger shot released the egg 36 hours later. And I have had travel sickness today which is a major sign for me. But of course it could have just been travel sickness!
Rach hoping and praying your temps stay up!
Kels has the spotting stopped?
Jess how are you hun?
I don't think my temp is accurate this morning. I had gotten up 2 hrs before i normally temp to go pee. I never took it before i got up. Then went back to bed, 2 hrs later temp'd. So, idk. Might be a little less? I took another PG test today and it's clearly a bfn. It sucks, but it's my life! lol. I'm going to wait 3 more days when AF is suppose to be here. Blahblahblah! I had a dream i was pregnant last night and i got tons of butterflies. Then i came on here to spread my news and i didn't know how to put it LOL! Then i started getting them familiar doubts and concerns of another MC. Totally ruined my dream dangit!!! ;) So i dyed my hair yesterday. This girl gave me 4 john freida boxes for $8. One box at walmart is friggin $11.97! I was so happy. Love the color too. It's a light brown with blonde/red tint. Well I'm calling my old job again today to see if i can get in touch with someone. Going to wait until after noon to call. Someone better answer! I just have a lot of 'regret' doing it. Not so much for the money factor but just the place itself. I feel like i should have tried a little longer. If that doesn't work i'd love to be a vet receptionist. I just didn't know if there was a such thing! LOL. Do i need any experience or anything for it? I don't know where i should apply. Thank girls for all your help!! You know how to make a girl feel better! :)

Lindsay 3 months?! It has just FLOWN by. Then i think of how the whole time i've been TTC and it makes it feel long again lol. It really has flown by though! I can't believe it. My friend Ashley... felt like she was preg for 3 yrs. So crazy!!! So cute Kirk got to feel Oakley have a fiesta LOL. I'd love to feel that. It would make me laugh so hard.

Mel i hope you get your BFP in the next few days!!! That would be amazing!! :) Will be thinking about you and stalking your journal!

Sam how are you doing hunny? Is that baby the size of an olive by now i bet! :) SO exciting!!! GAHH!

Kels how is my little punkin doing? You feeling any better about being PG? I know we all feel doubtful the first few weeks. I will too whenever that time comes. Hang in there hunny. Can't wait for that appt!!!!!!!
Lindsay do you already know you passed your test from yesterday? Or when do you know? I pray you do NOT have to do the 3 hour test.
Yes, I always told myself I would not temp after my next BFP because in my miscarriage my temps always stayed high so they didn't indicate the viability of my PG anyway! I keep waiting for my temp to go higher and then I say I'll stop temping. But my temp hasn't budged!? Then I worry it's too steady so my hormones aren't high enough because I thought my hormones would make my temp go wacky.
Mel, jumping for joy for travel sickness!!:holly:
Rachael, I want to see this sexy new hair!! And since you had 2 solid hours of sleep, I don't think your temp should be off my much. So I think it's good!
AFM---I noticed the last couple mornings my stomach is upset---feel like I could throw up if I really wanted to or I could have issues at the other end. Doesn't amount to anything and usually goes away. I've been sleeping crappy too, waking up a lot throughout the night. And Mel no more brown discharge---only had it for a couple hours at exactly 4 weeks. I still run to the bathroom to check my underwear like a crazy person though. :blush:

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