1 day DPO and in need of buddies :)

Lindsay - wow! How can they tell the weight like that... that's amazing. Also, since he's head down already, does that mean he's getting ready for his arrival and may come earlier? Not sure how all that works so just wondering :)
My chart should update if I can get to a WiFi signal. We should have Wifi in our apartment in Barcelona and I will probably carry my phone in some of the ports because I have audio tours on there so hopefully they will update.

Kelsey - that's crazy about your dream? Maybe you are dreaming about boys because you are having one!!! :boy: Do you want to know what your having and do you have a preference?
Jess so glad the witch came in time but are you trying for a bfp next time?? Xx
Pink I love your scan pic :cloud9: going to check on your journal in a mo
It's so funny you're all talking about tiredness as I was just complaining about it on the other thread. Kels a lot of the successful pal girls who are in their second tri didn't really get much tiredness I just asked them. I on the other hand am completely wiped out. Like today I was on the train and I nearly missed my stop as i couldnt move. And it's a massive effort to type. No sickness tho, just boob twangs and hunger. I really want some chocolate cake :munch: with cream
Lindsay Oakley is going to be one little heartbreaker he is adorable!!! :cloud9:
Rach how are you? Xxx edit rach I just read how you are.:hug: listen Hun, you got pregnant before you will do it again it's just a horrible painful horrible wait :hugs: :hugs:
Omg I would love to know what I'm having, but DH is totally against that! He's the most patient person, and I'm the most impatient person that hate surprises. I've debated finding out on my own and not telling him, but I think I'd somehow let it slip. I do not have a preference, although for some reason I've always thought I'll have all boys so I'd be shocked if I had a girl. The chinese predictor predicts pink though!
Mel did you have sickness in your other PG's? If I sit and read on my kindle I could be out sleeping like that, but if I'm just sitting watching TV I'm not struggling to stay awake...idk Hopefully everything is going ok. Yahh for 4 weeks!!
Lindsey - what a great picture! To be able to see such great detail!! Cute littel nose and mouth.

Kels - What a dream!! I never remembe my dreams even now when pg is supposed to make them more vivid! Sometime I think I would like to know and other times I'm not sure. I'm a bit like you I hate suprises. TBH I haven't been thinking that far either, maybe closer to the time we'll decide then. I do have a preference for a girl but that is only because I wouldn't know what to do with a boy!! 1 week till your scan - yay.

Rachel - hope you are okay.

Jess - I am going to book something next week after the scan. I am desperate for some sun and warm ewather and your holiday plans are making me want to go now!!

Mel - how did it go today? Happy 4 weeks again!
Jess - they measure his arm and leg bones, his belly, his head and some other things and the machine calculates his approximate weight...very cool! They said its normal for them and good for.them to turn head down now because as they get bigger it gets very difficult for them to turn so its now or never really lol. I so hope your chart will update while you're gone! Otherwise you'll.be keeping us on our toes!

Sam - how was the spotting today? I hope done! I'm so sorry you're still suffering from constipation! I know that's common, my belly has been all over the map with my pregnancy but the constipation has seemed to be not too bad for me. We'll see how it goes as he gets bigger.

Kelsey - 6 weeks is right around the corner for you and your scan day is so soon! I can't wait to see your scan pic :)

Rach and Mel - how you ladies doing?
BnB was down for me for a bit today. Ugh. I am doing okay. Trying to hang in there. Getting food ready for dinner. Just pattied hamburgers and a bird shit on my index finger and Andrew's back LOL. I know that is 'good luck". It BETTER be!!! baby for may??!?!
Rach that is good luck but I always think really? Is it good luck to have a bird poop on you!!? Hope it's a good omen for you. xx
Pink it went ok thanks hun, it's painless, just boring, you just sit there while it drips into your arm. (Everyone: it's an intravenous drip and it's suppose to suppress my immune system, it's just the same as what they give to intensive care patients, I don't really know why it's suppose to work)
Kels, yes I have had sickness with all the others but this one! I am not feeling hopeful about this pregnancy. I think I should have sickness and boob pain. Do you Kels? I know everyone's different but I just can't imagine having a successful pregnancy :nope: My and my hubby would be just the same with the gender thing!
Sam, Lindsay did you have early boob pain? My boobs never play along I always think it's a bad sign...
Mel - I always got boob pain after O regardless of being pregnant or not/on the pill or not. So, once I was pregnant it did stick around, but it did both times and abruptly stopped close to 7 weeks (when our first lost "his" heartbeat). So, if that's not a normal symptom after O for you then I'm not sure it's a good pregnancy indicator. If you're getting pumped full of stuff to suppress your immune system that could be suppressing a lot of other things too. It's easy to think the worst early on - think happy thoughts!! I had my good days and my bad days in the beginning as I would have a couple symptoms and then literally nothing the next day!

Hope you start feeling awful soon hun but try to not freak out too much if you don't!
Mel - with my first I had no boob pain whatsoever (which was unusual for me as I normally get it with pmt) and the pain didn't start till about 6 weeks and stopped just after 8 weeks - you know the rest.

Up until ov time this time (I have had no boob pain since mc's) but his time I did gat pins right from ov which was new to me after months of nothing However they ahve ot been as sore this timeas before and I did have to prod at the beginning just to make sure!

So each has been different but so far with diferent outcome. I'm not sure you can rely on boob pain as an indicator as Pichi has had very few in any symptoms this time.
Thanks pink and Lindsay, no I never ever get boob pain after ov. I never really have! So maybe that's why I don't get it lol! They do feel a tiny bit more tender like achy underneath you know where your bra line would be like achy there. Thanks for making me feel better, going to try to be positive. Yes and the steroids have an effect too have to remember that. Tests are looking good tho and progressing! Xxx
Yea its hard to not over analyze everything! I have a great feeling about this one for you! I didn't have any symptoms by now in your pregnancy so who knows what's to.come!
RACHAEL---BABY FOR MAY!!!!!!! JESSIE---BABY FOR MAY!!!!!!!!! How awesome would that be?
Mel if you had sickness with the other pregnancies and lost them, I'd be happy that this pregnancy doesn't have any sickness! Think positive (like I should talk)! My boobies are sore, but they're not like how some woman say they hurt just sitting there. I only notice how sore they are if I give them a poke or when i'm in the shower. Although, today only my left one is sore, not my right?! WTH?! But like Lindsay said, I always got sore bbs right before AF so that's probably why I have sore ones now. What testing have you gotten done so far?
Rachael do you have your OPK's all stocked up? Very excited to follow your chart this month! Anything more from the job prospects?
Jessie after waiting so long for AF was it any different so far this month? Thank goodness you don't have to worry about dealing with the witch while on vaca.
Well I'm 6 weeks and still no sickness!?!? Ugg...come on, can't a girl get a lil throw up action? :) I'm so deathly tired in the am I could cry getting out of bed. I think it's because I haven't been sleeping through the night at all though (dreams waking me up, bathroom waking me up).
Hey my sweet babygirls! Ugh sorry i been such a crab. I feel a little better today although nothing has changed lol. Just woke up on the right side of the bed i guess. I guess that bird poop healed me LOL! Thank you all for being such bebes. So glad you all care enough to talk about everything with me. I seriously have like 0 friends in real life, so it helps me being able to vent. Love you all!

Mel try not to think too much into the boob pain/sickness. I have a HUGE feeling it will all kick in strongly in about a week or two! Just take it easy and try not to think about it too much. That beany is strong!! Think positive thoughts.

Kelsey how is that baby brewing!? You feeling any sicker? How in the world could DH not wanna know the sex of the baby?! That would drive me crazy. The more i know, the better LOL.

Jessie we are going to have May babies, right?! YES!!

:hi: Lindsay and Sam!!! Hope you girls are doing good.

AFM, well Jax finally got Sadie yesterday. Ugh. I was so mad lol. Sadie was eating his food and i yelled at her and he saw her doing it and went after her. It happened so fast i didn't think he got her. Well, i rub her mug and it was bleeding. We yelled at him lol but that doesn't help. I swear cats don't listen. I haven't heard anything back from the job. Just waiting around. Going to call tmrw if i hear nothing today. Like WTF. I don't understand what they mean by "we're waiting on the rehire list, could take up to 2 weeks". What does that even mean? lol. I'm going to the Indy 500 with Andrew in 2 weeks. So excited. I hope it's nice out!! Well i am getting carried away.... going to go for now LOL. My temp was SO FRIGGIN weird this morning. I woke up and it said 99.56 i was like what?? Well then i retook it and it was 97.14, then did it again it was 97.23. Why the hell would it do that? Drop 2 degrees. LOL. Only me this would happen to. I hate that damn thing! It hates me too. I haven't gotten any OPKs yet, but you bet your bottom dollar i will!
Naughty Jax Rach!! After you rescued him too, he might learn but he might be a fiesty kitty!! Did he know you'd told him off do you think? Aww good luck with the job hun, I hate it when they say vague things like that, in all likelihood they probably haven't got round to it yet. Let us know as soon as you know. I'm not sure about the temping hun but i know when I did it once and once only my temps were pretty erratic but then again I didn't test at the same time. Maybe you should do it once, immediately and just take that temp as the one? Hoping for a May baby for you too xxx
Kels LOL about the sickness, you're right though, why would I want it again!? Loads of girls don't get sick or not till 8 weeks. My tests are looking good and on track :yipee: When is your scan? Mine is on 28th May. My boobs hurt a bit at the sides but only when I poke them :holly: I hope we have sticky beans!! xx
Thanks Lindsay :hugs:
Happy Friday everyone :) any plans for the weekend? We are going down to the eastern shore of Maryland to visit Kirks mom - surprising her bc they've been having a bit of a rough time lately so I'm really excited to see them! They live on the water and its where we got married so I always love going there :) supposed to be in the 80's this weekend so it should be really nice.

Hope you all have a great day and that everything is going well!
What the hell is wrong with bnb? It's all weird on my end. I just thanked a comment and it said "Thank you for liking a comment Hank". LOL wtf!

Lindsay that sounds so nice!! She will be very happy. That is sweet. I love hearing that the weather is going to be 70+. It's going to be like 75/77 this weekend!! Love it. Have a great weekend my love!

I have no idea what i'm going to be doing this weekend. Probably not much of anything. Going to start this whole eating better thing today. All i dreamt last night was about exercise and results lol. So today i am determined ;)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!! Happy Mother's Day to you all! Some of us may not have our babies here with us but we're still mommies :)
LOL HANK!!! Yah, the site is def. going through something. Omg naughty Jax and poor lil Sadie! I hope those 2 start loving each other, I'd hate it if they hated each other. Jax isn't going to make any friends that way though! Is he done with his medicine yet? When does he have to go back. I think it's time to take your bat to that thermometer! It's so finicky!
Lindsay sounds like an awesome weekend! Being on the water in 80 degree weather--nothing better! How have you been feeling? Is the baby room all set?
It's supposed to be 70's starting today, so woohoo! The 3 friends of mine that were all due at the same time have all had their babies now. 2 girls and a boy. Isabella, Claire and Jackson. None of them knew what they were having ahead of time (all the patient people in the world).
Jessie---getting excited?!?!!? When is your last day of work? Or are you working right up until take off?
Mel---how you feeling? My scan is a week from today at 8 am!
Sam---hope the spotting has taken a hike!
I was sleeping last night before 9 and then had my usual wake up at 4 am. Since I had gone to bed so early the night before I couldn't fall asleep again.
Hi ladies :)

Thanks Rach! I hope you get out and enjoy the weather!

Kelsey - I got that too! Is that a pregnancy symptom?! I woke up at 430 or 5 EVERY morning for the first few weeks of pregnancy! It would drive me crazy and make me tired but I wouldn't count the tiredness as a symptom bc I just wasn't sleeping but from reading about other girls it seems really common early on! I can't wait for your scan! Next week right? So exciting! The babys room is not set up yet bc we have a futon in his room right now that we've been trying to pawn off on our in laws that are buying a house nearby but it keeps getting delayed so I think we are going to need to find another place for it pretty soon here.

Afm- I'm starting to get really tired again and I alternate between ravenously hungry one day and not having much if an appetite the next...not sure what thays all about but he's healthy so whatever! Pelvic pain is still here...talked to the doc about it and he said its normal too so I think I'm done talking about it lol.

Happy mothers day weekend to us all! :)
I am going to leave you lot if you keep telling me how nice your weather is going to be!! :rofl:

Rachel - hopefully jax will settle down soon and they become best buds. Godd on you for you healthy eating and I hope the dreams keeps you motivated. I think warmer weather hellps so much as well. :bodyb:

Lindsey -have a great weekend and I hope seeing you and bump give the inlaws a much needed boost. Happy 29 weeks! :flower:

Kels - boo to the early wakings. I was okay that way but just restless throughout the night. I think that quite common the insomnia. :sleep:

Jess - are you out and about on your boat this weekend? :boat:

Hi mel. :wave:

afm - :cold: some more brown discharge today but it has been a manic busy day at work with added 'straining'. Now moved on from pebble dashing to large solid submarines - nice!! Nausea back on and boobs more sore than they have been for a couple of weeks - not sure whats going on there?

Happy mothers day to angel mums, tummy mummies and earth baby mums.

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