1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Hi Girls!
Happy Friday! :wave:

Happy 29 weeks Lindsay!!!
Have fun seeing your MIL. I am sure you will have a great time on the beach! Seeing the ocean for me always turns me into a new person. I just love it! The fresh air, sunshine, sound of the waves... ahhhhhhhh!!!! Heavenly!!!

Happy 6 weeks Kelsey!!! Are you just waking up because your body feels ready or because you have to pee? Maybe you are going to be too early? I can't imagine not knowing the sex of the baby. I am a planner so I would really need to know. The suspense would just kill me!! Your 1st scan is next week right?

Mel - I am glad things are going well with you. I would worry about the symptoms, I know its hard not to. Every one of my pregnancies was so different with the symptoms so who knows what you should really feel like. One of these has to stick for us right!!!??? I mean this is #5. How long do you have to take the steriods for?

Sam - sounds like you have some nice strong symptoms so that is great and glad the bleeding has been lighter and brown.

Rach - We are holding up the parade here!! We need to get these BFP's this month so we can join the rest of the girls and make this a PAL thread not a TTC one!!!! Don't worry about low temps during AF. Mine are low too during this time, its great that you are still temping!!! So proud of you!!! :happydance: Oh, if you haven't heard back from that job yet I might just move on. Its getting ridiculous with them. I mean, give you an answer already!!!

AFM - I took a half day today so I could do some shopping and get things ready for our trip. Its kinda nice to have some ME time. I went to the mall and got a new bathing suit and a couple new shirts! :happydance: I am getting so excited. My last day of work is Wednesday and our flight is at 2pm on Thursday. Probably no boating for us this weekend. We thought about going out on Saturday for the day but we have a lot to do so we might skip it. Sunday we are taking our moms out for dinner.

Happy Mother's Day girls!!!
I got excited for you reading you prepare for your trip jess! :happydance: I hope you have a wonderful time and glad you enjoyed your me-time! Enjoy Sunday xx
Going to BD CD8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22. Is that good?

Jess i am SOOOO jealous of you! I hope you have an awesome time in Barcelona! You won't wanna come back lol. Have an awesome time and make sure to try and keep in touch down there! Oh and post pics of your awesome trip!

Have an awesome weekend ladies!!!!!!! Enjoy yourselves.
Rach- that sounds like a great plan!!! :thumbup: I will be relying on the other girls to keep you to that plan and get out the bat if you miss a day!!! :grr: LOL
Alo, you've done a great job with the temping!!! Keep that up so we can stalk your chart too!!! :thumbup:
Thanks Jess! :)

I hope to obey my own schedule LOL. Def get that bat ready :grr:

haha doesn't that dude look like he has knumb chucks? HIIIIIIIIIIIII YA!
Aww Sam, I love how you said it, "Happy mothers day to angel mums, tummy mummies and earth baby mums"!! Such a perfect way to put it!!
Jessie how great you got to have a "me day"! Can't believe you leave in 4 days----the trip seemed so far away when you first started planning it! And what day do you come back?
Rachael that bd'ing schedule is PERFECT!!!! Try and be really strict about it this month, no matter how hot and bothered you get on your off days, save it for a bd day :) I know, some people think it's bad to BD ONLY for TTC, but just try it at least 1 month that way. Have you started using the OPK's?
I'm very excited for you, Rachael and Jessie, this month. It's your month and I just KNOW IT!!! It's very cool that your cycles are almost exactly the same so your EDDs would be pretty much the same!
Lindsay I hope you had a wonderful weekend with the inlaws!
Sam, hope you're feeling good! Do you have a scan this week?
Mel---4 1/2 weeks!! How are you feeling?
AFM, yesterday I was shopping with my sisters for my mom's birthday present and I suddenly got very warm and felt really sick. My sister said I looked very white. Once I ate something I started feeling better but then I had a headache the rest of the day and still slightly today. Today when we went to eat for MOther's Day same thing----got really hot and started sweating and felt like I was going to be sick. So, hopefully it's a good thing that I've been queezy. Today when we got home I was exhausted and napped for a couple hours---I'll never be able to sleep tonight!! Friday's the big day!! OMG :wacko: So scared/excited.
Hope you all had a great weekend and Mother's Day Girls!
Hi girls :wave:
Hope you all had a great Mothers Day!!!

Kelsey - I got so excited when I read your post!!! MS!!! :happydance: I hope you continue to feel like crap!!! :sick: I can't wait for your appointment Friday!!! I am going to need to check in on you from Barcelona!!!

AFM - Chris and I finished up our packing today, put it all in our suitcases and did a weigh in. chris was slightly over so he had to take some stuff out but I have about 5 lbs to spare!!! :yipee: AF is down to just spotting now so ready to get on with the BDing. Looks like we will be trying to make a baby in Spain!!! I can't believe we leave in 4 days!!!
Kelsey that is definitely AWESOME symptoms!! Very happy for you. I am glad you feel poopy! I will def try to keep up with the BD schedule. Going to stick to it. I need to get OPKs but prob still going to use the cheap ones since $$ is tight.

Jess i am so excited for Spain!! So happy the spotting has stopped as well! Can't wait for you to get your freak on. woot woot!!!!!!! Make that bed rock. LOL

AFM i forgot to temp last night. booooooo. I was afraid of that happening. So easy m-f bcz andrew has to work so i temp when his alarm goes off. have done awesome on the weekends here lately, just not yesterday. Oh well.
Good Morning ladies!!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! We had a great time with my in-laws! I posted a video of our little darby playing in the water - just mute it as my giggle is a bit overwhelming! lol He's just the cutest dog! Can't keep him out of the water.

Kirk spoiled me this weekend and got me a little mother's day gift that was just precious and really made me cry - I'm so thankful!

I also found out this weekend that Kirk's brother's wife is pregnant! She's about 5 weeks along!! Keeping everything crossed that they have a little boy to play with Oakley!! :p She said she thinks she's having a girl because of the chinese calendar but the chinese calendar told me I was having a girl too - wrong!! lol

Sam - Today's your scan - right?! Can't wait to see another picture!!

Jess - so excited for your trip!! it sounds amazing and can't wait for you to get back and get your BFP!

Rach - the BD schedule sounds perfect - don't stray!! :)

Kelsey - woohoo for feeling like you're going to vomit!! I have a feeling you're going to have more and more of that!

AFM - I've had a silly sinus headache that won't go away for a day or two, hoping it will subside today! Today is also my birthday - 28 today! Doesn't feel like my birthday at all! It's rainy out so Kirk will be home early today so I'm going to try to sneak out a bit early too :p

Hope you all have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Lindsay!!!!​
:cake:You are are Taurus too!!!! :happydance:

Glad you had a nice time with your family. I need to check out your video! So sweet of Kirk to get you a little gift!!!

Rach - how do you enter your temps into FF? Your phone or your computer? Because FF has an alarm on it. I used to always just temp when I got up, but on the weekends it would sometimes be much later than normal. Since I've set the FF alarm it always goes off at 6am. I temp and go back to bed (on the weekends) during the week, that is my normal time to get up. The alarm is not overpowering or anything, they have different tones, but I can hear it even when my phone or Ipad is out in the kitchen.

Sam - I am excited to hear about your appointment too.

Mel - how are you feeling this time around?

Kelsey - I hope you are puking right right!! Sorry!!! I mean this in the kindest way possible!!! I hope you can get through work though, they might start suspecting. Did you anyone else yet?
Jessie wow thanks! I never knew they had an alarm. Is it just for VIP users or is it for everyone? Only 3 days until SPAIN!!! I bet you are just sooooo excited!!

Lindsay Awhhh Happy Birthday!!!!!! 28 isn't a bad number! You will get your gift of a lifetime that year ;) What did Kirk get ya for Mother's Day!? I haven't saw that video but am going to go look now!!! :)

Well today is the start of every other day BDing. Woohooo. Andrew sounded excited LOL. he was like let's see if we can make a baby this month. Such a babe.
Happy Birthday Lindsey!!

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend away and how lovely of your OH to get you a mothers day gift.

Rach - Yay for fab bd schedule and for Andrew making such a lovely comment. I really hope this will be your month. Don't forget your temp and opks.

Kels - Hope you are continuing to feel sick, not be long till Friday, can't wait!!

Jess - wow 3 days till your holiday that does seem to have got here fast!! I hope it is the best holiday and leads to a very memorable bfp when you get back home!!

afm - Scan went really well. Baby smartie cooperated for the first little while (enough to get one NT scan measurement, they prefer 2) but then kept flipping over and showing off the spine. It was amazing to see he/she move so much. I am getting the combined screening, NT and bloods and should hear back within 10-14 days whether high/low risk. I asked what the measurement of the NT was - 1.3mm which I know is good but I'll have to wait for the bloods etc so still a scary wait (as google has brought up lots of scary stories, argh why do we do it :dohh:)
Sam - so happy that your scan went so well, :happydance: altho it sounds like Baby Smartie is quite a little jumping bean!!! :yipee: Do you have any pics to post?

Rach - I am not sure if its just a VIP membership option or what, but if you try to go on there and set it, it should tell you if you have access. So glad that Andrew is being so cooperative... after all, he does benefit too right!!! :sex: LOL
HAPPY 28TH BIRTHDAY LINDSAY!! \\:D/:-= (That's my smiley face singing happy birthday to you) What did Kirk get you for Mother's Day!? Ryan and Presley made me a card and then Ryan stuck the card to his collar and sent him into the bedroom by me. You poor thing, sinus headaches are the WORST. Sometimes I can't tell the difference between my sinus headaches and my migraines--hopefully yours isn't that bad though. How fun that your sister in law is PG! Is this her first?
Jessie---love that you'll be making a baby in Spain! :blue::pink: And thanks for the puke wishes, you're so sweet! lol I've had to eat something about every hour in order to keep the queeziness away. At this rate I'm going to be huge! I'm going to be Holly's twin! :holly:
Rachael---today starts your rigorous BD schedule! Andrew is right on, you'll be making a baby THIS month. Cheap OPKs should still be able to pinpoint OV--especially using them with your temps. Can't wait to stalk your chart!!
Sam love the scan! It has to be so neat to see the baby moving around and doing flips inside you! A month or 2 and you should be able to start feeling him/her!
Great pic Sam!! so happy everything went well and I'm sure the blood work will come back good too!! Is the brown discharge completely gone now??

Jess - almost time to go for you!! I'm so jealous!! :)

Rach - I'm so proud of you for remembering to temp now!

Kelsey - how are you feeling?? Can't wait for Friday!

AFM - I had a really nice birthday yesterday - it was a messy rainy day so I ended up sitting in a lot of traffic but my work friends surprised me with some goodies and we all went out to lunch and then I got to come home to take-out food and snuggling with Kirk - it was perfect!

My pelvic pain has seemed to have gotten a lot better - I don't know if I'm just getting used to it or what, but that makes me really happy lol. I have my 30 week appointment tomorrow and I get to book my 32 week growth scan then! So crazy!
Sam - so glad your appointment went well!!! I am sure everything will be fine with your bloods! I can't remember if you said or not but now that you're past the 12 weeks have you told everyone your prego?

Lindsay - Sounds like you had a great birthday! Sometimes those quiet ones are the best ones! So happy your pain seems to have gone away and yeah for your 30 week appointment!!! Gosh how time flies!!!

Kelsey - I am getting so excited for your appointment Friday!!! Yeah!!!

Mel, Sam - How are you girls doing? Sorry I have not had a chance to check journals. I have been so busy getting my house clean and ready for the trip, I don't want to come back to a mess!!!

Has anyone heard from Eliza? Probably need to send her a FB message and see how things are going.

AFM - still had a little bit of spotting yesterday so I hope to be done with that today. Nothing crazy yet going on with my temps this month although I haven't really been sleeping great, I think I am getting nervous/excited about the trip.
Jess your temps do look great so far. I hope you can get some sleep though. I wouldn't be able to either from the excitement!! Have you ever been to Barcelona? Anywhere near there? You're going to have so much fun! How romantic will it be to conceive a baby in Spain!!? That is just so cuteee!! I hope that place has babydust all over it.

Lindsay i am happy you had a good birthday and that pelvic pain has weakened. I wonder if Oakley is positioned different now and that's why it doesn't hurt? I can't believe you're 2 days shy of 30 weeks. Pretty soon you're going to be considered full term!!! GAHH i can't imagine the excitement!!! It's so awesome because you'll have him at an awesome time of the year. You'll get the rest of the summer to spend with that little handsome man.

Kelsey how are you doing sweetheart!? Are you still feeling nauseous? I hope so. What is the date of your appointment? I can't wait!! 2 more days and you will be 7 weeks!!! Damn, one more week after that and you've found out a month already. Seems so unreal. lol. When the heck is Jersey Shore or another Challenge coming on!? Tv is so boring now. I do love watching Ridiculousness and Pauly D's new show. lol

Mel how is the pregnancy my love?! Hope you're doing wonderful. When do you go to the doctors?!

Sam i am so happy for you and that baby!! Looks like everything is growing like it should. You deserve it hun!

AFM, i called my previous work again yesterday and she told me there was still no info available and that doesn't sound right. I was like no shit! So she said she would call me back in a few DAYS with an answer. I was like WTF! Wasn't even 4 mins later and she called and told me she sent this application to my email that she needs me to fill out and once that is done she can move me onto the interview process. (yay). Then like a half hour later this other job i put in for called me. What are the chances of that happening?! That's exactly what happened to me last time. I hope here soon i have SOME job. I am really going insane. If i had a baby here with me i'd be fine! Being here by yourself sucks. lol. Anyways, i hope something happens here soon. Next Sunday i'm going to Indianapolis for the INdy500! I don't remember if i told y'all that or not. I hope it's nice that day. I'm so happy because i'll FINALLY get to spend 3 days with Andrew. He's been working 6 days a week for the last month or so. Miss him! We did BD last night woohoo. I won't be able to get any OPKs until Saturday which is okay because i'll only be CD13. I never ov that early. I should be okay :)
Hiya girlies! Lindsay happy belated birthday!! :cake:
Sorry not posted much I am on an emotional roller coaster ATM! So I've been hibernating on the recurrent mc thread and my journal
My symptoms are coming and going and I wish they'd stay. I got a 3+ on a digi this morning which made me feel 10% better as I got it a day early so my hormone levels might be ok.
Rach sorry guide having job trouble Hun something will come along but they don't like making it easy do they?
Sam already posted on your journal :cloud9:
Jess, you're going to have such a wonderful time. You should get on the tour bus they are fab! I love barcelona!
Kels how are you feeling? Yay for the sickness! I can't stop eating full stop!! Xxx

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