1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Glad you had a good birthday Lindsay! If you get a picture of Oakley at your appt today post it asap! Geez, maybe that was demanding? :)
OMG JESSIE, YOU LEAVE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!! :happydance: :plane::boat::shipw: Like Rachael said, hope everywhere you go is COVERED in babydust. Your last day of work today!! Are you working a full day? It'll probably be the slowest day ever for you, but I hope it flies :) Everything is crossed that you'll be able to update us a couple times, or at least update FF with your temps. Take lots of pics!! Aww man, I'm going to miss you on here! :cry:
Omg Rachael the Indy500 should be so fun! I think that'd be a really fun atmosphere to be in! I hope you hear from your job today, and I hope you get offers from both so you can pick which one you'd prefer! FX'd!! I know, I can't wait for another challenge to be on, but there's usually a real world season first, so hopefully a real world is coming on soon. Love me some Pauly D show too! I'm watching the Bachelorette too, because I don't remember if I said but one of the guys on there went to college and played baseball with DH! And you should be fine with your OPKs, because you're like me and don't usually OV until a bit later.
Mel woohoo for the 3+ on the digital! Everything is going to be just perfect this time. :cloud9:
AFM---was pretty queezy this morning. I've been munching on some dry cereal so that has kind of helped. I want a sub (preferally a Turkey Tom from Jimmy Johns) but I know we're supposed to stay away from lunch meat so I'm cranky about that. The last few days I've been craving greasy food sooooo bad, but today thinking about the greasy food makes me feel like throwing up. Ugg, change the subject, I'm starting to get mouth sweats! Still been getting up at 4 am everyday to go to the bathroom and some of my pants are starting to get pretty tight. I realized today that although I was 7 weeks last time when I started spotting, I was 33DPO. Today I'm 34 DPO, so although I'm not 7 weeks yet, I'm still farther DPO wise--which gave me some relief. Does that make sense to anybody besides me? lol Getting soooo nervous for Friday! This week has been the slowest week of my life, and work hasn't been very busy which makes my day 10X slower.
Kels - great news about getting past the 33dpo point. I am sure everything will be great at your scan but it doesn't stop you worrying until it all appears fine on screen. I couldn't even look at the screen until OH or scan lady said something first. You have such strong symptoms that this will be your sticky bean.

Rachel - any word back from those two jobs? Have you been to the Indy before? Sounds like fun!! My SIL/BIL went last year when they where across there on holiday and had a great time. Hows the bd schedule going?

Jess - Have a wonderful holiday, only a few hours of work to go then lots of relaxing in the sun baby making. I can't believe it has come around so soon, but I bet it seem like ages to you. We still haven't got anything booked yet but will be doing so this weekend. Next weekend I am off to London for the Chelsea Flower show with my Dad, step mum and sister, so looking forward to that.

Lindsay - glad the pelvic pain has subsided. How did your appointment go today? 30 weeks tomorrow - amazing!!

Mel - yay for the 3+ on the digi. I have been busy studying for my exam on Saturday so ahve been a bit absent for the last day or so, just going to catch up with your journal.

afm - got a call from my GP saying the hospital had contacted them as my urine sample I gave last week still had traces of bugs (that are resistant to Amoxicillin - the antibiotic I had been taking for the UTI). I am not keen to start the cefelexin but I think the cons are less then the risks of me getting pylonephritis especially since I am asymptomatic without taking the new antibiotic.
HaPpY 13 WeEkS sAm!!!!!!!!! Yeah for being a peach! :) Sucks you still have to take something, but I guess we just have to trust that the Dr. wouldn't give you anything that would be harmful to you or your pregnancy. FX'd those bugs kick rocks asap!
My appointment isn't until this afternoon so I'm working from home today. No scan planned today - My SIL said I could sneak back for one but I have my 32 week scan in 2 weeks so I figure I just had one last week I don't really need another one - plus I'm going to want one more scan before he's born so I don't want to wear out my welcome if ya know what I mean! lol

My MIL and FIL were just over and painted the floor of the baby's room for us - it's an oil based paint so they taped up the room and I won't get to see it for about a week to keep down on exposing me to the fumes - I can't wait to see it!! We did a tannish-green color because it seems to go with the bedding colors the best but will still look normal for a regular room too for when we want to sell. So I'm sitting here with all the doors and windows open with the fans blowing - beautiful day for it!

Jess - so excited for your trip!! I hope your last day at work goes by quickly! I hope we can still stalk your chart while you're gone :) How long will you be gone for again??

Kelsey - so happy to hear you're feeling not so good! Only two more days until your scan! I can't wait to see your little blob! :)

Sam - Happy 13 weeks!!! :) :) How have you been feeling??

Rach - today's a BD day!! ;) have fun!! Hear from either of your jobs??

Mel - hope you're doing well!! When's your next doctor's appointment??

I'll let you guys know how the appointment goes today but pretty sure it'll just be a 10 minute blood pressure/urine check with a quick doppler on the belly :)
Oh yea - Sam - I took something other than amp for my UTI (bc I'm allergic to amp) and I read a million things on whatever it was (not sure if it's the same as what you're talking about) but everything was fine. I find it hard to put 100% trust in my doctors too...it's tough! Especially after what we've all been through!
Hi girls!

Kelsey - I am so happy about your strong symptoms. :happydance: I never got MS in any of my pregnancies so I think its a great sign for you!!! Yeah for the clothes feeling tight too!!!

Sam - Happy 13 weeks!!!

Rach - the Indy 500 sounds like fun! Make sure you stay on your BD and temping schedule while I'm gone. These girls will be taking out the bat if you don't :grr:

Lindsay - good luck with your appointment today!!! Oh, and you need to post some updated baby room pics!!!

Mel - How are you girl! Hope you're feeling like crap too!!!

AFM - On my last day of work, and it has been nuts. I have a meeting until 5pm so no breaking out early for me!!! Chris and I have to do a couple things around the house tonight (mow the lawn, vacuum, etc) and then we should be ready to go. I get back June 4th. But I will try to keep in touch with you girls while I am gone, or at least just post a hello. Make sure you girls stay on top of Rach with her BDing and temping. I want to see a BFP from her when I get back so we can turn this into a PAL thread!!!
Good luck at the docs Lindsay! xx
Pink what does that mean? It's nothing serious is it, will the new antibiotics be ok to take or do they have risks? Xx
Kels yay for sickness :sick: :yipee: sorry you can't get a turkey sub!! They sound good! You're doing well Hun I will be nervous for you on Friday but I have a really good feeling for you too! I know it's all horrible this waiting and not knowing what's going on :hugs:
Rach any news?
Lindsay / kels did you have mild dull ache type cramps on and off early on? This is a newish symptom for me! My scan is on 27th may....Xx
Mel - I did have mild cramping - mostly in my back but I have a retroverted uterus - so that makes sense. With my first pregnancy I had severe cramping the day before I got my BFP and for a few weeks after too but with this one it was very mild but not in the first week, it took a week or so to start. Made me a bit nervous at the time, but I guess it was the little one burrowing in for the long haul :)
Thanks Lindsay, I have a retroverted uterus too! Was the cramping always in your back or was some like where the bikini line is and like a mild mild dull ache?
Bad cramping is a bad sign I think, I've had that before. X
I had it both in the back and in the front. I think mild cramping is a good sign :) I've been getting that again recently - maybe braxton hicks?? I also got the pains along my bikini line through the first and second trimester - those got worse in the second trimester - called them round ligament pains - those are def a good sign, I have a great feeling for you on this one!! :)
I love days like today when we all talk! LOL.

Lindsay the baby rooms sounds gorgeous. I love the color paint you chose. It sounds perfect for Oakley! I bet the anticipation is killing you (the room). Let us know how the appt goes! I can not believe how far you are!!!! It seems just like 2 months ago we met on here lol. geesh!!!

Kelsey yay to feeling like poo!!!! That's awesome. Congrats on making it 1 day longer than last time!! I bet that is a milestone. I can't wait for that damn appointment. I am so anxious to hear all the GOOD news!!! Will it have a heartbeat by then? That's so cool how the guy on the bachelorette or whatever went to school with your hubs! That is so neat. I've been watching americas got talent. I love american idol too! Gotta love tv shows lol!

Mel i saw you were having a real bad day yesterday :( we all are going to have them, but just try to relax. This is your forever baby and i am so excited for your appointment!! Your symptoms sound like they're getting stronger and also you're getting more!! That's a great sign hun.

Sam i hope you start feeling better babe!! I am soooooo glad you joined this thread awhile back. You, Kels and i all were in the cbfm thread and here we are together again! LOL. Sad thing is, we don't even use that damn thing anymore! LOL.

Jessie GAAH i am so jealous of you!! You had me crackin up about everyone keeping tabs on me or else i'll get the bat! Gosh we are going to miss you sooo much! I better hear a BFP from you too missy!!!!!!! I wanna see some pics as well. Either on here or fb! I wanna be even more jealous. I can't imagine how incredibly long today is probably for you! Hang in there. It's almost over.

AFM my boobs been hurting on/off today which is new this early in cycle. Hopefully that will be a good sign in the long run. Ugh friggin found out Jax has worms. :dohh: I am just like is this cat ever going to be okay!? Got to get him some meds from the vet tonight. Speaking of this subject - Lindsay, is there anyway to santize and make sure no worms get on the carpet or make sure Sadie doesn't get it?! I really don't wanna have 2 animals infected. He threw up and i saw them in it (TMI).

Anywho today is a BD day! Yeeehaw! So excited to get my groove on. Will be even happier 2 weeks from now when i'm almost ready to see that BFP ;) hehehe!! I have so much hope this go round. Let's pray for a miracle.

I did not hear anything about the jobs yet. I remember my last job i didn't hear back for about 2 weeks. So we shall friggin see! The other place that called me to do an interview hasn't called back either. She called and i didn't answer and left me a vmail saying she received my app and was interested. So i called back 2 hrs later and she didn't answer so i left a vmail. Yesterday i never heard from her. So, today i called and her phone was off.. so i left another vmail. Hopefully she's just been off the last 2 days? I hope.
Mel - I think I have said this already. I got dull cramps, worse in the evenings sometimes a general ache but a lot in the groin/bikini area. I was worrying but I had to think that this was everything growing and strtching. I got bad cramps and pains with my 1st pg but that was a lot due to my cyst I think, looking back now with knowledge.

Bladder infections can track back up to the kidneys and cause some real damage (pylonephritis) if not treated. So although I have no symptoms atm I still have to be treated just in case. These antibiotic are level 2, amoxicillin (level 1) is the preferred choice but my urine bugs have come back as resistant (nearly 50% of UTI bugs are resistant to amoxicillin though) These antibiotics are the lesser of 2 evils!

Kels - I don't think we are as strict over here about those sort of meats however I was so upset to find out I can't have a McFlurry!! :icecream:

Jess - Have a great time and I hope the rest of your work day goes quick. look forward to hearing form you if you do get chance to update. :boat:

Rach - boo to not hearing about the jobs. Like you said she is probably just off for a couple of days. Nothing worse in waiting when you are hoping to here something soon. Poor jax - I think the worming tabs should work quite quickly, bit freaky seeing them moving about. I am glad I followed you both onto here too :hugs:
Thanks pink I know you told me so that's why i didn't ask you Hun. I am worried that they have fizzled out now, I haven't felt any today :wacko: xx
Sorry if I was repeating, I often forget who I asked what to! Some days were stronger than others, occasional days of nothing. It's not easy is it? When is your next drip planned?
Aww girls you're all so lovely! We have been chatting for months and months! :friends:
Rach - you don't have to worry about the worms in the carpet, what you would need to worry about is sadie eating Jax's poo and staying out of the litter box. Wash your hands after you pick up Jax but it's very rare to transfer from cat to dog unless the dog is getting into the litter (very common - so watch out for that!). Do you know what kind of worms by any chance? It was in his vomit? That's kind of surprising but def get him to the vet for a deworming - the stuff they sell over the counter can be real crap sometimes. Especially if it's hookworms - those can infect you too!

Kelsey - ALL I've wanted since the day I found out I was pregnant is an italian cold cut sub from Jersey Mike's (local chain) and so I've made Kirk vow to me that my first meal in the delivery room will be that and a giant fountain coke lol. My doctors told me that we're allowed to eat deli meats as long as they're heated up but to limit to once a week if you can. So, I go to subway and get a sub there that is toasted (doc said that was fine) - maybe that will help subside the craving?? I know it's not going to be the same as you had in mind but it satisfied me for a trimester or so lol Now I'm totally dying for the other sub - but it will be that much better when I can have it! It's worth it for little Oakley lol

Jess - I'll post some pics of the nursery probably next weekend - we have to let the paint on the floor dry for a whole WEEK! It's going to kill me seeing that perfectly clean freshly painted room with no crib and dresser in it lol. I ordered the rug a couple days ago that's going to go in there, it's supposed to come next Friday. Then we just need to get the changing table and rocking chair from Kirk's sister and I think we're set! So weird!

Sam - Glad you're getting the UTI taken care of - I have a friend who just had to have kidney surgery due to recurrent UTI's causing damage to her right kidney - poor thing!!

Mel - sorry to hear you had a rough day yesterday - I haven't been checking in on you ladies journals as frequently as I should!

AFM - Doc appt was great, I met with the midwife that works at my doctor's office and she was just so sweet! it was really nice as she was chatting with me about breastfeeding and I didn't feel rushed or anything. I even had her check out my nipples because I've been reading a book on breastfeeding and I was scared I had "bad" nipples lol but she was very reassuring and got to see them leaking and said that's a great sign, so it was nice. Got to talk about birthing a bit and it seemed more real today. Also got to book my 32 week growth scan for two weeks from today - it'll be my last scan - sad day! Well - I'm sure my SIL will sneak me back one more time before he joins us!

OK - super long post - I'll stop now :p
Aww no pink I am so grateful for your help and you're just trying to help me :hugs: this is such a roller coaster!! My boobs are very sore and they are never very sore so hoping that's a good sign. I know you couldn't take boob soreness as a good sign completely but I never really had it that bad before. Xxx
Lindsay yeah get your sil to sneak another one in!! Love it! You can't go that long without seeing Oakley!!!! That's unthinkable! Xx

Rach poor jax!! And sorry for you not hearing about the job yet :nope: so frustrating xx
Lindsay - glad it went well and only 2 weeks till you see Oakley again. Good that it won't be the last (nice SIL!) till you see him in RL. It makes such a difference having a nice mw to to be able to talk to. The one I saw for my 1st scan (for mc) was wonderful despite her being the youngest there. I know a lot of people like older mw for their experience but for me the older ones have been less tolerant, more 'been there'. Not necessarily uncaring just... oh I can't quite put my finger on it. Anyway having one you feel comfortable with makes things much easier. Can't wait to see the finished room.

For some reason I seem to want a lager, when I never really drank it before (and can't now obviously). Mine will be soft boiled egg and soldiers, mcflurry and a cold beer!
mmmmmmm mcflurry! Making me hungry Sam!!!!

Thanks to all of your wonderful ladies for being here for me and helping me through this journey! No idea what i'd do without any of you :hugs:

Feeling cramping tonight. Nothing bad just like the achy/restless feeling through my legs and also in my ovary area. Boobs hurt earlier as well. Well... you all will be proud, we BD today. No bat to my ass just yet!! :happydance:

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